Can you get arrested for asking civilian girls to pose nude?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
lol exactly! talking to random women on the street in Iraq or Pakistan is punishable with stonning to death! thank god it's canada!
getting slapped or kicked? lol... after done hundreds of approaches, never happened, will never happen. this is real life not hollywood.
Well sonny, let me tell you something. If it was my wife/daughter (if I had either which I dont) who you came up to and asked that question, i'd find you, and when I did find you, I would do a lot more then just ask you a question.

You can't go around asking women 'can you pose naked for me', what the hell is wrong with you?


Apr 6, 2010
I vote Zardoz most likely on terb to have the crap beat out of him by an angry boyfriend after attempting a "high risk move".

I also vote Zardoz most likely to go down on a communications charge or a procuring charge for attempting to lure a civilian woman to prostitute herself.

I furthermore nominate Zardoz as most likely to post on terb asking for advice on how to find a lawyer for a sexual assault or sexual harassment case.
Sorry to burst your bubble fuji, your approach is lame. It sounds like an old geezer bowing to a 20 year old hot babe, and then handing out your business card? WHAT? you actually think she will call? if she doesn't say yes right on the spot, just walk away, if she says yes, take her info and follow up on the details. I talked to a girl at a party once, and she showed me how many cards she collected from old geezers that night, one from photographer, one from an artist, one from a personal trainer, all of them with real credentials. but she knows they are only nice and polite to her because of her hot body. what happened to those cards? she wrote down her number on the back of one of those cards and gave to me. I was the only one in the party made fun of the way she dressed, and she was inviting me to go everywhere with her afterwards, but there would always be some guy trying to cut in between us, especially disagree with what I say and agree with everything she says... lol. truly pathetic, something fuji is most likely to do and has no effect!


Jan 31, 2005
Zardoz my point was to clarify what's likely safely legal and that if you do anything pushy in making such a request then you're opening yourself to legal issues. This is not the case of you asking a girl out for a date, you're asking her for a sexual service, it's dangerous territory. Your example from dating is thus completely off topic and irrelevant and you should know that--but you're too pathetic to bother with trying to understand what others are telling you.

One more nomination for you:

Zardoz Most likely on terb to post tips on how to pick up the hot female jail guard patrolling his cell block.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Well sonny, let me tell you something. If it was my wife/daughter (if I had either which I dont) who you came up to and asked that question, i'd find you, and when I did find you, I would do a lot more then just ask you a question.

You can't go around asking women 'can you pose naked for me', what the hell is wrong with you?
Wallstreet is a internet tough guy. Don't mess.



Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
BTW, why are you guys feeding zardoz with your attention?

There's a bunch of seduction / pick-up forums where he could ask and get actually good advice on field-tested openers.

He's here for the trolling and drama.


Apr 6, 2010
I find it really funny that only in a escort forum, do you find so many passionate voice for respecting women and putting women on pedastals...


Jan 31, 2005
I find it really funny that only in a escort forum, do you find so many passionate voice for respecting women and putting women on pedastals...
Probably because it's on a forum such as this where people have more knowledge of the law as it relates to procuring, luring, communications, harassment, etc.


Apr 6, 2010
Probably because it's on a forum such as this where people have more knowledge of the law as it relates to procuring, luring, communications, harassment, etc.
Yet I don't see you advising wallstreet or 4tees that throwing punches or making threats on a guy talking (simply asking a question) to his gf or wife can be have even more legal and criminal consequences.


Jan 31, 2005
Yet I don't see you advising wallstreet or 4tees that throwing punches or making threats on a guy talking (simply asking a question) to his gf or wife can be have even more legal and criminal consequences.
Sure that's true. Your point?

You asked whether the question would be illegal, you were told under what conditions it'd likely be perfectly legal, and you threw a temper tantrum. As a result you're being mocked. Following me?


Apr 6, 2010
Sure that's true. Your point?

You asked whether the question would be illegal, you were told under what conditions it'd likely be perfectly legal, and you threw a temper tantrum. As a result you're being mocked. Following me?
That's cool. I liked your legal advise. It makes perfect sense that asking women such question will not be illegal. Yet you repeatedly use words such as "pushy" to describe my approach and based on that assumption I will be most likely be charged. It clears shows a resentment to what I do even though it is perfectly legal and find this perfectly legal activity repulsive by many. I am not surprised, just wanted to point it out its irony we are all in a escort forum.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
djk is a pickup artist too. don't be surprised he walks up to your daughter first lol!
I don't have a daughter, and will never have any kids. The last thing I need is a person begging me to leave them a nice fat trust fund, we already have enough kids who don't understand the value of money in this world.

Oh, btw, zardoz, welcome to my ignore list.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I think it would depend on his conduct. Plainly serious artists are entitled to ask models to pose nude. It cannot possibly be a crime.
Indeed I agree with you on the point that both asking someone to model and being an artist's model are certainly not per se illegal.

I Can't see how that's criminal, assuming that you respect the "hell no" that most women will give you.
As already mentioned I'm not so familiar with the Code as to get into "what ifs." However, if you wander across the bridge into the U.S. and attempt this in a public place (and I am presuming that solicitation is off the table as a charge) and the police and prosecutor want to make a point it very well may meet the requirements of Disturbing the Peace or Disorderly Conduct, you may not be convicted but there is a high likelyhood that you are going to have to go to court before it is dismissed and unless you want to take a shot at a trial that may involve an agreement to file with no further behaviour for two or three years.

If one is really looking for a model there are much better ways. And if you are a Jerk you may indeed "be jerked around."


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It clears shows a resentment to what I do even though it is perfectly legal.
Perhaps in Toronto it is, perhaps it is not, I leave that to those who practice Criminal Law in Canada. However, I can tell you that in other jurisdictions that while asking someone to be a model is not illegal if you do it in such a way as to cause offense - such as your breast touching "game" there are charges that can be made to fit and you may well be charged with them.


Jan 31, 2005
Yet you repeatedly use words such as "pushy" to describe my approach
Your approach is pushy. When it comes to dating that pushy approach makes you obnoxious, but being obnoxious isn't criminal, so who am I to judge. You have every right in the world to be an ass.

On the topic of this thread however you're skating dangerously close to thin legal ice, and being pushy may well put you over the line and into the prisoner's docket. Whether it is some sort of disorderly or public nuisance charge, or whether it crosses over into procuring or communicating, or whether it becomes sexual assault, a good way to have yourself slapped with a charge is to be pushy while soliciting strangers to perform sexual services for you.

The point is that asking a woman to model nude isn't per se illegal but since it's close the edge of what is illegal you're best advised to do it in a professional, non-pushy way. That doesn't mean you can't be pro-active, you could ask for her number, but you had better not be pushy or insistent because you're on the edge of conduct that is illegal and some of the boundaries are grey and fuzzy. So, for example, only asking for her number if she indicated positive interest.

If you push and insist on a woman who feels intimidated by you and she runs to the police and says you were soliciting a sexual service in a way that made her feel uncomfortable--well, you might wind up being the case that defines what is and isn't acceptable, and I don't think you want that.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Lol! I'm a tough guy for being against this guy who has no respect for women? How would you like it if it was your daughter he walked up to?
If I were to go into a testosterone-ladened rage because some guy asked a woman if she would pose nude, God help me.

Women are not dainty, delicate helpless things that need male protection, especially over asinine comments. They're more than capable of taking care of themselves.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
No man, not breast, I said chest, as in upper chest!. I was saying something like "can you feel it here!" putting my hand on her solar plexus where her heart is. just above the left breast!. It is called casual kino, you get away with it because you are saying something relevent, but still this is a very high risk move, you should see some gir's face change! I like to do to the ones with open chest dress, the feeling of your hand on a beautiful stranger's bare skin you just met is beyond exciting, mixed with danger, you could get slapped, kicked, but never happened to me, I usually make sure the girl likes me enough before I do it though. try it at your own risks!
Let me cut and paste this for my file. :rolleyes:
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