Club Dynasty

Looks like the SO is REALLY PO'd at me


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
So we had a long talk and she forgave me.....and I promised her I would NEVER say anything like that again....and I plan to keep that promise

BTW...thanks for everyone's advise
Does she know there is a picture of her ass in your sig line?



pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
So we had a long talk and she forgave me.....and I promised her I would NEVER say anything like that again....and I plan to keep that promise

BTW...thanks for everyone's advise
It would seem you talk the talk, but the big question is.....

Can you walk the walk ??


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
She needs to be heard .....
Yeah, Iconic nailed it except for the "understood" part. I have yet to meet a woman that wants to be understood. IMO if they wanted to be understood they wouldn't talk around an issue using vague clues and inneuendos (or irritating physical actions like: sighs, snorts, eyerolls, etc lol).

I heard a comedian once that said: when a woman asks you a question, she already knows the RIGHT answer. It is presented like the show "let's make a deal" is the right answer behind door number 1? door number 2? or door number 3? Your job is to pick the right door. If you get it right? Hot sex. If you get it wrong? A week of irritating little sighs and moans....Here's the kicker: the right answer isn't behind ANY of the doors! The correct answer is the one not even presented on the table!


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
Ok, going to wade in here. As a married man, for a very long time, I'll say this to you Ang and anyone else who cares to read this. Marriages are long-term cumulative relationships. Your wife, who sounds like to me, loves you. She's not reacting to a bad week and being stressed out, that's just the trigger. You're not in charge of her nor are you in charge of her emotions and how she reacts. You're only responsible for yourself and what you contribute to the relationship, positive and negative. As a general rule, this is what I suggest to you, everyone else, and what I try to do in this situation.

Give her the mea culpa she deserves. No excuses, no pointing fingers, no retorts, no keeping score on last battles, no bs. She's upset and she wants to tell you something. I suggest after your mea culpa, you listen. You may not like everything you hear, but still listen. Don't defend yourself, because then you're not listening. You don't have to agree with everything she says, but these are her feelings she's expressing, not your's. Ask her to explain what she means, nicely. Phrase it like "When you said I do xxxxxxxxx, I understand it makes you feel xxxxxxxxxxxxx?" She needs to be heard and understood. In fact, all of us need to be heard and understood when we have something important to impart. This will help her dissipate her anger and resentment and let her move forward

You also have to do work to. You need to acknowledge what did you do over time to contribute to this situation. Oh yeah brother, it's over time. These are not just isolated incidences. Figure out for yourself, are you supportive of her? Do you make an effort to show her your affection everyday? When she comes home after you do you get up from whatever you're doing and greet her? Do you both talk? I mean everyday. You have a temper, well so does everyone else. Do you really want to use it on the woman you married? Then deal with it. It's a choice.

Your wife probably loves you, otherwise she wouldn't be this upset. Whatever is offside in your relationship, like in allrelationships, needs to be addressed. A one night bandaid is useless. Commit to doing more, being a better husband and partner every f-in day. You'll both enjoy it better together.

One more thing dude, get rid of your signature pic. (that's just my opinion)
You're probably right.......say good bye to Mrs. Ang's ass everyone


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Ok, going to wade in here. As a married man, for a very long time, I'll say this to you Ang and anyone else who cares to read this. Marriages are long-term cumulative relationships. Your wife, who sounds like to me, loves you. She's not reacting to a bad week and being stressed out, that's just the trigger. You're not in charge of her nor are you in charge of her emotions and how she reacts. You're only responsible for yourself and what you contribute to the relationship, positive and negative. As a general rule, this is what I suggest to you, everyone else, and what I try to do in this situation.

Give her the mea culpa she deserves. No excuses, no pointing fingers, no retorts, no keeping score on last battles, no bs. She's upset and she wants to tell you something. I suggest after your mea culpa, you listen. You may not like everything you hear, but still listen. Don't defend yourself, because then you're not listening. You don't have to agree with everything she says, but these are her feelings she's expressing, not your's. Ask her to explain what she means, nicely. Phrase it like "When you said I do xxxxxxxxx, I understand it makes you feel xxxxxxxxxxxxx?" She needs to be heard and understood. In fact, all of us need to be heard and understood when we have something important to impart. This will help her dissipate her anger and resentment and let her move forward

You also have to do work to. You need to acknowledge what did you do over time to contribute to this situation. Oh yeah brother, it's over time. These are not just isolated incidences. Figure out for yourself, are you supportive of her? Do you make an effort to show her your affection everyday? When she comes home after you do you get up from whatever you're doing and greet her? Do you both talk? I mean everyday. You have a temper, well so does everyone else. Do you really want to use it on the woman you married? Then deal with it. It's a choice.

Your wife probably loves you, otherwise she wouldn't be this upset. Whatever is offside in your relationship, like in allrelationships, needs to be addressed. A one night bandaid is useless. Commit to doing more, being a better husband and partner every f-in day. You'll both enjoy it better together.

One more thing dude, get rid of your signature pic. (that's just my opinion)
Agreed, but can I get copy of that picture!


Apr 24, 2005
Now that we solved ANG's personal problems, can we get back to KAREENA? Is that poor girl still unemployed?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
That's your wife in your sig pic!??!? Omg.. Lol that's bad... But she does have a nice ass!

You didn't know that was Mrs. Ang's lovely derrierre? Where you been hiding?

Ang, I'm fine with the signature changing, but please don't replace it with your ass!


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
Sorry if I've missed a post that already answered this, but can I ask what actual concrete action steps have been taken to deal with the cleaning issue?

Cause if there aren't any, and you both keep working so much, you're just gonna have this fight again in a month or so. Hopefully without the namecalling.

It's excellent that you took the pic down.


New member
Sep 6, 2007
under the sheets
It's not that I don't do anything...our moto is whoever is home at the time does it, like I said before I cook, do laundry, clean....and when the kids were babies I also changed, bathed,and fed one wers the pants in our marriage we are equal. We had just had a rough go for a few weeks and we both blew up....things are ok now
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