I use those plastic bags for garbage bags, so now instead of using those bags I have to buy bags which are then going into the garbage anyways.
Give the people a choice I say. And quit it with militant environmentalism
Your're wisely exercising your choice to buy bags as you need them in bulk for far less than if you chose to buy them one-by-one at the cash. No problem.
And I who choose to put my purchases in my pinko-bike-riding backpack no longer am no longer forced to subsidize your—and everyone else's—'free' bags. If it was thanks to militant environmentalism that such hideous socialistic oppression was ended, more power to it.
TANSTAAFL. And as the concensus here suggests, Mayor Ford appears to be out to 'fix' a problem that isn't one. What's he gonna do, require stores to give away bags?
I think the lesson may be what you can blithely blue-sky about as a Councillor, you gotta stay zipped about as Mayor. People take Mayors seriously, expect them to be serious, and to have seriously considered what they propose.