Any good stock pick suggestions??


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
personally I doubt you have such a friend because there is no institution that would take that kind of trading without the individual having a very strong balance sheet that would be well into the 10's of millions of dollars
So now you think I am a liar?
Thats what my friend told me happened

As I said he was day trading so he closed out most of his positions by the end of the day.
This also took place over 2 years

You assume a lot

The bottom line is he lost a lot of money taking directional bets in options

Actually why would anyone bother, I'm very sure you will put your know it all hat on and just slag it anyways.
Again you assume a lot.
There are far too many equities for anyone to know-it-all.
You whined that I did not offer anything substantial up, so I listed some
Now you slag me off for what you think I might do. And I am the arrogant one !

I guess we will never know

There is risk waking up in the morning ... what's your point?
That is the important point, not everyone has the same appitite for the risks of directional options bets.
Therefore they are not for everbody

I never told the op to invest in calls/puts ... go back and re-read this thread.
OK I did and this is what you said

any portfolio that doesn't employ them will always lose out to those knowledgable investors out there who do.
Perhaps I am reading too much into that, however, it implies that that without options you are never going to outperform someone who does employ options.
This is simply not true on a risk-adjusted basis

As for your investment picks ... RIM? Really!! and you call my ideas risky

Well when it is 1/2 of 1% of the portfolio, purchased with dollar cost averaging, my position in RIM does not keep me awake at night.

And I know it is far less risky than an options position for tens of thousands of dollars.
If that represents 1/2 of 1% of your portfolio, then no problem

Look we have different opinions, as I have said if you are able to make $ trading options , I hope you make a ton of $.

I would just as soon prefer to leave it at that, however I will defend my opinion and will push back (and hard ) when insulted
I will politely ask you to respect that


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I already mentioned above that nowhere does KF recommend options to the the OP. He responded to another member who introduced options into this thread. I guess your reading comprehension is compromised at best. Or perhaps you feel that if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes fact. Doesn't work that way son. I repeat, nowhere does kf reco options to the op. So all your long winded babble is for no reason.

As far as your acquaintance and his "day trading" bad luck; I doubt the veracity of this claim. It seems to me it is nothing more than your feeble attempt to illustrate your point; that is - to continue to scare monger regarding options.
14 posts and you calling me "Son" and a liar
Sorry I am afraid you have not earned that right

Better you say that you disagree and leave it at that


New member
Nov 4, 2008
I notice that you do not address the fact that kingfisher did not recommend options trading to the op, and therefore you went off on a nonsensical tangent for no reason throughout this entire thread.

Other than that, I'll take your sage advise son (I say "son" because you have proven yourself to be an investment rookie); that I disagree with you and leave it at that. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I notice that you do not address the fact that kingfisher did not recommend options trading to the op, and therefore you went off on a nonsensical tangent for no reason throughout this entire thread.

Other than that, I'll take your sage advise son (I say "son" because you have proven yourself to be an investment rookie); that I disagree with you and leave it at that. :rolleyes:
Now you are making me laugh.
Investment rookie?
I do not think so.

As much as I am tempted to dive into that comment a little more, I had no intention of turning this thread into a pissing match, rather I wanted to point out some of the risks in the options market.

At this point I am inclinded to just leave it alone before it gets really nasty
You have your opinion & I have mine
I hope you make a ton of $ trading options


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Boy this is about the biggest loser post I have ever seen ... the fact that you have the balls to pull a quote of mine well after your initial objection clearly shows that you are simply one of those pathetic souls that feels they not only have to be right all the time but also have the last word.

The fact remains that if you wish your portfolio to perform to it's best potential you need to employ options as a risk management tool ... any serious investors knows this, too bad your narrow view and scare tatics won't work on me. For fuck sakes man, the best investor in the world, Warren Buffet employs them.

I have to love your pathetic answer to any stock you like, that actually has unusual risk associated to it as "Oh well what the fuck ... dollar cost averaging" or whatever you yanked out of a grade one investment book. Your pathetic tale of a friend losing the monies on the option market is yet another example of your inexperience in finance. For fuck sakes on a good day a hot stock like Apple, Netflix or any other high fly-er let alone a garden variety Bank/Utility doesn't sell enough options at a strike price needed to generate that kind of income on a home run bet ... so there, your not only pathetic, your a pathetic liar.

Despite your attempts to say other wise, my only point throughout all of this is that options are valuable tool in wealth generation and the average investor should take the time to learn about them and nothing you say will change that simple fact.

I suspect like another poster on this board, FUJI, you're a sad and pathetic troll who thinks they are king in this section of the board ... well have it. BTW learn to spell, it makes you look like a bigger idiot than I already think you are.


BTW loser, I know for a fact that had the BIDU trade I proposed in Sept had gone the other way, you would have been bragging about how smart you are ... well it didn't so I got two words for ya:

You know for a fact, what I would have done had your BIDU trade gone the other way do you?
I do not give a rats ass about your trade

My friends trading gains and losses is what he told me.
As I pointed out earlier he lost that money over a year on hundreds of option trades, not one position
I do not make up shit to prove a point
But I guess you you know best, despite not having all the details.

Calling me a liar would normally get me pretty hot, however I will assume you misread the original post.
Calling me pathetic is uncalled for
Comparing me to Fuji, thats a low blow

Lets try and act like adults here

Options as a risk management tool is exactly what I said to begin with ????? (please re-read the start of the thread)
I object to their use as a speculative tool

King of this section?
This is not a mine is bigger than yours competition
No, I just wanted to point out to the OP that there is risks in options and in particular when they are used for speculative purposes.
I still think that was appropriate and I am disappointed that this turned into a nasty pissing match simply because we have different opinions

As for the explanation I gave on RIM:

Can you honestly say that 0.5% position in a stock is more risky than a directional option play on an equity for tens of thousand of dollars?
(Hint: its not a 7 figure portfolio)

If you do not answer that question I will understand.
No doubt you are almost as sick of this as I am and may prefer to end this pissing match


New member
Aug 30, 2004
Everybody relax and just go and buy Las Vegas Sands. This is a great comeback story from a low of $1.50 in March/09 to $50.00 bucks today. Great properties in Macau and Singapore. This company is en fuego and going higher.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 20, 2002
All shares have a story. Are you looking for slow growth and a nice dividend while you wait? Are you looking for a quick hit? A stock may be a great one for me, but not for you. Here are a few to consider with their story:
1. Englobe (EG-T) - trading now as low as .09 on bad days, but the board tells me it has a target of .7 in the next 12 months. My sell is queued at .25 -- I bought at .08. Onex put in $25m.
2. IAE-V - Trading around $1.80 target $5.00 in next 12 months. Already on the way up.
3. SXC-T -- Trading post split at $40. I bought at $2 and sold at $70, and was waiting for double dip to buy back. But they were covered in recent magazines and was up to $84 before splitting.
4. PIF.UN-T -- Pays a great dividend, and has grown 40% in the last 90 days. Already past my sell target, but I have a stop/loss so waiting to see if it hits higher highs.
5. MFC-T -- they have such a large portfolio they are modelling the market, indeed some say they are leveraged against it. So if it goes up, MFC will go up faster ... and vice versa. Is Sun Life a better play? Maybe.
6. RIM-T -- Trading very low, but if you think their product can beat iphone bet. If not bet on Appl. I am long both. But for different reasons.
7. Appl-N -- Has gone up 11 Octobers in a row. Will this be the 12th? I am betting on it.
8. RIB.UN-T -- a bond fund with a monthly 5%+ payout. Buy below 11.80 and you will make a nice living compared to GICs.
9. SC-T -- Shoppers has a lot of challenges. But they have a great management team. Shares are down due to Gov intervention -- will probably go up as SC fixes the profit impact with new ventures.
10. I still like Canadian banks, esp. TD, BMO but RY has been pushed down due to trading desk losing share. A buying opportunity? They are high at mid-Sept -- but I would buy them on a 10% pull back.

Telecom was a good buy when I got in. All are up at least 25% in a year. And are still paying great dividends. But they are expensive here. But if the market is going down(?) they may be a good defensive play.

What about the US stocks you ask? Only reason to buy here is the US:Cdn FX is such that long term even if the stock only grows 2-3% the FX may be boost your returns.
Other advantage is the US option market is fairer. So it is easier to protect your investments with collars etc.

Fun, eh?

Now, you know why I make investments in SP's. Bring far better returns, not without risks, but far less risky.
Thanks for the tip. I checked it out and bought some @ .10 and was paid .265 when the company was stolen, I mean sold.


Jan 5, 2011
I'd stay away from this market, way overbought.. especially in the food related areas. Buy some fixed income and sit and watch.... patience always pays off.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
I'd stay away from this market, way overbought.. especially in the food related areas. Buy some fixed income and sit and watch.... patience always pays off.
Yeah, and miss out on today's version of the '97 to 2000 rally? No thanks. I'm staying in the game and squeezing in as much as I can. May just be the last great rally of Our time.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Me, I just go with the safest mutuals I can find. If I was going to take the plunge into the market, there are two that I have in mind.

Bombardier, because it's a corporate sacred cow from Quebec with government protection. I expect I could count on the taxpayers to guarantee my investment.

Oracle, because it still appears to be strong and solid. Version 12g must be due for release soon. That should be good for a price bump.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Everybody relax and just go and buy Las Vegas Sands. This is a great comeback story from a low of $1.50 in March/09 to $50.00 bucks today. Great properties in Macau and Singapore. This company is en fuego and going higher.
I kicked myself big time on this one. Almost bought it at $2, but changed my mind. Then almost bought it at $5 and changed my mind again.


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
Bombardier, because it's a corporate sacred cow from Quebec with government protection. I expect I could count on the taxpayers to guarantee my investment.
Don't make an investment solely on that.... Abitibi-Bowater was under the exact same arrangement. I am now going through their bankruptcy proceedings hoping to get a copy of a valueless paper stock certificate.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Another way to play the markets ... SPY calls at month end ... average in and buy the dips in the week preceding month end ... then sell on the first trading day of the month. With very few exceptions this strategy has worked for the last 15 years ... in fact it worked very well when the VIX was extremely high in 2008. Just putting it out there ... not for the faint hearted or someone who has a low risk tolerance. To do any better with this strategy you can finance the time premium by selling out of the money puts. When I did this for Jan/11, my heart sank with Egypt's problems on the Thursday but when it was clear on Friday that the canal would remain open I used Fridays drop to lower my cost base to 4.48 per unit, I then sold the position on the following Tuesday for 6.23 for not a bad short term gain.

As I do not have a clue what you are talking about, I will pass.
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