What is the love life of SPs like?


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
And being an escort yourself, you know all about this first hand *rolls eyes*. Try to get your info from other sources than Miami Vice and CSI.

Seriously, I'm constantly amazed at the schizoid nature of many people on this board. On one hand, they praise the Companions they see, congratulating fellow pooners on their experience, and glorify the hobby. On the other, they post things like the quote above, peppered with misogynist assumptions and even self-hate. I've met quite a few hobbyists at the parties, and very few are "disgusting men". The average dude I've met is pretty well groomed and conciencious of his hygene, something this scene will teach you. As for their sexual practices, what's disgusting to one is kinky to another. You need an open mind to work in this industry.

Guys, do yourself a favour, if you don't know, don't speak. You end up looking like an ass to those who are actually in the know.
So you've met a few guys at a party and you're the expert, they look like clean looking guys, that's your argument. And by this you say you're in the know, thanks for the laugh. No johns are in the know, none, zero, zippo. We're just a way for these girls to make good money, and in most cases, we can't leave quick enough. Uptonogood makes a few good points, one in peticular, most of the time the girls can't wait for the guy to leave.

Quit being so delusional, if most of these girls saw us on the street they may consider jumping in front of a bus to avoid talking to us. At these parties the girls can relax, flirt, and have drinks bought for them all night, all the while knowing they don't have to fuck any john that night.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
The life of a sex worker is not glamorous or romantic by any means. If they have a boyfriend at all, the majority lie about what work they do and even on the way to see a client. This secret by the way dies with the sex worker when it comes to a relationship if it can be helped.They wake up praying for a way out wishing they did not have to sleep with disgusting men but still be able to make good money. Not all ladies make really good money but many who do are constantly broke, Cash is liquid and burns through easily and quickly. An escort who makes 5000 a month may at the end of the month not even be able to pay her 900 a month rent. About the clietns and their S/O's. Many Sex workers can't wait till your time with them is over no matter how polite and into it they seem. They are only that way because they want you back. Better to sleep with a list of regulars than with different men everyday of the week and sleeping with "one offs" As for the guys they date, the majority of them are Losers.........They are pretend badasses who may look good but have zero morals or ambitions an many are supported by their sex worker partner.
Alot of women who turn to this business have had bad things in their past happen and have been stripped of any self worth. Rape is one such example. Many have also been neglected by parents and specifically the "father" who didn't see fit to raising his child with love and attention.
The good life for a sex worker usually doesn't begin until after they leave the business if they survive it at all but life never really becomes enjoyable for them as the past never really goes away. If you ever wanna know what an sp's life is like, next time you make an appointment with one instead of jumping into bed, try talking to her. NOT having sex with her will make you one of the guys she may actually have a little respect for.
Wow, a lot of stereotypes and cliches in this post. I'm sure some of it's true but it could also apply to a lot of females who are not sex workers.
And don't we all wish we could get over work as quickly as we can. Of course, 90+% of them don't want to have sex with strangers (i.e. disgusting, ugly, old men) but bills have to be paid.
And why would I want to "talk" to them? One, I'm paying for sex. And two, they don't want to talk about their "real" lives or most johns don't want to disclose their "real" lives. This is all a "fantasy."


Jul 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
I like this topic, it an interesting one, even took out the time to read through most. “Best answer I read though came from Amber-jade in relation to normal lives.” Although I did read a few things that further gave interested.

Especially in regards to,”SPs are aliens with no feelings so therefore when you ask them this question (and as an SP) I will therefore tell you to mind your own business. Their relationships have nothing to do with their business so by not asking these questions, they are able to keep it seperate.”

I know a few that over time made friends with, which result in a friendship and no business. Just does not feel right getting personal in a social arena and doing business. Better just do the deed, and keep it friendly in a lot of cases. I am sure being involved in a relationship is no different than being in one with a porn model or star. It is a job and nothing more. A simple career move....better than working at burger king and Tim Hortons.

I think some guys forget this...As for laughing at them walking down the street when seeing them with some guy....I think this is immature... Kind of borders on disrepectful. Especially when the person laughing has spent some time with them...at one time or another in order to know this.

I think it a job with a career label, and offers up a service...once the clock times up...back to being oneself...I am sure like anything else in life there is moments of fear, jealous, insecurity for either partner....I guess one could say in order for a relationship to survive in this industry...a couple that cares about themselves will spend a lot of quality time together in great conversation, holding hands and cuddling together.

SP-ing has nothing to do with the person personal and private life...they still have feelings, emotiona and thoughts about life and stuff....:)

Beside dairy queens nice to cool off too.
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Aug 13, 2007
Has anyone seen an SP in public with a significant other? If so, what did he look like? Did he seem clueless to what she does?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
You know after reading this thread I feel like I have to apologize to the ladies, honest we are not all knuckle dragging neandrathals who know exactly what your private lives are supposed to be like. Honest .

Some of the posts here are so far back in the cave I expect they have to pump daylight in just to see the hair on their knuckles, good lord guys, SP for the most part are people yes they have lives outside of the business and I expect some of them go to great extreams to make sure that their "job" stays private, If they wqant it that way good for them, if they on't want it that good for them too. The total extent of our interest in the outside life of an SP should be the actuall answers they gave on the thread, if you want to speculate, dream and or prescribe the way thy should live their lives outside of their jobs feel free to do so in private, deciding how they live whether it is glamorous, or not or if they lied to their SO just to have a relationship ( just wondering if any of this sounds familier to the people doing the posting) is really beyond the pale.

So once again ladies I do apologize for the members of the board who have yet to get past the part where women actually have the vote and are allowed out of the kitchen after being unlocked from the stove. Eventually we as half the species may actually progress to the point where you don't mind being seen in public with us but until then please just grin and bear it.

Here endeth the rant.


Lover of Beautiful Souls
Jun 29, 2003
Ivory Tower
I actually am interested in the lives of SPs and like to talk to them about a variety of things, and I have no reason to think that most of what they tell me isn't true. I'm sure some of them would lie to keep a regular or get more money out of a client or whatever, but they hardly ever say anything that would be remotely useful in advancing any such agenda. However, they rarely tell me much about the present topic, perhaps because they know I'm generally not interested in it; it disrupts the GFE illusion for me if they talk about their boyfriends/husbands at all. Still, I know one who mentioned a couple of ex-boyfriends that she'd tried to keep her work a secret from, who eventually suspected and harassed her to try to find out for sure and to try to get her to quit. So, unsurprisingly, it seems that some SPs hide things from their real life romantic interests. And some of them surely have pimp boyfriends, as others have mentioned. But to me it doesn't seem that hard to believe that some are honest about their work and have successful relationships anyway. Not everyone has the same hangups about this sort of thing; certainly not to the same degree.

As far as what SPs think of clients, they tell plenty of stories about their bad clients. Do you act like that? If not, you're probably not one of the bad ones. They also have good clients, but of course they will say you're good as long as you're not bad (and maybe even if you're bad, but you can tell pretty easily if you're bad by listening to the stories, and if you're a bad client odds are you don't care). Thus, you probably have to take an interest in them and pay attention to how they're feeling to be able to tell if they're sincere in telling you you're a good one. What the proportions are of good, bad and in between I obviously don't know, but for one thing it would be quite surprising if it didn't vary a lot from SP to SP. It probably also varies a lot from SP to SP the extent to which they tolerate or dislike the in between clients.


Under/over beside you
Aug 17, 2001
Niagara Falls, Ontario, CANADA
You know after reading this thread I feel like I have to apologize to the ladies, honest we are not all knuckle dragging neandrathals who know exactly what your private lives are supposed to be like. Honest .

Some of the posts here are so far back in the cave I expect they have to pump daylight in just to see the hair on their knuckles, good lord guys, SP for the most part are people yes they have lives outside of the business and I expect some of them go to great extreams to make sure that their "job" stays private, If they wqant it that way good for them, if they on't want it that good for them too. The total extent of our interest in the outside life of an SP should be the actuall answers they gave on the thread, if you want to speculate, dream and or prescribe the way thy should live their lives outside of their jobs feel free to do so in private, deciding how they live whether it is glamorous, or not or if they lied to their SO just to have a relationship ( just wondering if any of this sounds familier to the people doing the posting) is really beyond the pale.

So once again ladies I do apologize for the members of the board who have yet to get past the part where women actually have the vote and are allowed out of the kitchen after being unlocked from the stove. Eventually we as half the species may actually progress to the point where you don't mind being seen in public with us but until then please just grin and bear it.

Here endeth the rant.
This is the internet. Surprisingly, this query comes up very often. Not sure why but it can a be a mood killer. I think this is a subject that is best left in the closet.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
You know after reading this thread I feel like I have to apologize to the ladies, honest we are not all knuckle dragging neandrathals who know exactly what your private lives are supposed to be like. Honest .

Some of the posts here are so far back in the cave I expect they have to pump daylight in just to see the hair on their knuckles, good lord guys, SP for the most part are people yes they have lives outside of the business and I expect some of them go to great extreams to make sure that their "job" stays private, If they wqant it that way good for them, if they on't want it that good for them too. The total extent of our interest in the outside life of an SP should be the actuall answers they gave on the thread, if you want to speculate, dream and or prescribe the way thy should live their lives outside of their jobs feel free to do so in private, deciding how they live whether it is glamorous, or not or if they lied to their SO just to have a relationship ( just wondering if any of this sounds familier to the people doing the posting) is really beyond the pale.

So once again ladies I do apologize for the members of the board who have yet to get past the part where women actually have the vote and are allowed out of the kitchen after being unlocked from the stove. Eventually we as half the species may actually progress to the point where you don't mind being seen in public with us but until then please just grin and bear it.

Here endeth the rant.
I guess you haven't been on TERB for long. A lot of guys on this website are misogynists and view SPs are sex dolls.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
A lot of guys on this website........view SPs are sex dolls.
I wonder whether an SP would rather have that or a guy who is looking for a friend or a psychiatrist


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
So you've met a few guys at a party and you're the expert, they look like clean looking guys, that's your argument. And by this you say you're in the know, thanks for the laugh. No johns are in the know, none, zero, zippo. We're just a way for these girls to make good money, and in most cases, we can't leave quick enough. Uptonogood makes a few good points, one in peticular, most of the time the girls can't wait for the guy to leave.

Quit being so delusional, if most of these girls saw us on the street they may consider jumping in front of a bus to avoid talking to us. At these parties the girls can relax, flirt, and have drinks bought for them all night, all the while knowing they don't have to fuck any john that night.
With that kind of outlook, no wonder the girls you see can't wait to get rid of you. As for claiming to be someone in the know, I make no such claims. I'm just a guy with a wide berth of human experience, especially alternative relationships, so I see Companions as they are: People.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
If you ever wanna know what an sp's life is like, next time you make an appointment with one instead of jumping into bed, try talking to her. NOT having sex with her will make you one of the guys she may actually have a little respect for.
Sorry Captain Save a Ho types need not apply. Do the above and you will run the risk of being snickered at when she decides to tell all of her SP friends. i only have respect for people who mind their own business. It is a fantasy and I like to keep it that way. my personal life is no one's business unless I[m discussing it on my terms. Not yours. In most cases, you will never get to know an SP.
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