Ashley Madison

Dumb arrogant Canadian

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
The guys not too bright too say the least.

When I go through the boarder it's yes sir no sir.

Actually I thought the second customs officer was more than patient and courteous.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
The guy was Asian and was to be subjected to secondary inspection regardless. He over-reacted as he felt insulted. Serves him right. DON"T MESS with U.S. Customs, you have no rights and they have guns.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Let me see, you have someone who wired them self for sound. Went to the US Border and looked for a problem.

He found one. Mission accomplished.


Jan 31, 2005
Let me see, you have someone who wired them self for sound. Went to the US Border and looked for a problem.

He found one. Mission accomplished.
I agree. He was itching for a fight. The first customs officer was a bit rude, but not excessively, anybody else would have defused it by answering his question patiently.

Although, I didn't hear him make any threat. They accused him of making a threat, but all he said was, "what are you going to do?", not a smart thing to say to a customs officer, but also not a threat. Maybe he made some sort of physically threatening gesture that we can't see.

Anyway good lesson on what NOT to do when talking to police/border type people.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I believe that the recordings were from U.S. customs not the couple trying to cross.
could be, however I have been to the inspection area and the initial inspection area is little more than a lobby. Not likely wired for sound.

Also the inspection booths are not likely wired. Also you will find when listening the mans voice is clearly wired in then he is always audible at the same level.

Seemingly what you have here is a mn with the intent to cause a problem.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
the guy should've known that they only hire fucking monkeys on a power trip to do that job.


Well-known member
This guy was an asshole.They should have taken his car apart handed him his keys and told him to have a nice day.Simple answer would have simply been"I'm not sure what stores are in there...i've never been there before."......I'm not sure but could he not get into shit for taping this whole thing without their permission or notice?


Jan 31, 2005
This guy was an asshole.They should have taken his car apart handed him his keys and told him to have a nice day.Simple answer would have simply been"I'm not sure what stores are in there...i've never been there before."......I'm not sure but could he not get into shit for taping this whole thing without their permission or notice?
Even after that he had many chances to defuse. After they sent him inside he should have realized his situation was getting serious and done his level best to reduce the tension, instead he continued to escalate it. I agree that the customs guy outside escalated it a bit by flipping out when dude said what do you need to know for--but that just resulted in him going for a 2nd level interview, not the end of the world if he had handled it properly.

The guys inside were reasonable and patient although they appear to have a pretty liberal definition of what constitutes a "threat" or "assault".


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Even after that he had many chances to defuse. After they sent him inside he should have realized his situation was getting serious and done his level best to reduce the tension, instead he continued to escalate it. I agree that the customs guy outside escalated it a bit by flipping out when dude said what do you need to know for--but that just resulted in him going for a 2nd level interview, not the end of the world if he had handled it properly.

The guys inside were reasonable and patient although they appear to have a pretty liberal definition of what constitutes a "threat" or "assault".
Yes, a good example of what not to do at the border lol.

I found it interesting that the 2nd customs guy said they catch 3 terrorists a day trying to get in.

I find most U.S. customs agents are decent enough though. I agree the first agent was rude (I get one like him every so often), but the Canadian was acting like a jerk. The second agent was quite nice/reasonable at the start, but jerk kept it up.

Is there any reason to go to Buffalo to shop? The GTA has a lot of stuff/stores. I could see going to NYC to shop, but the people I know in Buffalo said they come to Toronto to shop lol. Buffalo doesn't strike me as a shopping spot to go to. Please enlighten me if I am missing something, but how many malls do you drive by going to Buffalo to go to...the mall?

If you have something in mind, just order it online - no need to pick it up - it will be at your doorstep in a few days.


Jan 31, 2005
I also find that most customs officials are nice enough. I've had one or two experiences where they were pretty irritating. If you're smart you realize you can't make your situation better by complaining so you grin and bear it and patiently answer their questions even if they seem stupid.

One time I made the mistake of telling a customs officer that I was late for my flight and in a hurry. Never do that--he immediately diverted me for extra questioning. I guess he figured anyone trying to pressure him to let them through faster must have something to hide--in retrospect, maybe that's true. So now even when I'm in a huge hurry I act as bored-yet-cheerful as I possibly can while talking to the customs guys.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
the guy should've known that they only hire fucking monkeys on a power trip to do that job.

Did you spend any time in jail or did they just turn you over to the Canadian monkeys?


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
The guy was Asian and was to be subjected to secondary inspection regardless. He over-reacted as he felt insulted. Serves him right. DON"T MESS with U.S. Customs, you have no rights and they have guns.
I must have missed that part. Where/when does it say he is Asian ?


Jan 31, 2005
Get a NEXUS pass and most of the time avoid questions like what stores are you going to shop at.
I didn't even find there was anything wrong with that question. It's their job to try and trip you up with unexpected questions, to see whether your story is convincing, or whether you're making it up as you go along. I think the officer over-reacted to the guy being surprised at the question, but I don't think there was anything wrong with the question.


Oct 1, 2007
This seems to have happened in April, and the couple did the recording. It appears that they had been subsequently arrested for obstruction of justice.

The couple released the tape, probably thinking that they were had been hard done by, but I’d like to see what the tape would have sounded like if they had acted that way trying to get into France. Or Mexico, or Cuba… or anywhere other than the US.

Anytime you cross any border, you are at that point in a legal shadow zone, and not protected by all the laws of your home country, nor or all the laws of your destination country.

By voluntarily leaving your home country, and asking to enter another, you have consented to a search without probable cause or a warrant. Such a search can include a pat down, strip, body cavity, or involuntary x-ray searches.

They can search the hard drive of your laptop computer. And they can take their time about it.

They can dismantle your car down to individual nuts and bolts, and then tell you to get rid of the mess when they're done. Yes, that means, that they are not obliged to reassemble it, nor do they.

You can be subject to extended detention.

Shouting, “I am a Canadian, and I have rights,” won’t help much. But it may get a laugh out of the guys with the machine guns.


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
There's never any point in flashing attitude to a border guard.

Last year, I was coming back into the States with a guyfriend, and we were asked some pretty inappropriate questions by the guard (Does your husband know you're up here with him? for starters). We answered his questions calmly, he looked through our bags, and we were on our way. A couple months later I was back up there at a party and overheard some conversation about a border guard asking some really personal questions, beyond what they normally do. So I think that yes, some of the guards are on a power trip and ask stuff they really shouldn't....but that's just human nature, some people are assholes.

But when that asshole is in a position to deny you entry, or worse to lock you up, you have to keep your cool about things.

A couple of years ago I read an article that said technology at the border allows them to hear you in your car as far as 15 cars back. Not sure if it's true, but I guess it's possible.


Feb 16, 2010
"And as soon as you pulled away from my officers when they went to grab your arm, ok that's assault."

I totally don't get that. I'm sure he wasn't talking about the officers that were trying to grab the guy's arm. Anyone care to enlighten me how pulling away is an assault on a grabby officer? Looks like I'm gonna have to re-read the definition of assault.
Ashley Madison
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