Advice Required - Sugar Daddy Fantasy gone bad - long post, but thoughts appreciated!


Mar 29, 2002
Hey all, need some serious advice from anyone, guys or girls!

I was recently using the website sugardaddie to basically try and find a sugar babe to get together with once in a while, perhaps for sex, but also just to hang out with, at least for the next few months until the summer. Most of the girls on the site who were interesting to me lived far away, and the few I met for coffee dates here in Toronto eventually clicked with someone else so I lost out.

One day I casually decided to just ask a girl I had been chatting with on a free online dating site - I put it out there saying I wanted to be a sugar daddy, no more details at all other than the compensation - I did not discuss sex or anything in detail. We exchanged Blackberry BBM and chatted through that for a few weeks. Nothing was really discussed in our chats other than "how is your day going?" etc. I never initiated the conversation - I left it up to her.

One day she messages "do you still want to meet and do that thing we discussed", I said yes, we agreed on a $ amount (she needed to buy a plane ticket for her friend). We met nearby my place (she claims to get lost easily so just met by a subway stop) and walked to my place. At my place, we just chatted, I had the money sitting on the table and said "that's for you". Things just generally proceeded, as you'd expect, a typical scenario we have all had, nothing weird at all. She left afterwards in a bit of a hurry and said she just had to go to her friends, but could come back later if I wanted - I was tired, so said no. She then messaged me saying that she had fun and I would definitely see her again, possibly later that week.

Never heard back from her, never messaged her again until about a week and half later when she messaged me asking if I wanted to get together again. I said sure, just let me know. She then asked if this time we can do things more "safe" because she felt "'weird" the last time. She kept typing about how she was freaked out, going on and on. I kept silent, just reading what she was texting. She then goes on to say that she is "sick" and feels weird, and went to see a doctor, and then says "I'm not trying to make you think anything, but I'm sick". So I want to use a cover for everything, I've never not done anything without protection. I ask "so you never even have given a bj without a condom" she goes "well no, but those are with boyfriends so I trust them". I go ok, well I am sure I have nothing. She says "well to be safe, you should see a doctor too". I say "ok, so what symptoms do you have?"

she FREAKS out. says "why would you ask that? that means you DID give me something and you are hiding it!". "its a criminal offense to do that. If you have papers showing that you have an uncureable disease and you had sex with someone, you can go to jail". This goes on for a while - just hammering away at me. Then she goes "wtf, why are we even talking about this? I just said I have a cold and am sick, why did you jump to this conclusion". all of a sudden she turns nice.

I just kept silent and then said "ok, well so lets meet whenever you feel better". She goes "brb, on the phone".

Never talk to her again - she didn't message me for two days, so I delete her off my BBM because I was so turned off, and didn't want to see her again.

Two days later I get a huge BBM from her (apparantly you can't block people on BBM, just delete them). She says that she has a friend and her brother who are both cops and she is going to go to them, saying that "everything we have done is illegal and I have been saving the convos from day one. You better get a good lawyer!"

I add her back to BBM, make up an excuse to say that I just deleted my contacts by accident, my Blackberry is messing up. She goes "you must be hiding something! I thought you were a good guy, but since you deleted me, you are hiding something, that's not cool"

I politely said "no, i'm not hiding anything, and don't know what you're talking about, i thought when we met it was nice, and was looking forward to seeing you again, the same way you said you were going to see me soon too"

she just wrote back "hmm.. hmmm." . That's where it stands.

I am really shaken up - I don't even know what to do, but I am going to get some legal advice on this, but to me it seems like a stretch - but I guess in this day and age, anyone can claim something and make life hell for the other party.

I have bits and pieces of our convo, and if she truly did save the full convo, there is nothing in there that directly says "i am paying you $ for x, y and z", and even if we did, she agreed to it, and was happy with the decision, and also went out of her way to contact me again asking for it (she messaged me the second time for a second meeting because she said she has "rent due"). So clearly, she is initiating. I didn't agree to the second time at all because she went on her big speech about being sick.

What do I do? One things for sure, staying away from being a "sugar daddy". Never again. One night stands appear to be off the table too, as a girl seems to be able to claim anything (i.e. that guy gave me a disease) even if its not true. This girl doesn't even know if she has an STD, says she is just sick, then just jumps from point A to Z and wants to go to the police??

P.S. she doesn't have my address because we met away from it and walked to my condo using some back entrance/alleyways, and she doesn't know her way around. But she does have my BBM - I agree that this, if enough evidence is there, could be used to retrieve my phone # if the police were to call up the carrier, though it may take a bit for the police to get a warrant to go to Rogers - I know Rogers wont just randomly give up a phone #/customer info without a warrant.

Luckily this girl doesn't know much about me - thank god I didn't book the flight for her girlfriend using my credit card, as she had originally asked me to do when we met up!


New member
Mar 28, 2004
A. I'm not a lawyer so my opinions may not be what you're looking for.

B. If (and that is a HUGE if) she actually goes to the police, and if as you say there is no smoking gun that says you communicated to her using public means to procure sex, then there is absolutely nothing to be worried about. Nothing!! If she actually does go to the police, they would look over her "evidence" and, assuming they don't charge her for solicitation, would make a judgement call on whether or not they could convict you. If the electronic evidence doesn't offer any rock solid proof, they wouldn't waste their time on you. If they did, worst you would get is John School.

C. Sex for money is not illegal in Canada, and as described, assuming it was truly mutual and her BBMs demonstrate her willingngess, you have zero to stress about. The police investigate sex slavery and underage escorts. Not gold-diggers who have a change of heart and try to scare their sugar daddy.

D. Don't let this put you off. Good grief it seems like you are very much scared of authority. Relax. Go back on the site, play it safe in terms of not sending emails that are direct solicitation, and get back on the horse. There are MUCH more important things going on in Toronto for the cops to worry about, than a little girl not being happy with her sugar daddy setup.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Girls are emotional and strange. A shocking discovery.

Well, you seem to have found a SB who is either trying to blackmail you looking for a payout (I go to cops unless you pay me) or is a possessive g/f type who is treating her SD as if he was her b/f (Delete me? Me?! No one deletes me a**hole!...btw, do you want to get together?). I wouldn't assume she doesn't know where you live just because you brought her in the back door of your building.

Every newbie to hobbying thinks he must have caught some terrible disease after his first encounter, but most likely not. First time I saw an SP I went and got an AIDS blood test (negative of course). She could just be going through paid sex panic attack, which goes away in time as the whole thing becomes normal to her.


Mar 29, 2002
A. I'm not a lawyer so my opinions may not be what you're looking for.

B. If (and that is a HUGE if) she actually goes to the police, and if as you say there is no smoking gun that says you communicated to her using public means to procure sex, then there is absolutely nothing to be worried about. Nothing!! If she actually does go to the police, they would look over her "evidence" and, assuming they don't charge her for solicitation, would make a judgement call on whether or not they could convict you. If the electronic evidence doesn't offer any rock solid proof, they wouldn't waste their time on you. If they did, worst you would get is John School.

C. Sex for money is not illegal in Canada, and as described, assuming it was truly mutual and her BBMs demonstrate her willingngess, you have zero to stress about. The police investigate sex slavery and underage escorts. Not gold-diggers who have a change of heart and try to scare their sugar daddy.

D. Don't let this put you off. Good grief it seems like you are very much scared of authority. Relax. Go back on the site, play it safe in terms of not sending emails that are direct solicitation, and get back on the horse. There are MUCH more important things going on in Toronto for the cops to worry about, than a little girl not being happy with her sugar daddy setup.
I agree on if there is evidence showing that she was willing - which is evident throughout the BBM's. On the BBM portion where she mentions she is sick she said something to the effect of "I am not mad, and I know that everything that happened was my decision and it's something I will have to deal with if I actually have something, but I hope that you really didn't give me anything" etc.. something to that effect... showing that she knows that it was her decision.

The whole thing just freaked me out - any time you hear a girl saying the words cops, police and lawyer/pressing charges etc, it gives you the shivers!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You have done no wrong. Cut her off, ignore all future messages and relax. Count yourself lucky that you had not more than a meeting in a public place. Imagine the accusations she could have put on you if you went further.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
It reads like you got SCAMMED

Just erase her bbm number and avoid all contact.

All bbm are archived anyways. And, I'm sure she's banged a bunch of different guys, so any medical test will be inconclusive.
Jun 11, 2007
Call her bluff. Tell her to call the cops. Don't let her push you around.


Mar 29, 2002
Call her bluff. Tell her to call the cops. Don't let her push you around.
i am just keeping silent. I am afraid to delete her from BBM because that seems to aggravate her. She is now on my BBM, but if she messages me again, I won't respond. I'm very scared of this all still!

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
You have done no wrong. Cut her off, ignore all future messages and relax. Count yourself lucky that you had not more than a meeting in a public place. Imagine the accusations she could have put on you if you went further.

He appears to have done a lot more than just meet in a public place:

One day she messages "do you still want to meet and do that thing we discussed", I said yes, we agreed on a $ amount (she needed to buy a plane ticket for her friend). We met nearby my place (she claims to get lost easily so just met by a subway stop) and walked to my place. At my place, we just chatted, I had the money sitting on the table and said "that's for you". Things just generally proceeded, as you'd expect, a typical scenario we have all had, nothing weird at all. She left afterwards in a bit of a hurry and said she just had to go to her friends, but could come back later if I wanted - I was tired, so said no. She then messaged me saying that she had fun and I would definitely see her again, possibly later that week.

Never heard back from her, never messaged her again until about a week and half later when she messaged me asking if I wanted to get together again. I said sure, just let me know. She then asked if this time we can do things more "safe" because she felt "'weird" the last time.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Either she is shaking you down, or she is extremely unstable emotionally, or both. You don't want anything to do with her, whichever it is. Don't see her again. You've done nothing wrong (you are in Canada, right?). You don't need a lawyer. If she messages you again, tell her you are going to the police on the advise of your lawyer. Then ignore her. Don't message her. Don't buzz her up to talk if she finds your condo.

What's the deal with her friend? You bought her a ticket? wtf? Who goes to meet a strange man in a strange city with her friend? That part sounds very sketchy. She isn't 16 years old, is she? Because if she is, you ARE in trouble.

And don't let her put you off the whole sugar daddy thing. It sounds like you have money and depending on what you are looking for, there is no reason you can't find it that way. Just be careful who you are hooking up with. And don't go with minors.


Mar 29, 2002
Fruity Hare has highlighted some of my concerns. We met over the internet, and then met in public (basically a block away from my condo). Once we got inside my condo, I told her "there is the money" and then one thing led to another. I never said "here is the money, now where is my sex?" (but even if I did say that, I somehow thing that this would be 'legal' as it was not in a public place).

The other "public" place was via e-mail, when I asked her if she wanted a sugar daddy (but didn't mention sex at all). Actually, in all the conversations we have had - we never mentioned the word sex or any of its slang or derivative terms.

But the question remains: can she nab me on prostitution and/or giving her a potential STD? (Again, as far as I know, I am clean)


Mar 29, 2002
Either she is shaking you down, or she is extremely unstable emotionally, or both. You don't want anything to do with her, whichever it is. Don't see her again. You've done nothing wrong (you are in Canada, right?). You don't need a lawyer. If she messages you again, tell her you are going to the police on the advise of your lawyer. Then ignore her. Don't message her. Don't buzz her up to talk if she finds your condo.

What's the deal with her friend? You bought her a ticket? wtf? Who goes to meet a strange man in a strange city with her friend? That part sounds very sketchy. She isn't 16 years old, is she? Because if she is, you ARE in trouble.

And don't let her put you off the whole sugar daddy thing. It sounds like you have money and depending on what you are looking for, there is no reason you can't find it that way. Just be careful who you are hooking up with. And don't go with minors.
she is 19 (and verified, unless she faked a drivers license) but also works as a bartender so assuming she is of age. No, she lives in Toronto (like me), but has a friend in vancouver who she wanted to buy a plane ticket for. That's what she did with the money she received when we met. That was why she met me on that night - to buy a ticket for her friend so she could come spend the weekend with her.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
According to my Dr. it takes at least 3 weeks for any symptoms to appear if indeed she did get an, IF she has one which I doubt very highly, it cannot have come from you. You should go get yourself checked though, if you had unprotected sex with a complete stranger you put yourself at risk.
That being said, I seriously doubt you have anything to worry about. She sounds like a nut job and probably went through the "OMG I just had sex with a stranger for money,,,,I am such a Ho" guilt trip on herself. Relax and ignore her. She will move on to some other guy in no time.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
But the question remains: can she nab me on prostitution and/or giving her a potential STD? (Again, as far as I know, I am clean)
I am not a lawyer. But I have been around here long enough, participating in discussions on the legalities of all this. IMHO, you are making a mountain out of what amounts to an unpleasant experience. The answer to your questions above are "no" and "no". But if it will make you feel better, go see a lawyer.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
i am just keeping silent. I am afraid to delete her from BBM because that seems to aggravate her. She is now on my BBM, but if she messages me again, I won't respond. I'm very scared of this all still!
Delete her bbm (the odds are she'll lose your number, BB's directories fail all the time)

Stop being naive! She figured you out for a sucker, by talking to you, meeting you and sleeping with you.

She has no case, she's probably scamming a few more suckers -- time to grow a pair dude.


Jan 31, 2005
Nothing illegal. A dating website doesn't cut it as a "public place" there is no public communication or solicitation here. Don't communicate with her any further.

Just to cover your ass you should go and get tested. Sounds like she might have something that she could have given you.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
1. Lady Ty is right, you had a girl do a woman's job.

2. It will eventually come down to signed contracts witnessed by both parties counsel and notarized by a JoP before anyone can engage in fornication without fear of reprisal!

3. AFX inuendo and rumours can destroy a future. If I were in this situation, here's what I would do:
A. Contact my counsel, explain the scenario, provide the BB information, emails.
B. Hire a P.I. to see if there are others being scammed too.
C. Have my counsel send her a letter to stop the harrassment.
D. Make a police occurance report, yes they'll snicker, say sucker, but it's on file that you came forward to deal with the
situation as she is stalking you.
E. Go to your physician, get the battery of tests done for nothing else than your own peace of mind.

Get out in front of her bullshit and set the record straight. You wanted a no strings fling that you were paying the bills
for, not a nutcase.

Oh ya, similar scenarios, I've found myself in twice. Yes, I took my own advice and got out in-front of it. I'm still here because I didn't take the bullshit that some spew.

Good luck!


New member
Apr 21, 2005
She says that she has a friend and her brother who are both cops and she is going to go to them, saying that "everything we have done is illegal and I have been saving the convos from day one
"Does your brother know that you're a whore, dear?" ;)


New member
Apr 21, 2005
She sounds bi-polar...I have a few ex's who have this condition...if not then she's close to it. The best thing you can do is just remain silent and soon enough new drama in her life will take over and she will forget you...just hang in their friend, and stay strong.

Borderline. She totally sounds like a borderline.
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