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Have you ever made love to a woman in deep sleep?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Just for your info... those incidents were not the first time I made out with them. We had been fkn for more than a yr with both when those incidents took place, and this recent one, I even told my GF jokingly the night before not to be surprised if you had a dream a snake crawled into the bed. Just a fantasy for me.
If she were to lodge a formal complaint, you're fucked cuz you have no defence (there clearly was no consent).

Just so you know, a wife can still be raped by her husband because sex still needs to be consensual even for couples in relationships.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
as a guy you enjoy it.. you wake up .. if you dont like it you are able to say wtf?
if you are passed out and she did it and you had no say .. then of course its rape as well..
the whole thing is creepy and wrong . I hope she cuts his nuts off while he is in a deep sleep.. its not criminal if he don't complian right?
In this case, the guy will probably complain! ;)


Jan 4, 2009
I cringed when I first saw the title of this thread but I'd have to say the OP is taking an unwarranted beating here. If the women that he has done this with are ok with it then it's not rape as far as I'm concerned. If they gave their previous consent to him doing this and then were not creeped out by him afterwards than I would say their post encounter behaviour would show that they were not raped. Unfortunately because of some of the abuse that men have done to women I find there are some women who are for lack of a better term "hypersensitive" to rape. Even though I'm a male I'd like to think I would know if I was raped or not and I think the OP's ladies would know as well.

Advice to the OP would be you better step lightly if you want to do this with different women in the future or you could find yourself in a whole heap of shit
Thanks for the advice. No need to worry about doing this with different women. It never cross my mind that way with strangers. I always treat women better than myself. While I was hobbying in MPs, most of the MPAs saw me as a strange person cuz I never touch them or grope them, I just told them I came here to relax,chit chat, have a little excitement and a happy ending. I recalled a few occasions where some of them had to grab my hands and put them on their breasts. On one occasion, one well known prostate specialist mpa who always seek advices from me and doing very well in life now took me to a cottage for the week end. We cuddled in same bed but i didn't do her cuz she was too young for me and of different races didn't look appropiate to date her. I was looking for a long term companionship FM at that time to go golf vacation trips and so on. I know where to draw my line.
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New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Ok there are lots of grey between the black and white.

When I was in university I was fortunate enough to go out with a red headed girl from Sarnia who just couln't get enough sex. I mean that was all she wanted to do.....2 , 3 times a night. Good thing I was only 19. One night it was hot outside we somehow skipped the usual workout. Anyway I woke up at 4 am, went and had a piss, came back to bed. When I got back and started to get into bed I noticed that she had shifted onto her back and had spread her legs. Man she looked good.

I crawled up from the bottom of the bed and was able to position myself on all fours over her, without waking her up. I wasn't touching her but I was able to lower my head and flick my tongue over her clit. I did this for about 2 minutes before she started getting restless in her sleep. A little moaning. She sort of woke up gradually and just kept getting wetter and wetter until she was fully awake pulling the back of my head into her and cumming like crazy.

In short she loved it and returned the favour about a week later, although truth be told I woke up immediately but didn't let on in case she'd stop. This became a bit of a game between us.

Looking back we had not discussed this beforehand and oral isn't that much different in the eyes of the law than intercourse. Neither of us felt the slightest bit like criminals- then or now. There is a tacit understanding of limits between lovers. I never would have tried to penetrate her anally because I knew she wasn't into that. That would have been rape in my eyes. But I knew she loved oral. She said later it was her absolute favourite way of waking up and she would remember it always.

Let's not all go jumpingto conclusions here. You have 5% of the facts. If the original story had been about her blowing him in his sleep how many of you would be calling for her beheading?


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Thanks for the advice. No need to worry about doing this with different women. It never cross my mind that way with strangers. I always treat women better than myself. While I was hobbying in MPs, most of the MPAs saw me as a strange person cuz I never touch them or grope them, I just told them I came here to relax,chit chat, have a little excitement and a happy ending. I recalled a few occasions where some of them had to grab my hands and put them on their breasts.
I do believe Sir you are trying to back peddle cuz you have not recieved the replys you were hoping for..


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Well by the same logic, you could be seen to be not accepting of him telling the truth that it was consensual, because your feelings of the matter are now not relevant in light of his response.

I agree 100% that if it was not consensual, then it was sexual assault. But if it was consensual, then who is anyone to pass judgement on their harmless sex game?
I am thinking if it was consensual then he would have said so from the start...


New member
Dec 21, 2010
Wow, I'm amazed how these arguments can get so polarized and entrenched in their positions that there seems to be little room for common sense. I might be a little naive here but if I'm in bed beside a sleeping women, it is not because I crawled in through an open window and hopped in to bed with a total stranger nor does it mean that plied a stranger with drugs or booze such that the woman beside me is in a coma. [No offense to those with strange hobbies].

The woman beside me is my lover and chances are good that we did the deed before we went to sleep. So I'm sleeping in the nude and while spooning her get a little excited, if I start rubbing my dick against her pussy - she hasn't consented and I'm committing rape ??? I've done this many times with lovers and generally she wakes up slowly after letting the action start to get more passionate. I might get a nudge back to wait until later but never does she pick up the phone and dial 911.

So I guess the next time I should shake her awake and ask 'hey, are you in the mood ?' Or if she's cooking, I should come up behind her gently refraining from any sexual contact and ask her ' please sign this consent form so that I can try to sexually embrace you'.

For any body that immediately thinks of rape, I'm guessing that your bed is empty every night. At least that is the only way I could see your perspective.


Apr 7, 2005
If you do not give a woman a chance to say "no" then it is sexual assualt.

There is no grey area. You are guilty and a rapist.

Now if the woman has consented to this act then it's two consenting adults performing a sexual act.

But why would you do it? What proof would you have if she changed her mind?

As far as the police and courts are concerned "no" means "no".

The argument "well she was into it at the time" does not apply and to think otherwise makes you a complete idiot who deserves to go to prison for nothing else than not understanding women and being a complete moron.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Just out of curiousty...any of you guys ever made love to a woman (wife or GF) in deep sleep? I had done that twice. Once to a sleeping drunk ex-girlfriend 3 yrs ago and once to my sleeping girl friend last night. To my surprise they both didn't have a clue what had happened. BTW just FYI..mine is above average you know..LOL.

he didn't say it was or wasn't, he said they didn't believe him and they were okay with it.
where in the very first post does it say anywhere that they new and were ok with it..
it does say however they both did not have a clue. would have been the perfect time to say they were both ok with it after I told them.. right from the start.. not half way thru after everyone has said that he was wrong


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
If you do not give a woman a chance to say "no" then it is sexual assualt.

There is no grey area. You are guilty and a rapist.

Now if the woman has consented to this act then it's two consenting adults performing a sexual act.

But why would you do it? What proof would you have if she changed her mind?

As far as the police and courts are concerned "no" means "no".

The argument "well she was into it at the time" does not apply and to think otherwise makes you a complete idiot who deserves to go to prison for nothing else than not understanding women and being a complete moron.
so if you don't ask your wife if you can give her a playful pat on the bum first you are sexually harassing and groping her and can also be brought up on charges. yes i agree if a woman says no you have no choice but to stop. that being said do you have to ask permission before everything.


Feb 12, 2003
Wow, I'm amazed how these arguments can get so polarized and entrenched in their positions that there seems to be little room for common sense. I might be a little naive here but if I'm in bed beside a sleeping women, it is not because I crawled in through an open window and hopped in to bed with a total stranger nor does it mean that plied a stranger with drugs or booze such that the woman beside me is in a coma. [No offense to those with strange hobbies].

The woman beside me is my lover and chances are good that we did the deed before we went to sleep. So I'm sleeping in the nude and while spooning her get a little excited, if I start rubbing my dick against her pussy - she hasn't consented and I'm committing rape ??? I've done this many times with lovers and generally she wakes up slowly after letting the action start to get more passionate. I might get a nudge back to wait until later but never does she pick up the phone and dial 911.

So I guess the next time I should shake her awake and ask 'hey, are you in the mood ?' Or if she's cooking, I should come up behind her gently refraining from any sexual contact and ask her ' please sign this consent form so that I can try to sexually embrace you'.

For any body that immediately thinks of rape, I'm guessing that your bed is empty every night. At least that is the only way I could see your perspective.
Like I said in an earlier post, there are some women who likely because of past shitty things happening to them are hypersensitive to even the idea of rape. It doesn't seem very far fetched that if one of these women told a girlfriend about how this guy did this to her when she was drunk and/or asleep that her girlfriend might try to convince her she was raped. I go by the "eyeball" test here. If the women are ok with it than there was 2 consenting adults and therefore no rape.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Like I said in an earlier post, there are some women who likely because of past shitty things happening to them are hypersensitive to even the idea of rape. It doesn't seem very far fetched that if one of these women told a girlfriend about how this guy did this to her when she was drunk and/or asleep that her girlfriend might try to convince her she was raped. I go by the "eyeball" test here. If the women are ok with it than there was 2 consenting adults and therefore no rape.
well there should be a chance for her to say no. I do not want you raping me in my sleep..


Apr 7, 2005
so if you don't ask your wife if you can give her a playful pat on the bum first you are sexually harassing and groping her and can also be brought up on charges. yes i agree if a woman says no you have no choice but to stop. that being said do you have to ask permission before everything.

Many men abuse and rape their wives against their will.

I am not discussing a "pat on the bum" I am discussing the criminal act of sexual assualt.

To think that is not happening is rather ignorant.

Remember that sexual assault is about power not about the actual act.
It has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with controlling another human being in the most controlling way possible.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009

where in the very first post does it say anywhere that they new and were ok with it..
it does say however they both did not have a clue. would have been the perfect time to say they were both ok with it after I told them.. right from the start.. not half way thru after everyone has said that he was wrong
not really sure what you are trying to say here. the fact they didn't slap him and break up with him said they are okay with it, the fact the new girl has asked him to do it again said they are okay with it. there is a huge difference between rape and being with someone that is in bed with you by choice. i can't tell you how many times either myself or an ex has tried to wake someone up with kisses and touching or how many have faked being asleep to see how far they would go to wake you up. the fact they didn't wake up says he is lying about being average size.

regardless if the other party (male or female) wakes up says stop you have to stop because it is rape.


Apr 7, 2005
If the women are ok with it than there was 2 consenting adults and therefore no rape.
And if she changes her mind the day after what exactly do you tell the detective who comes to interview you.
In a he said/she said argument the male will lose 99 times out of 100.
Please try to be realistic.
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