

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
To the few of you guys that are physically gifted to have been able to maintain and keep your full head of hair over the decades...this thread isn't for you.

To Most men, this has probably haunted and taunted you over the years as to whether or not we will ever get an effective solution or a cure. I know, i know. Hair isn't everything and hair really isn't that important on the list of health concerns - but it sure has taken a chunk of a toll of stress on my life, over the years.

Most of the guys on terb, i imagine have stressed about the loss of their hair - again and again - and spent many sleepless nights tossing and turning over it. I imagine many of the guys have tried pretty much everything to remedy the problem. I for one, have. To finally know - that when it comes to hairloss - no remedy works. I've tried Minoxidil, Finasteride, Dutasteride, Spiro cream, Extra Strength Minoxidil. Hell, I even tried natural remedies such as Onion.

Over the years. Let's call it year #3. I can tell you that Nothing worked at All. Minoxodil, you get a few tiny hairs, called Vellus hairs.. but they remain tiny the entire time. They never mature. Year after year - they remain tiny, thin and colorless. Nothing worth writing home about. They NEVER mature to grow into regular, thick hairs. Never.

I'm wondering if any other guys on here has been also raging a battle in honor of their hair - fighting to keep it - maintain it - even to enhance it.

With chemicals, one year ago I quit the battle. I've spend 4 years browsing through forums, reading tirelessly through thread after thread of hairloss forums, trying one thing after another.

and in the end: Nothing works.

Anyone else tried? Know anything about the progress with hairloss in the scientific community? Any stories to share? Any news?

I gave up long time ago. But sometimes, I still wonder....if we're ever going to be able to get our hair back - or make a dent in this war against hairloss (since the hairloss industry is a multibillion dollar industry)

There's countless stories of "Research and Development" or "Remarkable Discoveries/Technologies in progress" but the bottomline is, that after years and years of trials and testing before it is given FDA approval - an effective treatment that will finally be released to the public is 20 years down the road....(if ever there is one)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
My hair has a nice bald spot in back.

Never done anything about it you've described above. Never lost a minute's sleep about it either. Never read very much about it, probably because I know that nothing really works - like you've taken 4 years to figure out. Oh sure, I've fretted a bit, and I'd rather have my 17 year old mop back, but unless they come up with something that really works - and I mean really works - I choose not to care.

When it gets really bad - just go with the Jean Luk Picard look.

My hair doesn't define me. Seriously.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I tried something many years ago and it made it worse. Many grow a beard to take the attention away from their head. Head shape is a big factor too, a bald guy with a big ass head doesn't look too good.

If you're bald, you have to sharpen up other areas to compensate, you can't be fat, don't try to cover it up with a combover, and dress well. I don't think women care as much about it as we think they do, especially as we get older and more guys go bald. It would be difficult to go bald young, when you're still in the bar stages and most of the other guys aren't bald.

I sometimes grow mine in because I'm not completely bald, but I'm so used to having it short that I immediately cut it short again.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
When I started to thin on top, I shaved it off and never looked back. It's super easy to maintain, easy to keep clean, and if I think about how much I've saved in haircuts over nearly 40 years I laugh at all of the big-haired people.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
You can continue to think about it or come to the realization that there are more important things in life you can actually control. Such as health / fitness, surrounding yourself with good family & friends, decent clothes, etc. as others mentioned. In the end we're only here for a very short time so why not just enjoy it. Folks don't really care as much as you think.

Guess not really helpful in shedding light into your question though. :)


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I thought hair transplants were all modern and effective nowadays. I'm not balding though, so haven't researched it, but a handful of articles I've read say that the days of those circular hair plugs are LONG gone, that its all individual hairs now, and it looks natural and good. I just read another story, maybe a year ago, saying they were going to start cloning hairs, so they would take a hair out of your own scalp, clone it a bunch of thousands of times, and plant them all back in yer noggin.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
I thought hair transplants were all modern and effective nowadays. I'm not balding though, so haven't researched it, but a handful of articles I've read say that the days of those circular hair plugs are LONG gone, that its all individual hairs now, and it looks natural and good. I just read another story, maybe a year ago, saying they were going to start cloning hairs, so they would take a hair out of your own scalp, clone it a bunch of thousands of times, and plant them all back in yer noggin.
ye - you heard right.

except - it hasn't come out yet. They're still waiting - hoping - waiting - for it. Its still in the trial stages. Could be another 20 years - IF we're lucky - for it to come out. And when it does come out - it'll probably be just as messy - and just as expensive - and just as painful - as Hair transplants.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
I think where most men fuck up is trying to hide the fact they are balding or thinning. I saw 3 guys walk into a mall last week, all with toupe's. They looked ridiculous. The others with bald areas think if they have bald areas, but then grow the rest shoulder length, it will look "good on them." Nothing worse than a 60 year old, bald on top, with a pony tail. To be honest, I am not concerned about my hair and "what others will think." I dress well and do the best with my hair. If you are considering a toupe, comb over or longer hair, just forget it. You look ridiculous and will make yourself the brunt of jokes. Just work with what you have.

PS-The 3 guys I saw with toupe's were dressed like they just crawled out of bed and were on their way to Walmart. Try dressing better.


Oct 5, 2001
My hair started to recede, as I knew it would) in my early 30s and by 40 I was quite bald on top. As did my bald uncle before, I cultivated a nice beard which now people comment on. it helps being a bit taller too, easier to see my beard than the top of my head. Do I worry about it? Not at all, just wish hair elsewhere wasn't quite as healthy as it is!


New member
Jan 16, 2004
If you are worried about, chances are women will be able to tell, and they will worry about it too.

Who cares.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Phew - don't have to read any further... Now, start a thread called "weight" or "money" and I'll have to be a part of those.
Don't tempt me.

I might decide to be a real terb troublemaker and start a thread called "height"


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
I think where most men fuck up is trying to hide the fact they are balding or thinning. I saw 3 guys walk into a mall last week, all with toupe's. They looked ridiculous. The others with bald areas think if they have bald areas, but then grow the rest shoulder length, it will look "good on them." Nothing worse than a 60 year old, bald on top, with a pony tail. To be honest, I am not concerned about my hair and "what others will think." I dress well and do the best with my hair. If you are considering a toupe, comb over or longer hair, just forget it. You look ridiculous and will make yourself the brunt of jokes. Just work with what you have.

PS-The 3 guys I saw with toupe's were dressed like they just crawled out of bed and were on their way to Walmart. Try dressing better.
just out of curiousity. how were you so certain they were toupe's? Sure. Some guys have hair that's so thick and full - that you want to outright call it a toupee. I know a buddy of mine whom I know for a fact does NOT wear a toupee - and he's 36 - lucky sob hasn't lost a single strand of hair his entire life - has a full, thick head of hair - like the day he was 11 years old. I actually was hanging with him the other day and while he was talking - i looked at his hair and was amazed at how it could easily be presumed to be a toupee. It's so thick and flawless, like it could easily have been a toupee taped ontop of his scalp. But i know, for a fact - that its not a toupee - because i've known the guy for years - and he has had the same thick head of hair all the time. Its actually kind of freaky - now that i think of it - how he walks around and many guys can easily assume its a toupee - cause it looks flawless, thick and like he hasn't lost one strand of hair his entire life.

I look around - and alot of guys have thick, wonderous manes that could easily be toupees in actuality - because they're such flawless heads of hair.

but i could never be sure. What makes you think the guys you saw were wearing toupees - and it wasn't really their natural heads of hair?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
I thought hair transplants were all modern and effective nowadays. I'm not balding though, so haven't researched it, but a handful of articles I've read say that the days of those circular hair plugs are LONG gone, that its all individual hairs now, and it looks natural and good. I just read another story, maybe a year ago, saying they were going to start cloning hairs, so they would take a hair out of your own scalp, clone it a bunch of thousands of times, and plant them all back in yer noggin.
and ye - apparently - they're making advancements in hair transplants - hair plugs are now obsolete and replaced with individidual hairs. They used to do strips of skin and attach them to your head - which leave scars - but now they can do individual hairs - which does appear to have a very natural and good-looking result - from the stories and pictures in some of the forums. The latest available procedure - with individual hairs - showng in a thread where guys went to italy to get the procedure done - shows really good results. Apparently - it only takes a month to recover after the procedure - and then its a lifetime of nice hair - as far as i know.

the pictures from italy - of the procedures - looks really really good. its almost breathtaking.

Apparently, the president of Italy once underwent the circular hair plugs procedure and he got very bad results and now hides it with combination of concealer and makeup pen. In most recent pictures - his hair does look good.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
HT's depend on the amount of hair loss you currently have, if you're completely bald, you'll never have enough donour hair to make it look good. HT's look best when your just filling in a few thin areas. Bill Waters on Sportsnet had it done and his looks awful IMO.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
If you are worried about, chances are women will be able to tell, and they will worry about it too.

Who cares.
Bingo, exactly.

A buddy of mine started losing his hair early and was so paranoid, always wear a baseball cap.
So we (friends and I) kept telling him, that him making a big deal of it made it actually stand out more and worse than it really was.
Don't stress it and nobody will stress it in return. I know easier said than done, but you're only stressing yourself out a lot more than you should.


New member
Feb 23, 2004
Finger Lakes, NY
just out of curiousity. how were you so certain they were toupe's?
Oh, they were rugs. Black as opposed to the great hair half way down the back of their heads. And the tell tale flip. My biggest fear is not losing my hair, but one day dressing like these clowns. Wearing sweats, sneakers, aviator glasses, sweaty baseball hats, free T-shirts (the one's with ads) and black socks with leather shoes and shorts.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Oh, they were rugs. Black as opposed to the great hair half way down the back of their heads. And the tell tale flip. My biggest fear is not losing my hair, but one day dressing like these clowns. Wearing sweats, sneakers, aviator glasses, sweaty baseball hats, free T-shirts (the one's with ads) and black socks with leather shoes and shorts.'re saying the toupee was a different hair color than their real natural hair color? What's the "tell tale flip" ?
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