I agree with Vulcan, San Jose in Costa Rica is almost too easy. Search for videos of Sportmens Lodge (SL) or Hotel Del Ray (HDR) on youtube to get the picture. Lots of great boutique hotels within safe walking distance of those two main hobby sites. Of course you can stay at either of the above mentioned places, if you can stand the noise of the banging and the click-clack of the high heels on tile floors of hallways and stairs at all hours of the night. I stayed at Hotel La Amistad where the food is fabulous, and it is located around the corner from one of the fab hobby spots (alas, not the 24/7 one).
CR also offers excellent normal reasons for travel - ecotourism, historical tourism, or fishing, volcano trekking, 4-wheeling, surfing to name a few diversions if you tire of the ticas.
PM if you need specifics.