How upset women get at men who see escorts. ( lol )


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Note I said "many men", not "all men". Don't get your panties in a knot.
If you're happier seeing SPs than being in a good relationship, why don't you announce it to friends and family?
Perhaps a bit of shame?
No, I'm happier seeing SPs than being in a BAD relationship. THAT is the difference my friend. Believe me, I've had enough to know the difference too and frankly, won't put up with a hell of a lot of the BS that my friends (both male and female) do just to keep the relationship going.

Why don't I announce it to FAMILY (cuz my friends know) is because they have antiquated views on sexuality and are extremely judgemental.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
How is not wanting to lose thousands or millions of dollars in a divorce failure? I'd say that's good business sense.........
When you were a kid you probably didn't dream about having to live your life with a person you hate in order to save a few bucks. At least I hope you didn't.
But as long as you don't despise yourself for cowardliness, it's all good I suppose.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
So if you have ever visited yahoo answers or other forums where issue of a guy visiint an escort come up, almost all female members will say how disgusting it is and why any guy would do that instead of having a " normal " relationship.
I don't actually see SPs, but I have an important rule when I date: If you make a joke involving sexworkers to a woman always use the plural, and involve the woman.

"Let's go buy some $9.00 wine and call a couple of hookers."

"I'm going home to drink some cheap wine and call a hooker."

The actual act of saying the latter is often enough to get you in trouble.


Apr 25, 2010
Note I said "many men", not "all men". Don't get your panties in a knot.
If you're happier seeing SPs than being in a good relationship, why don't you announce it to friends and family?
Perhaps a bit of shame?
Actually, perhaps it's because of my circle of friends, but we have been relatively open about the fact we love strip clubs and escorts.
Once in a while, maybe that's the key point.

Then again I have a couple buddies who go to massage parlors at least twice a month.

Obviously I wouldn't anounce it to a girl on a first date, but we can't divulge a lot of info for girlfriends in the first several months of a relationship anyway so that's besides the point.

Also throw in I've had a number of bad relationships, the final straw was when I was cheated on almost two years ago. It was because I didn't have enough time for her because I was playing semi-pro tennis for 2 months. And like has been said, there's no games with an escort.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
As I get older, my tolerance for female bullshit decreases. At this point in my life - it's practically 0.

If I was ever to meet and date a high maintenance woman who expects or demands to be be "pampered" (I hate that word by the way) I would deal her the nine of spades in about 2 seconds regardless of how hot she was. It's just not worth the grief.

Now when I was a young man - 18 to about 25 I used to worship women. I thought that there was nothing more god(dess) like in the world than a beautiful woman. Women were made to put on a pedestal and catered to. Somewhere in my early 30's that all changed. Slowly at first, one by one the silly teenage boy notions fall away. Women began to lose their luster in my eyes. I began to recognize bullshit and simply walk away. By my mid 30's, if I was out with a woman and the bullshit started, I would just announce that I was going home and did she need a ride. A few years ago I remember meeting a woman and we were starting off on the right foot, then one night, in my bed, she got all bitchie with me and started in with, "but I don't even know you" blah blah blah. I remember going to the can and thinking, "boy I wish I could get rid of this c@nt" Then a brilliant idea came over me - just tell her that it was time to go and I would driv her home. And I did. I felt fucking liberated that night. I had fucked her, blew my load, she started in, and I kicked her out and slept like a baby.

I remember a few years ago, my GF at the time was staying for the weekend down at the Sutton Place. It was supposed to be a sex filled romp weekend and then she started in about how I was fucking her and started to yell at me. (Apparently I was hurting her and I said, "good, sometimes sex hurts and makes it better".) Well the shit hit the fan. I just got up in silence, put on my clothes and walked out and never called her back. A few days later she called me up and was all appologetic and I told her we weren't right for each other. (We really weren't.) She was a beautiful red head with a nice bod, great tits, sucked a mean cock, but she had allot of sexual hangups.

I will never be held captive by c@nt again as long as I live. There truly is plenty of fish in the sea.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
As I get older, my tolerance for female bullshit decreases. At this point in my life - it's practically 0.

If I was ever to meet and date a high maintenance woman who expects or demands to be be "pampered" (I hate that word by the way) I would deal her the nine of spades in about 2 seconds regardless of how hot she was. It's just not worth the grief.


I will never be held captive by c@nt again as long as I live. There truly is plenty of fish in the sea.
I have a theory that it's not the high maintenance, need for 'pampering', or the general neediness of a woman that makes men jaded, but the often corresponding lack of 'regard' the woman often has for the man in question. I love to date, but the people I date have to be 'down to earth', realistic, and reasonably reasonable. I think most people who actively date develop a really good nose for who to avoid...
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Aside from the whole competition thing, there still exists a rather strong negative sentiment about the "pay for play" industry. MOST people don't know (that they are aware of...) a stripper or an MP or SP personally. People think "hooker" and immediately default to "drug addicted, slut that couldn't get a real job if their life depended on it and probably has a pimp that is forcing them to do this type of work to begin with". They simply don't know that a very large percentage of sex workers are just regular girls trying to earn a living or put themselves through school or whatever. This social stereotype is attached to the women in this industry and is not likely going to change anytime soon.

In our case, Mrs. CG is about as open minded as one can get about sex, but she still has an issue with pay for play. I did too, before I found TERB... and got to interact on a daily basis with many of the SP's that post on this board.

Its sad really... I blame the media.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
First, thanks for putting back your cute sig pic...

I think it's a fair point for women to make, paying someone to have sex can't compare to the intimacy of a good relationship. We're secretive about it for a reason, it would acknowledge a failure for many men.
But, as far as ".....paying someone to have sex can't compare to the intimacy of a good relationship..."


Considering my advancing age and deteriorating health, I dont actually pay so much for the sex (and have not, since I started the hobby).

The intimacy with the best SPs, is as good as or BETTER than the average (or waaaay above average) civilian relationship.


Jul 31, 2008
And let's not forget that people just get bored with the "same old, same old."


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I have a theory that it's not the high maintenance, need for 'pampering', or the general neediness of a woman that makes men jaded, but the often corresponding lack of 'regard' the woman often has for the man in question. I love to date, but the people I date have to be 'down to earth', realistic, and reasonably reasonable. I think most people who actively date develop a really good nose for who to avoid...
Here Here articulated something I've been trying to say for years......reasonably reasonable....that's awesome.

I really love it when a woman says she "deserves" to be treated like a Princess, or whatever noun they use to describe them self-assessed value of the Power of the Pussy.

They, like everyone, deserve simple respect due any human. More than that it is earned.

Word my brother!

and that's twice in two days! Rubman, you're on a roll!


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I really love it when a woman says she "deserves" to be treated like a Princess, or whatever noun they use to describe them self-assessed value of the Power of the Pussy.

They, like everyone, deserve simple respect due any human. More than that it is earned.

so dump her!


New member
Jul 4, 2007
I don't think that they think escorts are competition or that your not spending money on them... from a female prespective i think they get hurt because they feel theyre not good enough for you and that their sex is so bad you have to see other women... me being an escort and someone who used to be a civvie would feel this way back in the day before escorting


Jul 31, 2008
I don't think that they think escorts are competition or that your not spending money on them... from a female prespective i think they get hurt because they feel theyre not good enough for you and that their sex is so bad you have to see other women... me being an escort and someone who used to be a civvie would feel this way back in the day before escorting
So, as an escort, do you now tolerate more in your civvie life?

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
I don't think that they think escorts are competition or that your not spending money on them... from a female prespective i think they get hurt because they feel theyre not good enough for you and that their sex is so bad you have to see other women... me being an escort and someone who used to be a civvie would feel this way back in the day before escorting
That response is probably fairly hard wired though. From a biological perspective in a species that tends toward monogamous pair bonding 'overt sex acts for payment' (and, while not related, rape) can be viewed as 'cheating' in the game theory sense. It makes a fair bit of sense that behaviour is 'frowned upon', the subject of taboos, and largely closeted even where tolerated. At the end of the day we're dumb pair bonding apes, though we put a great deal of effort into hiding it behind ethics, ideology, politics, the law, and religion that fact always has a way of rearing its head.

Sorry, the response is more related to some of the political threads that have been here, and the failure of the adherents of many abstractions and ideologies to adequately accommodate 'dumb pair bonding apes', and the catastrophes that result from that...


New member
Jul 4, 2007
So, as an escort, do you now tolerate more in your civvie life?
well I understand how escorting works now obviously lol ... id say im a little more tolerant ... however if i was in a serious relationship i would no longer be an SP


Jul 31, 2008
well I understand how escorting works now obviously lol ... id say im a little more tolerant ... however if i was in a serious relationship i would no longer be an SP
When you gave up the civvie life, did you have a lot of preconceptions about the SP life, and which ones were most surprisingly different than what you thought?

calvin & hobbes

New member
Apr 11, 2004
As I get older, my tolerance for female bullshit decreases. At this point in my life - it's practically 0.

If I was ever to meet and date a high maintenance woman who expects or demands to be be "pampered" (I hate that word by the way) I would deal her the nine of spades in about 2 seconds regardless of how hot she was. It's just not worth the grief.

Now when I was a young man - 18 to about 25 I used to worship women. I thought that there was nothing more god(dess) like in the world than a beautiful woman. Women were made to put on a pedestal and catered to. Somewhere in my early 30's that all changed. Slowly at first, one by one the silly teenage boy notions fall away. Women began to lose their luster in my eyes. I began to recognize bullshit and simply walk away. By my mid 30's, if I was out with a woman and the bullshit started, I would just announce that I was going home and did she need a ride. A few years ago I remember meeting a woman and we were starting off on the right foot, then one night, in my bed, she got all bitchie with me and started in with, "but I don't even know you" blah blah blah. I remember going to the can and thinking, "boy I wish I could get rid of this c@nt" Then a brilliant idea came over me - just tell her that it was time to go and I would driv her home. And I did. I felt fucking liberated that night. I had fucked her, blew my load, she started in, and I kicked her out and slept like a baby.

I remember a few years ago, my GF at the time was staying for the weekend down at the Sutton Place. It was supposed to be a sex filled romp weekend and then she started in about how I was fucking her and started to yell at me. (Apparently I was hurting her and I said, "good, sometimes sex hurts and makes it better".) Well the shit hit the fan. I just got up in silence, put on my clothes and walked out and never called her back. A few days later she called me up and was all appologetic and I told her we weren't right for each other. (We really weren't.) She was a beautiful red head with a nice bod, great tits, sucked a mean cock, but she had allot of sexual hangups.

I will never be held captive by c@nt again as long as I live. There truly is plenty of fish in the sea.
JTK , YOU just hit the nail on the head !!!!! I put up with a lot of shit 'cause I thought another one would never come along. I put up with less and less as I got older. Although I put up with tons from the last one because I really am getting older, only to be treated like a piece of shit ( see my "torch for an old GF" posts ) I have had it and like you ,I will never be held captive by c@nt again. I have no time for that any longer.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
It is amazing how it is always the women fault and you guys never take ownership for anything........;)
I thought the title of this thread was "How upset women get at men who see escorts" not whose fault is it or how men get upset at women who cheat....

And since you don't read the forums, of the married guys here I'd say the overwelmingly vast majority see other women and escorts for variety. How is THAT anyone's "fault"????

If you want to start your own thread on your subject, be my guest!!!!

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
It is amazing how it is always the women fault and you guys never take ownership for anything.
I think taking ownership for one's own life and trying to shed our shallow self justifications, illusions, and delusions is a profoundly important exercise for all human beings. With that being said, insofar as this doesn't degenerate into (Toronto) women are bitches, and a nesting ground for those who have 'woman issues', sometimes a guy just has to vent. :)
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