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How many SP's actually save money?


Apr 24, 2005
a family business
Be careful who you partner with. My dancer friend partnered with 3 other friends and they bought a stupid cottage near Wasaga Beach. Her share of the loss was $20,000.

Here is a lesson from Warren Buffet. When he first started his investment business, he partnered with his sister. He said he spent more time MANAGING his sister than he did managing his investments, so he fired her and never regreted it.


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Be careful who you partner with. My dancer friend partnered with 3 other friends and they bought a stupid cottage near Wasaga Beach. Her share of the loss was $20,000.
IMHO buying a cottage is not my cup of tea.

It reminds me of upkeeping a high maintenance girlfriend, probably mistress/trophy type wannabe in real world.

Here is a lesson from Warren Buffet.....
I am shocked the Oracle of the Omaha is a big fan at those Chinese all you can eat establishment!!

BTW, if I could recall, he once said right after the Lehman Brothers Collapse, he felt liked an oversexed teenage boy at the whore house to describe his joy to pick up truckload of "wide-moat" blue chip companies, hand over fist. :)

Yep, that beats spending time with your favorite SP/MPA hands down but my Jr had different idea......


Mar 14, 2010
I'm just curious why you care whether she saves or not.

If you are a regular, then out of self interest I would think you want your favourite girls to NOT save so they have to keep working.

Also if they're desperate for money it'll be easier for you to strike deals. But you don't want her so desperate that she'll take all kinds of risks[*] that put you in a risky situation[*].

(this isn't the way I think, just knocking around the notion of self interest with morals disconnected in this situation)

[*] more than she already does, IOW risks that for her that could come back at you are not standard in this business

[*] more than you already are, or IOW risks for you that're not standard in this business
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Apr 24, 2005
It reminds me of upkeeping a high maintenance girlfriend, probably mistress/trophy type wannabe in real world.
One of my friends, who doesn't work because he is living off his inheritance, has a GF who also doesn't work (and not because she has money). They both don't work. He pays for everything. Now the nutty GF wants to open her own business with HIS MONEY!


New member
Nov 27, 2006
One of my friends, who doesn't work because he is living off his inheritance, has a GF who also doesn't work (and not because she has money). They both don't work. He pays for everything. Now the nutty GF wants to open her own business with HIS MONEY!
Hmm...sounds like your friend did not conduct a throughout background/criminal check on this lady before he got his inheritance. :rolleyes:

Don't want to be mean but it looks like he has a gold digger on the hook.


Apr 24, 2005
Don't want to be mean but it looks like he has a gold digger on the hook.
Yes, but my friend is not all dumb. He absolutely refuses to let his GF move into his house (which he bought for a song when his aunt went to the nursing home). Did you know a live in GF "acquires" spousal rights to your house and money after 2 years of co-habitation?


New member
Jan 10, 2010
You know that "ugly wench" in that picture is Dani herself, do you? :eek:

BTW, WRT SP/MPA saving money, many of them are reminiscent of top pro athletes who got carried away of sudden big inflows of cash in early 20s, only to be in financial distress within 25 years once their career is long gone due to age, injury, years of irresponsible spending and faulty money management.

Having said that, not all SP and MPA behave that way but given the epidemic on instant gratification in all walks of life, it only make the situation worse.
...and you might say that "instant gratficiation" is not gender specific either.

Is that really "Dani" or a photoshop of Arnold Swazenneger's bod, face of....Conan the Barbarian, with blonde wig; and tits of those girls in Brass Rail/Zanibar.


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
Easy come and easy go I would assume is the motto of these ladies. Personally, I think it is a sad story because the age thing catches up with them quickly and the potential to make money is diminished. The numbers they must earn is staggering!!!


Apr 24, 2005
Easy come and easy go
This reminds me of the story (which may or may not be true) of hockey great Harvey "Busher" Jackson. It was rumoured that in retirement he was seen outside Maple Leaf Garden asking for spare change from passerbys.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I sure hope they do. I have met a number of young women who have impressed me not only with their beauty but with their intelligence. I really do hope that they see this as an opportunity to pay for school or whatever and that it is a step along the way rather than the destination or career. Who knows whether they are telling me the truth but most seem to be in school or taking courses or whatever. Then again i believe them when they tell me that I look young and that i am great looking.


Active member
Jan 31, 2005
It is funny how they all use the excuse that they are "in" school and dancing to pay there tuition. Next thing you know school is put on hold and the easy money is just too good to give up. I have dated a few of these girls but it is just not for me. It is called Adult entertainment for a reason.


"Silver tongued devil"
Jan 8, 2003
Searching for MILF's !!!
Put your money in a safety deposit box at the bank then. Its contents are private and confidential, and only costs a few dollars a year to rent it.
That my friend is BULLSHIT !!! You have to give your Social Insurance # to get a box, and not IF, but WHEN you are audited, the government does a bank account search on you, and guess what, up pops your SAFTEY DEPOSIT BOX, with your money all nice and safe for them to take.....

Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
According to my knowledge just 10~15% SP's saves their monies, rest of them just spend like crazy girls, on un-necessary shopping, some of them support their siblings, some support their good for nothing pimps whom they address as their B/F's & some spend all their monies on liquor, & drugs
& in the end have nothing to support them when they retire! Most of them have very bad credit history's that no one is even ready to give them a credit card with $ 500 credit limit, sad and unfortunate that most of our SP's have no sense of Financial Management in their lives, & some girls live their lives in just illusions only.


Apr 24, 2005
Maybe theyre just tricking you guys saying they are broke?
Yup, never admit to a customer that you are rich. Got to win their sympathy and compassion. Easier to charm more money out of them when they are sympathic.


Scholar Punter
Nov 2, 2005
Yup, never admit to a customer that you are rich. Got to win their sympathy and compassion. Easier to charm more money out of them when they are sympathic.
Maybe theyre just tricking you guys saying they are broke? :p
hmmm then i guess my dearest emm you just lost out... :p of course being such a free-spirit emm doesnt really mind

spoke to another girl and she tells me she has 2 businesses. then there's another one into real estate. gotta say quite ambitious!

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
I was just thinking that if I was an SP I don't think I would be disclosing the fact that I saved $100K+ of "tax free" earnings.... Having just been through a tax audit concerning (legitimate) business expenses, I don't think that RevCan would look upon these savings as "tax free". You ladies might be wise to set aside about half of your savings with the expectation of loosing it sooner or later!
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