Raccoon attack


New member
Aug 31, 2009
In Toronto it is illegal to kill Racoons regardless of them being on your property.

By the sounds of it he's also being charged with cruelty to animals. I believe he's being charged with this because it was found that the way he decided to illegally kill these animals was inhumane and cruel.

While it's not newsworthy, it really sounds clearcut that this guy broke the law.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
What a brutal beast this man must be!!! We should hang him by the eye lids and kick him in the balls until he blinks. Then let's rape his wife and children while he watches. How dare he attack a raccoon!? .....

IT'S A FUCKING RODENT!!!! You professed animal lovers are all a bunch of hypocrites. If the animal is large enough and has cute eyes, we must protect it. But then these same people will slaughter the ugly cows and chickens so that they can eat. They will step on spiders and kill mice with poison when they infest their homes. Give me a break!!

The only thing I will say, is that this man should have been a little more humane about how he attempted to kill this rodent. But that is hardly reason to string this man up!
Man, when I started this post I didn't realize it would go viral this fast.

I agree with the Nighth4wk. IT IS A BLOODY RODENT. Rodents carry diseases. Suppose for an instant that there was a breakout of a fatal disease with these fuzzy creatures, say, like in the old old days. What would we do - trap them and kiss them while we take them back to the wild? No, we should get rid of them, since they are overgrown rats. Should we also stop selling rat poison, and just catch them and put them in our rooms beside our pillows? Certainly not me.

We as a society are so caught up in animal rights. Many of us have no problem mass slaughtering cows, pigs, chickens, goats, fish, marine life, etc, etc. None of these did anything to us. We just eat them. But when somebody kills a raccoon?? Skin the sonofabitch!!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Man, when I started this post I didn't realize it would go viral this fast.

I agree with the Nighth4wk. IT IS A BLOODY RODENT. Rodents carry diseases. Suppose for an instant that there was a breakout of a fatal disease with these fuzzy creatures, say, like in the old old days. What would we do - trap them and kiss them while we take them back to the wild? No, we should get rid of them, since they are overgrown rats. Should we also stop selling rat poison, and just catch them and put them in our rooms beside our pillows? Certainly not me.
First for the second time they are PROCYONIDAE NOT rodents. Second, for some reason I've always thought Rabies to be a rather nasty disease Racoons frequently spread.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
The question is, what if humane methods were not at hand? This was the only alternative the man had and now his life is ruined over it. That's just plain nuts!
IF, the article from the Star is acurate it does not appear that his life was threatned by two racoon kits, in fact his life might have been in greater danger due to mother racoon trying to defend them.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
not particularly... I could certainly live without it - I was vegetarian for over 10 years of my life but I started eating meet for health not because I particularly enjoy it.

I think it's worth noting that there's a difference between killing an animal humanely for food and killing an animal by beating it with a shovel because you're just too lazy to trap the animal and release it. I find it barbaric and cowardly and I have absolutely no issue with the guy being charged.

I'm honestly sick to my stomach seeing that people here find no issue with what the guy did....
Not every guy on here has no issue with what that nut bar did. Several posters, myself included, feel that what the asshole did is inexcusable.

But you are correct, there are several posters here and a couple in particular that really make you wonder. Some guys are just stuck at Age 12 even though they are middle aged.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Well I can't top that Miss Croft.

To follow-up on something G.B. wrote, part of the problem (not that I'm agreeing with beating Racoon kits to death) is that until they about a year old or so Racoons look ever so cute, will do all sorts of "silly" things to get food etc... BUT THEN THEY GROW UP. An adult racoon is nothing to mess with and if cornered can kill a dog many times its size, rabies is often present and if Ontario has not been effected by the zoodemic which started in West Virginia and has now spread all the way to New Brunswick - hope that you continue to be so lucky. With as many racoons as are supposedly in Toronto it seems unlikely their numbers would be way down.

Like many such animals they can get into a "Mate relationship" and savagely attack people other than the one they consider to be their mate. My Great-Grandfather had a pet racoon as a boy which when it matured would do this (God alone knows why his family put up with this - THAT part of the story was never passed along) there was an abour that other members of the family had to stay clear of.
If you google rabies on the MNR website, you will see that the last case of raccoon to human rabies was in 2005.

More people will die as a result of bee stings than will be killed by bears, raccoons, and lions put together this year. Better break out your fly swatter just in case.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ah.. OK... so what I think you are saying is that you are ok with killing the animal... you just wish it could have been done in a more humane way. I think everyone on this thread who agrees that the animal should have been killed also feels that the animal should have been killed humanely. The question is, what if humane methods were not at hand? This was the only alternative the man had and now his life is ruined over it. That's just plain nuts!
The two issues are mutually exclusive.

Just because one animal is killed for food does not give you the right to kill a raccoon doing what a raccoon does.

I know it's a complex issue for you, but if you think real hard, you might get it.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
If you google rabies on the MNR website, you will see that the last case of raccoon to human rabies was in 2005.
Toronto had better hope that the "florida strain" I am speaking of doesn't make its way across the river or work back up the St. Lawrence.

There is something "different" about an agressive 9 kg animal with a deadly highly infecious disease. Which by the way can pass it along to those oh so cute little kits as well, who can give it to the person who says they are so cute and never notices that little scratch.
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Jun 6, 2009
First for the second time they are PROCYONIDAE NOT rodents. Second, for some reason I've always thought Rabies to be a rather nasty disease Racoons frequently spread.

Rabies from Raccoons is not a great threat. You have more of a threat from other infectious diseases. in this great city of ours. Yes they carry it , but they are nocturnal and avoid human if given the choice. Like most animals in TO they choose not to come in contact, but will fight like hell if cornered. Easy solution, leave them alone and don't corner them. This man simply wasn't thinking and reacted without knowing the consequences of his action.

I love the usual news reports where they lead with the charges carrying a maximum of 2 and 10 years, but of course the chances of that happening are slim and none.


May 13, 2006
Where the fuck do you raccoon-haters live?

I lock my greenbin and have no issues. Live in a bungalow in Scarbz/North York area. Had a cat for fifteen years. He went out every night, and was never ever killed or hurt by a raccoon (though he did scrap with other cats often, and usually won). Died of natural causes. You guys are going on and on about them like they're indoctrinating your children and gang raping your wives. Now if you shoot one out on your farm, that's your business. But he beat one nearly to death with a shovel in full view of his neighbors, causing it to wail creating a loud, child-like sound that alarmed people. Stop projecting your demented politics onto this situation. This one man's behaviour in this one situation is what we're talking about. You don't want to talk about factors that led to the homeless issues, or factors that led to crime problems in certain neighborhoods. So you don't get any "factors that led to" in this argument either.

He was charged with animal cruelty, which this undoubtedly was. I mean, God almighty, if you don't think this was animal cruelty, I'd love to know what is. Did he have to tie it up and fist it? If your point is that there should be no such law, I'd like to see a coherent argument. COHERENT. Not "we eat hamburgers therefore there is no such thing as animal cruelty" which is not a coherent argument.


New member
Where the fuck do you raccoon-haters live?

I lock my greenbin and have no issues. Live in a bungalow in Scarbz/North York area. Had a cat for fifteen years. He went out every night, and was never ever killed or hurt by a raccoon (though he did scrap with other cats often, and usually won). Died of natural causes. You guys are going on and on about them like they're indoctrinating your children and gang raping your wives. Now if you shoot one out on your farm, that's your business. But he beat one nearly to death with a shovel in full view of his neighbors, causing it to wail creating a loud, child-like sound that alarmed people. Stop projecting your demented politics onto this situation. This one man's behaviour in this one situation is what we're talking about. You don't want to talk about factors that led to the homeless issues, or factors that led to crime problems in certain neighborhoods. So you don't get any "factors that led to" in this argument either.

He was charged with animal cruelty, which this undoubtedly was. I mean, God almighty, if you don't think this was animal cruelty, I'd love to know what is. Did he have to tie it up and fist it? If your point is that there should be no such law, I'd like to see a coherent argument. COHERENT. Not "we eat hamburgers therefore there is no such thing as animal cruelty" is not a coherent argument.
....best post in this thread.

Thanks to you , James t kirk, and the rest of the participants in this thread who have a heart for restoring my faith in society.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Rabies from Raccoons is not a great threat.
One a scale of one to ten I agree that it is probably a five or six. Obviously you haven't gotten the "Florida strain" outbreak in Ontario yet if people with cottages haven't immediately hopped aboard this thread.

Yes they carry it , but they are nocturnal and avoid human if given the choice. Like most animals in TO they choose not to come in contact, but will fight like hell if cornered. Easy solution, leave them alone and don't corner them.
However, we both know that people are stupid actually the greatest level of transmission is not from the 9 kg racoon attacking you, although that does happen. Rather from the kits of that 6.5 kg racoon (who is a dead racoon walking) who passes it along and then someone finds the racoon kits in the tree that blew down on in the attic etc. . . all it takes is one open scratch that you don't know about and. . . .

You and I both know that it happens - which is why Game Wardens, Park Rangers etc. . . are rountinely given the (at least less nasty than it used to be) rabies series.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
He was charged with animal cruelty, which this undoubtedly was. I mean, God almighty, if you don't think this was animal cruelty, I'd love to know what is. Did he have to tie it up and fist it?
Frankly if the article is correct I rather took that as a given since he's not my client.


Active member
Oct 28, 2007
That situation is BS

He killed an animal.

he shouldnt go to jail.

its an animal

its fucking food before its prepared.


Sep 8, 2010
The two issues are mutually exclusive.

Just because one animal is killed for food does not give you the right to kill a raccoon doing what a raccoon does.

I know it's a complex issue for you, but if you think real hard, you might get it.
Mr. Kirk... before you use a term like "mutually exclusive", you should try to understand what it means. You are correct in stating that there are two issues here... first the hypocrisy of bleeding heart self-professed animal lovers who say there is "no justification" for killing an animal, yet eat meat. that is the first issue. The second and totally unrelated issue (therefore, by definition, not mutually exclusive) is animal rights. Do you get it?

I was trying to point out to Jennifer that she was being hypocritical in her "no justification" statement. So now if we can agree that there might be justification, then where is that justification line? It is very subjective.

I will even go one step further and agree that the way this animal was killed was unfortunate, but what were the options? There were none.


Sep 8, 2010
Where the fuck do you raccoon-haters live?

I lock my greenbin and have no issues. Live in a bungalow in Scarbz/North York area. Had a cat for fifteen years. He went out every night, and was never ever killed or hurt by a raccoon (though he did scrap with other cats often, and usually won). Died of natural causes. You guys are going on and on about them like they're indoctrinating your children and gang raping your wives. Now if you shoot one out on your farm, that's your business. But he beat one nearly to death with a shovel in full view of his neighbors, causing it to wail creating a loud, child-like sound that alarmed people. Stop projecting your demented politics onto this situation. This one man's behaviour in this one situation is what we're talking about. You don't want to talk about factors that led to the homeless issues, or factors that led to crime problems in certain neighborhoods. So you don't get any "factors that led to" in this argument either.

He was charged with animal cruelty, which this undoubtedly was. I mean, God almighty, if you don't think this was animal cruelty, I'd love to know what is. Did he have to tie it up and fist it? If your point is that there should be no such law, I'd like to see a coherent argument. COHERENT. Not "we eat hamburgers therefore there is no such thing as animal cruelty" which is not a coherent argument.
OK... let's talk about this case specifically... no "might lead to" or "coons are bad"... simply this case...

This man had rodents (ya... i know ardvark, Procyonidae, but i like rodent better) in his back yard that were destroying his property. You may not consider his garden his property or something worth protecting, but I can assure you that there are people who have been raised on farms that wouldn't think twice about killing pests that attempt to destroy their crops. This man loved his garden, and you have no right and no basis upon which to minimize that. Quite frankly, I could see how a person would love his garden more than a raccoon.

The city, with it's left leaning, bleeding heart bullshit attitude towards these issues has proven that they will do nothing about it and will not help this man with this problem. Even if he were to hire pest control services, he'd pay big bucks and all they would do is trap it and release it within one kilometer so that the damn thing would find its way back.

His own attempt to try to get rid of the pests would be futile at best and possibly dangerous. Loud noises don't work... water just pisses them off and creates a possibility of attack.

The only way to deal with this is to kill the animal himself. Now he may not own a gun or a trap that would allow him to kill the rodent in humane way... so he grabs a shovel (Probably for self defence purposes as well) and does what he needs to do.

So now, should this man's life be ruined over this? I can't believe that you would agree that people who lay mouse traps and kill mice (in a fairly inhumane way, by the way) should have their lives destroyed because of criminal charges. What's the difference here? Is it the size of the animal? It's cute eyes? The fact that they were baby coons? Are these really relevant?


New member
Mr. Kirk... before you use a term like "mutually exclusive", you should try to understand what it means. You are correct in stating that there are two issues here... first the hypocrisy of bleeding heart self-professed animal lovers who say there is "no justification" for killing an animal, yet eat meat. that is the first issue. The second and totally unrelated issue (therefore, by definition, not mutually exclusive) is animal rights. Do you get it?

I was trying to point out to Jennifer that she was being hypocritical in her "no justification" statement. So now if we can agree that there might be justification, then where is that justification line? It is very subjective.

I will even go one step further and agree that the way this animal was killed was unfortunate, but what were the options? There were none.
.... so you don't see a difference between the humane slaughter of an animal for the purpose of sustenance versus the viscous beating of an animal with a goddamn shovel because someone feels the animal is a pest?

I disagree and I certainly cannot imagine how anyone could beat any living being to death.

When I was a kid there we had a squirrel problem. Dad pulled out the trap, put some peanut butter inside and took the animal to a park.. Problem solved.

When I first moved into my own apartment back in the day, I had a mouse. The mouse was driving me a little crazy and I gave in and bought one of those sticky mouse traps, (the kind where they struggle so hard that they sufficate themselves. I later learned that it's commonn for mice stuck in those traps to rip off body parts during their struggle).I was young and I really didn't know how the trapped worked until it was too late.

I will never forget when that mouse got stuck. I will never forget sitting in my bedroom listening to the mouse scream while it was struggling, crying my eyes out because I felt so horrible for inflicting pain on that creature. My father literally had to drive across the city to help me dispose of him. I've never felt so guilty in my life. Now to think of someone being capable of inflicting pain on a family of raccoons and hearing those screams is beyond my comprehension.


Sep 8, 2010
.... so you don't see a difference between the humane slaughter of an animal for the purpose of sustenance versus the viscous beating of an animal with a goddamn shovel because someone feels the animal is a pest?

I disagree and I certainly cannot imagine how anyone could beat any living being to death.

When I was a kid there we had a squirrel problem. Dad pulled out the trap, put some peanut butter inside and took the animal to a park.. Problem solved.

When I first moved into my own apartment back in the day, I had a mouse. The mouse was driving me a little crazy and I gave in and bought one of those sticky mouse traps, (the kind where they struggle so hard that they sufficate themselves. I later learned that it's commonn for mice stuck in those traps to rip off body parts during their struggle).

I will never forget when that mouse got stuck. I will never forget sitting in my bedroom crying my eyes out because I felt so horrible for inflicting pain on that creature. My father literally had to drive across the city to help me dispose of him. I've never felt so guilty in my life. Now to think of someone being capable of inflicting pain on a family of raccoons and hearing those screams and not feeling deep remorse is beyond my comprehension.
Jennifer, of course there is a difference between the humane slaughter of livestock for sustenance versus the killing of a rodent with a shovel. I do not disagree with you. Like I said, they are two completely different and unrelated issues.. let's not get sidetracked.

I also can empathize with how you must have felt when you killed that rodent. But now let me ask you something. Do you think it would have been fair if you were convicted of a criminal offence for that act and had that criminal record for life? Unable to travel to many countries, ineligible for many jobs, etc. Imagine how you would have felt. Well that is how this man is feeling today. It just isn't right.


Jun 6, 2009
Jennifer, of course there is a difference between the humane slaughter of livestock for sustenance versus the killing of a rodent with a shovel. I do not disagree with you. Like I said, they are two completely different and unrelated issues.. let's not get sidetracked.

I also can empathize with how you must have felt when you killed that rodent. But now let me ask you something. Do you think it would have been fair if you were convicted of a criminal offence for that act and had that criminal record for life? Unable to travel to many countries, ineligible for many jobs, etc. Imagine how you would have felt. Well that is how this man is feeling today. It just isn't right.
You've got this guy convicted and sentenced to the extreme. I suspect he'll get quite a light sentence, possibly a fine and a conditional and it won't hinder his travel plans or his employment future much.
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