Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday


New member
Apr 28, 2011
This topic was on the talk radio this AM and a guy came on voting to make it illegal because he just came out of compulsive sex therapy. This is the same story with compulsive gamblers, alcoholics, etc who want to get rid of their temptation by making it illegal for everyone because they have personality weaknesses that they can control.


Apr 24, 2005
I used to have a fair bit to do with stuntpeople in movies and TV. These people have deliberately made an economic choice knowing it would place them in danger. They spend hours making sure there is no danger they are not fully perpared for and as safe as possible from any unintended consequences of. By this man's logic it would be quite acceptable for the government to forbid them from doing any of that, as the government forbids prostitutes from ensuring their safety by threat of law.
Another analogy would be tall building window washers. It would be awful if the government were to say that it is not their duty to make the job of window washing as safe as possible just because some people "choose" to be window washers. BTW: How many kids dream of being window washers when they grow up.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
Another analogy would be tall building window washers. It would be awful if the government were to say that it is not their duty to make the job of window washing as safe as possible just because some people "choose" to be window washers. BTW: How many kids dream of being window washers when they grow up.
To use the window washer analogy, not allowing prostitutes to work in the relatively safe environment of a brothel is like the gov't making it against the law for window washers to use harnesses.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
The adult content is the arguments before the court; what she wore is tabloid stuff.
What the fuck are you going on about? They took a picture of her leaving court. Should have they have self censored, thinking we should try to snap a picture of her wearing something different?
Unless the article was ABOUT her clothing, then this is perhaps the stupidist post I've ever seen you make.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Considering that a basic BC provincial referendum costs in the vicinity of $2 million and can easily come in at $18 million. The HST referendum in September is expected to cost ~$30 million. With this from aprovince that should know how to run one, so I suspect your estimate of ~$100,000 is a tad low for a nation wide referendum. A provincial referendum with all the bells and whistle, like the Quebec referendum, costs in the vicinity of $70 million. Now take those cost across Canada and it becomes expensive and unmanageable; for what?
Take a sampling of the population for each "referendum" (say 25,000 people each). Compile all the referendums that need voted on for month's end. Have the sampling vote online and make it mandatory or setup an incentive program. Set up training courses for those not proficient in internet use, and set up a system at public libraries for those who don't have access to the internet. How much would that cost?

Not that I'm saying we should go that route and that it wouldn't have problems...


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Can’t figure out what the motives are of the ladies who are challenging the law. Anyone figure it out?

The older ladies who seem to be the most vocal might be thinking they can operate agencies, or that somehow the change in the law will reduce competition.

One lady was talking about how she and her friends could not share a 3 bedroom apartment and use it as a brothel legally. If these ladies think they are going to be able to legally operate large brothels in residential buildings, they are dreaming.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
One of the plaintiffs certainly has a problem operating a full service dungeon as the law now stands
Ok, that makes sense. People would also be able to open sex clubs like in Germany.

Wonder what affect zoning would have on these clubs. Heard bylaw is going around to some of the incalls in Scarborough and handing out $3000 fines. Was told $3000, but could be wrong amount.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Wonder affect zoning would have on these clubs. Heard bylaw is going around to some of the incalls in Scarborough and handing out $3000 fines. Was told $3000, but could be wrong amount.
Although I defer to the superior knowledge of my Upper Canada Brethren, I would suppose that a municipality could certainly enact restrictive zoning but that they probably could not just enact a blanket ban.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
this is the problem, regulating it.

Its the number 1 problem, cause if you regulated it then it be like those Beer stores, every town almost has one.....and not everybody wants them.

The USA just lets shit go on in certain areas and times and if you get too rich/powerful or piss them off they shut you down.

DC had a ton of escort ads in the yellow pages, some had GFE and most said call us first don't get ripped off. I'm thinking if I call I get ripped off for sure, even if the gal didn't think she was, ha ha.

I don't maybe I should had try one or at least call but gee, $250 covered BJ's just don't sound too good

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Really? You can't make a guess as to their motives?

How about to make it safer for sex workers to do their work?
This is best argument I have ever heard, to make life safer for escorts--and SW are escorts--they are, no difference, just cause they might be cheaper doesn't mean shit. Most SW don't hanging around a full hour so per minute they might not be much cheaper.

I just think its sad some strong women--demanding--demeaning women had the guts to do it. No escort owner-strip club owner, nobody with any balls but her.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I also like to bring up New York where they keep finding SW bodies. IF this case turns out in a good way, some people there should start rising alot of heck about NY being allowed like in parts of Nevada to have legal escorts..for the womens safety,,where is that loud mouth bitch women lawyer Gloria Allred, shes got the mouth, money to try something, I thought she was all for to make life better for women


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I also like to bring up New York where they keep finding SW bodies. IF this case turns out in a good way, some people there should start rising alot of heck about NY being allowed like in parts of Nevada to have legal escorts..for the womens safety,,where is that loud mouth bitch women lawyer Gloria Allred, shes got the mouth, money to try something, I thought she was all for to make life better for women
"Legal" prostitution in NYC? That's never going to happen.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
by what divine right does government control the activities of two consenting adults? Sex is a service which is in demand and there are plenty of suppliers ready to do business in a responsible, professional manner. Sex slavery, pimping of underage sp's, violence and unsafe practices need to be addressed, but the majority of business is done for pleasure and profit and without harm. There are plenty of professions where there exists exploitation and abuse ( like nannies), but we don't ban them , we just enforce existing laws against wrongdoers. Sex is a basic human urge and some cannot get it unless they pay...are we to forbid them this experience? Prostitution is an honourable empowering enriching profession if done properly , and the stigma needs to be removed. There are a percentage of fuckups in every profession, but we don't paint the whole lot with the same brush. Most of us can easily differentiate between a crack ho on a Parkdale corner and a sophisticated courtesan who knows how to pleasure a man. And most "johns" are decent , fair and respectful people who seek erotic fun and are willing to pay for it ( thereby bypassing the dating rituals, small talk, etc. of traditional hookups)
Let's separate religion from government and let people do what they please....there is no rationale for this prohibition other than religious based moral meddling through laws and gov't............LET MY PEOPLE FUCK!...C'mon Harper, is Canada open for business or not? Or do you prefer a waspy version of sharia law?
Nice post. Unfortunately your point is not the basis of the original challenge, but imo shOuld honestly be. The government has no business telling me who and under what conditions i fuck. Unless there is a) force/ coercion/ non consensual violence involved or b) my partner is incapable of consent (ie impaired mentally, drugged, or underage). What is morally more objectionable? Agreeing with a consenting partner on terms of a sexual encounter (including money)'or obtaining sex by lying about who you are, what your job is, intentions re relationship etc....

I have mixed feelngs on this case. On one hand i thinknthey might be succesful, but my concern is that our current conservatuve majority gov will be forcEd to do "something" and that the evangelical religious right influence in the party will overrule the "cvil libertarian" faction and impose the "swedish model". This could be a viable solution for the cons and may avoid the issues broght forward in the current case. And who will rise to the cause to defend (the extremely legitimate) right to exchange sex for whatever is agreed upon by two consenting adults. The godfearin conservative base would not stand for a law that "condoned" "hookers"


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
And as others have said, there aree already existing laws with clear and often severe penalties to prevent trafficking, underage activity and even community nuisace (through zoning/ bylaw rules etc.....)

Focus on the real evils of child abuse, trafficking, etc with all of the resources available. If prostirution itself were legal / decriminalized, both the working girls and clients would be much more willing to help root out the real evil players.
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