How upset women get at men who see escorts. ( lol )


New member
Jul 14, 2009
...species that tends toward monogamous pair bonding ...
I am not convinced that this is so.
Poor and week tend toward monogamy because they cannot afford polygamy.
Rich and strong tend toward fucking everything that they feel like (and grabbing everything that has not been nailed down when they are not busy fucking).


Taking the Red pill
Jan 5, 2010
There are two women side by each.

Woman 1 will give you sex for free.
Woman 2 will give you sex if you pay her $1,000.

The "gentleman" opts to pay $1,000 rather than take the free offering.

Woman 1 is left thinking that she can't even give it away to a guy will to spend $$$.
I would imagine that would leave her feeling a little inadequate.


New member
Sep 10, 2002
Woman 1 will give you sex for free.
The sex the first woman is offering does have a price. You're not (usually) handing it over in an envelope but it's there.
On a side note there are also plenty of guys who'd also have sex for free.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I have to agree with scarlet. What average civilian woman - who wants a monogamous relationship - wants to know that she cannot provide enough for her mate sexually? (Yes, that even includes those who only feel like fucking once or twice a month?) There aren't many women that are comfortable with the 'biological programming' of men.
See the thing is noir, is that sex is different for men and women. To a one, at the beginning of every LT relationship I had, her sexual needs met mine. Then that gradually diminished to the point where I always got tired of basically begging for some lovin'. IME at the beginning, women see sex as a way of growing closer to a guy, but once that closeness has been achieved, the need to copulate is no longer there (for them). Where for me, one of the reasons the relationship flourishes is partly due to our sex life. (being as it is 1/3 of the relationship). When that is gone, women typically expect us to change too but I have yet to meet a man whose sexual desire diminishes along with his partner's. In fact, I have NEVER heard of a civvie woman who wanted more sex than her partner and I have never heard ANY male complain that his SO wants more sex than he can provide.

The Finisher

Active member
May 15, 2002
When a guy wants it 3 times a week and the woman wants it just 1-2 times a month, we have a problem!

Unfortunately, some women use sex as a tool to yield more power for them over the relationship.

In my case, my ex would tell me not to touch myself or masturbate for over a month so that I could give her a really big load.
My ex knows how the human male body works; that is a lot of pent up sexual tension/frustration waiting to explode.

Anyway, I was at her mercy as as each week rolled by, I would playfully maul her with affection and she would give me a disdain look of disgust.....telling me why I'm always so horny?! WTF??

I quickly realize that she was manipulating me into submission by with-holding sex.
I eventually balked and dumped her when she told me her best male friend brought her a vibrating car chair pad and it made her horny......but not horny enough to become intimate with me.

Moral of the story:
If women and men had exactly the same approach towards sex and the frequency of it, life's good......but in reality, we 'men' end up looking like creeps for even thinking of finding a substitute outlet for our sex drive.

The Finisher


New member
Jul 4, 2007
well sex is only on e part of the relationship guys remeber that and eventually as you age you wont be able to fuck anymore... and when thats gone whats left? eachother..... and if your unhappy instead of cheat dump them! be a man and stand up and say your not fucking me enough goodbye!
See the thing is noir, is that sex is different for men and women. To a one, at the beginning of every LT relationship I had, her sexual needs met mine. Then that gradually diminished to the point where I always got tired of basically begging for some lovin'. IME at the beginning, women see sex as a way of growing closer to a guy, but once that closeness has been achieved, the need to copulate is no longer there (for them). Where for me, one of the reasons the relationship flourishes is partly due to our sex life. (being as it is 1/3 of the relationship). When that is gone, women typically expect us to change too but I have yet to meet a man whose sexual desire diminishes along with his partner's. In fact, I have NEVER heard of a civvie woman who wanted more sex than her partner and I have never heard ANY male complain that his SO wants more sex than he can provide.
Female high frequency sex maniacs DO exist...

I dare say a number of them are lurking on this site...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
well sex is only on e part of the relationship guys remeber that and eventually as you age you wont be able to fuck anymore... and when thats gone whats left? eachother..... and if your unhappy instead of cheat dump them! be a man and stand up and say your not fucking me enough goodbye!
exactly! Sex is only 1/3 of the relationship and if that goes, the other 2/3 better be unfuckingbelieveable. When you're able, the 1/3 that is sex ought to be great while it lasts. Unfortunately, as CG pointed out via his "female sex maniac" comment, civvie women often see sex differently than men. (hence why the "power of the pussy" attitude is so prevalent). WOmen who admit that they like sex probably make awesome partners outside of the bedroom too as they are probably more in tune with themselves than others. This is why I have a couple of friends who are ex sps, I just find SPs to be more progressive in their thinking, more in tune with themselves in just about all aspects of their lives, and more used to open communication than many civvie women.


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
I was married for a long time, and most of my friends thought I was nuts to not care when my ex went to stripclubs. Most of them also shook their heads when I suggested they take 1/2 hour and just blow their husband for no reason. My ex and I saw SPs together, but it was not an open relationship, "together" was the operative word. I would've been really hurt if he'd fucked other women...but if he did, an SP would've been better than an emotional affair.

I often shake my head at the way some women deal with their husbands..."well-trained" is not attractive to me. One of my favorite things about my ex was that the man could not be pussy-whipped, I respected that about him.

I also often shake my head at the husbands, especially in households where there are young children. Some of them would find that taking some initiative and just doing the damn dishes (without announcing he is doing the dishes) might help in more ways than getting the dishes done. It's overwhelming, frustrating, mind-numbing and soul-crushing to feel that you are solely responsible for the running of a house and all of the childcare...especially if there is another adult in the house, making a mess and getting the kids riled up at bedtime.

Tboy, I know several women whose husband's stopped screwing's not always the women who change the rules. Some people are just more sexual than others, it's not always a gender thing.

You guys who score high on the Horny scale find it incomprehensible that not all guys are like that. :D

The Finisher

Active member
May 15, 2002
well sex is only on e part of the relationship guys remeber that and eventually as you age you wont be able to fuck anymore... and when thats gone whats left? eachother..... and if your unhappy instead of cheat dump them! be a man and stand up and say your not fucking me enough goodbye!

When I was in the relationship, I stopped visiting the sex industry. You said that you would stop being a SP if you were in a serious relationship.
It works both ways for men and women.

I remained faithful. However, when a guy loses the physical and emotional component of the relationship, then it's game over.
My ex would spend 3 times a week with her best male friend while she would be at my place once every two weeks.
I expressed my concerns to which she chastised me for controlling her. Oh well, damn if you do, damn if you don't.......

I think it's true for guys and women. When the emotional intimacy is no longer on equal footing or it dimishes rapidly, then you must decide whether it's better to stay and be miserable or jump out of the car while it's still moving. It hurts but the emotional pain will eventually fade and disappear. hehe

Yes, the physical is part of the relationship but you're also right that emotions such as trust, respect, patience and love are the other tangibles that makes us dive into a relationship.

My 2 cents.

The Finisher


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I was married for a long time, and most of my friends thought I was nuts to not care when my ex went to stripclubs. Most of them also shook their heads when I suggested they take 1/2 hour and just blow their husband for no reason. My ex and I saw SPs together, but it was not an open relationship, "together" was the operative word. I would've been really hurt if he'd fucked other women...but if he did, an SP would've been better than an emotional affair.

I often shake my head at the way some women deal with their husbands..."well-trained" is not attractive to me. One of my favorite things about my ex was that the man could not be pussy-whipped, I respected that about him.

I also often shake my head at the husbands, especially in households where there are young children. Some of them would find that taking some initiative and just doing the damn dishes (without announcing he is doing the dishes) might help in more ways than getting the dishes done. It's overwhelming, frustrating, mind-numbing and soul-crushing to feel that you are solely responsible for the running of a house and all of the childcare...especially if there is another adult in the house, making a mess and getting the kids riled up at bedtime.

Tboy, I know several women whose husband's stopped screwing's not always the women who change the rules. Some people are just more sexual than others, it's not always a gender thing.

You guys who score high on the Horny scale find it incomprehensible that not all guys are like that. :D
See, that's our point right there: if we want sex 3 times a week we "score high on the horny scale" where 3 times a week is average by many standards. I don't find 3 times a week at 50 to be "high", heck when I was in my 20's it was 3 times a day (or more).

As for helping with "the chores" well, that all depends on the man. I've lived alone my entire adult life and if I didn't do the dishes, they wouldn't get done so I do em. Heck, I used to date a YL who lived at home with THREE brothers and sisters and after dinner there'd be an argument about whose turn it was (they even had a fricken chart). When I was invited over I'd say STFU I'll do em and you four ought to be ashamed, you don't even pay room and board and you're arguing over it?

One thing that DOES bug men to no end is when a woman decides "it is time to do the dishes/take out the garbage/walk the dog" and if the guy doesn't do it right then and there? He's the ass. Well, I hate to break it to you, but we're adults, we know the dishes need to be done/dogs needs walking/garbage needs to go out and we have our own plan when we'll do it and that is NOT in the last 4 minutes of the final game of the stanley cup!!!! (which is exactly the time when a woman thinks it needs to be done.....not a minute later or a minute sooner, right fucking then!!!)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I know you were being a little sarcastic but this is IT to a T:

(And yes, I do think that there are many women with great libidos that just choose not to fuck because....well...we're complicated specimen! haha)
You're "complicated" and we're "oversexed". We're not oversexed, we're "average" sexed and as men, don't see the need to deny ourselves something just particular reason, just "because".

Hey, I'm not saying it's easy living with us, I recently had the oppurtunity to see and experience both sides of the same story. His version was "she was a total bitch and her kids, gawd they were aweful and blah blah blah". Then I heard HER side and got to experience HIS side first hand (lived with him) and you know? He was a selfish, self-centered, childish, ignorant, immature, idiot who thought himself to be "the kindest most considerate saint on the planet". Here's an example: go to bed at 3 am after playing WOW all day and all night (started at 11 am). The tv goes on with the volume up at 11. He slept until noon the next day and when he woke up? the tv went OFF. How fucked up is that? (for the record he was in another room and I could hear it plain as day through the wall and when he was living with this chick they shared a room so the TV issue was 10x worse).


New member
Jul 4, 2007
ok people on this board claim theres no emotional attachment to SP encounter then why is the "girlfriend experience" such a big importance


New member
Jan 18, 2009
The only diff between an SP and a Civie is the difference between Cash and Barter. Exceptions blah blah...

Every so often I see a guy who opens the car door to his master. It sickens me. She will either stand by the door or sit in the car and wait for her bitch to walk around and open a door for her. These girls don't look retarded, nor crippled. I wonder does the guy have so little self respect for himself. What also of the sort of person who would make someone jump around like a dog, actually sit there and wait rather then dare open a freaken car door. A lot of traditional dating actions seems to involve treating the female as some non functioning child [make the decision, pay the bills, open the doors] and the male as some sort of performing circus monkey [ohh look I am pampering you, please can I have your vagina, pretty please].

I just don't get people.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
ok people on this board claim theres no emotional attachment to SP encounter then why is the "girlfriend experience" such a big importance
Because simulated intimacy is important to most people who don't get enough real intimacy? There is clearly a market for that. Just as there is clearly a market for NSA sex. To flip that around, what % of sexworkers could make a living providing a 'no release GFE'? Probably not many. There are affairs of the heart, and affairs of the loins. Not to diminish female sexuality in any way, but men are generally more prone to lead with the loins.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
if you folks constantly getting bad women and choosing the wrong types you need to ask yourselves why.
If a few folks from a selected group has that problem, then it would be a fair question to ask why??

I have talked to men from all walks of life, and many see the same problem. So then I have to wonder if it is just the men or is there something about the women?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
Sex is like lunch, there is not such thing as "free"

because if there was we wouldn't need escorts because no man would pay for sex if he didn't have to.

Is sex with an escort the same as sex with someone you love? No, but it's still better then no sex at all.

and a single guy who visits escorts from time to time will still be better off then a guy who is trapped in a loveless, sexless relationship but cannot get out because he either wants to stay for the sake of the children, cannot afford a divorce, or he is completely pussy whipped and believes he can't do any better.

As for women getting upset, Well it's a moot point anyway. Most guys would never admit to a potential date that they frequent escorts, so how would she know? and If a guy met the "right person" He would probably drop escorting like a hot potatoe but the thing this alot of people DON'T meet the right person because if they did we wouldn't have a 43% divorce rate and if the guy is single so what if women get upset? Who he chooses to have sex and for what reason is nobody's business.


Aug 1, 2007
ok people on this board claim theres no emotional attachment to SP encounter then why is the "girlfriend experience" such a big importance
I don't think you got a good answer to this question, so here goes my 2 cents. GFE is important for being treated like a king. Why men go to an SP or MPA its to have some luxury and be spoiled, as opposed to being dumped on (boss/wifey), nagged (wifey), and told or hinted what a loser they are (world). Chicks like their salons and spas to be fussed over and refreshed well guys like MPAs and SPs for the same reasons. GFE is better than cold, mechanical, or dead fish as it injects some friendliness into the event.

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