Pickering Angels

Death by firing squad


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Imagine if you were chosen to be in the firing squad against your will. I would think that it can be a traumatizing life altering event. If I were chosen and had no choice to participate in a firing squad, I would aim for the nuts.
In Utah, they ask for volunteers from police services in the state (according to CNN yesterday).


Active member
May 3, 2006
they normally load one random rifle with a blank to give the executioneers some peace of mind, but anyone who has fired a gun can tell the difference between a blank and alive round due to difference in recoil. In Thailand they used to use a machine gun that was fixed and shoot of a short belt of rounds through your heart from the back. They must have stopped doing that because to must have been pretty messy.
The blank is specially made so that it simulates the recoil effect - I don't recall how they do it.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
I don't have any problem with the death penalty. As jaded as society has become, I'm surprised its not part of any reality television. It would be kind of cool if the victim's family got to choose the method of execution, or if the prisoner had to choose door number 1, 2, or 3...there is some good entertainment that could actually come out of all this.


Jan 31, 2005
I think when the state sets the example of using violence as punishment that citizens follow suit in their private lives, leading to a rise in crime that offsets any deterrent effect. On top of that it's ridiculously expensive.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Could be worse...

They could have hung, drawn and quartered him.

Now that was fucking cruel....

The Tudors always has some pretty gruesome executions...In this scene we see what happens when the guy who's supposed to chop off your head is a wee bit hung over.


or this one....

The fun really starts around minute 2:00

They didn't fuck around back then....


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Could be worse...

They could have hung, drawn and quartered him.

Now that was fucking cruel....

The Tudors always has some pretty gruesome executions...In this scene we see what happens when the guy who's supposed to chop off your head is a wee bit hung over.


or this one....

The fun really starts around minute 2:00

They didn't fuck around back then....
Going to the block isn't a bad way IF the executioner has good aim and a heavy swing. I recall people used to bribe him to get it done quick in one stroke. The guillotine is the most humane way to execute someone - the weight and height means one is certain of a quick, clean chop and no pain. The disadvantage is the head seperates from the body, which is messy and means the family has a decapitated corpse to deal with.

Hanging is one of the worst ways to go - it can be painful and slow. Some people in history were hung without the drop of the scaffold with the intent to prolong the pain and suffering. Hanging would be my last choice.


Jan 3, 2009
On top of that it's ridiculously expensive.
Cost isn't a fair argument against the death penalty. There's no fundamental reason why convicting and executing someone has to be any more expensive than convicting and sentencing someone to a long jail sentence. It's only as expensive as it is because we choose to make it so, applying more stringent standards and allowing seemingly endless appeals that inflate the cost dramatically.


Jan 3, 2009
Hanging is one of the worst ways to go - it can be painful and slow. Some people in history were hung without the drop of the scaffold with the intent to prolong the pain and suffering. Hanging would be my last choice.
That's why decapitation was granted to nobles who were being executed while the common man was hanged.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
In Utah, they ask for volunteers from police services in the state (according to CNN yesterday).
Given what I mentioned in #15, in Utah, in all likelyhood there were a fair number who saw this as a Religious as well as a Civic Obligation.

I rather doubt that Ronnie Lee Gardner, was one of them, but a fair number of prisoners in Utah are grateful for the opportunity to be executed by firing squad.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
the literature on guilliotine is gruesome. Supposedly heads show signs of sentient life for some seconds after the chop.

Infamous articles on guillotining during central america's death squad days. Make shift apparatus required human intervention giving rise to jargon "the photographer" who would struggle to hold / pose the victim for the chop, often failing resulting in partial chops, resulting in "the photographer" having to do it again.


Road Scholar
Feb 22, 2008
New England, USA
I personally don't see the death penalty as being wrong even though some people do, It's all a just a case of we agree to differ. My state, Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty, just life in prison. In my opinion some criminals deserve it for the crimes they commit, the guy in Utah did pick a method to get him plenty of attention though.


Jan 18, 2005
i am sure the crimes he committed were pretty severe. they don't dole out the death penalty for jay walking. whether gas, bullets or poison the result is the same. i personally don't care all that much whether the criminal suffers a quick or prolonged death, the guy killed two people and maimed another.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I am sure the crimes he committed were pretty severe.
Ronnie Lee Gardner was in a Salt Lake City, Utah Courthouse for a hearing regarding his murder of Melvyn Otterstrom a Bartender (who he shot and killed in the Bar), when he attempted to escape and shot a bailiff (Court Police Officer) Nick Kirk, and murdered his defense lawyer Michael Burdell.

So yes, I agree that the crimes for which he was sentenced to death were indeed pretty severe.


Apr 6, 2010
His crimes are unforgivable I agree. But what good does it do to put him to death? They should enslave him whatever way possible - manual labour, gay brothels, anything he is good at doing, so he can make some money, and give it all to the victim's families.


Road Scholar
Feb 22, 2008
New England, USA
His crimes are unforgivable I agree. But what good does it do to put him to death? They should enslave him whatever way possible - manual labour, gay brothels, anything he is good at doing, so he can make some money, and give it all to the victim's families.
Its just how the American justice system is. In the end, all it comes down to is the state wants payback for the crimes he committed. Pretty much he murdered people, so they're gonna go and murder him. The majority of people down here are pro death penalty, so no matter how wrong it seems to people from other countries, the USA will always have the death penalty. Its just how it is.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
Death penalty for convicted criminals is questionable for most individuals specially for those who believe that nobody has the right to take one's life in any means and reasons because of their belief that the Supreme being is the only one who has the right to do such thing but because of the uncontrollable crimes that just get worse as time pass by, there is now an increasing number of individuals who agree for such penalty. In fact, a Florida bill would bring back death by firing squad. Florida Rep. Brad Drake wants the state's system of capital punishment to ramp it up from lethal cocktail, notes the Associated Press. He has introduced Florida HB 325, a law that might bring firing squads or the electric chair to death row. The choice - firing squad or electric chair - will be in the hands of each Florida death row inmate.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
In fact, a Florida bill would bring back death by firing squad. Florida Rep. Brad Drake wants the state's system of capital punishment to ramp it up from lethal cocktail, notes the Associated Press. He has introduced Florida HB 325, a law that might bring firing squads or the electric chair to death row. The choice - firing squad or electric chair - will be in the hands of each Florida death row inmate.
If I was going to be executed I would prefer a firing squad first, and guillotine second, history buff that I am lol. Injection seems pretty sad - like taking a sick dog to the vet. Electric chair doesn't appeal, nor does the old California gas chamber. Hanging is the least desirable to me. I have no problem with death row inmates getting a choice of the method they want used.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
you never even hear the shot
Yes you would.

Ask any vet who was shot. Many will tell you they heard the shot

As to capital punishment, firing squad (if done right and there are no guarantees it would be done right) would be fairly humane. Lethal injection (if done right) should also be fairly humane.

Hanging, gas chamber, electrocution are barbaric

Guillotine? I've read stories about severed heads in France responding (eyes moving and focusing, mouthes moving). So don't know about that.

Maybe the most humane would be to have your head wrapped with plastic explosive. They light it off and your entire head gets blown to smithereens in a nano second. No brain, no pain.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I think they should ask what the condemned's preference is and then do the exact opposite. Fuck 'em. They made their choice to be a criminal and committed a heinous act (probably many) so who fucking cares what their preference is. It should be what the preference of the state is.

And I don't think a common criminal should be given the option of death by firing squad. That should be reserved for people in the military.
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