Let the Americanization begin.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
..their platform scares me...
What exactly scares you in the Conservative platform that more people found comforting than what was in any other party's platform ? My gut feeling is you can't, or won't, be specific or will quote some BS being spun by the decimated Liberals as the infamous, but ficticious "Hidden Agenda".


Apr 14, 2011
What exactly scares you in the Conservative platform that more people found comforting than what was in any other party's platform ?
not conservative...the alliance church platform....that scares me...the Cons will need to reassure me as to what a majority will be like under their rule...haven't ever experienced one since Mulroney..i was 10


New member
Oct 12, 2010
not conservative...the alliance church platform....that scares me...the Cons will need to reassure me as to what a majority will be like under their rule...haven't ever experienced one since Mulroney..i was 10
the alliance church didn't get elected, I don't even think they ran candidates....


not conservative...the alliance church platform....that scares me...the Cons will need to reassure me as to what a majority will be like under their rule...haven't ever experienced one since Mulroney..i was 10
So I guess that means you must be petrified of an NDP government then, as they have never been in power.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
not conservative...the alliance church platform....that scares me...the Cons will need to reassure me as to what a majority will be like under their rule...haven't ever experienced one since Mulroney..i was 10
See, what did I say . You cannot quote one specific election promise or policy in the Conservative platform that you object to despite stating that it scares you. So are we led to believe that you just made that statement up without thinking about it? Or that you don't really know what the platform is but that your mother told you not to like it so you repeat that?

C'mon tell me what the Conservatives have actually said they were going to do that "scares you".

As far as the Alliance Church is concerned what policies of theirs have been adopted by the Conservatives that scare you? Let's try and list at least one single policy of both Party and Church to back up your claim. I was not aware of any that were, but perhaps you can enlighten me. I am not familiar with that church as I am not familiar with what church Iggy or jack belong to, if any.


Apr 14, 2011
the alliance church didn't get elected, I don't even think they ran candidates....
read what i said...they didn't get elected?..no...i said I'll give Harper a chance?(as a liberal-not the party)...yes....does he knows how to seperate church and state...i hope so.....am i scared?..a lil...but just for the Sp, MP ladies, mostly.....RLD is ALWAYS right???...RLD is an annoying poster????..RLD needs to stress a point over and over and over and over and over and over?????....yawn..you're killing my SP viewing time bud.

take care


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
read what i said...they didn't get elected?..no...i said I'll give Harper a chance?(as a liberal-not the party)...yes....does he knows how to seperate church and state...i hope so.....am i scared?..a lil...but just for the Sp, MP ladies, mostly.....RLD is ALWAYS right???...RLD is an annoying poster????..RLD needs to stress a point over and over and over and over and over and over?????....yawn..you're killing my SP viewing time bud.

take care
Annoying posters are those that can't back anything up with anything substantive. I suggest you look in the mirror on that one.


Apr 14, 2011
Annoying posters are those that can't back anything up with anything substantive. I suggest you look in the mirror on that one.
lol..hi kettle.it's pot..you're black...end of debate...can;t argue with stubborn losers


Dec 22, 2001
What exactly scares you in the Conservative platform that more people found comforting than what was in any other party's platform ? My gut feeling is you can't, or won't, be specific or will quote some BS being spun by the decimated Liberals as the infamous, but ficticious "Hidden Agenda".
Exactly!! And very well said!!


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
lol..hi kettle.it's pot..you're black...end of debate...can;t argue with stubborn losers
The well reasoned answer I expected from a poser like yourself. I was not making any claims you were. "I'm taking my ball and going home" when confronted seems to be your position. Well as long as you leave i suppose.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

I am happy to predict that with Harper that the sky will not fall, and that he will not introduce legislation to limit or ban either abortion or gay marriage.

Now if you are right he should introduce that legislation almost immediately, so we will get to see how accurate your doom saying is.
However he has repeatedly said that votes on such matters should be free votes, and any member—including a Harper stalwart—can propose such a measure. Harper himself wouldn't have to spend a minute on it, and it still could get the dirty deed done.

Just remember, that 'majority' got the votes of less than half the people. The Harper landslide—after almost five years of showing us what a great government he can lead—amounted to only about 3% more votes than his last useless election. But don't expect him now to start governing with the majority's needs and concerns in mind.

If a free vote outlaws abortion, brings back the death penalty, or makes gay marriage impossible … oh well.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
If a free vote outlaws abortion, brings back the death penalty, or makes gay marriage impossible … oh well.
By far the worst we will see is the prison reform. That is disastrous.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Just remember, that 'majority' got the votes of less than half the people. The Harper landslide—after almost five years of showing us what a great government he can lead—amounted to only about 3% more votes than his last useless election.
Thats the way our democracy has been set up.
It could have just as easily worked against Harper getting more than 50% of the votes and still not getting enough seats to form the majority

Had it been your guy who got the majority with 40% of the vote , I suspect you would not whine and complain so much
I will assume you voted, so you have the right to whine and complain.

However at some point you have to realize this is the govt for the next 4 years and learn to live with the reality of the situation


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thats the way our democracy has been set up.
It could have just as easily worked against Harper getting more than 50% of the votes and still not getting enough seats to form the majority

Had it been your guy who got the majority with 40% of the vote , I suspect you would not whine and complain so much
I will assume you voted, so you have the right to whine and complain.

However at some point you have to realize this is the govt for the next 4 years and learn to live with the reality of the situation
John for once you actually made sense and I agree wholeheartedly. Except for the "…whine and complain" stuff you made up.

But then perhaps you were responding to the obvious: a sytem that so drastically fails to reflect the votes of the people in its government. And yes, I would complain equally loudly, no matter what the majority government, even a Green one had it been the choice of only two-fifths of the electorate.

Let's see now if Harpo does—as he said he would—govern for the whole country or just for his two outta five rump. His record so far has been rump first and damn the rest.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
However he has repeatedly said that votes on such matters should be free votes, and any member—including a Harper stalwart—can propose such a measure. Harper himself wouldn't have to spend a minute on it, and it still could get the dirty deed done.

Just remember, that 'majority' got the votes of less than half the people. The Harper landslide—after almost five years of showing us what a great government he can lead—amounted to only about 3% more votes than his last useless election. But don't expect him now to start governing with the majority's needs and concerns in mind.

If a free vote outlaws abortion, brings back the death penalty, or makes gay marriage impossible … oh well.
Hypothetically if a free vote happens (and I don't see one on abortion or gay marriage but I have been wrong before), or abortion or gay marriage do you think enough MPs would vote for it to reverse the current law?

I see the death penalty or prostitution as different issues. They are policy decisions which I believe are open for debate. The other two are fundamental rights issues, not political ones. I see them as different creatures.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
read what i said...they didn't get elected?..no...i said I'll give Harper a chance?(as a liberal-not the party)...yes....does he knows how to seperate church and state...i hope so.....am i scared?..a lil...but just for the Sp, MP ladies, mostly.....RLD is ALWAYS right???...RLD is an annoying poster????..RLD needs to stress a point over and over and over and over and over and over?????....yawn..you're killing my SP viewing time bud.

take care
You do need to look in the mirror. The only reason I posted in each case was in response to your fearmongering. If I have been unneccesarily repetitious it is only in response to the same trait in you.

What it strikes me that you are trying to do is import from our neighbours to the south the worst kind of politics of the personal. I don't recall conservative people accusing certain liberal leaders of being slaves to a foreign prince (the Pope). The Canadian tradition has been much more about policy and I think a better political discourse. I think the American style approach you are adopting of criticizing the church the man attends and suggesting we should be afraid of "secret" or "hidden" agendas brings down the quality of our political discourse and is just plain childish.

It reminds me of the big stink the American right made over Obama's church. That was equally BS.


New member
Apr 29, 2002


Jun 6, 2009
Hypothetically if a free vote happens (and I don't see one on abortion or gay marriage but I have been wrong before), or abortion or gay marriage do you think enough MPs would vote for it to reverse the current law?

I see the death penalty or prostitution as different issues. They are policy decisions which I believe are open for debate. The other two are fundamental rights issues, not political ones. I see them as different creatures.
Only free to the point where you have to stand up and state or position. Do you think that Harper and his boys won't take notice if someone doesn't tow the line? Even the American called him petty and vindictive.
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