Royal Spa

I really tried..........I really did


Apr 7, 2005
I really tried to watch soccer today.
Seriously, I really made an effort. I really, really did.
So many of my employees are talking about the World Cup right now, I really tried.
I wanted to try to get into this World Cup event desperately.
But I just can't.
I watched about 20 min of the game yesterday - England and USA.
I thought that game might hold some interest for me.
Something like Paraguay or Cameroon or Peru or Egypt or Korea or whatever just doesn't make me care.
But it didn't.
It was so boring.
I guess I simply don't understand what is so great about soccer.
I guess I'm North American and I need action. Hockey, football, lacrosse, etc.
I guess I just don't get it.
Soccer seems so slow.
All the players diving and acting hurt annoys me.
All the arguing with the ref - I mean every whistle some player is almost crying and whining at the ref.
And what the hell is with that annoying buzzing noise during the game? Is that normal from fans? I'm assuming it's horns or something.
I don't understand the need of people here in Canada to fly other countries flags on their cars and homes and care so deeply about a country that they weren't even born in and/or their ancestors ran kicking and screaming from ages ago because it was so bad there. Shouldn't you cheer for Canada when they try to get in it?

I really did try. Honestly.

Roamin' Bee

New member
Feb 11, 2010
still roamin'...
I guess you didn't play soccer when you were young. It's true the game is not for everyone but the most important thing is you did try :)


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
well the problem is that this is the first round, give it another chance in the knock out stages and you will change your mind. The difference is the knockout round is when it becomes big boy football, the likes of Spain, Brazil, Italy, Netherlands and play to win or its go home. The game is slow really? hockey with its stoppages every 15 seconds, and once in awhile when 2 goons decide to throw punches at each other is better?

That buzzing sound you hear is the abonimation that is a South African insturment called the vuvuzela, millions around the world have complained about it including players and commentators, its simply freaking annoying as hell I will agree. Lastly the flags of different countries, well you live in a city where people from all around the world come from. They passed on their love of the game to their kids or even grand kids, and also living in a country where soccer is so far down the totem pole and having only qualified once (1986) makes it hard to cheer for Canada, and easier to cheer for the land of your ancestors.

The solution is get to a bar or pub where a game is being televised, I guarantee the atmosphere all around you will be awesome and you will be hooked, you wont watch Liverpool vs Manchester United on a Saturday morning in January, but this event every 4 years you will begin to understand and appreciate.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Maybe (s)he is missing the commercials.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
LOL I feel the exact same way. I played it when I was in grade 5 and I liked it but you cudnt pay me to watch a game now, its soo friggin borrring.
This Simpson's skit sums it up totally on I see

Sports that I cannot watch unless im having trouble sleeping...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I have to work really hard not to watch all the games. But then again, most terbites think I am nuts already.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Like other sports (e.g. baseball), it's not for everyone.
It's a possession game so it might "seem" slow or stand-still at times, but it's all about strategy.
Also, since Canada's national team sucks, people (who love soccer) need to cheer for someone and go back to their roots.
Soccer is a huge deal for everyone except people in North America. I remember watching it as a little kid so I love it. Maybe it's like the taste of beer, it grows on you and you wonder how you ever got by without it.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
The game is slow really? hockey with its stoppages every 15 seconds, and once in awhile when 2 goons decide to throw punches at each other is better?
the only thing more boring then soccer is hockey
Amen and Hallelujah to both these statements!

The entire planet stops what it's doing every four years to watch this tournament. It is being talked about in every pub, cafe and living room in the world.

Universal truth such as that simply speaks for itself.


Apr 7, 2005
The entire planet stops what it's doing every four years to watch this tournament. It is being talked about in every pub, cafe and living room in the world.

Universal truth such as that simply speaks for itself.
Or the human race has completely gone insane?

It's a thought.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I find it interesting how some can't get into soccer. I suppose there's no single all encompassing reason for this.

I can't imagine not being thrilled by it, but then, I grew up with it. Playing it, dragged to smokey billiards on Sunday mornings to watch and be around it, attending it and most of all hearing endless debate about it. Sure you can't separate hockey from Canada, but soccer is rooted into various cultures around the world that hockey will never be. Never.

But I also liked hockey as a kid. I think soccer is definitely not as accessible as other sports to a newcomer. Sports popular in North America seem to offer more instant gratification. IMO, soccer asks more of the viewer.


Apr 7, 2005
OK I just tried again and it's a no go.
I tried to watch the German/Aussie game thinking there were some tough guys and it wouldn't be so bad from a whining and diving standpoint.
Ummmmmmmmmm wrong.
I only made it 25 min.
I give up.

I understand what everyone is saying.

People think I'm crazy being riveted and watching NASCAR. I love it. Lots find it mind-numbing!


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
I tried to watch the German/Aussie game thinking there were some tough guys and it wouldn't be so bad from a whining and diving standpoint.

People think I'm crazy being riveted and watching NASCAR. I love it. Lots find it mind-numbing!
Lots of whining and bitching in that sport too.

It must be exciting to watch cars turn left all afternoon.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
OK I just tried again and it's a no go.
I tried to watch the German/Aussie game thinking there were some tough guys and it wouldn't be so bad from a whining and diving standpoint.
Ummmmmmmmmm wrong.
I only made it 25 min.
I give up.

I understand what everyone is saying.

People think I'm crazy being riveted and watching NASCAR. I love it. Lots find it mind-numbing!
You should give up. if you could not see the elegance and brilliance of the german game (admittedly against a weak opponent) you are a lost cause to football. Watch the cars turn left and left and left and left and left ......


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
People think I'm crazy being riveted and watching NASCAR. I love it. Lots find it mind-numbing!
well there we go, I think you've answered you own question.

And if you found today's Germany/Australia boring, I recommend you give up watching. You don't get the game and probably never will.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
And if you found today's Germany/Australia boring, I recommend you give up watching. You don't get the game and probably never will.
Agreed. OK from a competitive standpoint, it was no content. But to watch the Germans on offense was a thing of beauty.

I think soccer is a sport that if you did not grow up with it, it is hard to follow. Same goes for baseball.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
Agreed. OK from a competitive standpoint, it was no content. But to watch the Germans on offense was a thing of beauty.

I think soccer is a sport that if you did not grow up with it, it is hard to follow. Same goes for baseball.
I wish some guys would stop saying "it's hard to follow". It's so slow, that it is very easy to follow. Maybe some of us don't appreciate the game, but how could it be hard to follow? This applies to both baseball (which I enjoy) and to soccer.
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