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What is the most corrupt person you have met, and what deed did he ( she ) do?

Major Major

New member
Dec 15, 2002
This girl who used to cheat on her boyfriend with me. She used to make a point of making sure he knew when it was happening. She got a kick out of the emotional drama and the crying and begging when she got home. She was really cruel to him. One time she talked to him on the phone while I was fucking her, and made sure he knew. I felt bad about it sometimes, but on the other hand, she was really hot and I was young and horny.

I don't know if that counts as "corrupt", she was certainly a piece of work, and he was dumb enough to stay with her.
Thtas just horrible.

I could understand why someone would cheat....sometimes things are missing at the home front that need to be handled. Fine...but be mindful for god sakes. Why on earth would you go out of your way to hurt that person by making sure they find out....calling them while you're getting juuked???? thats pure MALICE.

What goes around comes around and this girl has some bad medicine with her name on it


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Thtas just horrible.

I could understand why someone would cheat....sometimes things are missing at the home front that need to be handled. Fine...but be mindful for god sakes. Why on earth would you go out of your way to hurt that person by making sure they find out....calling them while you're getting juuked???? thats pure MALICE.

What goes around comes around and this girl has some bad medicine with her name on it
Agreed, that is pure malice. Someone who would deliberately hurt someone else like that is beyond corrupt.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
umm ok:) brace yourselves
a guy I used to know very very well when we were kids in a faraway country did this:
he was in a multimillion business of basically stealing money from the government of that country. He and his business partner hired a bunch of thugs to kill a few people who were standing on their way, which included creditors and government officials. Some murders went well, some not. One victim got stabbed near her door because the thugs had no gun handy. She died. Some others survived. Meanwhile my guy became a member of parliament of that country and coincidentally got immunity from prosecution. Thugs got caught on something unrelated and this thing was discovered. His business partner who had no immunity was prosecuted and received life sentence. My guy refused to even come to court based on the immunity. He is I think still a member of parliament. The story is all over internet. He does not seem to give a shit.
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