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Havana Tips?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Going to Cuba in November. Booked a casa for Tuesday and Wednesday nights - rest of the week at remote scuba diving location. What is recommended for the Tuesday and Wednesdays while in Havana to get some decent girl action. My Spanish is very limited.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Dress well. Be Cool and head out into the night. Avoid the 'cholos' (guys trying to pimp girls out) and just say 'Hola' directly.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Dress well. Be Cool and head out into the night. Avoid the 'cholos' (guys trying to pimp girls out) and just say 'Hola' directly.
Why avoid the cholos Don? Would I end up paying way overpriced if I had these guys find me the girls?

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Why avoid the cholos Don? Would I end up paying way overpriced if I had these guys find me the girls?
It's just a matter of avoiding the 'middle man'. You'll be amazed how many sweet, non-pro girls are more than willing to spend the night with you if you're just a well mannered gentleman. A girl who considers herself 'proper' would die before she asked you for any $. If you take her out to dinner, give her a little gift bag with soap, shampoo, girl stuff, it's more than she expects. (I also put a little envelope with $ in it so save face, on her behalf.) If I like her, I'll spend a few days with her and take her shopping to all the places she can't go, only tourists can. I once bought a girl eye-glasses and she cried when she put them on.

In La Habana, the girls are more sharp and astute but what I wrote above applies. As soon as you get to a smaller city or town, the world is your oyster!


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Oh I see. Unfortunately, I have only 1.5 days in Havana before heading out to Maria la Gorda which is an isolated scuba site. Once I get back to Havana, I have one extra day. Don't know if that gives me enough time with a local girl but I'll try.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Oh I see. Unfortunately, I have only 1.5 days in Havana before heading out to Maria la Gorda which is an isolated scuba site. Once I get back to Havana, I have one extra day. Don't know if that gives me enough time with a local girl but I'll try.
Go for dinner @ El Meson de la Fonda in Havana. Also, walk along the Malecon and visit Cafe Vista Alegre or any of the little cafe's by the Malecon. Be discreet, the girls will be dying to say hello to you but deadly afraid of being spotted by LE. Have a taxi on stand-by and a Casa ready so you can sequester her discreetly away, for her protection.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Yes, I have a casa booked. I heard that I might have to register her with the casa owners so that they won't get into trouble if inspectors come calling. But if I'm interested in only a short visit to my room without an overnight stay, I wonder if I still have to register her. Even so, if I come in during the middle of the night, how would I register her at that time? I heard that the LE might not even like girls being in the same taxi as tourists. This might get complicated because of the LE.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
In terms of registering her with the Casa, that's totally up to the owner of the casa. Some don't care at all (so long as you're discreet and don't have crazy orgies that will call attention to their home. A single girl alone -even two- with you is alright with most.) Do tell them though that you expect to have company at any given time. I can even give you a name or two if you need it. You might have her stay overnight anyway since she could possibly make up a story to her parents (such as staying at a friend's place) in order to go with you. Keep that in mind for her protection as well.

Most taxis want the $ anyway. It might only be a matter of her sitting in the back while you sit in the front while the driver is 'dropping her off on the way'. I've never, ever encountered that situation. I had instances where I just sent her in a cab to the bar at the corner from my Casa then I met her there and we walked the half block to my place. The most it'll cost you is $5.00 more. More than likely, she would much rather travel with you in order to feel safe and protected.

Remember to be generous. Most of these girls are sweet as honey and haven't got 0.02c to rub together.


New member
Sep 7, 2002
What age would the girls range, is there any chance for someone in their late forties to pick someone up?

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
What age would the girls range, is there any chance for someone in their late forties to pick someone up?
Cuba, has a very strict and unforgiving attitude (as any country should) towards underage sex. Problem is, the country is so poor that you see 12 year old girls dressed up to the 9's and peddling themselves on the street. Now, this is not my scene at all but there are a lot, A LOT, of sick, demented fucks that go to Cuba exactly for this reason. These guys should spend eternity getting sodomized by Orcs or Elephants as far as I'm concerned.

There are plenty of girls in their 20's more than willing to spend the night with a 'turista' who will be respectful and attentive. They won't care so much about your age so long as you're dignified and well-groomed. Remember as well that this a Patriarchal society you are in. The Man is King and he rules his Domain. A girl in her 20's with a man in his 40's is nothing out of the ordinary.

So long as you don't abuse this societal conditioning, Cuba is your oyster.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Well, I'm certainly in my late 40s and to be truthful, those under 20 don't appeal to me at all. I don't want a teenybopper no matter what country. Now, one thing I'm wondering is if it's possible to pick up a lady down there during the daytime to have say an afternoon session rather than all night? Or would most of the ladies be working all day in some day job or attending college?

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
The unemployment rate is so high in Cuba that there are people living the 'Life of Riley' morning, noon and night. They're always going someplace, going to see someone about something and trying to get something going. Most times fruitless. The successful ones have small black market enterprises flying under the radar. A hidden beauty salon, seamstress shop, room for rent.

The late afternoon brings about the same kind of activity seen here in North America: Buses full (much too full, if you ask me) of people going home, ladies picking up small groceries, uniformed school children coming home, spouses meeting each other at the end of the day. The universal effort of all people everywhere trying to better themselves.

If a 'turista' meets a girl in Cuba and wants to spend some time with her, it's like winning a small lottery jackpot for that girl. They know most tourists are only there for a week or two so they'll break all their own rules to spend the time. The hope is that you might buy them some new clothes and groceries. Take them out to dinner someplace they could never afford. See the inside of the hotels they can only gaze at from the outside. Get spoiled a bit. In their dream scenario, you will marry her and get her out of Cuba or at least send her monthly $ so she can hold her head high and live a better life. Cubans have very little so they need to invent everything.

As I mentioned, be aware of the societal conditioning of this gorgeous island and it shall be your kingdom. Give back to it as much as you can though. It'll pay you back affectionately and warmly.


New member
Sep 7, 2002
To set the record straight, why I say "girls" I mean female. I would be uncomfortable with anyone under 25.

Don, can you recommend a Casa. I tried to lookup El Meson de la Fonda with no success, what area in Havana is it?

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
Actually I am thinking of going to Havana in November as well. What form of cash do I bring with me CAN, USD..? What should I bring for the ladies? I guess condoms are a must or do they have them there?

b d


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
They say that Can $ and Euro are the best. Quick question for others who have been there - is there any worthy action in any of the bars at the hotel Melia Cohiba?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
From what I read so far about internet connections is that yes, there are some government operated internet places as well as in better hotels but they are dreadfully slow. About $6 CUC per hour and forget about loading images. I'm just going to check email while I'm down there and forget about any other applications.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Actually I am thinking of going to Havana in November as well. What form of cash do I bring with me CAN, USD..? What should I bring for the ladies? I guess condoms are a must or do they have them there?
Bring CDN $, they no longer deal with USD. Nothing bigger then 50 dollar bills. Make sure they're crisp and new, any rips or corners missing and no one will accept them. For the ladies: go to the Downsview Market on the week-end and pick up shampoo, deodorant, nail polish, hosiery, hair accessories, conditioner, soap, shoes (sizes 6 & 7 your best bet) summer dresses. All things female. Also buy little paper bags with handles at any gift card store. This way you can make little gift bags for the girls. They love it. You can always put some $ in the bag and she'll discover it later. I like non-pros and they would die before they asked for any $. This way I save face for her.

Bring your own condoms from here. The prices are better and you're guaranteed to have some. Just because you see a sign that says 'Pharmacy' in Cuba, doesn't mean they actually have stock on the shelves.

They say that Can $ and Euro are the best. Quick question for others who have been there - is there any worthy action in any of the bars at the hotel Melia Cohiba?
Don't expect any action at the bars of any hotel. They are only allowed in if invited. It means they're there with someone already. The city is full of beautiful girls all over the place. Don't limit yourself to a small box. BTW, the Melia Cohiba is right on the Malecon and walking distance from many open bars with tons of girls just sitting there hoping someone will buy them a drink.

What about cell phones and internet? Do they have internet cafes
They do. Most are still on dial-up, terribly slow and very expensive. Public internet cafes are few, dirty, for Cubans only and with 3 hour line ups. Forget that. For Wi-Fi, many hotels do have them but the signal seldom extends past the lobby. You'll walk in at any given time into any hotel lobby and see a plethora of tourists with their laptops checking e-mails while having a drink. Something you would normally do in your room. Bring your laptop but never take it out of the hotel. Cell phone service is practically impossible. If you need a phone, just buy a Cuban calling card and use that.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Thanks for all your advice so far Don. Everything will probably come together once I'm down there. What still confuses me a bit is if I meet somebody say on the street or even in a bar, I've read that the girls should follow you rather than walk with you on the streets so that the cops won't hassle her. IF not within walking distance back to the casa, then I hear about the girl and us having to take separate cabs again to avoid the cops.

Then once at a casa, for the owners who require registration of girls, are they going to do this even during the middle of the night? Won't they be sleeping, particularly for casas that have separate entrances (which the casa I booked has)? This part gets a bit complex too.

Then of course there's the language issues. I'm learning basic phrases to get through but I can't see myself hang out with a girl all night and even part of the day if she doesn't know much English and my Spanish vocabulary will run out within minutes.
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