Hamas will NEVER accept peace (for flub)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Figured with the number of times flub has talked Hamas wanting peace, I figured this deserved its own thread.

Hamas in their own words.

Hamas leader in Gaza vows group will never recognize Israel

At rally marking 23 years since founding of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh says 'Hamas will be the faithful guard of the Palestinian people's rights and the basic Palestinian principles.'

Hamas will never recognize Israel, Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh said Tuesday at a rally to mark the 23rd anniversary of the militant group's founding.

"We say it with confidence as we said it five years ago when we formed our government, and we say it today: We will never recognize Israel," Haniyeh told a crowd in Gaza City numbering tens of thousands.


Jun 6, 2009
Seems pretty clear to me but FB will do his best/worst and massage what he can from it. Go for it FB.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Seems pretty clear to me but FB will do his best/worst and massage what he can from it. Go for it FB.
LMAO. I thought you were talking about FaceBook instead of Flubby.

That would be an insult to call Flubby as FB/Facebook since 3 out 4 Facebook founders are Jewish and we all know Flubby does not consider Yahood like everybody else. :rolleyes:


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Not whole lot of surprise here, although given the season I can hope, others perhaps not so much


Jun 6, 2009
LMAO. I thought you were talking about FaceBook instead of Flubby.

That would be an insult to call Flubby as FB/Facebook since 3 out 4 Facebook founders are Jewish and we all know Flubby does not consider Yahood like everybody else. :rolleyes:
Well, then FD it is.


Aug 18, 2009
Oh how thoughtful of you, a thread just for me.

Hey Basketcase, put a link in when you quote. Otherwise I might think you're making things up like Fuji.
Here it is, in case anyone else wants to read it:

Two quite different takes.
From the Globe:
Two weeks ago, however, it appeared to be a somewhat different story. Then, Mr. Haniyeh told a group of reporters that Hamas would actually respect any peace deal reached between Israel and the Western-backed Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas, provided it is approved in a global Palestinian referendum.
But now since Israel killed any peace talks, that's off.

And also from the article:
Mr. Haniyeh also said on Dec. 1 that “we don’t have a problem with establishing a viable Palestinian state with full sovereignty on the land that was occupied in 1967.”
This goes along with their new plan and tactic of applying directly to the UN for an independant declaration of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, which might be a better alternative then the one state solution for all concerned. And since we've already had 3 south american states recognize this plan and now the EU seems to be going that way too:
A text, seen by The Daily Telegraph, warned of EU "readiness, when appropriate, to recognize a Palestinian state" increasing the international pressure on Israel following the effective collapse of direct Middle East peace talks last week.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, on Monday called "on the EU to take a step towards recognition of the state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders".

And more from the Globe article:
And while most Hamas leaders now say they do support the idea of establishing a viable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, along with a 10- or 20-year truce with Israel, they make it clear that such an arrangement would entail “no recognition of Israel and no concessions over any part of the land of Palestine.”

Mr. Haniyeh’s view of Palestine is that it extends “from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River,” he reassured his followers Tuesday.
Since Abbas has failed so miserably and is set to dismantle the P.A., Hamas may be left in the driver's seat. Their plan for recognition does not include recognizing Israel, but I'm sure the Israeli plan doesn't include recognizing Israel either. As long as the UN goes along and some semblance of a peaceful plan could happen it would be good.

Whether or not Israel would be willing to give back the land they stole, or be willing to let settlements fall under Palestinian rule remains to be seen. But if they don't and the international community backs this plan, their only other option would be the one state solution.


Jun 6, 2009

We find ourselves reading a report on a claim made in the last couple of days;



We take a report on some comments made some 2 weeks ago by these same leaders.

Of course you try to pad the coverage with comments and numerous small quote that are put down in a broken up style that is harder to follow along with side issues that may cloud the issue. Do you have to constantly break up your comments so much. What is it, can't you hold a thought for more than one sentence? Most of us can read paragraphs you know.We also know how you love to cherry pick comments hoping we let it ride.

Which side of their mouth are the leaders going comment from next week? Two weeks, ago we're in, this week we're out. No wonders things are swirling the bowl. It's a simple point.


Aug 18, 2009
LMAO!!! Well put.

Take a hint FD. What am I saying?
You are saying that Israel will never recognize Palestine.
That's the other view from the telescope, correct?

Here's a good take on the peace process so far from Al Jazeera:
Peace Process: The Movie

Consider the current script: The United States and Israel meet repeatedly to negotiate what Israel should or should not do with occupied Palestinian and Syrian territory. They discuss what should happen with Iran.

They discuss how tight the siege on Gaza should be (very tight) and how tight the siege on the Palestinian cities in the West Bank should be (less tight so people can notice a difference). And both caution Palestinians against pursuing any "unilateral" efforts such as attempting to challenge Israel’s violations of international law in legal forums, pursuing boycotts of Israeli settlement goods, demanding divestment from countries whose economic policies support the occupation, or engaging in non-violent (and very active) civil disobedience.

There is one thing however the Palestinians are told they can do – they can attend negotiations when the cameras are rolling in front of the world’s best hotels.

Most Palestinians obviously have rejected being limited to such a small role in a play that is, after all, about Palestinian freedom. Palestinian civil society is actively engaged around the world in the BDS movement (boycott, divestment, and sanctions).

Palestinians and justice activists around the world have challenged the siege on the Gaza Strip on land and by sea and some have given their lives to do so. Even while Palestinian firemen were helping Israel put out the tragic fire in the Carmel Mountains, Israeli soldiers were attacking non-violent demonstrators in the West Bank. Israelis who might be implicated in alleged war crimes now check with their lawyers before leaving the country.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Flashback to the 60's and 70' and this is exactly the same kind of rhetoric Israel's current buddy Fatah use to espouse. Of course Hamas didnt have the west suburbs of Beirut to run as their own fiefdom, who wanted to go back to their dad's village in Palestine when you are busy controlling rackets and screwing hot Lebanese babes? Times, circumstances and ideologies change as will Hamas.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh how thoughtful of you, a thread just for me.

So in some contexts Haniyeh says he will never accept peace and in other he says he might if it's a national referendum.

Meanwhile, you were shitting on Israel because it was suggested that they would want a referendum. Your usual two-facedness?

Beyond that, all your quotes say is he will be happy to take the 1967 borders but have no direct quotes that he will actually accept peace.

Even further, your own cherry picked quote even admits that the best they will offer is a 10 or 20 year TRUCE.

I expected that you would just ignore this thread being that there is absolutely no basis to argue but being the clown that you are, you speak up and your own post refutes your argument.

p.s. yes my quote was from ha'aretz. I was making dinner and forgot to include it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
...Times, circumstances and ideologies change as will Hamas.
I hope they will to but until they do or until their political influence disappears, disparaging Israel in peace talks is rather infantile. Even if they kept their tough talk but their actions showed their renunciation of violence against civilians, there could be progress.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hell, even Al Jazeera is publishing that Hamas refuses peace.

n a message distributed to media on Tuesday morning, Hamas said it remains committed to destroying Israel, bringing back Palestinian refugees and seizing control of Jerusalem's holy sites.

"Anyone who gives up these rights is a traitor," it said - an apparent dig at Hamas's rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who favours a peace agreement with Israel.

p.s. In related-ish news, the Arab League is yet again trying to control the fate of Palestinians (but what else is new, they have been doing it for 60+ years).


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Israel isnt really interested in any peace deal, when you are the big guy on the block and can pretty much do what you want, (build settlements, expropriate Palestinian farms, launch military attacks), why on earth would you want to sign a peace deal with your neighbour?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Again, how could they have a serious peace deal unless Hamas is willing (and clearly they are not). Blaming Israel for the failure is like blaming GWB for being born stupid.

As for why they would sign a deal? They might have allowing their citizens to live without the fear of rocket attacks and suicide bombers as a motivation.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Israel isnt really interested in any peace deal, when you are the big guy on the block and can pretty much do what you want, (build settlements, expropriate Palestinian farms, launch military attacks), why on earth would you want to sign a peace deal with your neighbour?
That has to do with demographics.

The Palestinians consider making babies strategically important for their cause, to the point that few decades from now their numbers are going to be more than the Jewish Israelis. That's after counting those "parasitic, unproductive" Haredim who as a group raise their children as many as the Palestinians.

Make no mistake, the Jewish Israelis are fully aware of this trend and until recently they want to make peace with the Palestinians before the reality sinks in, say within 50 years from now. The tragedy is the Palestinians, be the Fatah and Hamas know the Jewish Israelis weakness and instead of trying to make comprehensive, sustainable peace, they like their grandfathers risk their future by betting that through terror and never ending low intensity conflicts, their victory would be "secured", assuming the Jewish Israelis would throw the towel and give in to all of their demand. :rolleyes:

Too bad the Palestinians forget their Arab "brothers" had enough of their nonsense and never ending missed opportunities. Until the Iranians meddle the Arab-Israelis conflicts, the Palestinians are pretty much "written off" by the fellow Arab states since they are getting tired to pop up and bail out those losers.
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