Club Dynasty

Man's pimping case tossed after officer made up evidence


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
Charges against a man accused of being a pimp have been thrown out after an Ontario Superior Court judge ruled that a police officer involved in the case fabricated evidence and lied on the stand.

Charges against a man accused of being a pimp have been thrown out after an Ontario Superior Court judge ruled that a Peel Region police officer involved in the case fabricated evidence and lied on the stand. Canadian PressThe problem involving Const. George Wang only came to light after Courtney Salmon's lawyer finally found contradictory information in the notes of other officers involved in the case.

Salmon had faced pimping charges before, but they didn't stick.

A year ago, he was arrested in Brampton and faced numerous new charges, including human trafficking.

Police said they found false identification for a young girl in Salmon's wallet — something that could clearly implicate him.

Salmon's lawyer requested police notes, which took months to get. The last ones weren't disclosed until just before trial. When the lawyer finally read the notes, she found a key contradiction.

False identification papers belonging to the girl had not been in Salmon's wallet, but had been given to police earlier by the girl herself.

"I could not quite believe what I was seeing, but to me it was incontradictable proof that Constable Wang was lying," said Jennifer Penman, Salmon's lawyer.

Officers 'concocted a scheme': judge
After reviewing police testimony, the judge ruled beyond a reasonable doubt that "Constable George Wang and one or more other police officers concocted a scheme to make it appear that the false identification was found in Mr. Salmon's wallet."

The judge stayed the charges.

This is the latest in a string of high-profile cases in which police conduct has led to charges being stayed.

Penman said what the police did undermines the integrity of the legal process.

"Our whole system of justice is based on faith in police investigating, and presenting their case fairly and truthfully … the community should have grave concerns that the police are not only fabricating evidence, but coming to court and lying about it."

Penman wants the officers involved investigated and punished, but they remain on the job.

A spokesperson for the Peel Police Service said they have not been disciplined, despite the judge's findings.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
If the guy really is a pimp, one could argue that the ends justify the means. I know that's not the way things are supposed to work, but it would be proper justice.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I like to know what other stuff this officer has lied about in the past, all the old cases should be reviewed.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
If the guy really is a pimp, one could argue that the ends justify the means. I know that's not the way things are supposed to work, but it would be proper justice.
Oh man, so like everybody with a sports car should get at least one speeding ticket a year cause after all you know almost for sure it will speed a few times every year.

If there is no evidence, you don't go making it don't go on your gut feelings. The courts are the way they are so they are FAIR to everybody.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
You can get false ID everywhere, its so easy.its called souvenir ID's.

The freaken police have tried to lay pimping charges before and its been thrown out..the police are out to get this guy.totally BS.

So if your half ass friends with some gal who is an SP, you are a target of being called a pimp. and if she happens to be underage you better really look out....its like males should not be friends with females unless its "love"...this is what some cops are starting to pull.

This goes more to show other pimping cases might be BS, like those 19 and 20 year old pimping a 30 year old, sounds unbelievable, so maybe it is made up.

Sounds like having a good legal team is necessary against these crooked cops.

Lenny Weinrib

Active member
Nov 2, 2003
If the guy really is a pimp, one could argue that the ends justify the means. I know that's not the way things are supposed to work, but it would be proper justice.
The whole point of the trial that the cop corrupted was to ascertain whether "the guy really is a pimp".


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Being caught fabricating evidence essentially makes this police officer completely ineffective as a witness forever. I suppose there may have been extenuating circumstances that made them do it, but it was a bad move and it's a slippery slope.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The whole point of the trial that the cop corrupted was to ascertain whether "the guy really is a pimp".
I was suggesting that it may have been a case where the guy is well known to be a pimp. So the cops may have already ascertained he is a pimp but it is a totally different matter to prove it in court. Obviously due process must be followed in court. No dispute there.

I'm not saying the cop was right, he was obviously an idiot. Just that if the guy broke the law he deserves jail.

Boss Nass

Well-known member
Jun 7, 2002
Hopefully with my face in a pussy
Human trafficking is a filthy practise that we as hobbyists should also help in fighting. But to fabricate evidence is even worse, because if this guy was guilty of it then the cop just gave him a free pass. Fucking idiot should be thrown off the force and never even be allowed to work as a $10 an hour security guard.


Jun 6, 2009
Being caught fabricating evidence essentially makes this police officer completely ineffective as a witness forever. I suppose there may have been extenuating circumstances that made them do it, but it was a bad move and it's a slippery slope.
Not really, but he will be put under extraordinary scrutiny almost every time. More likely he won't be the recipient of many favours from various corners of the legal system for a long long time.


Always with my Member
Aug 23, 2001
Always in the Groove...
I want to know if this jackass cop is up on perjury charges?

Will he be allowed to keep his job?

Now that we know he committed perjury, they should put his ass in jail with the general population.

Always in the Groove...
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2009
I want to know if this jackass cop is up on perjury charges?

Will he be allowed to keep his job?

Now that we know he committed perjury, they should ass in jail with the general population.

Always in the Groove...
Well, I guess you believe in capital punishment for a non capital offense. Thanks for coming out.


Always with my Member
Aug 23, 2001
Always in the Groove...
Well, I guess you believe in capital punishment for a non capital offense. Thanks for coming out.
Not at all. I said put him in jail, not kill him. Why should be treated differently than anyone else who committed the same offence?

I'm just pissed off that because he's a cop, he will probably get away with committing this crime. We keep getting told that society need the police to keep order, to serve and protect and while we don't know too many details from the case, I feel that because he is a cop, he should be held to a higher standard.

Maybe the alleged pimp is a sleaze ball who has beaten legitimate charges again and again, but this cop can't take the law into his own hands and start handing out justice as he seems fit. We all know that the justice system is very broken, but once you allow one person to do what they want, then all hell will break loose.

So yeah, throw his ass in jail, because if it you me or anyone else, we wouldn't get any favours.

Always in the Groove...


Jun 6, 2009
Not at all. I said put him in jail, not kill him. Why should be treated differently than anyone else who committed the same offence?

I'm just pissed off that because he's a cop, he will probably get away with committing this crime. We keep getting told that society need the police to keep order, to serve and protect and while we don't know too many details from the case, I feel that because he is a cop, he should be held to a higher standard.

Maybe the alleged pimp is a sleaze ball who has beaten legitimate charges again and again, but this cop can't take the law into his own hands and start handing out justice as he seems fit. We all know that the justice system is very broken, but once you allow one person to do what they want, then all hell will break loose.

So yeah, throw his ass in jail, because if it you me or anyone else, we wouldn't get any favours.

Always in the Groove...
No, what you said was put him in with the general population and if anyone has any idea of what happens, that action is a death sentence for a cop.


Always with my Member
Aug 23, 2001
Always in the Groove...
No, what you said was put him in with the general population and if anyone has any idea of what happens, that action is a death sentence for a cop.
Then he should not have broken the law.

The dialogue between us is a moot point, because nothing will happen to him. He will get a vacation, I mean a suspension with pay, and be back at his job.

Always in the Groove...


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
I want to know if this jackass cop is up on perjury charges?

Will he be allowed to keep his job?

Now that we know he committed perjury, they should ass in jail with the general population.

Always in the Groove...
Even if he does get charged, the Crown will screw the pooch until they can come up with a good reason to drop the case. So few ever get charged. Even fewer ever make it to court.
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