
Al (the Hypocrite) Gore buys ANOTHER house - 9 million bucks, 6 fireplaces, 9 bathroo

He preaches reducing one's footprint. He reduced his footprint even though he is in a big house. Where is the hypocrisy.
He "cheats" by using carbon credits INSTEAD of ACTUALLY reducing his carbon output... if you don't see the complete and utter hypocrisy of that... well, that is your problem Not mine.


Jun 6, 2009
What gif are you watching... the one I posted was a bunch of "lemmings" blindly running into a huge pit...
That's the only one in the last few pages of this thread and do I have to explain to you about the 'lemming myth' as well? THEY DON'T DO THAT!!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
He "cheats" by using carbon credits INSTEAD of ACTUALLY reducing his carbon output... if you don't see the complete and utter hypocrisy of that... well, that is your problem Not mine.
He says he is not using credits but purchasing renewable energy. Very different.


New member
Oct 8, 2004
He preaches reducing one's footprint. He reduced his footprint even though he is in a big house. Where is the hypocrisy.
How is it that he is reducing his footprint? Unless he is directly drawing energy form a source other than the public power grid, every time he turns on another light in his house, more gas oil or coal is being burned.
I am Assuming that there is not enough green power available on the the grid to supply all of the U.S.
That's the only one in the last few pages of this thread and do I have to explain to you about the 'lemming myth' as well? THEY DON'T DO THAT!!
Too much caffeine today Rock? LOL Relax dude... That is exactly why I put "lemmings" in quotations... but what does THAT have to do with a family BBQ at the Cycleguy's residence?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
If he is replacing the energy he consumes with renewable energy like wind or solar etc,then his net footprint is reduced and apparently he say that his net footprint is neutral which i take to mean zero. there are companies here like Bullfrog which do the same thing. So you buy power from them at I believe a small premium, they invest in renewable energy sources like wind, solar etc, which goes back into the grid and net is reduced.


Jun 6, 2009
Too much caffeine today Rock? LOL Relax dude... That is exactly why I put "lemmings" in quotations... but what does THAT have to do with a family BBQ at the Cycleguy's residence?
Not enough java, green tea only, a detox of some sort as a favour to 'she who must be obeyed'. Don't ask.

When someone types lemmings on this BB, the likes of Woodie get antsy and flex their phalanges.


New member
Oct 8, 2004
If he is replacing the energy he consumes with renewable energy like wind or solar etc,then his net footprint is reduced and apparently he say that his net footprint is neutral which i take to mean zero. there are companies here like Bullfrog which do the same thing. So you buy power from them at I believe a small premium, they invest in renewable energy sources like wind, solar etc, which goes back into the grid and net is reduced.
So what you are saying is that if tomorow, every household in america payed "a small premium".
These companies could supply us with enough energy to shut down all oil/gas/coal powerplants? And we could all be "carbon neutral"?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
So what you are saying is that if tomorow, every household in america payed "a small premium".
These companies could supply us with enough energy to shut down all oil/gas/coal powerplants? And we could all be "carbon neutral"?
Not at all. At the moment there is not enough renewable energy or sources to satisfy the demand. The investment in renewable emery sources will grow over time and hopefully reduce the dependence on carbon based energy. Companies like Bullfrog and i am sure there are lots are creating the renewable energy sources which is then put into the grid.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
WHERE have I said he should live in poverty??? ........... but there's NO WAY NO HOW any justification that a guy living in a 9 million dollar mansion has the environments best interest at heart. Not to mention his other residences...

You honestly can't see why this isn't an issue??
You just slammed your own argument again. You are dictating his personal life style of x amount of houses of y size - is a measure of his efforts to conserve energy. If you compare his energy efforts to Donald Trump's mansions and show that there is a difference in what Gore & Trump are doing - at least it is something but you offer no proof - just attack his living style [aka Fox News - attack with no solutions/proof or justifications]


Jan 15, 2004
Nice sentiment but the fact remains they'll probably take us down with them.

Your handle says so much but maybe should be changed to 'half baked'. Your comment about 'every species for itself' tells me clearly you don't understand nature much at all. We may be at the top of a food chain but we're not that powerful or resilient. Certainly not most of the human race. Your comment about the rats says you're just exercising your gums and not much more. It nice to know you've given up, but stop calling everyone else who hasn't hypocrites and liars.
Sorry Blackrock, but you seemed to miss my apparent bad attempt at sarcastic humor.

Fact is I have far from given up. I believe we still have hope in spite of some pretty ominous issues.
And I do in fact spend the majority of my time doing something about it.

I also understand fully the connection between ourselves and nature. More so than perhaps the majority of our race, particularly on this continent, that feel we have the power to eliminate and control the elements of this planet that sustains our existence.

My whole point, all be it perhaps too sarcastic for you, was that here we sit , with yet another two pages of posts wasted debating Al Gore's hypocrisy. Who gives a flying F@#k. We are watching an ecological disaster unfold in the Gulf of Mexico of epic proportion, and we are more interested in how many bathrooms Gore's new house has?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
To be fair, the thread is about whether Al is a hypocrite and not whether ecological disaster is just around the corner and what we should do about it. The larger issue is whether Al is an appropriate spokesperson for this issue. Al has a history of jumping on and off bandwagons and is a professional politician of - apparently - dubious loyalty when it comes to his who his allies are from time to time. Furthermore, there is debate as to whether his movie is accurate, honest and properly researched. The link attached to 1 of the early posts in this thread says that Al made up much of the info in his book, I guess for shock value and to boost sales and PR impact and to keep his name in the public eye.

A man who can lie about polar bears is not worthy of our trust and respect, my friends.


Jun 6, 2009
Sorry Blackrock, but you seemed to miss my apparent bad attempt at sarcastic humor.

Fact is I have far from given up. I believe we still have hope in spite of some pretty ominous issues.
And I do in fact spend the majority of my time doing something about it.

I also understand fully the connection between ourselves and nature. More so than perhaps the majority of our race, particularly on this continent, that feel we have the power to eliminate and control the elements of this planet that sustains our existence.

My whole point, all be it perhaps too sarcastic for you, was that here we sit , with yet another two pages of posts wasted debating Al Gore's hypocrisy. Who gives a flying F@#k. We are watching an ecological disaster unfold in the Gulf of Mexico of epic proportion, and we are more interested in how many bathrooms Gore's new house has?

Fair enough. We all blow chunks now and then, but there are posters who think that and they've come to the surface every so often. I take back your 'half-baked' monicker. There are a lot of good points being made, but a lot of bologny as is par for the course.


Aug 18, 2009
The problem with this thread is its another veiled anti-climate change thread.

ie: Gore is a hypocrite, therefore I feel no guilt driving my SUV. Or, Gore is a hypocrite, therefore all environmentalists are also.

Its another useless distraction while we miss the big issues.
As in, the Gulf of Mexico spill is symptomatic of us reaching peak oil, where all the wells we drill from now on will have to be at the extreme range of what can be done technically and are thus prone to major disasters.
As in, the science of climate change is still correct and has not been disproven.
As in, BP made $6 billion last quarter and won't pay for the spill.
As in, the fossil fuel industry has paid a minimum of $50 million in anti-climate change propaganda and people are buying it.


Jan 15, 2004
The problem with this thread is its another veiled anti-climate change thread.

ie: Gore is a hypocrite, therefore I feel no guilt driving my SUV. Or, Gore is a hypocrite, therefore all environmentalists are also.

Its another useless distraction while we miss the big issues.
As in, the Gulf of Mexico spill is symptomatic of us reaching peak oil, where all the wells we drill from now on will have to be at the extreme range of what can be done technically and are thus prone to major disasters.
As in, the science of climate change is still correct and has not been disproven.
As in, BP made $6 billion last quarter and won't pay for the spill.
As in, the fossil fuel industry has paid a minimum of $50 million in anti-climate change propaganda and people are buying it.
Well put Flubadub

Perhaps I have been here too long to be any less than extremely cynical.

I realize, as Oagre responded, that this is a thread about Gore's hypocrisy, not about the reality of climate change and peak oil. The problem is that the delusional deniers of these problems, use isolated discrepancies such as Al Gore's lack of ethics to denounce the validity of the real problems. As was reported in an earlier thread, even the US military has gone on record as admitting that peak oil is imminent and production will begin to fall off dramatically in as little as 2 years. And no one short of a semi conscious crack addict (or perhaps a big oil lobbyist) could refute the catastrophic changes taking place in our environment.

So I apologize for not giving a rat's ass how many bathrooms Al Gore has. Politics, as with many high profile jobs, is infested with individuals who have done extraordinary accomplishments at the public level, yet live very dark and seedy personal lives. I might remind people on this board, that many of our own members choose to remain anonymous for very good reason.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Quoting a friend on this issue....

"See I don't see this as a liberal vs conservative issue, and I'm really not sure why it needs to be. Nor is it just about this new 9 bathroom mansion, thats just icing on the cake. This about questioning why a man who is seemingly very passionate about a certain issue yet either can't or wont live by his own words, the ones he's asking us to follow. No matter what the issue or political stance that is hypocritical and there is no reason why, weather you believe in global warming or are a fan of Al Gore, he can't be called out and questioned over his actions.

Al Gore as a very visible and famous member of the global warming movement could be setting an example of how to live an efficient green lifestyle and yet he wont. Why not? I don't think that's an unreasonable question to ask a person who is telling the world that we need to change how we live NOW or face the dire consequences. Does he not really believe what he says? If not, should we? (no I'm not denying global warming but I'm sure a lot of people are starting to look at it that way)

A hypocrite is a hypocrite, it doesn't matter how "pure" or "right" is intentions are, he shouldn't get a pass for saying one thing and doing another."


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
See I don't see this as a liberal vs conservative issue, and I'm really not sure why it needs to be. Nor is it just about this new 9 bathroom mansion, thats just icing on the cake. This about questioning why a man who is seemingly very passionate about a certain issue yet either can't or wont live by his own words, the ones he's asking us to follow. No matter what the issue or political stance that is hypocritical and there is no reason why, weather you believe in global warming or are a fan of Al Gore, he can't be called out and questioned over his actions.

Al Gore as a very visible and famous member of the global warming movement could be setting an example of how to live an efficient green lifestyle and yet he wont. Why not? I don't think that's an unreasonable question to ask a person who is telling the world that we need to change how we live NOW or face the dire consequences. Does he not really believe what he says? If not, should we? (no I'm not denying global warming but I'm sure a lot of people are starting to look at it that way)

A hypocrite is a hypocrite, it doesn't matter how "pure" or "right" is intentions are, he shouldn't get a pass for saying one thing and doing another.
Your question which is well put assumes that your premises is correct. On what do you base your assumption (that is all it is because you have no evidence) that he is not leading a green life. It cannot simply be that he lives in a big house because as as been pointed out it is apparently carbon neutral and not by the purchase of credits but by the purchase of renewable energy.

i still don't see the hypocrisy, other than by reason of the assumptions you have made..

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Your question which is well put assumes that your premises is correct. On what do you base your assumption (that is all it is because you have no evidence) that he is not leading a green life. It cannot simply be that he lives in a big house because as as been pointed out it is apparently carbon neutral and not by the purchase of credits but by the purchase of renewable energy.

i still don't see the hypocrisy, other than by reason of the assumptions you have made..
Why are you such an appologist for Gore? (Are you Al Gore?)

It is my opininon, as well as the opinion of others, that the entire concept of purchasing carbon credits is a farce.

Al Gore (one man) is using probably the same amount of resources as a hundred so called "average Americans". He's doing this in order to live a life of extreme luxury. If I was an active member of the "Environmental Movement" I'd want Gore excommunicated.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Why are you such an appologist for Gore? (Are you Al Gore?)

It is my opininon, as well as the opinion of others, that the entire concept of purchasing carbon credits is a farce.

Al Gore (one man) is using probably the same amount of resources as a hundred so called "average Americans". He's doing this in order to live a life of extreme luxury. If I was an active member of the "Environmental Movement" I'd want Gore excommunicated.
You found me out. I am not Al Gore its me Tipper. LOL. I keep saying that according to him he is not buying credits he is buying renewable energy which is very different. You just don't listen.
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