76 percent of prostitutes were sexually abused children..


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
wonder what the stats are for boys ? Men don't seem to talk about things as openly as woman
well that is cuz most guys that got fucked are ashamed and think it some how makes them gay, or at least makes them weak that they were over powered and taken by another man. think it takes away their manliness or somie shit.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Also, they should give you their definition of abuse.

Some studies of abuse & sexual violence go overboard....
I tend to agree.

I remember reading a story about a kid who was being charged with sexual assault because him and his girlfriend got drunk, and he fingered her. I think the girl may have drunkenly pushed his hand away once or twice before her boyfriend finally got the hint that she wasn't into it and stopped.. Charging her boyfriend with sex assault and labeling her a victim of sex assault seems overkill to me, but nevertheless it's what happened.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Seems relevant to this thread:

Ashton Kutcher is engaged in Twitter war with New York's Village Voice over child prostitution and sex trafficking. The war of the words with the paper started Wednesday when the publication took the new Two and a Half Men star to task over statistics put forward during interviews and in the "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" public service announcements that he and wife Demi Moore spearheaded for their Demi and Ashton Foundation, which strives to raise awareness and eliminate child sex slavery across the world.

In an article titled "Real Men Get Their Facts Straight", the paper said the actor's claim that 100,000 to 300,000 children in America are turned into prostitutes each year was incorrect. It claims that after two months of researching law enforcement data, Village Voice Media found that there were only 8,263 arrests for child prostitution during the most recent decade.

The article suggested that instead of spending millions on awareness, profits should be used to provide bedding & counceling for victims. The highly critized research organization used to provide these scary figures conducted the bulk of their research by looking at Craig's list escort ads and deciding from the photos - how old the advertiser is. People are now wondering about the campaign to close down Craig's list as promoting slavery & child abuse since the same stats were used by organizations fighting prostitution.

BTW: If you were a Two & a Half Men fan as I was, Ashton Kutcher's new campaign 'Real Men Don't Buy Girls' doesn't bode well for the premise of a playboy that we identify with.

The fact that Ashton Kutcher doesn't have to buy prostitutes isn't a shocking revelation either.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
It wouldn't surprise me if at some future time Kutcher is busted having sex with prostitutes or underage girls.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
As defined in Canada sexual assult is an unwanted touch , kiss or handshake up to rape. I could easily see that 76% of women have had an unwanted kiss on the check from a realitive (Aunt Unlce) and I know many guys who have had this also. Survey could have been :" have you ever been hugged by a realitve when you where young when you did be hugged" then truthuflly this would have bee popped into the sexual assult catergorty

-More crazy stuff is Aston's stastics about underage sex work by counting all photos that look young (that is age 30 and under if there small frame) and counting them as underage. Down under has made this easier by banning erotic or nude photos of any women with less than C size breasts - you are considered a child no matter what age you are if you have B or A cups. So get your breast implants while you can ladies - a whole control considers you a walking jailbait.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
The study discusses only street prostitution. Studies that have compared different forms of prostitution have found that they are very different from one another. Many of the problems also seem to be a result of the legal status of prostitution; I wonder what the statistics would be like if they looked at petty criminals generally. I have a public defender friend who thinks nearly all of her clients are mentally ill and most of them have drug problems (and she also thinks most of them are guilty, but she thinks that if an upper class criminal with a good lawyer deserves a light sentence, the poor criminal who commits the same crime deserves the same light sentence, so she tries to fight for that).


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
is there a stat for us Johns also? I bet 90 % of us sex addicts were exposed to some explicit material at a young age xDDD damn i hate my dad for leaving his magazines and tapes where I could find easily >< it definitely affected my brain chemistry at a young age


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
If thats the case the world will see a huge change in sps - A montreal university wanted to compare those who had been exposed to porn at a young age to those who did not - after months of looking it found that it was impossible to find a university student who had not be expoused to porn by the age of ten, and many earlier. Thats right 100% now watch porn in Canada for what ever reason.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
If thats the case the world will see a huge change in sps - A montreal university wanted to compare those who had been exposed to porn at a young age to those who did not - after months of looking it found that it was impossible to find a university student who had not be expoused to porn by the age of ten, and many earlier. Thats right 100% now watch porn in Canada for what ever reason.
I got exposed to a hot grade 1 teacher, so I blame the school system.



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
The study discusses only street prostitution. Studies that have compared different forms of prostitution have found that they are very different from one another. Many of the problems also seem to be a result of the legal status of prostitution; I wonder what the statistics would be like if they looked at petty criminals generally. I have a public defender friend who thinks nearly all of her clients are mentally ill and most of them have drug problems (and she also thinks most of them are guilty, but she thinks that if an upper class criminal with a good lawyer deserves a light sentence, the poor criminal who commits the same crime deserves the same light sentence, so she tries to fight for that).
street walkers? mislead us with your title which said prostitutes.....big big diff tween street hoes and agency girls.


New member
.... Ive never met a street prostitute (the line of thought that those girls are more likely to have been abused is a bit silly in my eyes), but based on conversations I've had over the years- I would guess the number is actually higher. I've known more than a few MPAs, escorts, and dancers... Im blessed to be one of the lucky ones.....
You won't get much honest response from the ladies here on this- nor should you. My advice is- watch what you say because sexual abuse has touched more women here and outside of the industry than you likely imagine and high end VS steet girl probably makes little difference in terms of the likelihood that a woman has abuse in her past....


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I have met a street prostitute or two and they are for the most part, broken hearted little girls with very troubled childhoods, who survive on the street by fooling themselves into feeling empowered by the attention gained from wearing hot pants at queen and jameson, in order to scam enough dough for some more crack. Abused?...probably.....I would think that most of the sp's who actually run an
efficient business and keep a clean, respectable work environment are a little more together and a little less mentally scarred, but i'm just guessing here.


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007

I personally think that the majority of women who get into the sex trade do it due to their sexual nature. Some get convinced by pimps, and some do it as i'm sure they've had sex for free with many men and have got nothing out of it, so why not get paid. and different moral spectrums didn't come before having a "sexual nature" when you were thinking about reasons women get involved in the industry?

Also, most escorts have had sex for free with many men? We're like the "sluts" that decided to start charging? A little laughable, no offense intended.

What makes us any different than having sex with them than they being sexually assaulted as kids? Both times, they had sex not really wanting it.
Consent is the difference and its a crucial one.

Generalizations like these perpetuate negative stereotypes.
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