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Can you get arrested for asking civilian girls to pose nude?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Oldjones, I bow to your supperior knowlege of the Criminal Code of Canada. However, I'm still supprised that a good Constable and Crown Attorney can't make it rise to disturbing the peace or whatever disorderly conduct is under the Criminal Code.

Further, I'm really not dealing with: how likely is it that. . . Rather: If I decided to charge you. . . .


Apr 24, 2005
Oldjones, I bow to your supperior knowlege of the Criminal Code of Canada. However, I'm still supprised that a good Constable and Crown Attorney can't make it rise to disturbing the peace or whatever disorderly conduct is under the Criminal Code.
Criminal harassment and/or mischief. The same charges pressed against that Peeping Tom (and later dropped).


Apr 6, 2010
In that other thread, he said he got punched by a BF for doing something like touching a woman's breast within 5 minutes of meeting, but that only happened because he didn't know it was coming. :eek:

It's a turn on for him.

That's why I call him the James Caan character in the movie, 'The Gambler'.

No man, not breast, I said chest, as in upper chest!. I was saying something like "can you feel it here!" putting my hand on her solar plexus where her heart is. just above the left breast!. It is called casual kino, you get away with it because you are saying something relevent, but still this is a very high risk move, you should see some gir's face change! I like to do to the ones with open chest dress, the feeling of your hand on a beautiful stranger's bare skin you just met is beyond exciting, mixed with danger, you could get slapped, kicked, but never happened to me, I usually make sure the girl likes me enough before I do it though. try it at your own risks!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
you get away with it because you are saying something relevent, but still this is a very high risk move, you should see some gir's face change! I like to do to the ones with open chest dress, the feeling of your hand on a beautiful stranger's bare skin you just met is beyond exciting, mixed with danger, you could get slapped, kicked, but never happened to me,
Ah what a prince you are.

And the rest of us wonder why the general run of humanity has a bad impression of hobbyists.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Under Canada's "moral code", it [Posing nude for photos] probably falls under "indecent exposure" and/or "obscene" punishable by 10 years in jail. I heard there was a Canadian female Olympian who posed nude for compensation for an arts class. She needed the money to finance her training.
And if your first sentence meant anything, you'd be telling us what she was charged with, and how long she served.

Me, I heard there was a stripper who posed nude once. And a girl who sang in a church choir. But I didn't hear about the photographers or the models being charged.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Oldjones, I bow to your supperior knowlege of the Criminal Code of Canada. However, I'm still supprised that a good Constable and Crown Attorney can't make it rise to disturbing the peace or whatever disorderly conduct is under the Criminal Code.

Further, I'm really not dealing with: how likely is it that. . . Rather: If I decided to charge you. . . .
For which they'd have to be prepared to produce evidence of a disturbance or conduct well beyond a polite question courteously put.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
For which they'd have to be prepared to produce evidence of a disturbance or conduct well beyond a polite question courteously put.
In a great many jurisdictions (perhaps not under the Criminal Code) in public and causing offense to a "normal person" (some like police, as a matter of law are presumed not to be offended on their own) is enough.

I would think in this case it would depend a lot on the circumstances, I believe we all know as would the court, that in this instance the o.p. is not wishing to hire nude models for drawing classes.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Perhaps 'we all know what he meant', but any justice system that punishes based on 'we all know what he meant' isn't worthy of the name.

As to inherently offensive questions—was your post over-editted Aard?—I can well understand, "Wanna fuck?" or even, "Up for some carnal conversation today?" being sanctionable (especially if a nearby SO heard). But that ain't what he said, nor is it the hypothetical he put in his OP, nor what he described in later posts (although admitting to further salacious desires). I stand by "… a polite question, courteously put" and leave it to zardoz to tell us if he was any ruder.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Hopefully Oldjones we both agree that the real advise for a client asking such a question is the "Dirty Harry": "Do [you] feel lucky?' Well, do you punk?"

People seeking nude models don't approach people walking down the street.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And there we have it: You're a lawyer and you'd tell him how to stay out of trouble; I'm not and I'd tell him there's no law against it. And the OP? He's already done Ok w/o either advice.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
What kind of a question is this? Who the hell would even do this? I hope the girl gives you a slap across your face and knees you in the testicles.

Going to a random girl to ask her to 'pose nude'? This is Canada not pakistan or iraq.


Jan 31, 2005
Yeah, maybe a disturbing the peace, if you ask more than once maybe harassment... This is literally the sort of thing CL was invented for...
I agree. Ask once. Expect to be publicly humiliated and called out as a creep, but not arrested unless you ask twice.


Jan 31, 2005
Oldjones, I bow to your supperior knowlege of the Criminal Code of Canada. However, I'm still supprised that a good Constable and Crown Attorney can't make it rise to disturbing the peace or whatever disorderly conduct is under the Criminal Code.

Further, I'm really not dealing with: how likely is it that. . . Rather: If I decided to charge you. . . .
I think it would depend on his conduct. Plainly serious artists are entitled to ask models to pose nude. It cannot possibly be a crime.

It may be offensive to ask random strangers to do it, but in and of itself it cannot be illegal.

Now if he PERSISTS, or if it's the latest thing in a series of sexual requests, then it could easily rise to the level of some sort of harassment. So the key is going to be in the execution.

Alternately if it's an obvious cover for soliciting a prostitute it would not take a jury long to make his true intentions a judicial fact and have him up on a solicitation charge.

"Excuse me, miss, I don't mean to embarrass you but I'm a photographer and I'd love it if you would model for me some day. Here's my card. My specialty is nude photography, the rates I pay are on the card, if you think it's something you could do just give me a call and we'll arrange something. I hope I haven't offended you."

Can't see how that's criminal, assuming that you respect the "hell no" that most women will give you.


Apr 6, 2010
What kind of a question is this? Who the hell would even do this? I hope the girl gives you a slap across your face and knees you in the testicles.

Going to a random girl to ask her to 'pose nude'? This is Canada not pakistan or iraq.
lol exactly! talking to random women on the street in Iraq or Pakistan is punishable with stonning to death! thank god it's canada!
getting slapped or kicked? lol... after done hundreds of approaches, never happened, will never happen. this is real life not hollywood.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hey Zardoz, do you offer classes? If not, how about videos of your exploits? I could use a good laugh.


Apr 6, 2010
I love this strategy for zardoz. Go to Kinkos and get hundreds of these things printed with your name and contact info. I'm hoping that at least 50% of the women you give these cards to will turn them over to the police or their muscle-bound boyfriends to kick the crap out of you. Hell, give one to me...
calm down 4tees. we've been through this.. Just as a note to the boyfriend who hit one that oen time, he ended up apologizing to me. His girlfriend told me to leave me alone. I could have hit him back but I didn't instead I demanded apology, or I will report him for assult. I surely made him look so much macho and protector to his gf. 4tees is far more likely to end up in jail than me if he sees his SO or gf talking with another guy. lol what are you 18 century gentlman, still use physical force to protect your bitch's honour? lol!


Jan 31, 2005
I vote Zardoz most likely on terb to have the crap beat out of him by an angry boyfriend after attempting a "high risk move".

I also vote Zardoz most likely to go down on a communications charge or a procuring charge for attempting to lure a civilian woman to prostitute herself.

I furthermore nominate Zardoz as most likely to post on terb asking for advice on how to find a lawyer for a sexual assault or sexual harassment case.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2003
There is a thread a guy who just got arrested for soliciting prostitute on the street. I am wondering if you talk to a civilian woman on the street and ask her pose nude for you. If she run screaming to the nearest police, can you get arrested? Never happened to me, but just wondering.
Kind of a strange question to begin with...why would anybody want to do that anyway? Not a matter of being arrested or not, more a question of common sense and respect for the lady.
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