Al (the Hypocrite) Gore buys ANOTHER house - 9 million bucks, 6 fireplaces, 9 bathroo

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Al Gore is 100% hypocrite, he is on the environmental bandwagon because there is money in it for him. Previously he was a tobacco industry shill, and a big promoter of energy from coal. He would shill for big oil in a second if it was worth his while, though his green gig seems too sweet to step away from. My understanding is that his existing mansion has the driveway lit by gas lamps. As some posters have pointed out, just because he does not believe in what he is saying, does not mean that it is false.

The carbon offsets thing is 100% BS. Perhaps he spent $1M on the latest mansion, and he also spends $100K per year on carbon credits. Well, he could have chosen to spend the $1M on more carbon credits, but he didn't. I wouldn't either, but I also don't go around telling other people what to do. He could be just as effective living in one modest house, but he chooses not to, carbon credits have nothing to do with it. Is a giant mansion worse for the environment? Absolutely, it takes more energy to heat and cool more space, and considerable energy is expended manufacturing and transporting all the additional furniture, suppliers and fixtures.

Al Gore, 100% hypocrite.


Jan 15, 2004
I am so glad we have finally realized that Al Gore is a jerk. That thought will give me so much comfort when I watch Las Vegas crumble to dust and revert back to desert. Or when the lights go out in southern California when Lake Mead dries up, or a few billion coastal residents are homeless because of rising sea levels, and we can no longer feed them because potable water and productive farmland are a distant memory.
Over 30 years ago Ronald Reagan told Americans that they need to stand proud and march forward without fear, as he removed the solar panels from the White House roof. We all need to give Mother Nature the finger and prove that we will not be intimidated by more powerful storms, desertification and rising sea levels. Its every species for themselves.
It is so much more important that we devote our efforts to ensuring Al Gore is reprimanded for being a hypocrite.
Perhaps we should start another thread to reiterate what a subversive, self serving conspiracy theorist David Suzuki is. Another valuable use of our cyber time.
We can leave the rats and cockroaches to do the right thing when they take over.


Jun 6, 2009
Gore has taken a bum rap for that. In fact when the internet was in its infancy there was legislation required in the US Congress of which he was either the sponsor a a big proponent which did pave the way for internet and although he did not invent it (not sure that he actually said that anyway) he was instrumental in fostering it and without him I am sure it would have happened but not at the same time.
At least somebody gets it.

JTK's comment about the 'myth' is a clear example of suborn dumb. It's been flogged on this BB many times and was laid to rest for a period. It's not a myth.

As for Gore he was a politician at the highest level and with that acknowledgement, it should not be surprised he's a a hypocrite or an attention hound, not that all politicians or ex-politicians are like that, along with the fact that he gets this kind of attention from the media and others, but continues to make what I might consider odd decisions with terrible optics, is an indication of a flaw somewhere.

As said, he does have to live in a cave and wear rages. He has money, should be allowed to make money with it and enjoy a good life style because of it. but he doesn't seem to see the benefit of showing that he aleast gives back. That pays off many times over.


Jun 6, 2009
I am so glad we have finally realized that Al Gore is a jerk. That thought will give me so much comfort when I watch Las Vegas crumble to dust and revert back to desert. Or when the lights go out in southern California when Lake Mead dries up, or a few billion coastal residents are homeless because of rising sea levels, and we can no longer feed them because potable water and productive farmland are a distant memory.
Over 30 years ago Ronald Reagan told Americans that they need to stand proud and march forward without fear, as he removed the solar panels from the White House roof. We all need to give Mother Nature the finger and prove that we will not be intimidated by more powerful storms, desertification and rising sea levels. Its every species for themselves.
It is so much more important that we devote our efforts to ensuring Al Gore is reprimanded for being a hypocrite.

Perhaps we should start another thread to reiterate what a subversive, self serving conspiracy theorist David Suzuki is. Another valuable use of our cyber time.
We can leave the rats and cockroaches to do the right thing when they take over.
Nice sentiment but the fact remains they'll probably take us down with them.

Your handle says so much but maybe should be changed to 'half baked'. Your comment about 'every species for itself' tells me clearly you don't understand nature much at all. We may be at the top of a food chain but we're not that powerful or resilient. Certainly not most of the human race. Your comment about the rats says you're just exercising your gums and not much more. It nice to know you've given up, but stop calling everyone else who hasn't hypocrites and liars.


Aug 18, 2009
You forgot to mention that much of the material he tries to pass off as fact, is exactly the opposite... pure fiction... There are even lawsuits pending... but our LLL media simply refuses to publicize it beyond a few footnotes...
Here we go again.

No, Gore's work, and his film have been validated.
And don't forget, the scientists and their work at the heart of the 'climategate' non-scandal have also been recently validated by the British parliament.
And finally, don't forget the recent outing of $50 million dollars in propaganda spent by the fossil fuel industries.
Here we go again.

No, Gore's work, and his film have been validated.
And don't forget, the scientists and their work at the heart of the 'climategate' non-scandal have also been recently validated by the British parliament.
And finally, don't forget the recent outing of $50 million dollars in propaganda spent by the fossil fuel industries.
Where... I haven't seen it... but then again I was looking recently either...

I just wanna know why.... Gore is allowed to make all these claims... without a single citation from any of his so called experts. Maybe I missed it in his film (which is also propaganda I might add...) but he didn't name a single scientist, climatologist, meteorologist, or expert, or any of the credentials of his so called experts. If he was on TERB, and started making these same outlandish claims... everyone would be saying bullshit... give us citations etc etc...


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Gore just stuck a moistened finger into the political tempest to see where he might be able to cash in. Talk about something long enough eventually even a moron has to know something about it.
LOL. He has been a champion of the environment for many years. Way before it became cool or lucrative.
Just to be clear... I am not some sort of anti-environment pollution nazi... nor am I an anti-climate change conspiracy theorist...

I reduce, reuse and recycle at every opportunity and teach my kids the importance of the same. I have a blue box, a green box and make sure we are well versed in what can be recycled and what can't. I walk a lot, and ride my bike a lot and I drive as fuel efficient a vehicle as I can for what my needs are. I have all highly rated energy star complaint appliances, and my home is very well insulated. I teach my children the importance of being environmentally responsible to the point that we are outside ENJOYING the environment at every opportunity. We regularly hike, bike, canoe and kayak throughout the Grand River watershed area.

IMHO, the green movement has grown into a religion of sorts... I just don't buy into the BS about carbon credits is all. REAL environmentalists concentrate on REDUCING pollution and not simply subscribe to the "let's buy credits to make ourselves feel good" about our wasteful ways, (like the Al Gore's and David Suzuki's of the world...)


Jun 6, 2009
You forgot to mention that much of the material he tries to pass off as fact, is exactly the opposite... pure fiction... There are even lawsuits pending... but our LLL media simply refuses to publicize it beyond a few footnotes...
'Law suits pending' isn't much of a statement considering that the US is a country built on litigation and lawsuits. Pending is one thing, make it through and winning is a whole different ball game.

Agreed, Carbon Credits is just fancy bookkeeping and nothing more.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I just don't buy into the BS about carbon credits is all.
Odd, some of your comments about Gore are biased and outlandish Fox news type distortions but I agree that the carbon credits is just a nice neat way for companies to buy their way out of responsibilities. Unless your own family is bicycling instead of driving a car, you really cannot fault him for trying to reduce footprints of modern transportation instead of eliminating them. To suggest Gore has eliminate all CO2 would require him to hang himself since every human expels CO2 when they breath.

Nobody is a saint but let's be a little realistic with criticism.
'Law suits pending' isn't much of a statement considering that the US is a country built on litigation and lawsuits. Pending is one thing, make it through and winning is a whole different ball game.

Agreed, Carbon Credits is just fancy bookkeeping and nothing more.
The lawsuits were brought forth in the UK...


Jun 6, 2009
The lawsuits were brought forth in the UK...
Fair enough, but my point still stands. Bringing forth a lawsuit and winning it is two different things. It will drag and drag on until the optics say enough. Is there erit, my background says no.
Odd, some of your comments about Gore are biased and outlandish Fox news type distortions but I agree that the carbon credits is just a nice neat way for companies to buy their way out of responsibilities. Unless your own family is bicycling instead of driving a car, you really cannot fault him for trying to reduce footprints of modern transportation instead of eliminating them. To suggest Gore has eliminate all CO2 would require him to hang himself since every human expels CO2 when they breath.

Nobody is a saint but let's be a little realistic with criticism.
Thanks for making my point for me H-guy!

Lemme ask you this... have you seen The Inconvenient Truth? He preaches for the better part of 2 fucking hours telling us to do exactly that! And the very last line of the film is:

"What Are you willing to do..." (or something to that effect...)

For someone rallying to "save the planet" by pursuing a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Mr. Gore demands very little sacrifice for himself. When asked about his environmentally (very) UNFRIENDLY ways, Mr. Gore's response is simple- he explains that he buys carbon credits to offset his and his family's lifestyle back to a zero footprint. WHAT??? He just totally negated the entire theme of his film and is admitting that he is diametrically opposed to the message he is preaching!!! He just spent almost 2 hours telling me I had to REDUCE my carbon emmissions! Does anyone else see the irony and complete hypocrisy here? Is this not the very definition of hypocrite?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Just to be clear... I am not some sort of anti-environment pollution nazi... nor am I an anti-climate change conspiracy theorist...

I reduce, reuse and recycle at every opportunity and teach my kids the importance of the same. I have a blue box, a green box and make sure we are well versed in what can be recycled and what can't. I walk a lot, and ride my bike a lot and I drive as fuel efficient a vehicle as I can for what my needs are. I have all highly rated energy star complaint appliances, and my home is very well insulated. I teach my children the importance of being environmentally responsible to the point that we are outside ENJOYING the environment at every opportunity. We regularly hike, bike, canoe and kayak throughout the Grand River watershed area.

IMHO, the green movement has grown into a religion of sorts... I just don't buy into the BS about carbon credits is all. REAL environmentalists concentrate on REDUCING pollution and not simply subscribe to the "let's buy credits to make ourselves feel good" about our wasteful ways, (like the Al Gore's and David Suzuki's of the world...)
Ditto that.

I would add that I live in the inner city and walk pretty much everywhere I need to go in my day to day world. I take the subway, I have a 1200 ft2 house on a small lot with R50 in the attic, energy efficient windows, furnace, etc. I have 1 bathroom in my house and a toilet in the corner of the basement. The only thing I draw the line at is CFLs. I can't stand the light they throw.

Even if I had Al Gore's money I can safely say that I would not be living in a house with 6 fireplaces and 9 bathrooms.

Al Gore is a Hipocrite par extraordinaire and the optics of his lifestyle reflect very badly on the message.

Imagine a world where we all lived like Al Gore - 3 homes on the 3 corners of the country (one in Tennessee, one in NY, and now one in California - I highly doubt he rides his bicycle to commute). Private Jets, 14,000 ft2 homes, 9 bathrooms, gas lights on the driveway.) Imagine the resources that go into producing this kind of conspicuous consumption. Imagine the power and gas usage ON ONE MAN (and his chubby wife.) Maybe we could have less oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico if Gore and guys like him stopped living like the pigs that they are with $10,000 a month utility bills and flying around in private jets.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Thanks for making my point for me H-guy!

Lemme ask you this... have you seen The Inconvenient Truth? He preaches for the better part of 2 fucking hours telling us to do exactly that! And the very last line of the film is:

"What Are you willing to do..." (or something to that effect...)

For someone rallying to "save the planet" by pursuing a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Mr. Gore demands very little sacrifice for himself. When asked about his environmentally (very) UNFRIENDLY ways, Mr. Gore's response is simple- he explains that he buys carbon credits to offset his and his family's lifestyle back to a zero footprint. WHAT??? He just totally negated the entire theme of his film and is admitting that he is diametrically opposed to the message he is preaching!!! He just spent almost 2 hours telling me I had to REDUCE my carbon emmissions! Does anyone else see the irony and complete hypocrisy here? Is this not the very definition of hypocrite?
But the fact is that you really have no idea about what else he may be doing. So he lives in a big house. That is not really enough information to determine or judge the way he lives generally. The fact that he has a large home etc by itself does not make him a hypocrite even by your standards. Why not reserve your judgment until you know what else he may be doing or not doing.


Jun 6, 2009
But the fact is that you really have no idea about what else he may be doing. So he lives in a big house. That is not really enough information to determine or judge the way he lives generally. The fact that he has a large home etc by itself does not make him a hypocrite even by your standards. Why not reserve your judgment until you know what else he may be doing or not doing.
Maybe all that brown water from the bathrooms goes into his organic garden. You just don't know.
But the fact is that you really have no idea about what else he may be doing. So he lives in a big house. That is not really enough information to determine or judge the way he lives generally. The fact that he has a large home etc by itself does not make him a hypocrite even by your standards. Why not reserve your judgment until you know what else he may be doing or not doing.
You have obviously NOT seen the film... watch the film and then come back and comment, because that is ENTIRELY the message he is preaching. In fact, at the end of the film, in the most solemn voice he can muster, he says (in reference to how each and every one of us can help guard against global warming), "Learn everything you can about the climate crisis, then put your knowledge into action". I guess we know what his plan is...
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