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Ben Roethlisberger given six game suspension for "conduct unbecoming".


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Plus a "behavioural evaluation".

Jesus what's up with this?

Payoff to the girl he assaulted to drop charges? I vaguely recall hearing about allegations and seeing Big Ben strenuously denying any wrongdoing.

NEW YORK — The Associated Press
Published on Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2010 11:51AM EDT

Last updated on Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2010 2:00PM EDT

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was suspended for six games without pay Wednesday for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy and ordered to undergo behavioural evaluation.

Commissioner Roger Goodell made the announcement a week after prosecutors decided not to charge Roethlisberger after a 20-year-old college student accused him of sexually assaulting her in a Georgia nightclub in March.

Goodell said the league's conduct policy gave him the right to impose discipline.

“I recognize that the allegations in Georgia were disputed and that they did not result in criminal charges being filed against you,” he said in his letter to the two-time Super Bowl winner, a six-year veteran.

“My decision today is not based on a finding that you violated Georgia law, or on a conclusion that differs from that of the local prosecutor. That said, you are held to a higher standard as an NFL player, and there is nothing about your conduct in Milledgeville that can remotely be described as admirable, responsible, or consistent with either the values of the league or the expectations of our fans.”

Roethlisberger must undergo a “comprehensive behavioural evaluation by medical professionals” and may not attend any team offseason activities until that evaluation is completed.

The suspension could be reduced to four games for good behavior. Sitting out all six games would cost him an estimated $2.8-million.


New member
Feb 27, 2006
Jason Whitlock's take on the situation.

"Listening to the naive and dishonest media discussion about the latest sexual assault allegation leveled at Ben Roethlisberger, you'd think Usher (and maybe Rick Pitino) was the only other American who wants to make "love in this club."

No wonder NFL commissioner Roger Goodell had such a difficult time ruling on how long to suspend the Pittsburgh quarterback. On Wednesday, Goodell banned Roethlisberger for six games.

It's a fair suspension. Unfortunately, PacBen's transgressions have never been put in proper perspective for the public.

Tiger Woods life coach Herm Edwards declared that Big Ben's "moral compass" is out of whack. Moralizing, shallow newspaper and Internet columnists blasted the 28-year-old Roethlisberger for fishing in a college bar with the oldest lure in the book (alcohol).

And race-baiting simpletons wanted to keep a racial scorecard on how Goodell and the Steelers handled PacBen as opposed to Pacman Jones and kicked-to-the-curb Steelers receiver Santonio Holmes.

A lifetime ban for Big Ben wouldn't have cleaned up the stench of Donte Stallworth's DUI manslaughter, Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennel, Plaxico Burress' gun conviction, Rae Carruth's baby-mama murder, Pacman's strip-club wilding ... should I carry on?

Now that we know the penalty, let's discuss PacBen in something resembling proper context. There is no doubt Roethlisberger is an idiot worthy of suspension. What I've yet to hear or read is a fair justification for why he deserved punishment.

When the Georgia police released the details of the notes it took during its investigation of Roethlisberger, the media cherry-picked and repeated the alleged "eyewitness" accounts as though they were as unimpeachable as a video replay.

According to the "witnesses," Roethlisberger's bodyguards dragged the accuser to the bathroom, blocked the entrance into the bathroom and Roethlisberger approached the accuser with his penis exposed.

Once these accounts were introduced as "evidence" into the court of public opinion, broadcasters and pundits had all the ammo they needed to convict Ben as "disgusting" and call for Goodell to take swift and hard action.

It was completely irresponsible. Statements made by drunken sorority girls are not facts. Statements made by sober sorority girls about an evening spent bar-hopping and drinking are not facts.

Late last week I received an e-mail from a former sorority president and current advisor to a sorority. She warned me that the media were being foolish for believing the allegations of drunken 20-somethings. She explained what she'd witnessed firsthand as a student and what she now deals with as an advisor.

Some young women use alcohol as an excuse to be sexually aggressive at fraternity houses and nightclubs and then quickly concoct a story of sexual assault when confronted by their disapproving peers. Most of these allegations never make it to police headquarters. The allegations are too sketchy and the accuser's immediate jury of peers reject them.

"I don't believe a bunch of hammered sorority girls in this situation," the former sorority president wrote. "I've seen too much bad behavior amongst them. It's all about having fun and then making sure you're not held accountable and your reputation is still good."

Big Ben's accuser was allegedly wearing a name tag that read DTF -- "down to f---." She engaged in a lewd and highly flirtatious conversation with Roethlisberger.

It's 2010 not 1910. Women vote, drive cars and knock boots at their own discretion. The popular R&B singer Usher makes songs targeted at women. His 2008 smash hit "Love in this Club" was most popular with women. Getting busy in the bathroom or getting a special "bottle service" at a VIP table are nowhere near as rare as joining the "mile high club."

If you read the police accounts, the accuser's sorority sisters drove this case. If Ben's bodyguards dragged the accuser to the bathroom, you could make the argument that her sorority sisters dragged her to the police.

Her initial story to the police was weak at best and made absolutely no sense at worst.

The case was so flimsy that Big Ben was never even arrested. Once she sobered up, the accuser didn't even cooperate with the police.

Let me repeat: PacBen is a freaking idiot who deserved to be suspended. Off the field, he thinks with the wrong head. In pursuit of a wham-bam, he's twice -- that we know of -- placed himself in a vulnerable position.

But the ugly truth is Ben isn't all that different from a lot of guys and girls who use alcohol as their aphrodisiac of choice. Any woman who has belonged to a prominent sorority has heard the lecture about safety rules to follow when entering a male fraternity house for a mixer/party.

"Don't drink the punch. It might be laced with a roofie."

"Don't go anywhere in the house alone."

The rules are reminders that no matter how nice the guy might sound there's a damn good chance he's looking for one-night-stand sex or trying to set up a train. Some of the women are looking for the exact same thing.

So why did Ben deserve suspension?

As Terry Bradshaw eloquently and appropriately explained, Ben doesn't know who he is and what position he holds. He's a millionaire franchise quarterback, an ambassador for the Steelers and the city of Pittsburgh.

He's not Usher, a rock-star sex symbol. NFL players, particularly high-profile quarterbacks, don't get to make "love in this club." That kind of behavior is way too high risk for someone under Ben's spotlight.

PacBen is no different from Pacman. They run with dumb posses. I don't know Goodell's reasoning for the length of Ben's suspension. But the commissioner should've hammered Ben for his "security" staff. Allegedly, Ben's bodyguards kept the bathroom safe from intruders while Ben attempted to or did make "love in this club."

Think about it. Ben basically hired men to hand him KY Jelly and condoms and stand guard while he had public sex. His instructions should've been this:

"Guys, if I get liquored up tonight and try to bang one of these girls, tackle me, drag me to the car, take me to my hotel, guard the door and make sure no one gets into the room with me while I'm drunk."

The accuser's sorority sisters were smarter and more mature than Ben's "bodyguards."

That should've served as the basis of Goodell's suspension.

We don't have a clue about whether the alleged bathroom sex between two drunken idiots was consensual. And we have even less knowledge about how Ben's "moral compass" compares to Herm's, Ben's peers, Goodell's or the broadcasters/pundits morally hyperventilating because Ben likes pretty young thangs.

What we know is Ben is clueless about how he should conduct himself given his position of responsibility."


Mar 12, 2006
Big Ben may be an idiot, but he hasn't been convicted of anything. If I was in his shoes, I'd grab a lawyer and sue the NFL commissioner and his fat cat owners for a zillion dollars.


Apr 24, 2005
If I was in his shoes, I'd grab a lawyer and sue the NFL commissioner and his fat cat owners for a zillion dollars.
Interesting, I thought that employers do have some rights to set "code of conduct" policies. For example, my employer has a "no hugging" policy.


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
Yes you would grab a lawyer if you were innocent. This is the man's second accusation, so where there is smoke there is fire. The man is guilty and the punishement is lean, Steelers are talking about trading. Trouble is, no one is interested yet - not even the Raiders.
C'mon dude, you are worth $100 million. Cannot be that hard to get chicks even with a face like that.
Why did his boys have to block/lock the door?


Oct 13, 2009
Big Ben may be an idiot, but he hasn't been convicted of anything. If I was in his shoes, I'd grab a lawyer and sue the NFL commissioner and his fat cat owners for a zillion dollars.
Legally, you may very well have a point. He would most likely win such a case. However, his days in the NFL may be numbered as a result of doing so. Secondly, if I were him I would be more concerned with preserving my legacy and thus not going through with such a lawsuit. This guy did win two Superbowls and has been to numerous Pro-Bowls... However, he's not me and he's a fuckin douchebag. So who knows?


Apr 7, 2005
Stupid suspension.
Conduct unbecoming?
Like all the drug abuse by NFL players?
Like all the wife/gf abuse by NFL players?
Like all the dog abuse by NFL players? Sorry a cheap shot at Vick.
Like all the dancing abuse by NFL players? Sorry a cheap shot at OchoCinco.
Seriously this is ridiculous.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Stupid suspension.
Conduct unbecoming?
Like all the drug abuse by NFL players?
Like all the wife/gf abuse by NFL players?
Like all the dog abuse by NFL players? Sorry a cheap shot at Vick.
Like all the dancing abuse by NFL players? Sorry a cheap shot at OchoCinco.
Seriously this is ridiculous.
I think the general thought process behind all these no-no's is that they bring bad publicity to the league. So even if something is not necessarily illegal, if it makes the league look bad, it may warrant a suspension.

Not that much different than a sponsor dropping Tiger, not because of anything illegal, but because Tiger's behaviour is construed as being bad for the image of the sponsor. Granted, one is a league and one is a sponsor, but the general idea is the same. If you make us look bad, there will be a price to pay.


Apr 24, 2005
I think the general thought process behind all these no-no's is that they bring bad publicity to the league. So even if something is not necessarily illegal, if it makes the league look bad, it may warrant a suspension.
An employer has the right to set the rules for his workplace but I do wonder sometimes where the rules might violate the worker's human and/or constitutional rights. For example, we have a "no hugging" policy in my workplace. Does this violate the employee's human or constitutional right to hug a consenting adult of her choice? BTW The employer has the legal right to read all your emails posted on company equipment.


Apr 24, 2005
Big Ben said that he will "man up" and not protest his suspension. I think that is a wise move. Take the suspension like a man and move on.


Apr 25, 2010
Goodell has officially pussifide the league, and I don't mean that in a good way.

All these suspensions and fines are idiotic to say the least.

The fact is Roethlisberger's "case" couldn't even make it to trial, I've studied some law and know the failures of justice mon both sides, but from what I've read on the night in question, I can only stipulate that the girl felt cheated and wanted more. Not to get too into the legal matters I think the suspension was unfair.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Goodell has officially pussifide the league, and I don't mean that in a good way.
It's true. Now that NFL'ers can't be abusive/obnoxious off the field, obviously the speed, intensity and hitting on the field is going to suffer.

Why bother to even watch anymore.
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