Confessions of a Fat Guy


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
This is something I've been wanting to post for along time, given that I have received a lot of support from the various posters here. But there's something I want to get off my chest....Thus a Confession Of a Fat Guy

Now what would I be confessing to?

Dave's really a cop? No.
Dave's gay? Curious maybe, but no.
Dave's really a woman? Not the last time I checked.
Dave really is a fat guy, and has been lying about losing weight? Now that is closer to the target. It does involve lying.

Time for a quick recap. This time last year, I was around portly 260lbs, virgin and miserable. Around Thanksgiving I found my way into TERB, and got my cherry popped by the amazonian blonde Brittney. That started something...And I don't mean my hobbying...Ok that too. I had a few other tumbles, with the lovely lady LaJolie, and amazing Amanda (just prior to her retiring) But it was the first frolic that changed things. I realized "life doesn't need to be like this," and that I wasn't happy with the person in the mirror. So over the months, I changed my activity level, diet, etc to address my physical issues, and sought help with my mental/emotional ones.

Since then I've gone from wearing a 260lber XXL shirts and 44 waist pants, to a 185lber in 34 jeans and M shirts. Outstanding isn't it?

Well where is the lie then? And it's a lie I use nearly every day, and honestly I feel bad using it. So what is it?

When people often talk to me about being amazed at my change they way "Loosing weight is really hard isn't it?" Here's the lie..."Yes, yes it is." No, no, it isn't hard....When you're damned well ready to do it. And I was ready. Some where in the later part of last year, the bell tolled and it signaled the time for me to change, and I have very seldom looked back. As extra motivation, I asked my doctor what weight he'd like to see me at (180lbs), and I swore to myself I would not hobby until I saw that weight. And the pounds just melted away...Until I hit 190, and I quickly leveled out at 185. Frustratingly, I've been stuck here for the better part of a month.

With that said, I look at where I am and what I can do, and I can't help but be amazed. Used to be I couldn't run a half a block, I can now do 5K, and am contemplating entering a 10k race next month. Not only do I run 5k, I do it at 4 in the morning, in under 30 minutes. I do not remember ever being this thin or physically capable.

But...While not as disgusted by who I see in the mirror, I still think of myself as a fat guy. I still see the dunlap gut (that can pass the pencil test), the jello like thighs, the wide arse and moobs that are bigger than some of the ladies'.

My sex drive is still out to lunch...Hell I barely masturbate once a week. It was the words of one person in chat that made me look at this differently though...Oddly enough, they came from HOF..."Right now sex isn't important to you."

I know there's more I wish to say, but I've gone blank on the subject.

Plus I would like to thank a lot of people on this forum for their support and encouragement, just too many to name...And once certainly lady for getting the ball rolling.

Thanks for your time,
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My Johnson

Jul 8, 2004
Good work Dave. Your right have to be ready. I tried quiting smoking 6 times before it stuck. You shold ask the Doc to test your Testosterone level. You'd be surprised how many guys can be low. It's easily addressed.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Congrats, I worked with a guy who did the same thing, he put on his pants one day, they didn't fit and he told himself he wasn't going up another size again. He lost 100 pounds and looked like a completely different person. He also said he plateaued with his weight loss, remember him saying something like his body stopped reacting to the same exercise and he had to a variety of exercises to wake up different mucsles, don't know if that's true, that's what he thought.

Also, there's no such word as loosing, it's loosening or losing depending on the context.


Nov 14, 2005
Congrats Dave. Keep in mind once you loose a lot of fat, often your exercise will be building muscle which IS the very best way to loose the fat= muscle burns more calories to maintain itself. Thus more muscle= higher motabalism & more calories burned 24/7 even while sleeping. BUT muscle weighs MORE than fat sooooo your b.m.i. may be improving & yet your weight stay the same . OR if you do weights you could gain weight as you build up muscle. Have your doctor monitor your b.m.i. If you are getting into eating healthy foods, DO NOT under eat & build muscle tone then you have nothing to worry about & enjoy life. Unless some other deeper issues, the self esteem will come around once you see how others react to you. Cheers ..... you lucky bastard. P.S. If only getting height is as easy as losing weight!


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I think what you are saying is that even though you lost all that weight, your self esteem is still low. That is amazing that you've managed to accomplish so much. But I think you still have more work to do. Congratulations on what you've done, and good luck with what remains.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Also, there's no such word as loosing, it's loosening or losing depending on the context.
Incorrect... "loosing" is a word, it's a verb dating from the 13th century. But you are correct in that it was the wrong word in this context as "loosing" means "to release" whereas "losing" refers to loss of something (in this case weight)


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
My sex drive is still out to lunch...Hell I barely masturbate once a week. It was the words of one person in chat that made me look at this differently though...Oddly enough, they came from HOF..."Right now sex isn't important to you."
High exercise and low caloric intake will kill your sex drive. You may also be moving past the desire for sex, and wanting a more fulfilling relationship (and if you were a virgin, I imagine you have some issues moving to that next step).

Your weight loss is amazing. I would think about what you really want to achieve next (body image? love and intimacy?) and then apply the same dedication there. Either way, with what you have done, you have much to be proud of.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Dave at this point in time your body is in a period of adjustment. This you already know.

The other thing is that your mind is also adjusting too the redefined body that accompanies you throughout your day.

It will take some time for you too become comfortable with the improved you.

Once you learn too appreciate your triumph that is when you will be able too move on fulfilling the other aspects of your life.

You might think you have reached the end but in reality the journey has just begun.


Active member
Feb 20, 2004
Hey Dave - Congratulations on the weight loss. I know exactly how you feel. 3 years ago I lost 120 pounds and tossed out all of my old clothes. I've sworn to myself that I will never buy larger clothes again, smaller... absolutely. You are also right about losing weight. It takes a mind set to be successful. All my life I've made half-assed efforts to lose weight, only putting on more in the end. This time, enough was enough. I was in the right place emotionally, physically and mentally to do it. Unlike you, it didn't negatively affect my sex drive, increased it actually. Keep slim buddy, it feels great!!!
Dave- congrats

now for the real deal:

1- your bodies hormones are going to be out of what, your estrogen levels dropped like hell because of the weightloss and your thyroid levels are probably blunted because the human body doesn't like losing weight. It will take a while for you to get your sexdrive back- your body just needs to change and adapt to new territory- and as long as you continue losing weight you're probably not going to have your sex drive. Once you reach your goal and reach a state of homeostasis your body will gain back it's need for sex.

2- you now have to change the way you eat and have to start your metabolism back up. A lot of people do not understand this but a lot of the time when you reach a sticking point you actually need to eat MORE in order to start the weightloss again.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Contrary to what a lot of people say, muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat. A pound of muscle weighs EXACTLY the same as a pound of fat. (Duh?) They do have different densities, though. A person who is muscle bound at 185 lbs can look much smaller than another person at 185 lbs of fat. Muscle has a higher density than fat and so takes up less space. So please, do not live and die by the scale, but by how you look, how your clothes fit...body fat percentage.

Biogenicx is correct, fat is highly metabolically active! Hormones are fat soluble for the most part, and so when you lose a lot of body fat, your body in general will slow down until it reaches a new 'norm'. Let it get there, and it will. In terms of general metabolism (in an energy burning sense), muscle takes more energy to be maintained, and so, like biogenicx states, sometimes you need to amp up your food intake. Because what it takes to lose weight and build muscle changes over time, and changes with different body compositions.

Either way, hopefully the "new you" is happier, and healthier.

Kudos to you for shedding those pounds!

Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004

It takes a lot of discpline and motivation to accomplish that. Shit if you were running for mayor you would get my support. PS Mind any setbacks as normal but just keep to the routine.


Nov 14, 2005
CORRECTION: a pound of muscle=a pound of fat= a pound of feathers. A pound=a pound. When we say muscles weighs more we mean PER VOLUME. Thus as one losses 1 pound of fat & gains 1 pound of muscle they have less bulk THUS you could see yourself loose no weight BUT go down in clothing size.


Happily Retired
Aug 29, 2009
First off, congrats Dave, its fantastic that you've managed so much.
Second, you are now a smaller pant size than me...... So not fair!
Third, I wish I had your motivation..... I'm not so much gaining weight as getting soft, and I really need to tone up, but it is very difficult finding a reason to.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
As others have said about hormone levels...probably needs a bit of time to re-calibrate to the new you. As for the flabby parts...I think the same thing applies. Takes time for skin to tighten back up, and for muscles to get toned as well. Bet with all the running your ass is like manner a bit of all around toning exercise/weights might help firm up other parts. Also, when you lose that much weight you will have also lost some muscle mass along with a well rounded weight training/toning program might be good for that too.

And congrats. Hopefully you will begin to see yourself in a new way too.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
You might always see yourself as a fat person, that's not an easy thing to change.
You'll have to keep reminding yourself how much you've lost and how much better you look and feel.
Continue the positive thinking, that's going to take you the rest of the way.


Dec 30, 2006
wow! Good work buddy...

I have to agree with you Dave, losing weight is not hard! it is true.
People are just lazy and they just don't try.
trust me, i know this through experience too

Best of luck buddy
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