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The ten solitudes of Toronto dating


Jan 31, 2005
What's interesting about Terb is that many guys on here don't grant themselves the fuji free pass. They might lie and cheat but they don't conclude from this that the only way to rationalize such behavior is to completely excuse it, even build it into a social philosophy to live by.
Hypocrisy is inherent to sexual relations. You can try to convince yourself that it's not, but you'd be lying to yourself. Even right here in this quote you've admitted that it's something everyone does, that it's human nature. The only difference between you and me is that I embrace human nature, while you reject it. In short I'm far more comfortable in my skin, far more sure of who I am, than you are. You are riddled with self doubt because you reject something that is fundamental to who you actually are.


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
Hey Sw1tch, ever notice how fuji is completely incapable of not responding to your comments about him? One of the reasons fuji's post count is so high is that he never admits error and almost never allows anyone else to have the last word.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Hypocrisy is inherent to sexual relations. You can try to convince yourself that it's not, but you'd be lying to yourself. Even right here in this quote you've admitted that it's something everyone does, that it's human nature. The only difference between you and me is that I embrace human nature, while you reject it. In short I'm far more comfortable in my skin, far more sure of who I am, than you are. You are riddled with self doubt because you reject something that is fundamental to who you actually are.
It is breathtakingly arrogant of you to speak like you have a complete understanding of everyone fundamental nature.

But I am not surprised...


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
"...and he almost never allows anyone else to have the last word."

I respond to his comments. I just don't respond to his childish attacks. So I responded to the only point he really made, which was that others engage in hypocrisy without making it a philosophy, but I did not respond to all his childish, schoolyard accusations that I am a "psychopath" and whatever other immature stuff was in his post.
Um ... I rest my case?


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
I have run into SPs who are new to the country, with few, if any local friends who were interested in dating me. Some have expressed interest in travel and said quite bluntly that they would pay their own way (this has happened with Canadian MILF SPs also) It seems that quite a few of them spend their free time not doing very much and find Toronto a difficult place to navigate by themselves. There haven't been large numbers of these SPs but there were some. I have never followed up on it because none of them turned my crank all that much and it seemed too complicated.
Without a doubt, there are many who are not SPs who are looking for local men, as Fuji as pointed out. I don't know where and how to meet them. But it sure would be nice if this thread got on topic and discussed the possibilities.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
Have we forgotten why we are pro SP on this board?

SPs are freely and willingly offering a sexual service which we, as customers, willingly purchase for a price agreed by both parties.

Of course there are exceptions. Some SPs are pushed into the business by self-serving pimps. When we become aware of these situations, we avoid using those agencies. TERB has been a positive force in exposing foul-play and steering customers elsewhere.

Some so-called SPs seek to defraud their customers by B&S, failure to provide advertised services, or outright theft. Again, TERB has been a very positive force in exposing these fraudulent con-artists and steering customers toward the tried, true, and reputable providers.

Whatever you might say about the personal lives of the participants which, obviously, are none of our business, we can certainly say with confidence that (except as noted above) the SP-client transaction is consensual and not exploitative. Each party gets what they want for the price they agreed.

This thread is about something completely different. This thread is about one member asking how he can find vulnerable immigrant women who are willing to open up emotionally and sexually to Canadian men because they are desperately seeking a legal partner to help them remain in Canada. The member in question has no intention whatsoever of being that partner to them, however, he would like to take advantage of their vulnerability to lead them on and score some free sex in the process. In my view, this is repellent behaviour and completely contrary to the spirit of TERB and most of our membership.

I don't care if the member is cheating on his wife, his girlfriend, or whatever. That's his personal business and none of ours. The fact that he brags about being a philanderer speaks more to his immaturity and lack of decorum than to anything else but id not relevant. We know that some people use SPs while married, they have their reasons, and we leave it alone.

However, I draw a line when a member comes on TERB and asks us to help him find victims to mislead and abuse. The women he seeks have not agrred to trade sex for the brief joy of his company, they are not SPs, and they are not looking for a meaningless fling. I don't think that it's appropriate to use this site to look for people to exploit.


Jan 31, 2005
That's b.s., b.s., I have mentioned a few times that she does not need to marry to stay in canada (e.g. post 19). It's your continuing poverty that you haven't bothered paying attention. Her current status here will eventually lead to a pr card without her marrying anyone.

I await your apology.


Jan 4, 2009
Geesh! I never knew we have a Morality squad on this board. LMFAO. At least fuji knows what he is and he never denies or disguises himself as a priest. He is just a pussy hunter like most of us. We all are fishing for pussies in every available ponds and we all use different baits which we think work best for us. GMAFB.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
That's b.s., b.s., I have mentioned a few times that she does not need to marry to stay in canada (e.g. post 19). It's your continuing poverty that you haven't bothered paying attention. Her current status here will eventually lead to a pr card without her marrying anyone.

I await your apology.
Okay, but what about those who really need to marry someone to stay here? Are they off limits? (Again, some of those ladies will exploit men to marry them for LI status).


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
So recently I met a woman who is living in Toronto on an employer-specific work visa. She's from a developing country. She seems literally desperate to hook up with a local boyfriend and make some connection....Awhile back I had a similar situation with a woman who was here on a student visa. Again similar story.


These women are obviously desperate to meat local guys, and I'd love to meet them.
That's b.s., b.s., I have mentioned a few times that she does not need to marry to stay in canada (e.g. post 19). It's your continuing poverty that you haven't bothered paying attention. Her current status here will eventually lead to a pr card without her marrying anyone.
Changing your story represents an acknowledgement that those who criticized you were right.

When you disagree with yourself, you do not win the argument.

I accept your acknowledgement that I (and the others who argued against your abusive request) was right.


Jan 31, 2005
Desperate to meet local guy's yes, but not because they need status.

You spoke from ignorance, made wrong assumptions, and now you look pretty stupid honestly. I know you won't apologize, you're too crude, but you ought to.

I clarified that way back in post 19. From the first sentence of post 1 though you know she does not need to marry to get status if you understand canadian immigration law. You plainly don't, but you've never let ignorance stop you from making a wrong assumption.


Mar 29, 2011
Geesh! I never knew we have a Morality squad on this board. LMFAO. At least fuji knows what he is and he never denies or disguises himself as a priest. He is just a pussy hunter like most of us. We all are fishing for pussies in every available ponds and we all use different baits which we think work best for us. GMAFB.
Again, liking or seeking something, in this case "pussy", is one thing, seeking it at all costs is entirely another. I was totally ignored by Fuji, but I raise the same point. Hobbying while single (or hooking up for free) doesn't not present a risk to anyone except the hobbier and the SP. Cheating brings that risk home and exposes a non-consenting party to it. That is the real ehtical and legal basis which makes cheating unacceptable.

Your argument seems to be that because we're on a website about prostitution and therefore presumably hobby or have hobbied, no one is in position to criticize anyone else about anything. That's patently absurd. I may want pussy or money or fancy electronics for that matter but if I'm not willing to, say, blackmail, steal, or lie to get it than yes, I'm better than the guy who does those things to get the same shit.


New member
Aug 23, 2001
Geesh! I never knew we have a Morality squad on this board. LMFAO. At least fuji knows what he is and he never denies or disguises himself as a priest. He is just a pussy hunter like most of us. We all are fishing for pussies in every available ponds and we all use different baits which we think work best for us. GMAFB.
That is just so much BS. Fuji DOES think the is god's gift and that what he does is for the benefit of these women.... that they are better off for having known him afterward. He knows that he is misleading them and benefiting from those lies. Why else would he repeatedly have "trust" in quotations ? ... because that "trust" is gained through lies and decepetion.

If he told the women the truth - that he was married and had no intention of having a relationship with them but that he was willing to spend time with them and help them with their English or whatever then I don't think that any of us would have issues with it as everyone goes in with eyes open. He continually brags about how good he is at misleading women. There is a big difference in attracting women by charming them and quite another by outright lying to them and then claiming that it is being done for their own benefit. I think that is what the majority here find offensive.


Jan 4, 2009
That is just so much BS. Fuji DOES think the is god's gift and that what he does is for the benefit of these women.... that they are better off for having known him afterward. He knows that he is misleading them and benefiting from those lies. Why else would he repeatedly have "trust" in quotations ? ... because that "trust" is gained through lies and decepetion.

If he told the women the truth - that he was married and had no intention of having a relationship with them but that he was willing to spend time with them and help them with their English or whatever then I don't think that any of us would have issues with it as everyone goes in with eyes open. He continually brags about how good he is at misleading women. There is a big difference in attracting women by charming them and quite another by outright lying to them and then claiming that it is being done for their own benefit. I think that is what the majority here find offensive.
I see your point. I am single and I am always in pursuit of newly arrived Koreans or Japanese visa students to have fun and help them out at the same time. Most are here to study for a year or two and go back home. I was with a Korean U of T graduate student last yr for well over a yr. She spent 3-4 nights a wk with me depending on her class schedules. We were just fuck mates and I never said I love her once in all that time so not to mislead her into wrong direction. She never did either. She knows what she wants and i know what I want. We have no issues with that. She went back home 2 months ago and never heard from her again. My point here is some of the ladies know what they want while they are here and just that. Not necessarily seeking for landed status.
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Jan 4, 2009
Did you deliberately misrepresent fuji or are you doing it because you are projecting your prejudice against him into his original post?

I understand the dynamic of a newcomer to a city simply looking to make new connections through a local boyfriend or dating. I do the same with women in foreign cities I visit.
May be he deliberately assumed all the new comers, visa students and tourists looking for a good time while they are here are seeking landed status.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
This is what Blue-Spheroid actually said (as opposed to your paraphrased version)

This thread is about one member asking how he can find vulnerable immigrant women who are willing to open up emotionally and sexually to Canadian men because they are desperately seeking a legal partner to help them remain in Canada.
It's been pointed out that this is a misinterpretation of what was posted.

Too bad the original concept of the thread - where/how to meet women new to the city - got buried under bias towards the OP.
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