Every guy on here has told you to suck it up and that you are in the wrong. I just started the ball rolling by stating the obvious - that you need to get over your heightened sense of your own self importance.
Pencilneck hit the nail right on the head - "princess" That about covers it.
And no, I wouldn't be annoyed. Annoyed at who? The city of Toronto for looking after its infrastructructure? You have no-one to blame buy yourself. Next time, turn the radio on in your car - every local channel was broadcasting the fact.
If a bunch of Tamils ran onto the DVP and blocked the road - I'd sympathize with you. But you bitching about the City of Toronto inconveniencing you? Well, I basically LAUGH at you.
You're fucking pathetic aren't you? What do you do, sit there infront of your pc all day with terb opened, just waiting to respond to people's posts? The main point of my first post was to ask when it was re-opened incase I needed to plan a different route to work on Monday morning, which was answered in the first reply.
Then you, probably a pathetic old fat guy with no life, and nothing better to do than to start arguments on internet forums unleashed a bitter rant on me. No doubt pent up anger from your years of hurt and neglect. The reason I'm coming back at you is because your post was different than the other ones that told me to suck it up. It had a bitter and anrgy tone to it.
Who are you, the fucking master and defender of highway construction for the gta?
No, you're just a pathetic old man, trying to start shit on internet forums.
You're not even worth my reply's. If there was an ignore function I would definately use it.