Al (the Hypocrite) Gore buys ANOTHER house - 9 million bucks, 6 fireplaces, 9 bathroo

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Laureate Al Gore purchased a $9 million mansion in the luxurious hills of Montecito, California, recently, and with the exception of the Los Angeles Times and Fox News, America's media couldn't care less.

You think it might be because the Gore-loving press wouldn't want people to consider the possibility that all of his global warming hysteria was really about lining his wallet and not saving the planet?

Formulate a response to that question as you look at what all that money the former Vice President is making off of spreading this myth can buy (h/t Doug Ross):

Sweet, wouldn't you say? (Readers are encouraged to view more pictures of this fabulous estate here.)

Certainly not bad for a guy who supposedly was worth between one and two million dollars in 2000.

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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This guy is without a doubt one of the biggest hypocrits going.

I'm betting he arrives there via private jet.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
I suspect he uses enough hair spray to create his own personal hole in the ozone layer! :)


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Why should we care if he has lots of dough or buys a big house. While I certainly dont know but i would say ist pretty safe to assume that his house has a very small environmental footprint. If you agree (and I assume that you do not) that he has served a great purpose by raising awareness of the hazards facing the environment and the world (and I do) who cares if he made money from it. Do you feel better that Cheney mad tons of money from Haliburton or the oil industry? Is he less of a hypocrite to you?

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
Why should we care if he has lots of dough or buys a big house. While I certainly dont know but i would say ist pretty safe to assume that his house has a very small environmental footprint. If you agree (and I assume that you do not) that he has served a great purpose by raising awareness of the hazards facing the environment and the world (and I do) who cares if he made money from it. Do you feel better that Cheney mad tons of money from Haliburton or the oil industry? Is he less of a hypocrite to you?
Great point! Gore has raised a lot of awareness amongst the general public....but that doesn't mean he has to live in a Yurt!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Why should we care if he has lots of dough or buys a big house. While I certainly dont know but i would say ist pretty safe to assume that his house has a very small environmental footprint. If you agree (and I assume that you do not) that he has served a great purpose by raising awareness of the hazards facing the environment and the world (and I do) who cares if he made money from it. Do you feel better that Cheney mad tons of money from Haliburton or the oil industry? Is he less of a hypocrite to you?
9 bathrooms has a small environmental footprint?

6 fireplaces? What exactly do those fireplaces burn that I am not aware of that does not create CO2 and CO?

Make me laugh. I'm a small l liberal myself, but this guy is the biggest phonie going. A few years ago I remember USA Today doing a piece on his Hypocrisy - how he owned a 14,000 ft2 house in Tennessee, another house in New York (if I remember right) and now he owns a small eco-friendly place in California.

I can't stand Cheney, but at least he's honest about his conspicuous consumption. Cheney is a lot of things, but a hypocrit is not one of them.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I agree, he's a hypocrit. But one hypocrit doesn't make the message untrue or any less urgent.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
9 bathrooms has a small environmental footprint?

6 fireplaces? What exactly do those fireplaces burn that I am not aware of that does not create CO2 and CO?

Make me laugh. I'm a small l liberal myself, but this guy is the biggest phonie going. A few years ago I remember USA Today doing a piece on his Hypocrisy - how he owned a 14,000 ft2 house in Tennessee, another house in New York (if I remember right) and now he owns a small eco-friendly place in California.

I can't stand Cheney, but at least he's honest about his conspicuous consumption. Cheney is a lot of things, but a hypocrit is not one of them.
I am not an expert by any means but I do not see why the number of fireplaces or bathrooms effects the footprint. I do recall seeing Gore on TV a few years ago when someone made a similar comment about a large house of his somewhere and he showed that it had a zero footprint.

Again would his point about the environment be more true or valid if he lived in a cave?


New member
Nov 7, 2009
k/w area
I seem to remember a number of years ago Gore trying to take credit for the internet. This guy is a shameless self-promoter, lining his pockets off the fears that people have for the enviroment. And while I do believe that need to do what we can to protect our enviroment, it's people like Gore that give creedence to the far right and their claims that there is nothing to worry about.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I seem to remember a number of years ago Gore trying to take credit for the internet. This guy is a shameless self-promoter, lining his pockets off the fears that people have for the enviroment. And while I do believe that need to do what we can to protect our enviroment, it's people like Gore that give creedence to the far right and their claims that there is nothing to worry about.
Gore has taken a bum rap for that. In fact when the internet was in its infancy there was legislation required in the US Congress of which he was either the sponsor a a big proponent which did pave the way for internet and although he did not invent it (not sure that he actually said that anyway) he was instrumental in fostering it and without him I am sure it would have happened but not at the same time.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I really most admired Gore when he and Tipper (his lovely wife) first made a "name" for themselves in their Crusade against obscenity in rock lyrics. From that time on, Big Al has been my own personal hero. From rudeness in popular music to global warming, Al always deals with the big issues like the big man he is.

And if he makes millions and millions of $$$ from dealing with the big issues, I just admire him all the more. Just like I admire Sarah Palin for making millions and millions of $$$ from dealing with the big issues of public prayer and gun ownership.

It's wonderful sleazbags - err, I mean, leaders - like Palin and Gore that makes US entertainment - err, I mean politics - the wonderful and profitable world that it is.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
The dig seems nice from those pics.

As long as he acts what he preaches i.e. making his various residence as green as he can and should, I got no beef with his growing catalog of casas. Just my two Canadian cents.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I really most admired Gore when he and Tipper (his lovely wife) first made a "name" for themselves in their Crusade against obscenity in rock lyrics. From that time on, Big Al has been my own personal hero. From rudeness in popular music to global warming, Al always deals with the big issues like the big man he is.

And if he makes millions and millions of $$$ from dealing with the big issues, I just admire him all the more. Just like I admire Sarah Palin for making millions and millions of $$$ from dealing with the big issues of public prayer and gun ownership.

It's wonderful sleazbags - err, I mean, leaders - like Palin and Gore that makes US entertainment - err, I mean politics - the wonderful and profitable world that it is.
LOL. At least Gore take the time to learn something about the subject before he goes off on a rant.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
LOL. At least Gore take the time to learn something about the subject before he goes off on a rant.
Gore just stuck a moistened finger into the political tempest to see where he might be able to cash in. Talk about something long enough eventually even a moron has to know something about it.
Al Gore is a hypocrite of the Nth degree... he flies all over the planet in a CO2 spewing jet, then gets in a CO2 spewing limo, to travel to his speaking engagements... Preaches at everyone saying "What are you willing to do to stop spewing CO2?"

His answer????? BUY CARBON CREDITS to bring yourself back to a "zero footprint" and all is forgiven!

In case you've been living under a rock these past few years, a "Carbon Credit" is a commodity that environmentalists are using to offset one's carbon footprint. The premise being it is ok to use up and exceed your "carbon footprint" (the so called allotted amount of carbon dioxide emission) provided you "buy" credits from someone that has spare... to illustrate- try this analogy (which I read from a favourite columnist in a local newspaper): it would be the equivalent of a fat person claiming he/ she is losing weight by paying a thin person to go on a diet!

These "carbon credit" companies invest capital in solar power, wind power and other projects that reduce fossil fuel energy consumption around the globe… (which places the company in a positive credit category...)

Now, let's get back to the level of Mr. Gore's own personal hypocrisy... The last image from his film states emphatically: "Are you ready to change the way you live?" Now, maybe I got his message wrong, but I believe he is implying that I should be making EVERY effort to reduce my family's "carbon dioxide output" by driving fuel efficient cars, changing my light bulbs, reduce, reuse and recycle whenever and where ever possible, turn down (and even turn off) my air conditioner and even explore alternative ways of powering and heating my home... And Al... what is he willing to do? Well FUCK ALL or so it seems....

So where do you "buy carbon credits"???? From a company called Generation Investment Management Inc. (Amongst others I suppose...)

So guess who is the founder and chairman of this company???? You guessed it Al Gore! That being said, it stands to reason that his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” may just be a marketing ploy to drive his own business efforts! (In much the same way as Disney movies are the marketing machine that drive the sales for the toys, lunch boxes, clothing, other licensed product etc.…)

Don't believe me? Google it… there are thousands of reports…


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
The man got a ton of publicity and probably made a whole wack of cash on his power point presentation oh sorry movie I meant, he will not debate any scientist on the issues that he talks about in that movie, and what kills me even more is that its being used in several schools but a few nut job teachers as the facts.
The man got a ton of publicity and probably made a whole wack of cash on his power point presentation oh sorry movie I meant, he will not debate any scientist on the issues that he talks about in that movie, and what kills me even more is that its being used in several schools but a few nut job teachers as the facts.
You forgot to mention that much of the material he tries to pass off as fact, is exactly the opposite... pure fiction... There are even lawsuits pending... but our LLL media simply refuses to publicize it beyond a few footnotes...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Al Gore is a hypocrite of the Nth degree... he flies all over the planet in a CO2 spewing jet, then gets in a CO2 spewing limo, to travel to his speaking engagements... Preaches at everyone saying "What are you willing to do to stop spewing CO2?"
This is standard BS here on Terb. You and the other haters are the ones who are hypocrits. Big time.

In order for someone to advocate better condiotions for the poor, you demand he must be poor. In order for someone to advocate for action against global warming, he must live in a tent and bicycle. Anybody rich is not allowed to argue for social welfare systems, etc etc etc

Complete hypocracy. Obviously, Gore would not be able to impact the discussion on global warming, if he had to live in a tent and get around by bicycle and row boat.
This is standard BS here on Terb. You and the other haters are the ones who are hypocrits. Big time.

In order for someone to advocate better condiotions for the poor, you demand he must be poor. In order for someone to advocate for action against global warming, he must live in a tent and bicycle. Anybody rich is not allowed to argue for social welfare systems, etc etc etc

Complete hypocracy. Obviously, Gore would not be able to impact the discussion on global warming, if he had to live in a tent and get around by bicycle and row boat.
Why is it that no one can spell hypocrite???? Anyway... I have no problem that the guy is rich... more power to him. THAT is not what makes him a hypocrite... it is the fact that he goes around telling everyone else to cut THEIR "CO2 output" without doing the same. Its a classic do as I say not as I do, BS crap. Hollywood types are famous for this...

Oh... and I am no "hater". Hate is a strong word which I rarely use... (except for dandelions! LOL), but I DO recognize BULLSHIT when I see it, and I will be the first to point it out. Ever wonder why Gore doesn't give credit to a SINGLE "expert" in his film???? He just goes on and on saying the worlds top scientists, and experts in their fields etc... But doesn't name a single one of them. I watched his film 3 times... and each time I came away thinking WTF! Then I did my own research, and came to my own conclusions based on the studies done by real scientists, climatologists, oceanographers, physicists, meteorologists etc. I suggest you do the same...

How about some clarification on those pieces of fiction?
READ the link rhuarc... And in case you are not familiar with hyperlinks... here: or you can google it yourself...
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