How many SP's actually save money?


Jan 31, 2005
So, maybe this is a matter of those who speak up are the ones with something to be proud of, but whenever an SP writes about her finances on terb, it seems she is doing great, has a house, and savings, and all her ducks in a row.

However, whenever I ask an SP about this in real life, it turns out she had not saved nearly as much as she wanted, she's not sure where the money went, etc.

I also have a couple of friends who are in this industry, one a stripper, one an SP. The stripper is always totally broke despite having huge tits and good service--I have no doubt her business is brisk. But she's always broke, and shows up at work at the end of the month trying to scrape together rent. She's an awesome girl, lots of fun, nice, but where does the money go?

The SP's nost quite as bad, but considering how much money flows through her hands, wow. She does have a condo that she has paid about $80k of capital into. But she has been working for something like 6 years now, and I know she works every day and sees at least three guys a day. Do the math, she has seen somewhere upwards of $800k flow through her hands (tax free, ahem), and all she has to show for it is $80k in her condo.

Those are the two I know first hand, and I've talked to their friends, and I've talked to other strippers and other SP's, and honestly, I mostly hear that they don't have money, even though I can see they see a lot of it.

So what is it? Does the industry attract the sort of chick who can't save? Is there something about the fast easy money that makes you lose your common sense? Does the job change otherwise sensible people into big spenders somehow?

The thing is this job is not a life-long career. You'll make your best money in your 20's when you are youngest and prettiest. It'll burn you out too (see jaded thread). So it's very much a "get in, make your money, get out and retire" kind of job. I always thought that's why the rates were so high: because these women have to save enough in a few years to retire on, so they have to charge a lot.

What gives? I'd especially like to hear from women in the industry, and not just the ones who have got it right, but the ones who for whatever reason haven't saved as much as they wanted to. Why is that?


Oct 18, 2004
Do you wanna know what gives?
They lie at least 1/2 of them so you feel sorry for them so you can spend money on them or they get caught up in the lifestyle(booze,nice clothes and more often drugs-especially coke) or they hook up with some loser pretty boy who can't spell CAT even if you spot him the C & the A who milks her dry.


Jan 31, 2005
unshavencuban said:
Do you wanna know what gives?
They lie at least 1/2 of them so you feel sorry for them so you can spend money on them
Well, for the ones who I visit as a client, sure, it's possible. I don't think so, but who knows. But I can tell you that for these two who are my friends we do not have a business relationship and I do not give them money, or spend money on them, or buy anything, they are just friends. Unlike my reputation might lead you to believe I am not even fucking them, which is too bad, because they are hot. However, the stripper is good for getting invited to parties where.... anyway, that's another story.

The loser thing... the stripper has had a bunch of boyfriends who could not spell and she no doubt blew a lot of money on shit with them, but that just seems par for the course for her, she blows money on everything, not just guys. If she didn't have a BF she would have spent it on clothes or trips or whatever.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
unshavencuban said:
Do you wanna know what gives?
They lie at least 1/2 of them so you feel sorry for them so you can spend money on them or they get caught up in the lifestyle(booze,nice clothes and more often drugs-especially coke) or they hook up with some loser pretty boy who can't spell CAT even if you spot him the C & the A who milks her dry.
hum i don't do drugs never buy new clothes and i don't drink how do i waste my money lol it's called life and some of us have more important things like rent food clothes for or kids to spend our money on just so you know we aren't all drunk drug addicts out to get your cash :rolleyes:


Jan 31, 2005
luv4lust said:
hum i don't do drugs never buy new clothes and i don't drink how do i waste my money lol it's called life and some of us have more important things like rent food clothes for or kids to spend our money on just so you know we aren't all drunk drug addicts out to get your cash :rolleyes:
I will say I don't know many stripers or SP's who are drunks or drug addicts. I agree that's not where it goes, at least not for the ones I know. However, I also have these normal life expenses like rent and food, and, after taxes at least, earn less than some of these women do and yet I manage to save $2k/month on top of my mortgage payment.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Little or no reported income + large savings account + investment portfolio + condo or house + other conspicuous assets of monetary value = tax audit.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
fuji said:
I will say I don't know many stripers or SP's who are drunks or drug addicts. I agree that's not where it goes, at least not for the ones I know. However, I also have these normal life expenses like rent and food, and, after taxes at least, earn less than some of these women do and yet I manage to save $2k/month on top of my mortgage payment.
well i'm not out to make it rich i have fun and get enough to live on so no i don't have savings


Orally Gifted...
Dec 2, 2004
Sometimes it is the amount of old debt you have that puts you in this line of work to begin with. And we all know when you have debt to begin with it just grows while you still have all the everyday bills to pay.

-what ever goes in the bank you must claim as income or expect to get audited...your income has to match your lifestyle. It is hard to justify driving a 80K car when you claim to make *zilch*. I think the rich lifestyle hurts allot of girls.

-there is also the quick & easy factor I hear all the time. "I will just buy this today because I will make more money tomorrow" not thinking of the long term.

There are lots of girls with good money sense and will do alright in the end but unfortunately there are to many that think of today and not long term.

-Drugs, partying and a rich lifestyle don't help.

As for me...I do alright.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
I am always broke.

Back in the days I used to spend money on stupid stuff, I used to spend it like it was going out of style. Partied and travelled alot. It was just so easy, there was nothing else to do, I'd make money, I'd go shopping.
I'd spend all the money I made that day, cause my train of thought was that I'd get it all back and some... the next day. I made $3000.00 one night and I bought a fur coat the next day. Another time I made thousands within a couple of days and my man and I would just hop on a plane and take off to the Bahamas for the rest of the week. Oh yeah paid 2 car notes monthly lol. Holt Renfrew always had a fix for me, I wouldn't even look at a pair of shoes unless they were at least $200 or $300, $20 socks for my man, a couple of Hugo Boss suits later, back to work and repeat cycle.

Sometimes when I put my mind to it, I'd manage to save $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 within a couple of months. I liked the way it looked in the shoe box and I'd keep it at home. It was like I was building a stash, lol. I'd save it and then I didn't know what to do with it. At that time it never occured to me that I should just put it away towards retirement. I didn't buy a house, cause I couldn't splain where I got the money from, so I just spent it, living large.

Nothing much has changed, the minute I get my hands on some money, it's gone to bills, eating and living well, and I am always broke.


New member
Jun 25, 2005
Downtown TO
Some interesting posts here..

I agree with 2 posts - one by Unshavencuban..I recognize many well known SP's hanging out in the club district where I sometimes work...they are always hanging around loser types of guys(some of them I know quite well through the work) who are into drugs, pretending to be a 'big-shot' gangster, no money but getting a huge loan to drive a BMW etc etc..and it is true..some of them can't even spell their own names!

Also, a post by Kacy...does revenue canada have access to bank account details?..I thought that this was covered under the data privacy act or something? and I didn't know that your social insurance number etc had to be declared when opening a bank account. I have a savings account and earn some interest but how many of you actually declare this interest on your tax return? there are lots of people with lots of money in their bank accounts - why should they be audited?


New member
Dec 3, 2005
middleweight said:
Also, a post by Kacy...does revenue canada have access to bank account details?..I thought that this was covered under the data privacy act or something? and I didn't know that your social insurance number etc had to be declared when opening a bank account. I have a savings account and earn some interest but how many of you actually declare this interest on your tax return? there are lots of people with lots of money in their bank accounts - why should they be audited?

I'm sure they would have access if they wanted to, they don't worry unless there are "thousands" coming in every week or something.

A lot of people "cheat" in their taxes a little bit, HEY! mr Martin also cheated! he registered his company offshore to avoid paying Canadian taxes, we all know our little "tips" to save money.


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
Put your money in a safety deposit box at the bank then. Its contents are private and confidential, and only costs a few dollars a year to rent it.

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
I Put All My Money Back In The Business

And the rest pays off debts accrued before I got into this. Living in Vancouver is expensive, and a civvie job just did not pay enough that I didn't put a little bit here, and a little bit there on my credit card; not luxuries, but things like groceries and dentists, etc. etc. Of course, it eventually added up to disaster, and I'm chipping away at that now. is very expensive. I do not work often because I'm very careful about who I see. If I was less safety-conscious, I'd be making way more dough, but I'd be a different person...suspicious and paranoid, going to meet dodgy people.

That's not me. Thing is, I imagine some of the ladies who are willing to see more people, and take that risk may be spending/partying as stress relief for the risks they take; they may make much more weekly than I ever will, but spend like crazy. And odds are, I will not have burned out as quickly, with so much less stress, and so may be in the business for a much longer period of time; and, because of that, I *may* end up, ultimately, ahead financially.

Incidently, I plan on making the money I save for my naughty grannyhood stretch by living in a Spanish-speaking country when I hit sixty or so.

Fuzzy Thumper

Terminally Twitterpated
May 25, 2003
middleweight said:
Also, a post by Kacy...does revenue canada have access to bank account details?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has more than that. Banks are required to report various things to them (i.e. interest earned over $50, large cash transactions, "suspicious" cash transaction patterns, etc.).

middleweight said:
..I thought that this was covered under the data privacy act or something?

middleweight said:
and I didn't know that your social insurance number etc had to be declared when opening a bank account.

middleweight said:
I have a savings account and earn some interest but how many of you actually declare this interest on your tax return? there are lots of people with lots of money in their bank accounts - why should they be audited?
If it's less than $50, no one will care. If you earn more than $50, your bank will tell CRA for you (by issuing you a T5 slip, which they also submit to the government). If you don't claim that, you're asking for it....

I doubt most of the ladies would be worried about being audited for interest income - it's the "lifestyle" audit that should worry them. If you're putting $10k cash into the bank every month, sooner or later the government is going to ask where that money came from. And they aren't very imaginative in the responses that they accept - especially when the tax returns don't show the same pattern....

Bank accounts aren't needed for "lifestyle" audits; but they can provide the government with both a "signal" to investigate, and a concrete list of questions (or damning evidence) that may be difficult to answer in the case that they do.

Fuzzy Thumper

Terminally Twitterpated
May 25, 2003
crocket said:
Put your money in a safety deposit box at the bank then. Its contents are private and confidential, and only costs a few dollars a year to rent it.
...AND those few dollars are actually tax deductible! :D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think you'll find examples of both.

Like anywhere else some save and others don't.
Some spend it wisely and others don't.

My guess it the hardest part is making that transition of making large sums of money to earning more modest amounts.


Active member
Sep 4, 2001
I agree with Frank: they are many examples of both types, just like like in other professions (eg. doctors, lawyers, etc. who are either saving tons or living well beyond their means).

Now that this thread has been raised, I have reflected on this a bit and have noted a curious correlation with most of my long-time, fave MP's, SP's and dancers---they are are all quite well situated financially with paid-off homes, nice cars, etc. They are all strong, independent women without any 'bad habits'.

It seems that I have a thing for women who are smart and mature, as well as sexy and beautiful.


New member
Nov 18, 2001
Does anyone know for certain how much cash can be deposited into an account without triggering any suspicion? How much in a month for instance?
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