Advice Required - Sugar Daddy Fantasy gone bad - long post, but thoughts appreciated!


Mar 29, 2002
i am not sure if it is blackmail or her just trying to scare me. She hasn't asked me for anything and now isn't even responding. The last messages I wrote her were that "hey, its your call, I honestly am not hiding anything, and thought we had a good time when we met up the one time. cheers".

left it at that. no response since, just a "hmmm" right after I wrote that.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
don't worry about anything, and if something does come up, say the money was a loan, and that you want her to re-pay you


New member
Nov 28, 2009
She sounds bi-polar...I have a few ex's who have this condition...if not then she's close to it. The best thing you can do is just remain silent and soon enough new drama in her life will take over and she will forget you...just hang in their friend, and stay strong.

Yup, sounds like a couple of ex's of mine too.

That's why I am here. Like the old saying goes "pay them to leave".


New member
Nov 28, 2009
afx, in some ways you are lucky this might end as quickly as it started. She could have strung you out for way longer, for much more, with much dire consequences.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
You have done nothing wrong...NOTHING

except...just stand up to her and she will leave you alone..

Your next message to her should read....

"Listen you dirty skank..I only hung with you cause I felt sorry for you...Your getting nuthin from me you stupid Bitch. text if you like but we are over..cause I never liked you...SKANK"

I presume you are married?
Are you in high-school? Here's some advice, STFU and don't give dudes advice like this.

If you read his post, they went back to his place. Yes, he could be married, but that would be risky like fatal attraction.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Yeah, your text message is going to get real sympathy when a cop gets the complain from this hot young girl crying rape.

Not smart
You are not giving the cops enough credit. Women do get charged with public mischief/ false complaints, etc. Do you think the cop is going to look at her and assume she is a rape victim. She has to sit down, swear out a complaint and as she tries to fill in the details, her story will start to fall apart.

Stop communicating with her ! You may have to change numbers but communication just fuels the fire.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
You are not giving the cops enough credit. Women do get charged with public mischief/ false complaints, etc. Do you think the cop is going to look at her and assume she is a rape victim. She has to sit down, swear out a complaint and as she tries to fill in the details, her story will start to fall apart.

Stop communicating with her ! You may have to change numbers but communication just fuels the fire.
Well, in this case the supposed cop(s) are friend and brother.
But, I agree, once the details are filled out, the story will fall apart.

Bottomline, she pegged him for a loser to take advantage.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Paying for sex is not illegal but extortion is.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Well, in this case the supposed cop(s) are friend and brother.
But, I agree, once the details are filled out, the story will fall apart.

Bottomline, she pegged him for a loser to take advantage.
Ding ding ding!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
delete her, pretend you don't know who she is when she messages, ignore everything. what is the worst that she will do? you know she is not going to the cops.


AFX - how old are you? The reason I ask is that if you are old enough you can keep chatting to her awhile, friendly and all that, but keep saying you can't meet if she asks. Then let slip into the conversation that you have a health issue - maybe heart disease, high cholesterol, haemerhoids (however you spell it), migraines, whatever, just let it keep on slipping into tht econversation, until whatever it is completley debillitates you. That way it is your health that is causing you to be unable to meet, until eventually you say you are depressed and just can't carry on, sorry. Or impotent. Its your health, NOT her. You DON'T want a scorned woman.


Jan 4, 2009
i am not sure if it is blackmail or her just trying to scare me. She hasn't asked me for anything and now isn't even responding. The last messages I wrote her were that "hey, its your call, I honestly am not hiding anything, and thought we had a good time when we met up the one time. cheers".

left it at that. no response since, just a "hmmm" right after I wrote that.
afx....Just listen to Rubby's advice. We both had good experiences with this sort of thing. That's the smartest way to deal with a woman. Never ever pissed off a woman you have had relation with, and never under estimate the power of a pissed off woman. They can make up any story they want and you can be in trouble whether you are guilty or not. If she did that, no matter what, the cops will come after you and charge you and tell you to sort out things in court. That's how the system works here. Just be nice to her and DO NOT respond anything after that, just collect and keep all the messages from her as evidence just in case. Thank God I kept all the text messages from my ex bipolar drama queen. No matter how innocent you are, it can still cost you a few thousands if she pulled a stunt like that. I hope not. Good luck.
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New member
Jan 2, 2009
afx....Just listen to Rubby's advice. We both had good experiences with this sort of thing. That's the smartest way to deal with a woman. Never ever pissed off a woman you have had relation with, and never under estimate the power of a pissed off woman. They can make up any story they want and you can be in trouble whether you are guilty or not. If she did that, no matter what, the cops will come after you and charge you and tell you to sort out things in court. That's how the system works here. Just be nice to her and DO NOT respond anything after that, just collect and keep all the messages from her as evidence just in case. Thank God I kept all the text messages from my ex bipolar drama queen. No matter how innocent you are, it can still cost you a few thousands if she pulled a stunt like that. I hope not. Good luck.
please stop scaring the guy . how many false rape or assualt cases you see in the newspaper everyday ?

on the other hand there are thousands of pay for play cases every night via dating and sugardaddie websites


New member
Jan 19, 2006
keep all the messages from her.
AFX, this part of it is correct. Definately save all your e-mails both to her and from her. You might even print them out and put them in a safe place. Speak with a Lawyer if you wish it will give you comfort and should not cost you anything, but I would not loose sleep over this.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Yup. She got an airline ticket for some quickie sex.

Or else, she's setting you up for some serious blackmail bs. If so, you should record the messages and call the cops yourself.

You're clean. You did nothing illegal.
AFX listen to the above!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Oagre, do you also think that if she keeps after him AFX should reply back saying "I'm sorry you feel this way but my lawyer says this sounds a lot like blackmail" or should he just let it go?


Mar 29, 2002
thanks guys - no more messages from her today, she is active on BBM and seems to be enjoying herself though based on her status messages and bbm profile pictures (pix ranging from her sticking her tongue down some other girls mouth and another of her in a hot tub with her bathing suit). Her BBM name has switched from "madly in love xoxo" to "rebel without a cause" to now "eating dinner downtown with my bestie"

i'll continue to keep silent, but do agree that this was all blown out of proportion.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Do you think every arrest makes the newspaper?

Ontario has a Domestic Violence Policy that essentially takes away the discretion of a police officer to lay a charge where a complaint has been made by a related party. All a date has to say is that you did anything to her physically that could be in any way construed as an assault and a police officer in Ontario has no choice but to make the arrest, even if they do not believe it to be bona fide.

The courts will eventually sort it out, but it will be $5k to $20k later.

Repeat, do not piss her off more once she has shown she can be crazy. If you make her feel worse or helpless etc al she has left is to call the police.

Let fmahovolich, HOF and the other tough guys "win" the argument with a crazy woman and tell her off and who is the boss.
Even after the fact from a mere phone call, as opposed to an argument by a couple in their home, etc.? Tell me that isn't so please Rub.

BTW, I've seen $27K later (not involving me though) with a reduced-charge plea (which goes on your record) over what could've been bullshit pussy-whipping by an SO!
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