Jury Convicts Ottawa Call Girl of Defrauding Disabled Man of More Than $800,000


Jul 31, 2008
I was once taken for $80 (the price of one session back then) by an SP, saying she needed a favour from me, and that she needed a bit of money ahead for a move. She said she'd give me a session later for free. She never took my phone call afterwards, and I never saw her ever again. Pissed me off, but I learned from it.

I had a friend who used to go to the strip clubs and spend money like water. The girls saw him coming and would come flock around him. He was seen as an easy mark. I wonder if Macklem was a similar type of character?


Oct 11, 2008
Not much to wonder about there - the guy is severely disabled and had escorts turning him down because they were uncomfortable with a disabled client. I remember when I first started doing this, one time I got stood up and the first thing that rang through my head was, "WTF, I can't even pay to get laid?!" But that was just a fleeting thought I had out of disappointment. So imagine never having had a girlfriend before (not 100% sure, but likely here), and you offer money to girls where they tell you straight up, no thanks. Gotta fuck with your head. This girl comes along and is ok with it, and then leads him on to believe she really likes him.

Ain't hard to see how he would fall for this - sensible, intelligent people still get conned regularly - but at a certain point you gotta wise up and realize something funky is going on. Remortgaging your home to send tens of thousands of dollars to the Dominican or wherever not once, but multiple times? C'mon...

I think we all get suckered doing this in one way or another. Like when a girl is urging you to fuck her faster and moaning obscenities, it's not always because she's close to climax, she's really encouraging you to hurry the fuck up and blow your load. Works like a charm though and we ignore it because it's ok for the moment (unless it's really obvious). Some guys are pretty lonely though and if a girl is a predator like that, she'll sniff them out and start sucking them dry until the guy catches on. This dude never did until everything was gone and even after that she took it a step further and destroyed him emotionally. Killed in a car accident at xmas thinking she was carrying his baby? Wow. The one thing I do admire about this guy is that he didn't roll himself into moving traffic, and then put himself out there for embarrassment in order to pursue a conviction. That takes balls.

Poor guy will probably never trust a woman in his life again though.


Jul 31, 2008
Well put o-dog. Its really sad what happened. I just hope history doesn't repeat itself and people wise up.
The old saying is that there is a sucker born every minute. I expect new suckers to be born, as well as new con artists.
o-dog you are probably very right on that comment that he will never trust a woman again.....the reality is he did what he did in goodness ....kudo's for him...his kindness will be repaid with good karma....on another note the lovely mrs. con....well her karma which will come back to her will not be so good...look at what is happening to her now.....what goes around comes around....so be kind to others :)

Diver Down

Oct 13, 2001
IMHO the whole "he paid her as an escort" just sensationalizes it and muddies the water. Truth is she conned him into investing in a "resort" that didn't exist - his reason for doing so (love) - is not important. If it was a smooth talking salesman that got him to invest and ran off with the money - and faked his death - there wouldn't even be a question. Good job to the jury for seeing through to the meat of the issue.

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Who is "HIS death" refering to?
I think it was an error… “SHE” had faked her death. She (or they) had her sister email him and tell him that she had been killed in a car accident...

“Macklem described the emotional fallout from the Christmas Day e-mail that announced Johnson’s death. He held plane tickets at the time for a trip to the Dominican where he was to meet Johnson’s family, announce their engagement and tour their vacation properties.

“Well, my whole world fell apart,” he said. “That e-mail said she was dead. My future was gone and my investments were at risk because the investments were in her father’s name ... I proverbially lost it.”

Court heard that on Christmas Eve, 2006, Macklem wrote to Johnson. The e-mail was read in court:

“Merry Christmas Sweetheart. A note to let you know on this special day how much I love and appreciate you. Finding you has been the best thing that ever happened to me and I feel so blessed ... Your complete happiness will always be my goal and I hope to have many years to achieve it. I look forward to meeting your family, and if you wish, building our own family. You are my soulmate who means everything to me. Love, Doug.”

The next morning, Macklem was informed of Johnson’s death in an e-mail purportedly sent by her sister, Kaitlyn. Macklem remained in e-mail contact with Kaitlyn for the next four months”

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Mar 14, 2004
I didn't like that big wolf tattoo she had and I think her tits had been altered too. She'll be a hit in the jail block.


New member
Mar 27, 2004
I didn't like that big wolf tattoo she had and I think her tits had been altered too. She'll be a hit in the jail block.
Yes , they were altered , but they got his attention as well as mine . It was her mesmerizing eyes that probably got him too . Forgot about that tat . Yeah , U R right . She'll get lots of TLC in the cell block . Then she'll have 2 kiss , like it or not ..lol
I hope the Judge gives her the max sentence . Is it 10 yrs ? Hope so . Really feel sorry for that poor bastard , Macklin . Didn't deserve that treatment . Good 4 him taking it so far in the legal system and bringing sluts like ' Nicole ' to justice !


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
I can identify 100% with Mr. Macklem because I've been embroiled in a very similar situation myself during the last year. The feelings (albeit perhaps more infatuation than true love) can become exceedingly intense. However, at the end of the day I concluded that the lady's clients were getting a much better financial "deal" than I was. I spent a shade over $60,000 paying off her debts, rent, apartment furnishings, car insurance, cosmetic surgery, and the like. She ploughed through money as if there were no tomorrow and she was (or seemed to be) perpetually in debt. I was always told that I was "special" and the word "love" was uttered frequently. I was also told that all of the "other guys" were "just clients", and perhaps they were. But then I finally discovered I was not the only "special" one, and undoubtedly not the most special of all. I always knew deep down that I was walking the plank. Mercifully, the end came suddenly and unexpectedly when I discovered that the lady had made plans behind my back to go away for a few days with an American Internet contact. I wouldn't do it again (or would I??) but it was the experience of a lifetime in one sense and it's difficult to put a cash value on that. I could have bought two of my teenage dream cars (Mercedes 190SL) instead but I probably wouldn't have had so much fun. In the end, it was the barrage of lies and deception that I couldn't take any more and there was always more mental pain than physical pleasure. If anyone is interested in this topic I refer you to the following most informative thread in which I saw myself time and time and time again.

I'm not bitter because I think I made a positive difference in someone's life and Karma has always been kind to me in the past.


Posts 21, 151 and 152 in the above thread summarize my situation to a tee:

Post 21: "Be very, very careful. A prostitute is not necessarily a bad person, and there are obviously prostitutes who marry after leaving their profession. But remember, prostitutes are professionals in dealing with men. They know how to please, it's their job. You only get to see the facade, the great sex, the great service, the comments and gestures that are meant to make a man happy and hopefully make him come back again. A steady existing customer is a very good source of income for a prostitute, much better than trying to find new ones.
Don't believe all the things she tells you. Prostitution is a profession that can bring out the hardest, most ruthless side of a woman. She knows how to play men, she knows how to manipulate them, she knows how to lie to them. She has already developed the habit of seeing men as an opportunity for cash. Not as people, but as "customers". That is a habit that is hard to break. And just in case, don't ever get any illusions that you might be "saving" this girl. It's easy to feel sorry for them (in certain countries they make a habit of cultivating your pity), but that is the worst basis for any kind of relationship. Also remember that there may be other men who she is cultivating as customers. It's quite possible that she'll see them again from time to time, even after she's quit the business. It's sad but true that prostitution can ruin women for a "normal" life.
Again, be very, very careful. I know, I learnt the hard way."

Post 151: "Yep. i'm in this situation. she is a normal woman with the same needs to be loved like anyone else. the problem is the job. she has sex with other men on the job and this is a problem. because she is too tired for me a lot of the time so when we are together in bed at night i can feel her sexual exhaustion and it really pisses me off. to make matters worse she also has friendships with some of her clients so she clearly likes them too. she also enjoys the sex at work. so after just 2 months i've decided i was better off as her client and not her boyfriend. i felt her clients were getting a better deal than me as far as sex was concerned. so i am going to try a mix of customer and friendship. cant expect anymore. she really needs this job. i fully understand that. we still get together outside often and she still wants to sleep with me outside the customer relationship. just when she isn't too tired from the job. i kinda wonder why she likes me sometimes. think its just because i genuinely love her and we all need love."

Post 152: "Wow, I am glad i'm not the only old fool in the country. I am a 60 year old, clearly traumatized by the fact that i'm veering towards old age. I met a 21 year old beauty about a year ago who i pay for sex. She is a university student and she has only one other client who is very wealthy and pays for her lifestyle. She doesn't care for him at all but feels obligated contractually to see him for a couple of hours once a week. When we are together once every two weeks she always spends 6-10 hours with me and we get along very well. She sees me as someone she can be very honest with because certainly no one else knows about her lifestyle. Because i am emotionally vulnerable i have become fairly obsessed with her. As much as i enjoy her it really is more pain than pleasure because i think about her so much when we're not together. I am really trying to keep it in perspective and i think i am making some progress but this is powerful stuff for an old guy. Probably i should just break it off and get on with coming to terms with my age. However, i get a lot of good from this relationship and it is hard to stop. I know it will end on its own soon enough so i am just trying to enjoy what i have and keep some perspective on it. This is like playing with fire. It can bring great warmth, comfort and pleasure, but can also burn you badly if you're not careful. Just writing this post has been therapeutic. I am glad i found you folks. I am in good company."
Jul 28, 2006
Tip, thanks for sharing and putting yourself out there like that for us to all witness and learn from it's not easy to come forward and admit that you've been taken. You will be rewarded for your good karma. I took the liberty of emailing the news article with not so favorable results of Chez Nicole to a few "retired" once popular providers who were also active on these boards and pulling the same sort of shit, just on a lesser scale. I won't name names, they know who they are. I too was taken by one not to the same extent as Tip or Doug, and of her "victims" or "marks" i was lost the least, and as TIP says, I had fun along the way. Maybe Chez Nicole's experience and ultimate fate will put these other grifters on guard and realize you can't get away with this shit, not without getting bit in the ass!

Thanks again TIP for your insight.


Dec 12, 2010
Wow Tip-Drill really feel bad for you. Human beings are after all social beings and require someone to be around. Being loved by some one (parents, daughter, wife, friends, etc..) is a requirement for a healthy mind and body. Don't believe me read the journals published by Psychologists/Psychiatrists. No matter how much one denies it one does need a partner. I see the rule of universe of two, everything is divided in two, ONE alone cannot stand. At least thats my understanding so far.

You realized and backed off and thats important. Best Wishes for you Tip. Take care.


I can see how someone could get caught up in things like this. I have also done similar but to a lesser extent money-wise than even TD. Still, the thrill of the moment(s) made it so it wasn't all that bad in the end. The poor guy in the court case wasn't so lucky. Even tho TD put out a sizeable sum he too seems to be ok after all is said and done. So if you go into such a relationship prepared to pay for the fun with low expectations for long term gain you will be better off.

I think for anyone to successfully enter a relationship with a SP they need to do so with open eyes and mostly closed wallet until they have a few years to be sure she is not getting over on them. Even then it would pay to remain cautious. Glad you had enough sense to realize the risks as you went along TD. Poor Macklem went all in and paid for it dearly.


Oct 11, 2008
You know, sometimes you can't even fault the girls for taking advantage or whatever you want to call it. If you spend months or years doing this type of work, and start at a young age like 18 or 19 with very little real life experience, it's hard not to develop a sense of entitlement when you have a lot of older, 'wiser' guys with money treating them like princesses. Beautiful girls in general have their asses kissed by men at all times every day of the week, imagine getting paid large sums of money for a few hours of your time, and the guys still follow them around like lost puppy dogs. That has to distort your sense of reality and/or morality. And as a whole you gotta admit, we're pretty fucking stupid when it comes to girls, especially when they're young and hot. Everybody is a product of their environment - so some girls end up simply putting on the charm for extra $, some take it too far and are manipulative.

I lose my bearings at times, but I've manged to keep my wallet out of it fortunately.


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
You know, sometimes you can't even fault the girls for taking advantage or whatever you want to call it. If you spend months or years doing this type of work, and start at a young age like 18 or 19 with very little real life experience, it's hard not to develop a sense of entitlement when you have a lot of older, 'wiser' guys with money treating them like princesses. Beautiful girls in general have their asses kissed by men at all times every day of the week, imagine getting paid large sums of money for a few hours of your time, and the guys still follow them around like lost puppy dogs. That has to distort your sense of reality and/or morality. And as a whole you gotta admit, we're pretty fucking stupid when it comes to girls, especially when they're young and hot. Everybody is a product of their environment - so some girls end up simply putting on the charm for extra $, some take it too far and are manipulative.

I lose my bearings at times, but I've manged to keep my wallet out of it fortunately.
it seems to me that o-dog has been very insightful in his comments lately. There is a fine line in perception, and while the particular case in this thread likely is one of deliberate mischief, other instances may be more slippery.
I, for one, thank you for your contribution, o-dog.


Dec 12, 2010
it seems to me that o-dog has been very insightful in his comments lately. There is a fine line in perception, and while the particular case in this thread likely is one of deliberate mischief, other instances may be more slippery.
I, for one, thank you for your contribution, o-dog.
No offense to anybody but I`ve met my share of SPs at the age of 19 and 20s...They were doing this business for nothing but money. They didn`t have any children to take care off, or significant other, or parents etc...Most of them had what I call a "Paris Hilton Syndrome" They just wanted to be cool, hip and popular among their friend circle (they didn`t tell their family and friends what they do) just because they couldn`t do it by being smart or getting through the grind most of the people go through in their daily life they thought spreading their legs is the best option to make the moolah. No disrespect to anybody but thats what they told me and thats what I am reporting. Anyway, its time for me to get a few drinks ;). I might log on back again if I am sober tonite lol. Otherwise there is always next time lol.


Oct 11, 2008
it seems to me that o-dog has been very insightful in his comments lately. There is a fine line in perception, and while the particular case in this thread likely is one of deliberate mischief, other instances may be more slippery.
I, for one, thank you for your contribution, o-dog.
Thanks toine. And thanks for adding what I forgot to say - that this Darquise Johnson went to the absolute extreme edge of the scale. Even the girls that are manipulative are tolerable as long as you see through it, this woman was a disaster.

Now can somebody start a new thread around here about somebody worth fucking! I'd do it myself, but I've been sick for a stretch and don't want to pass it on to you mopes ;)


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
I can identify 100% with Mr. Macklem because I've been embroiled in a very similar situation myself during the last year ......
Many thanks for the sympathetic and very useful responses. It bothered me no end that my lady could and would have sex with pretty well any complete stranger who responded to her advertisements, but that's the nature of this business of course. The mental pain and anguish of seeing a client leave her building a few minutes before I entered, or knowing that she was with a client, was soul destroying but I was hooked and I stayed in the game. Her final comments to me (by email) were exceedingly telling, although I must confess that she was very emotional at the time, i.e. "And you know what, everything and everyone are replaceable. If it's not you it will be someone else." My reply was short and to the point --- "Yes, that's very, very true!" However, this lady will always occupy a special place in my heart and I know the path ahead will not always be easy. Without a doubt, it's best to pay for sex if that's what you're looking for and to avoid at all costs getting emotionally attached. I was the Quarterback in the "Pain Bowl" for much too long but I was fortunate in getting out without serious injury (more or less) and fortunately I managed to avoid ending up in significant debt.

I believe that many of the problems encountered in this type of situation arise because the ladies and their clients often come from "different sides of the tracks" and I don't mean this in a disparaging or demeaning way because my lady was so utterly charming, well-spoken and courteous, although she did have a rather vindictive side when she was angry. Many of these ladies have experienced personal trauma and financial hardship well beyond what most of us can imagine and well beyond what most of us would be able to endure. I learned a great deal about these things during my "voyage" and I believe I am a better person because of it, and for that I am grateful.

But please be very, very careful out there. I was not properly prepared to play this dangerous game, and believe me it's a highly dangerous game!
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