Nightmare in Canada - a Harper Majority


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Small problem. As I pointed out the economic data does not support this view. If you were correct you would expect to see a decline in Canada's GDP growth but that didn't happen. You mentioned Switzerland as an example to aspire to and I pointed out that we've grown faster than they have. You mentioned Japan as a nation that is supposedly richer, but I've pointed out that we have essentially the same per capita GDP they do.

So the data, the facts, they do not support your viewpoint.

The ONLY thing supporting your viewpoint is your ideology, and it appears that when your ideology diverges from reality you stick with the ideology and abandon reality.
ummm, pot?? Kettle??? Hello.... this is reality.....please check your nearest mirror.


New member
May 20, 2003
Let's review the options:

Another Harper minority. Which means another 400 to 600 million dollars wasted on an election in a year or two. Or even worse a coalition where one of the key players is a party who's sole purpose is the break up of Canada.

A Liberal minority. A definite election in less than a year as the other parties likely won't support a budget with the kinds of tax hikes the Liberal leader has proposed and would need to pay for his reckless spending. A Prime Minister who doesn't know if he's Canadian or American. A Prime Minister who is quite willing to sell our long term well being down the river to get elected. A Prime Minister promising billions in new spending without saying where the money will come from.

A Harper majority. At least 4 to 5 years without an election. Continued economic stability. A Prime Minister who has faced some scandals. But then name one who hasn't. Harper's been Prime Minister for what 5 years or so and Canada has come through some of the toughest times in recent history very well off. So why change?
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Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Another Harper minority. Which means another 400 to 600 million dollars wasted on an election in a year or two.
That is sick, just think what other use that kind of money can be put to.......the waste in government has no limits.


Jan 31, 2005
ummm, pot?? Kettle??? Hello.... this is reality.....please check your nearest mirror.
So.... unlike you I have reasons for the things I think. It's been shown here that you don't. You cling to your ideology like a religion and your beliefs on economic matters are based on faith rather than reality.
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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Let's review the options:

Another Harper minority. Which means another 400 to 600 million dollars wasted on an election in a year or two. Or even worse a coalition where one of the key players is a party who's sole purpose is the break up of Canada.

A Liberal minority. A definite election in less than a year as the other parties likely won't support a budget with the kinds of tax hikes the Liberal leader has proposed and would need to pay for his reckless spending. A Prime Minister who doesn't know if he's Canadian or American. A Prime Minister who is quite willing to sell our long term well being down the river to get elected. A Prime Minister promising billions in new spending without saying where the money will come from.

A Harper majority. At least 4 to 5 years without an election. Continued economic stability. A Prime Minister who has faced some scandals. But then name one who hasn't. Harper's been Prime Minister for what 5 years or so and Canada has come through some of the toughest times in recent history very well off. So why change?
your analysis may be faulty..if the Libs get a minority, do you honestly think they will introduce tax hikes and "reckless" spending..only to blow their finally attaining power...they will be just as careful as Harper has been for the last 5 yrs....of course your faulty logic could only come from a Consevative partisan, no?
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