Do you read Hebrew or Greek? The better translation is "You shall do no murder"The word of God in the bible is expressly - 'Thou shalt not kill'.
Do you read Hebrew or Greek? The better translation is "You shall do no murder"The word of God in the bible is expressly - 'Thou shalt not kill'.
Picky picky picky, but true.Do you read Hebrew or Greek? The better translation is "You shall do no murder"
Sorry to hear that you threw out the baby along with the bath water.jesus is just a myth updated from the Egyptian myth of Osirus. Resurrection is just a hoax concocted by and for people who find dying terrifying. Hey, it all goes black and thats it. Forever.
And I used to be a Roman Catholic Priest, so I should know.
You read that Harper book now didn't you?jesus is just a myth updated from the Egyptian myth of Osirus. Resurrection is just a hoax concocted by and for people who find dying terrifying. Hey, it all goes black and thats it. Forever.
And I used to be a Roman Catholic Priest, so I should know.
Most scholars would principally agree, however, you have your timing off by a good many years. Remember the four canonical Gospels were rewrites of earlier texts which themselves were recordings of oral "histories." Most likely this change in emphasis to make Pilate into a "good guy" began around 50 A.D. as Christianity began to move out in to the Roman world.yes they were edited
For example, Pilate was shown to care about Jesus and even offered the crowd the choice to set him free but they chose Barabbas, the thief, instead
This is almost certainly all bullshit to make Pilate, a Roman, look like he wanted to free the now accepted Messiah by Constantine
it was never the Roman custom to free prisoners to appease the crowd and Pilate saw Jesus as just another political prisoner and almost certainly never talked to him
jesus is just a myth updated from the Egyptian myth of Osirus. Resurrection is just a hoax concocted by and for people who find dying terrifying. Hey, it all goes black and thats it. Forever.
And I used to be a Roman Catholic Priest, so I should know.
genesis, chapt 38Stick to the facts - The word of God in the bible is expressly - 'Thou shalt not kill'. There are not any corollaries, exceptions, etc. but many hard nosed bible thumpers would pull the lever if they had the chance. I find it typical of the hypocrisy surrounding the religion.
To be fair the writers of the Old Testament were not Christians but.............................................
The notion that god is love is so far removed from the bible stories about god as to be laughable. Have you read Leviticus? Even the ten commandments admit that god is jealous. Jealous!.............................
You might be right. But who cares?If the bible was written today it would be called"The Politics".Same thing.Old men scaring the masses into doing what they want in their own best interests.The Bible was politics of fear ..nothing more.
In this we agree OJ,It's a religious work so truth and fiction are inappropriate terms. But do 'splain what you mean by the Bible. Just which texts, of what early writings translated exactly how, comprise what we casually call the Bible has never been settled either by a deity or by her devoted followers.
Look up the Apocrypha f'rinstance.
I am famaliar with most of the religious texts that got left out that are extant.It's a religious work so truth and fiction are inappropriate terms. But do 'splain what you mean by the Bible. Just which texts, of what early writings translated exactly how, comprise what we casually call the Bible has never been settled either by a deity or by her devoted followers.
Look up the Apocrypha f'rinstance.
That is exactly why I am not a big fan of the King James. But the translations are getting better and better all the time, and we find new bits and copies now and again that allow us to increase our understanding of these historic documents.Perhaps that is indeed 'what we mean by the Bible', but that's just us. If we all agreed, those other texts—and the standards for choosing the canonical texts—would be non-issues. And then there's the matter of what is/are the 'original' text(s) translated by who when. When "the earth was without form and void", there were neither pencils nor ink. Doesn't make the version that finally got written down true or not, but which is the better/earlier/more accurate does demand examination after thousands of years of oral transmission.
For those who believe, the Bible—whichever version they choose—expresses deep truths. Even non-believers can find truths in it. But that's a far, far different thing from judging whether it is true or not. As f'rinstance whether some archaic Levantine word that a committee of Elizabethan scholars translated as "great fish" could, or could not properly be applied to a mammal, whether it is a 'true' descriptor of an extinct species, or a 'poetic' account of a rescue by dolphin.
I think biblical truth or fiction is not a meaningful dichotomy. But it might be informative to search for reported historical evidence that supports Biblical accounts.
You would be wrong (again) - I still have the opinion that bible thumping (a term you keep dropping) Christians are racists, vengeful, and intolerant. The intolerance is the foundation of most of the morality laws both here and in the USA that penalizes sexual expression. Who do you think is mounting the biggest resistance to homosexual marriages, legalized prostitution and basically any decision made between consenting adults that they find adverse to their own religious beliefs ?Nice to see you wind back from your earlier suggestion that christians were racists, revenge seeking, intolerant and uncharitable. But I still call that hate.......And if you are in Canada, I suspect that Christian theology or ideas on living probably never interferes with your ability to enjoy your lifestyle at all.
It is actually you who are taking the ten commandments out of context. That is what happens when you elevate one part of the bible over another.You would be wrong (again) - I still have the opinion that bible thumping (a term you keep dropping) Christians are racists, vengeful, and intolerant. The intolerance is the foundation of most of the morality laws both here and in the USA that penalizes sexual expression. Who do you think is mounting the biggest resistance to homosexual marriages, legalized prostitution and basically any decision made between consenting adults that they find adverse to their own religious beliefs ?
"To say the bible is against capital punishment based on the 10 commandments while ignoring the rest is simply foolish" - Classic example of hypocrisy. The 10 Commandments are by every biblical scholar recognized as the principals of the church. The other parables, stories and antidotes are window dressing but not intended to negate these rules. But Bible thumpers like revenge, they need to ignore or bend these rules so they will acknowledge the rules, but quote parables out of context to support actions not in tune with God's word. Once the door is open, then others from Rev Jim Jones to David Koresh (who coveted everyone's wife and children) become the possible. Now the bible thumpers pursue everything from witch hunts, inquisitions, because in the plethora of badly written/translated passages - are obscure sentences that let them skirt the commandments to persecute others freely. Even you support this position opportunity to forget the commandments for other self-serving parables as an opportunity that would be 'foolish' to ignore.
I'm not a believer but I find it typical that while holding the contents so sacred, they use the weight of the book to bludgeon so many other peoples rights. Hypocrites !
To me the important issue is what these laws say about God, irregardless of who they are/were addressed to. They paint a picture of a God that is not at all just, fair, or any standard other than the believer standard (which is if it is in the Bible and God said it, or did it, it must, by definition, be good). Believers have no defense, in my opinion, against the Biblical picture of the character and nature of the God they worship. And in my mind this says that these are all man made rules, laws, "words of God"...and there is probably no such God, at least I hope not because if so there is no need for a devil.You make some very important points.
There is also the challenging question of putting the OT in context. Are the laws and rules in the OT made for all, or were they set out for just the members of the particular "covenant community" who were the subject of the OT. I am not sure that question has a clear answer. There is also the possibility that the laws of the OT were a mix of CC and universal. Very hard to parse it all out.