The Shocking Truth about Plenty Of Fish Scam!!!


Nov 14, 2005
paulplatinum IF you read my posts it is b.s. to try to overcome anything. 98% of women have no attraction to short men EVEN with personality, intelligence, financial success. To advise short men of such is to mis-lead them & give them false hope. BEEN THERE , DONE THAT. They will always be " nice guys " & in the friend zone. READ forums & chat sites.... the women EVEN admit many short guys have interesting & " nice " personalities ...... BECAUSE they have to inorder to compensate for their shortness & LACK of attraction to women. The women claim it makes NO difference. FORGET IT...... Get OUT of the short man zone. GET leg lengthening & become at least normal , average height 5'9"- 5'10" & then seen as average height guy & not stigmatized as SHORT GUY= automatic turn off to women. You cannot beat it & it is wishful thinking to wait for some leprachan to sprink good luck & sudenly women that find short guys sexy will appear into your life. I am done with short guy stigma & doing leg Lengthening surgery in Nov. I have every confidence in my personality & in a couple of circles the life of the party .... but still just the " nice " guy, chump.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
paulplatinum IF you read my posts it is b.s. to try to overcome anything. 98% of women have no attraction to short men EVEN with personality, intelligence, financial success. To advise short men of such is to mis-lead them & give them false hope. BEEN THERE , DONE THAT. They will always be " nice guys " & in the friend zone. READ forums & chat sites.... the women EVEN admit many short guys have interesting & " nice " personalities ...... BECAUSE they have to inorder to compensate for their shortness & LACK of attraction to women. The women claim it makes NO difference. FORGET IT...... Get OUT of the short man zone. GET leg lengthening & become at least normal , average height 5'9"- 5'10" & then seen as average height guy & not stigmatized as SHORT GUY= automatic turn off to women. You cannot beat it & it is wishful thinking to wait for some leprachan to sprink good luck & sudenly women that find short guys sexy will appear into your life. I am done with short guy stigma & doing leg Lengthening surgery in Nov. I have every confidence in my personality & in a couple of circles the life of the party .... but still just the " nice " guy, chump.
waaaaaaa your short. waaaaaaa no loves you . waaaaaaaa no girls think you are dateable.. waaaaaa after your friggin surgery your excuse will be waaaaaaaa they wont date me because of my scars.. waaaafreakinwaaaaaa. try being a adult and shut up about it already..


Nov 14, 2005
I was responding to paulplatinum who also sent some angry hate mail in my box & I believe I know who this person is. They were deleted by moderators for causing trouble & serious violation of rules. NOTE: the VERY first post by this individule ( new member) is to attack me, PLUS immediately sends me angry, provoking mail. Not to review or ask about s.p. Hmmmm?


Jun 6, 2009
Speaking of which ... I've never seen any reviews written by you.
No, he's waiting to come back from his L-L operation so he can tell war stories about his leg scares and try to impress everyone. Meanwhile they're all laughing at his John Travolta disco shoes and snickering. Hey C-B, you still haven't told us how you're going to explain you scars to that horde of hot babes you're going to score with. What's the poop.


Nov 14, 2005
The surgeon I am going to is known around the world for his work. The insisions on each leg are 3" up at the gluteous maximus. Just like the finest surgeons for breast enlargment..... some laser treatment 2 years later & scars disapear. Sooo very minor at lower butt region. NOT any reason to STAY SHORT!!!!!


Jun 6, 2009
The surgeon I am going to is known around the world for his work. The insisions on each leg are 3" up at the gluteous maximus. Just like the finest surgeons for breast enlargment..... some laser treatment 2 years later & scars disapear. Sooo very minor at lower butt region. NOT any reason to STAY SHORT!!!!!
So the women are going to think you've had a butt lift. Of course the scars will disappear because you won't be able to see them.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
not trying to turn this back into a POF thread or nothing. i am on there and i am not an attractive person at all and over the last 4 years i haven't got a message, until last week. someone sent me a message. so yeah the site works i guess.


Jun 6, 2009
not trying to turn this back into a POF thread or nothing. i am on there and i am not an attractive person at all and over the last 4 years i haven't got a message, until last week. someone sent me a message. so yeah the site works i guess.
If I hadn't got responses in 4 years, I'd spend some time tweaking my message. Just sayin', but at least someone knocked.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
You have to have personality for any woman to even be remotely interested.
I call BS
at least 50% of people in this world have no personality to speak of and they fuck each other on a pretty regular basis
In North America it probably is quite a bit worse but still


Jun 6, 2009
Short Men have to find a way to "overcome" being a short, otherwise they "are just angry short men with biggggg chips on their shoulder" and no matter what no woman would be interested.

You have to have personality for any woman to even be remotely interested. And if I read the posts correctly you especially need to find some way to overcome your bitterness about women rejecting you. You probably bring it on yourself! (a short balding man is bad enough but then one who tops that off by figure skating! Are you for real???? )
For those members on this BB who just don't get it, please give us a/your definition of an effective personality


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
try speed's a hit and miss there but at least the women can see your personality rather than just a photo and stats.
i have tried a few different things, usually when it gets to the point of sending a pic i never hear back or when we meet in person i see a look of shock and they never stay long. all good though, i am not pushing or rushing into anything. it will happen when it should.


Jun 6, 2009
i have tried a few different things, usually when it gets to the point of sending a pic i never hear back or when we meet in person i see a look of shock and they never stay long. all good though, i am not pushing or rushing into anything. it will happen when it should.
Somebody gets it. Those that I know that have tried match, e=harmony have all said they had to post a photo as they said they did respond too often to anyone who didn't post a one I know who tried speed dating found love or long lasting friendships, but it was good practice.


Jun 6, 2009
i believe in fate. everything happens as it should when it should to makes us the people we are.
Ah, now you've ruined it, but you're the owner of a much healthier outlook than C-B.

In my circles, I can count maybe 20 guys in the 5'6" range and 80% of them have SO's. The group with the largest proportion of single guys is the group over 6'0". I don't know what research he's reading, but it flies in the face of anything I see in real life. The guys in the 5'6" range who are single tend to be real misogynistic a-holes. Guest why their single.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Ah, now you've ruined it, but you're the owner of a much healthier outlook than C-B.

In my circles, I can count maybe 20 guys in the 5'6" range and 80% of them have SO's. The group with the largest proportion of single guys is the group over 6'0". I don't know what research he's reading, but it flies in the face of anything I see in real life. The guys in the 5'6" range who are single tend to be real misogynistic a-holes. Guest why their single.
i am 6 feet tall and roughly 260 pounds give or take (depending on how much bacon i ate that week, god i fucking love bacon) and every girlfriend i have ever had has cheated on me. height has nothing to do with personality, height has nothing to do with anything in my opion, i gots lots of short friends that are players and love telling girls what they want to hear long enough to get laid. all i am saying is the way you were raised and the things that happen to you shape you intot he person you are later in life. that is why i believe in fate and i won't rush anything in my life, it will happen as it should. i do everything like i normally would day in and day out and things will unfold as they should.


Jun 6, 2009
i am 6 feet tall and roughly 260 pounds give or take (depending on how much bacon i ate that week, god i fucking love bacon) and every girlfriend i have ever had has cheated on me. height has nothing to do with personality, height has nothing to do with anything in my opion, i gots lots of short friends that are players and love telling girls what they want to hear long enough to get laid. all i am saying is the way you were raised and the things that happen to you shape you intot he person you are later in life. that is why i believe in fate and i won't rush anything in my life, it will happen as it should. i do everything like i normally would day in and day out and things will unfold as they should.
Your absolutely right, but C-B just doesn't get it. My comment was just put forward to fly in the face of the mantra that C-B has bet on and and convinced very few on this BB.
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