Harpo accuses UN of anti-semitism.....


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
In this case Fuji is largely correct. The voting principles of the UNGA are largely bought and paid for, we are one of the few countries that does not plat the game that way. The "third world " governments that by and large are not democratic scratch each others backs for mutual benefit.

Please remember bribery, and coruption are still largely the way business is done around the world. Until Paul Martin was the finance minister you could write off bribes on your corporate tax returns. That is just an example, the world is not a nice friendly place for the most part.,
Are you trying to say that the US does not buy votes?


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Possibly because you have not looked very hard or chosen to ignore what you have seen.

Harper and his government have condemned the settlement activity going so far as to call them illegal.They have tried to get Israel o moderate the Gaza blockade etc. Ther are many instances. You just have to open your eyes. The fact that he does not simply condemn Israel for everything it does and that he is in fact a strong and unapologetic supporter of Israel does not mean that he does not criticize Canada's friend.
I stand partially corrected. But, as this article points out, Harper himself didn't do the condemning, which is precisely what I said in my post. It was Lawrence Cannon who actually "condemned" Israel's expansion into East Jerusalem. And even that was only in a Commons committee - not in a press scrum. Harper studiously avoided even the mildest criticism of Israel and that is the point I was making. Read my post again. It's not far away.


“On the expansion to East Jerusalem, we feel that this is contrary to international law and therefore condemn it,” Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said at a Commons foreign affairs committee on Tuesday, using tougher language than he used days ago when he issued a statement saying the Canadian government “regrets” Israel’s plan. “We’re very concerned about what is taking place.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during the daily question period in the House of Commons he pushed for peace negotiations in a phone conversation with Mr. Netanyahu on Monday.

Mr. Harper avoided direct mention of Israel’s expansion of Jewish settlements to land annexed to East Jerusalem that is not recognized internationally as belonging to Israel.

“Our position on the particular issue at hand is well known,” Mr. Harper said in reply to a question from Bob Rae, Liberal foreign affairs critic.

“At the same time, I indicated to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and would indicate to all involved in this particular conflict, that I hope they will all do their best efforts to see their way to resuming peace talks in some form as soon as possible.”


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Portugal has a very high proportion of Muslim citizens, most of southern Europe does for that matter. The Arab league was not neccisarily voting for Portugal as much as they were voting against Canada, any other country (except Isreal) would have worked for them
Wow!! at least do some quick googling before you spout of more of your RUBBISH!!! Portugal's Muslim population is listed at around 15,000 people or less then 0.1% of it's population. Yes it is true, it has a smaller Muslim population then ISRAEL!!! And is one of the least Muslim counties in all of europe. Man...the crap runneth over... such rampant bigotry fuelled by lies.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I stand partially corrected. But, as this article points out, Harper himself didn't do the condemning, which is precisely what I said in my post. It was Lawrence Cannon who actually "condemned" Israel's expansion into East Jerusalem. And even that was only in a Commons committee - not in a press scrum. Harper studiously avoided even the mildest criticism of Israel and that is the point I was making. Read my post again. It's not far away.


“On the expansion to East Jerusalem, we feel that this is contrary to international law and therefore condemn it,” Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said at a Commons foreign affairs committee on Tuesday, using tougher language than he used days ago when he issued a statement saying the Canadian government “regrets” Israel’s plan. “We’re very concerned about what is taking place.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during the daily question period in the House of Commons he pushed for peace negotiations in a phone conversation with Mr. Netanyahu on Monday.

Mr. Harper avoided direct mention of Israel’s expansion of Jewish settlements to land annexed to East Jerusalem that is not recognized internationally as belonging to Israel.

“Our position on the particular issue at hand is well known,” Mr. Harper said in reply to a question from Bob Rae, Liberal foreign affairs critic.

“At the same time, I indicated to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and would indicate to all involved in this particular conflict, that I hope they will all do their best efforts to see their way to resuming peace talks in some form as soon as possible.”
So you think that Cannon was not speaking on behalf of the Government of Canada which as it happens has Harper as its Prime Minister. Please.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
I stand partially corrected. But, as this article points out, Harper himself didn't do the condemning, which is precisely what I said in my post. It was Lawrence Cannon who actually "condemned" Israel's expansion into East Jerusalem. And even that was only in a Commons committee - not in a press scrum. Harper studiously avoided even the mildest criticism of Israel and that is the point I was making. Read my post again. It's not far away.


“On the expansion to East Jerusalem, we feel that this is contrary to international law and therefore condemn it,” Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said at a Commons foreign affairs committee on Tuesday, using tougher language than he used days ago when he issued a statement saying the Canadian government “regrets” Israel’s plan. “We’re very concerned about what is taking place.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during the daily question period in the House of Commons he pushed for peace negotiations in a phone conversation with Mr. Netanyahu on Monday.

Mr. Harper avoided direct mention of Israel’s expansion of Jewish settlements to land annexed to East Jerusalem that is not recognized internationally as belonging to Israel.

“Our position on the particular issue at hand is well known,” Mr. Harper said in reply to a question from Bob Rae, Liberal foreign affairs critic.

“At the same time, I indicated to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and would indicate to all involved in this particular conflict, that I hope they will all do their best efforts to see their way to resuming peace talks in some form as soon as possible.”
When was this article printed....NP is such a rag they don't even date it.... yeah that phone conversation with Netanyahooo really was impactful...

Eric Blair

Sep 4, 2010
Wow!! at least do some quick googling before you spout of more of your RUBBISH!!! Portugal's Muslim population is listed at around 15,000 people or less then 0.1% of it's population. Yes it is true, it has a smaller Muslim population then ISRAEL!!! And is one of the least Muslim counties in all of europe. Man...the crap runneth over... such rampant bigotry fuelled by lies.

You need to get it through your head that there is no connection between Anti-Semitism and most of the world's position on Isreal, UN 241-242. Yes Anti-Semites also oppose Isreal but compose a tiny fraction of the world's population that almost universally condemns Isreal. Isreali policy is driven by a small number of religious zealots that are, however critical to the Likud Party's coalition so they pander to these nuts. We need another Likud-Labour coalition that can abandon the west bank, every last inch of it including East Jerusalem. They can duke it out over social policy once they are all behind the green line.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
When was this article printed....NP is such a rag they don't even date it.... yeah that phone conversation with Netanyahooo really was impactful...
You complain that Harper never criticizes Israel. Then when it is point out that he does then criticism, is not strong enough and the paper that prints the criticism is a rag. Your objectivity and impartiality are shining through.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
So you think that Cannon was not speaking on behalf of the Government of Canada which as it happens has Harper as its Prime Minister. Please.
No, I agree that Cannon was speaking for Harper and his government when he condemned Israel and I essentially admitted that I'd overlooked that episode when I said "I stand partially corrected". Lighten up a bit!!! I also commented that Harper routinely gets his minions to criticise Israel and has rarely, if ever, done so himself. My NatPost article clearly pointed out that Cannon finally "condemned" Israel but, by contrast, Harpo didn't come close to voicing even a minor disapproval. So Harper the individual can sometimes behave differently than his own government. Not a major point but one worth mentioning if you dislike Harper as much as I do.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You complain that Harper never criticizes Israel. Then when it is point out that he does then criticism, is not strong enough and the paper that prints the criticism is a rag. Your objectivity and impartiality are shining through.
it was such a watered down criticism....pre-approved by Washington... it has no credibility whatsoever. Harpo was just bleating the same line as Washington....


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
it was such a watered down criticism....pre-approved by Washington... it has no credibility whatsoever. Harpo was just bleating the same line as Washington....
LOL. Well next time I see him i will mention that from now on he should get his criticisms of Israel pre-approved by you to make sure they are strident enough.

You are entering clown territory.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
LOL. Well next time I see him i will mention that from now on he should get his criticisms of Israel pre-approved by you to make sure they are strident enough.

You are entering clown territory.
If I am entering clown territory, you have already passed through it and are well ensconced in imbecile city.


Jan 31, 2005
You are a fool. Your propaganda is simply that anybody critizising any action of Israel is anti-semitic.
And you're worse--you're a man who has had it pointed out that he's ignorant, who with a little bit of investigation could look into the truth of the matter, but who simply refuses to do so. You hold an unrealistic view, the unrealism of which has been pointed out, and you refuse to even confront the issue and look at it.


Jan 31, 2005
In this case Fuji is largely correct. The voting principles of the UNGA are largely bought and paid for, we are one of the few countries that does not plat the game that way.
Actually that's not true. Canada trades its UN GA votes and considers UN vote trading to be an important part of international diplomacy, as does almost every other nation.

Believe it or not the only nation which has a policy of never selling its vote, and voting every issue on principle, is the United States. All other nations engage in vote trading to a greater or lesser extent. Canada, of course, won't sell its vote to just anybody, the issue has to be seen as at least relatively neutral before Canada will trade votes--but most other nations are not as discerning and will happily sell their votes on UNHRC, say, or on a resolution pertaining to Israel, to the highest bidder--which so far in that case has always been the Arab Leage.


Jan 31, 2005
Yes Anti-Semites also oppose Isreal but compose a tiny fraction of the world's population
Would you agree that, say, Hamas is an anti-semitic organization? By which I mean it stereotypes Jews in negative ways and preaches hatred of Jewish people.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
And you're worse--you're a man who has had it pointed out that he's ignorant, who with a little bit of investigation could look into the truth of the matter, but who simply refuses to do so.
For you having called me ignorant, does not make me ignorant.

Nobody is disagreeing that there is a lot of backroom politics going on in the UN. However, the idea that the arab league with about 20 nations can completely control the 192 member UN is preposterous.

Maybe you want to explain how a 20 country block is able to control the 192 member UN.


Jan 31, 2005
Nobody is disagreeing that there is a lot of backroom politics going on in the UN. However, the idea that the arab league with about 20 nations can completely control the 192 member UN is preposterous.
Good thing nobody is saying "completely control". The Arab League picks its battles carefully, concentrating on specific resolutions and on specific agencies, and in exchange gives its block of votes to whoever wants it for whatever purpose.

The Arab League is joined in this effort by a group of nations beyond the core 20, by the way, so it's more votes on sale than just that--but still a relatively small number out of the 192 do end up dominating the UNHRC and UN GA resolutions on Israel.

On any other issue you look at it's the same--blocs of voting nations control the UN apparatus that they care most about, in exchange for giving others what they want. It's just that in the case of Israel the issue is more headline grabbing than, say, UN agencies related to whaling and fishing.

Yes you're an ignorant fool. You have demonstrated that you wholesale do not understand the way the UN works, and yet you go on blurting out your ridiculously naive opinion and you go on refusing to even bother to do the twenty minutes of searching and reading it would take you to verify the situation.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Good thing nobody is saying "completely control". The Arab League picks its battles carefully, concentrating on specific resolutions and on specific agencies, and in exchange gives its block of votes to whoever wants it for whatever purpose.

The Arab League is joined in this effort by a group of nations beyond the core 20, by the way, so it's more votes on sale than just that--but still a relatively small number out of the 192 do end up dominating the UNHRC and UN GA resolutions on Israel.

On any other issue you look at it's the same--blocs of voting nations control the UN apparatus that they care most about, in exchange for giving others what they want. It's just that in the case of Israel the issue is more headline grabbing than, say, UN agencies related to whaling and fishing.

Yes you're an ignorant fool. You have demonstrated that you wholesale do not understand the way the UN works, and yet you go on blurting out your ridiculously naive opinion and you go on refusing to even bother to do the twenty minutes of searching and reading it would take you to verify the situation.
So you did not have any explanation.

It is plainly obvious to all who have been following your posts that your logic is backwards. I am able to simulate your "thinking" as follows:

The UN is critical af some of the actions of Israel, ergo the UN is anti-semitic. The UN is anti-semitic, ergo it is controlled by the Arab League of nations. QED

Your logic is on the same level as Harpo's:

Canada supports Israel, the UN did not elect Canada, ergo the UN is anti-semitic.

Eric Blair

Sep 4, 2010
Would you agree that, say, Hamas is an anti-semitic organization? By which I mean it stereotypes Jews in negative ways and preaches hatred of Jewish people.
Yes. They are also the elected regime right now. Fatah was hopelesly corrupt and Hamas is mindlessly hateful.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Are you trying to say that the US does not buy votes?
absolutly not, they play the game poorly, but they do play. They were supposed to support us in the last vote but somebody caused them not to. There are not many countries that can not be bothered to play the UNGA game but we are one of them.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Wow!! at least do some quick googling before you spout of more of your RUBBISH!!! Portugal's Muslim population is listed at around 15,000 people or less then 0.1% of it's population. Yes it is true, it has a smaller Muslim population then ISRAEL!!! And is one of the least Muslim counties in all of europe. Man...the crap runneth over... such rampant bigotry fuelled by lies.


You should have gone a little further down the list, there are roughly million arabs/muslims in the country, most from former Portugese african colonies. There were many more but the moved to other european countries for ecomnomic reasons. The Portugese and Spanish history has large parts of Muslim control during and just after the crusades.
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