Advice Required - Sugar Daddy Fantasy gone bad - long post, but thoughts appreciated!


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Two days later I get a huge BBM from her (apparantly you can't block people on BBM, just delete them). She says that she has a friend and her brother who are both cops and she is going to go to them, saying that "everything we have done is illegal and I have been saving the convos from day one. You better get a good lawyer!"
BTW, if her friend/bro find out the real circumstances. They'll "misplace" the file! HAHAHA


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
You have done nothing wrong...NOTHING

except...just stand up to her and she will leave you alone..

Your next message to her should read....

"Listen you dirty skank..I only hung with you cause I felt sorry for you...Your getting nuthin from me you stupid Bitch. text if you like but we are over..cause I never liked you...SKANK"

I presume you are married?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
i would give her no indicatin at all that she is getting to you/.dont let her know you are freaked out. Tell her you feel she is harassing you and that you are taking steps to discuss the matter with the police as according to your lawyer, you have done nothing what so ever illegal. Let her know you will be filing a p;olice report and that you are considering a peace bond.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
one thing is 100% sure that she won't go to the police as she has no case

she took the money from you to help her friend and whatever happened between you and her is between two consenting adults

You have a choice to either change your number or never reply to her.

if you don't reply to her she will leave you alone in few weeks or months ...

for the next time never take a girl like this to your condo instead use a hotel

if you are really that scared from cops then start using 7/11 anounmous phone for this purpose in the future

and please please don't stop your hobby as these things will happen if you are gonna meet people just learn your lessson and move along


New member
Oct 7, 2009
she already got a ticket out of you.Her big scene was probably so you would not
want to mush her again.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
she already got a ticket out of you.Her big scene was probably so you would not
want to mush her again.
Yup. She got an airline ticket for some quickie sex.

Or else, she's setting you up for some serious blackmail bs. If so, you should record the messages and call the cops yourself.

You're clean. You did nothing illegal.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I didnt see anything serious in the OP post other than she liked the easy money and is scaring him to make sure they keep on meeting in the future.

on the other hand the sickness talk is all about that she is a bit paranoid like many people gets after a sex with stranger so she was just testing you to check your sexual history.... nothing serious about that talk ... you should have been very confident in your talk with her that you are clean ...btw you should go for testing for your sake too ...


Well-known member
Delete her and forget about it.In a week she'll have found someone new.I actually feel a bit sorry for her.Sooner or later she's going to end up sticking her hand in the wrong lions cage......

Bella Italiana

Sep 26, 2010
umm...ya WOW! is all I am going to say. Wellllll....I'm in Kitchener and sure could use a "sugar daddy" pending that I'm not too far for you, lol. I would need a few references tho and I could give you some of mine, lol ;-)


Mar 29, 2002
umm...ya WOW! is all I am going to say. Wellllll....I'm in Kitchener and sure could use a "sugar daddy" pending that I'm not too far for you, lol. I would need a few references tho and I could give you some of mine, lol ;-)
haha.. too funny... the whole idea at first intrigued me and i was prepared to go through with it, but wow what a hell of a big problem this turned into!!

thanks for the responses so far everyone, really appreciate it. I was unsure if I had done anything wrong in approaching her online, perhaps I was, but given that she agreed to it and accepted any consequences, and then even after meeting the first time, wanted to meet again, that kind of puts me at ease...

she has yet to get in touch with me, she is still on my BBM, I hesitate to delete her right now still - waiting to see how things progress.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
Get a new bb, keep the same phone #... Only share your pin with the 'others' on your contact list. She won't even know you 'disappeared'.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The only thing you did wrong was to ask a girl to do a Womans job ;)
You said it all!

2 things could've happened here:

a) She has second thoughts for a newbie or thinks she got something and is acting erratically and irrationally.

b) Tried to scare the OP with a threat of going to the police, maybe to see if he would throw money at her to shut up.

I tend to think that she was trying to scam him.

To the OP: I believe you can block someone on your BBM, no?

P.S. I met a gorgeous young lady at a stag party. She was a sexy hostess. She was game to make more $ and had a sugar daddy before but was speaking in terms of thousands. After many BBMs, I got her down to $1000 for 2 hours (that was the lowest she would go cuz "she's not an escort"). She also expected or would've liked if I booked a hotel room so that she could use it later once we were done. Anyways, even though she seemed like a nice gal (I know people who know her), I didn't go through with it cuz it was very amateurish and there was no guarantee about how good her performance (or even simply as good company) would be, let alone the outrageous price. Avoid such time-wasters.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You tough guys always end up eating it!

Great idea though, escalate a sexual dispute with a crazy unstable young attractive woman who has already said she was considering calling the police. Yeah, your text message is going to get real sympathy when a cop gets the complain from this hot young girl crying rape.

Not smart

If she would bug him with threats, I would then mention that she could go to jail for extortion and to leave me alone.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
You are as much a drama queen as she is. Just delete the bitch and get on with your life.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
reminded me of an allegedly true story in which a Toronto girl told her sugar daddy (from the US if memory serves) that she is pregnant from him and then "gave birth", and when he came from the States she borrowed someone else's baby and showed to him.
I am told that she ended up with at least $50K lump sum payout.
Now that's blackmail.


Nov 13, 2003
sounds like a clear case of someone trying to scam (i.e extort more money from ) you.
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