QUOTE=fuji;3632714]No, you miss the point. You made a claim. Your claim was false. I gave you an opportunity to modify your false claim, and you did not. I've pointed out clearly now that your claim is false, and you STILL haven't backed down from it.
When I first gave you an opportunity to back down from your false claim gracefully you pompously called me a "lying fuck". That's how much of a pompous ass you are.
No my claim was not false
You were then and still are an immoral, untrustworthy person
You cheat on your wife and lust after your friends wife and you have zero respect for any of them
Of course I do, and I do it more intelligently, more insightfully, more pragmatically, and in a more informed way than you do.
Pure bullshit that you use to justify inappropriate behavior and inflate your ego.
Bye the way, I have forgotten more than you will ever know
Utter nonsense. YOUR moral system may be a popularity contest, perhaps according to YOU the only things of value are things that win you the praise of others. My morals are based on principles, on the other hand, not on popularity contests. In the evaluation of moral principles I am much more interested in what a variety of philosophers and great thinkers have to say on the subject than what some moron thinks.
It is not nonsense.
It is not my moral system it is societies moral system.
Your ego deludes you into thinking you are a better judge of appropriate behavior than the rest of society
That is a recipe for disaster as you will cross the line of acceptable behavior at one point and run a foul of
a) the law
b) a business relationship- smart people will recognize you can not be trusted
c) a really big and very pissed off husband or brother of some woman you abuse for your amusement
Life has a way of evening the score on assholes like you
Sleep well
That's why I don't give a rats ass that a bunch of underachieving idiots on terb hurl insults at me. On the other hand, if someone raises a solid, logical point you will find me spending paragraphs upon paragraphs responding to it because I do care about the principles involved.
You would not know a principle if it bashed you up side the head
An example of a principle is "Respect others and do not betray their trust"
Your so called friend trusts you not to lust after his wife.
You would betray that trust , as long as you do not get caught (your words not mine)
Your wife trusts you to be faithful
Yet you betray her trust on a regular basis
Is the betrayal of trust not a convenient principle for you, so you just ignore that one?
Fuji and Principles are two incongruent words
Hitler, Stalin, Osama, and JohnLarue are dangerous people because they are ideologues. I also apply principles, reason, logic to work through moral questions, but unlike the four of you I also bring a healthy dose of pragmatism to real world moral questions. A good example would be that "fuck friends wife" thread. I think that's an interesting moral question, but as I've said repeatedly (statements repeatedly ignored by you) I probably will never do that.
No the first three are dangerous because they gained power and were able to justify really bad behavior / actions
Had they not gained power they would have been harmless fools very similar to yourself and limited their damage to those close to them
It's been demonstrated a few times on a few threads that you do not recognize the limits of ideology. You get an idea into your head and you apply it to everything, properly in some cases, but completely in defiance of all common sense in other cases.
Give me a break, you have proved nothing
On many occasions I asked you to back up statements with facts and you were unable to deliver nothing more than hot air
Facts please
Show me an example, based on hard verifiable facts, not your self severing rhetoric
What unites dangerous people like Hitler, Stalin, Osama, and you, is a blind faith in an ideological world view, facts to the contrary be damned.
Thats funny
As you say, facts to the contrary
Please show me the facts
You are long on self serving rhetoric , yet short on facts
Pick a past subject and I will find an example of where I asked for facts and you ignored the request
Here are a few examples
(global warning, The Oil sands, Govt sponsored welfare baby machines, Chinas right to pollute until the plant dies etc)
Take a hint Fuji.........Find another board to inflate your ego, it will take them about six months before they grow tired of your act