What is the most corrupt person you have met, and what deed did he ( she ) do?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
This has to be someone you met, not someone in the news.

I had a schoolmate that told me that her uncle would flip his mother in-laws wheel chair over and have sex with her. The mother in-law lived with him and his wife. Evidently the wife was not putting out and he took it out on his mother in-law. When the family found out, they ran him out of town. Its not smart to mess with angry Sicilians.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007

I was 14 and living in a poor neighborhood in MTL, myself and my yonger brother coouldnt play football beacise our parents couldnt afford the errollment and gear. We joined a league that was based all on funding so we had to canvas Door to Door to to get money from people for gear and stuff. After the funding ralley was over , myself and my brother kept a copy of the donation sheet and copied it. We dressed like bums, went door canvasind the rich and telling them they would win an alinclusive trio to europe, washer dryer, car etc. We made the pzize list a page long.

We collect 10 grand that summer and party like it was 1999.

The funniest thing, is at the end of the summer, called these peolple back and told them they won everything and to come claim there prize at information desk in the Plaz de Arts mall. My brother and I came early, sat down at the fountain, sucking on freezys and watch the fireworks. Ohhhh what a summer

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Let me guess, it was the St. Henri district, right?

So, did that experience turn you into a lifetime grifter?


Jan 31, 2005
This girl who used to cheat on her boyfriend with me. She used to make a point of making sure he knew when it was happening. She got a kick out of the emotional drama and the crying and begging when she got home. She was really cruel to him. One time she talked to him on the phone while I was fucking her, and made sure he knew. I felt bad about it sometimes, but on the other hand, she was really hot and I was young and horny.

I don't know if that counts as "corrupt", she was certainly a piece of work, and he was dumb enough to stay with her.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
This girl who used to cheat on her boyfriend with me. She used to make a point of making sure he knew when it was happening. She got a kick out of the emotional drama and the crying and begging when she got home. She was really cruel to him. One time she talked to him on the phone while I was fucking her, and made sure he knew. I felt bad about it sometimes, but on the other hand, she was really hot and I was young and horny.

I don't know if that counts as "corrupt", she was certainly a piece of work, and he was dumb enough to stay with her.
Who's the corrupt one, you or her? Just asking. You basically permitted everything she did to the guy.


Jan 31, 2005
Who's the corrupt one, you or her? Just asking. You basically permitted everything she did to the guy.
Yup that's true, I did. She really twisted the knife though, what she was doing to him went beyond cheating, she was torturing him.


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
Any politician..... What did they do?..... Be a politician.

I shouldn't say ALL politicians are corrupt. I've met quite a few in my day. The only 2 that I can say I trust are Hazel McCallion of Mississauga and Elijah Harper of Alberta.


May 27, 2010
The only 2 that I can say I trust are Hazel McCallion of Mississauga....
Follow the news much? I guess evidence is such an inconvenience to reality.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Corrupt? That's hard to say. Usually you can avoid situations with people like that if you're paying attention. Now crazy people, that's something else again. Way harder to predict and you can never figure them out.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I knew a guy who started an investment fund, and stole $600 Million from it. I did not know him at the time, only later, after he had been caught.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I don't really know anyone horribly corrupt. The worst I've met was a guy we had set up high speed internet at work. He did a shabby job and his service sucked, not to mention his price was double that of major service providers. When we finally had access to alternatives we immediately cancelled with him. Since we bought the equipment when he set up, he offered to buy it back. He came and got the equipment and wrote us a check. Surprise, surprise: it bounced. Months later, we finally got in contact with him again (my co-worker contacted him using his personal number rather than our work number because the guy was avoiding our calls) and the guy offered to write another check. Weeks later still no check so we show up at his business and demand a check in person. He delivers and we immediately go to the bank to certify it. No good. We go back to his place and throw it in his face and say we want the equipment back. He says he doesn't have it and that he wants us to leave. After that, we just wrote it off as a loss.

We did some investigative work, as we knew some of his suppliers in the area. Most of them were agitated that he didn't pay his bills on time, if at all. The guy expected prompt payment, but basically refused to pay most bills that came his way. His service was so shitty, that I'd basically call his whole operation a scam. Last we heard he was being sued over an unrelated issue...something to do with a house he sold.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I've met Mulroney, Chretien and Layton. Take your pick.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I'm not sure that I've met anyone corrupt, but I have met a few people in my life who were pathological liars. The kind of people who lie about anything and everything, even if they don't have to...

This kind of behavior is very disturbing to me, and I am not sure what makes a person so full of shit that they feel like they have to lie about, or embellish absolutely everything.

Eventually, I would just turn my ears off and stop listening to them. Every story is bullshit, from the mundane to the outrageous; you can't believe a word they say! Why even bother listening to them when I know not a word of truth is coming out of their mouth?

There is someone in my family who not only lies pathologically, but also steals. They will never have my trust.


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
I'm not sure that I've met anyone corrupt, but I have met a few people in my life who were pathological liars. The kind of people who lie about anything and everything, even if they don't have to...
I had a boss who was a pathological liar, many years ago. One lie that I remember was his claim that he was 6 feet tall. I'm 6 feet tall and a good two inchies taller than him.

As far as corrupt goes, the one that comes to mind is my parents had an investment adviser who embezzled six figures from them. He was part of a larger company, and they made good with my parents. But for the pain and worry that he put them through, I would love to have just half an hour in a room with him. Still pisses me off when I think about it.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm not sure that I've met anyone corrupt, but I have met a few people in my life who were pathological liars. The kind of people who lie about anything and everything, even if they don't have to...

This kind of behavior is very disturbing to me, and I am not sure what makes a person so full of shit that they feel like they have to lie about, or embellish absolutely everything.

Eventually, I would just turn my ears off and stop listening to them. Every story is bullshit, from the mundane to the outrageous; you can't believe a word they say! Why even bother listening to them when I know not a word of truth is coming out of their mouth?
I had a friend like that back in high school. It was the weirdest thing. He'd tell a bullshit story, and you'd say you don't believe it. Then he'd swear it's true, and you'd point out the failings or contradictions in his story. He'd shake his head and say "no" as if the contradictions don't exist. You'd then show him proof that his story can't be true. Then he'd only shake his head. You'd think that after that he'd know we know he is full of shit, but he always had a new fable to tell.


Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
Me. I loathe myself for the things I have done to the people that trust and love me.

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
This has to be someone you met, not someone in the news.

I had a schoolmate that told me that her uncle would flip his mother in-laws wheel chair over and have sex with her. The mother in-law lived with him and his wife. Evidently the wife was not putting out and he took it out on his mother in-law. When the family found out, they ran him out of town. Its not smart to mess with angry Sicilians.

I almost cant even beleive that
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