Jack-off Layton Found in bawdy house in 1996


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

TORONTO - Jack Layton was found laying naked on a bed by Toronto Police at a suspected Chinatown bawdy house in 1996, a retired Toronto police officer told the Toronto Sun.

The stunning revelation about the current leader of the New Democratic Party comes days before the federal election at a time when his popularity is soaring.

When the policeman and his partner walked into a second-floor room at the Toronto massage parlour, they saw an attractive 5-foot-10 Asian woman who was in her mid-20s and the married, then-Metro councillor, lying on his back in bed.

Layton was cautioned by police and released without being charged.

Olivia Chow, Layton's wife, denied her husband had done anything wrong in an e-mail statement late Friday night.

"Sixteen years ago, my husband went for a massage at a massage clinic that is registered with the City of Toronto," Chow wrote. "He exercises regularly; he was and remains in great shape; and he needed a massage.

"I knew about this appointment, as I always do."

In a letter from his lawyer, Layton recalls "being advised by police at the time that he did nothing wrong."

What police say happened on Jan. 9, 1996, was recorded in the former cop's notebook, which was reviewed and photocopied by the Toronto Sun.

The former Asian crime unit officer, who requested anonymity, details a prior police raid on the "premise currently ID as a bawdy house" looking for underage Asian hookers and a subsequent follow-up visit to the two-storey brick storefront on Jan. 9.

At first the policemen didn't realize they were interviewing one of the best-known Toronto politicians who was married to Chow, also a Metro councillor and now the incumbent NDP MP for Trinity-Spadina.

The officer's notebook indicates he asked the suspected john: "Did you receive any sexual services?"

He replied: "No sir, I was just getting a shiatsu."

The cop: "Why did you have all your clothes off?"

The suspected john: No answer.

The cop: "Are you aware that there were sex acts being done here?"

The suspected john: "No sir."

The woman, who was from mainland China, denied masturbating the suspected john but when the question was repeated became nervous and replied, "I don't know I only come to work today," the cop's notes show.

His notes also claim he saw the "female dump wet Kleenex into garbage."

In the interview with the Sun, the officer said: "I asked him for his wallet and I looked at his name and I looked at the last name and it looked familiar.

He's registered as 'John' and I thought he's a 'john.'"

Layton's Christian name is John.

"I explained to him this was a bawdy house and then I asked him the silliest question, 'Are you any relation to the councillor, Jack Layton?' and ... he had that defeated look on his face and he said, 'We are one in the same,'"
the ex-cop said.

The former officer said Layton, seemed quiet and mellow and denied that he knew it was a suspected bawdy house.

The police had to decide what to do with the controversial councillor.

"To have arrested him and charged him would have served our egos a lot more. Layton was a thorn in the side of the police, siding with the anti-poverty movement in '96 or '97 ... Jack was anti-police," the ex-cop said.

"We looked at it and thought do we take advantage of this, or do we look at this like (he's) any other person, put it away and we hope this thing dies a slow death."

In the end, they came to the conclusion they shouldn't charge him.

"If we had barged in and he was engaged in a sex act and we had plainly saw it, then it would have been a different story."

The officers said police filled out a suspect investigation card that recorded his name, address, date of birth -- July 18, 1950 -- height and weight.

That information would be filed away by a civilian administrator for crime analysts to use in tracking criminals with particular attributes.

The former cop is surprised it took so long for the incident to become public.

"This stuff was never leaked out back then. The professionalism was outstanding. I thought this would have come out. This thing within the circle was so well known."

The policemen warned the councillor about the dangers of hanging out in suspected bawdy houses that could be run by Asian triads.

"I remembered lecturing him on a lot of these triads, they'd videotape the customers and extort them afterwards. Jack went pale. I said to him you have to understand it's quite possible," he says.

"He came on a bicycle. I escorted him down and he went away on his bike."

So is he innocent...Did he really got a rub & tug. LOL ......

PS I hate harper and hate jack and hate igniffaf hate the bloc and the green party.
Will hold my nose and vote for Liberal.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
His Quebec vote will jump to 90%, BC vote to 60%, Ontario vote to 40%, Alberta 0% but he wasn't going to win much in Alberta anyway. The next PM of Canada (he'll always be Jack to us) with a MAJORITY government.


Jun 6, 2009
So an unnamed cop, requesting anonymity gives this to the media 3 days before an election, suuuuuuure. Where's the paperwork?


New member
Dec 20, 2010
Olivia Chow, Layton's wife, denied her husband had done anything wrong in an e-mail statement late Friday night.

"Sixteen years ago, my husband went for a massage at a massage clinic that is registered with the City of Toronto," Chow wrote. "He exercises regularly; he was and remains in great shape; and he needed a massage.

"I knew about this appointment, as I always do."

So is he innocent...Did he really got a rub & tug. LOL ......

PS I hate harper and hate jack and hate igniffaf hate the bloc and the green party.
Will hold my nose and vote for Liberal.
The curious thing about this is not the fact that he may have gone in for a rub & tug, but the fact that he was married to an Asian wife! Something was clearing missing in his life at the time.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I suspect the Officer could not disclose info while employed....but now retired....he finds a way to release it...along with a copy of his notes.

I trust that the retired police officer initiated this. There is no way a campaign would have known which of 7000 police officers notes to go through to find JACK LAYTON 15 years ago....


New member
Dec 20, 2010
His Quebec vote will jump to 90%, BC vote to 60%, Ontario vote to 40%, Alberta 0% but he wasn't going to win much in Alberta anyway. The next PM of Canada (he'll always be Jack to us) with a MAJORITY government.
Yes, La Belle Province can certainly empathize with him, but perhaps he would have been wiser to choose the outcall option.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Apparently the light was red.....in those days a red light in the room meant 'put the brakes on'

Cause the five oh is around.

Once the light turns green, it meant 'all systems go' for the Asian girl!


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
Well at least we know he ain't going to come out of the closet being gay! Yay!


New member
Jan 26, 2004
So an unnamed cop, requesting anonymity gives this to the media 3 days before an election, suuuuuuure. Where's the paperwork?
His wife has already confirmed it's true (or at least partially).. It's hard to imagine any anyone from either the liberals or conservatives could know about this so it's reasonable to assume that it was actually released by the cop himself.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
The story will become that he was charged with nothing; he was found guilty of nothing. His name has been muddied by Harper's media friends. People will undoubtedly believe (correctly I'm sure) that Harper had personally approved the story. Harper will hold the born-again Christian vote (he had it anyway) but many, many more people will regard Harper as a slimeball not fit to be PM.
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