Revoke Smoking Ban In Toronto?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I would be the first one to report this shit
if you are addicted to tobacco, fucking chew it or swallow it or shoot it up your vein, don't make me breathe it


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
Why should the staff of strip clubs & bars be subject to these noxious fumes ?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
by the way, a question for smokers: when you see escorts at your place, do you allow them to smoke? I bet they must be so happy if you do. Cuz when I tell them it's not allowed in my place, I feel that they probably hate me for that.

Unrelated rant: have you noticed that the absolute majority of good looking and approachable women smoke? If she doesn't smoke she is either (a) ugly or (b) your typical north american bitch that you can only get if you are as good looking and young as she is, and make 3 times as much.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
I am a smoker. When the ban first started I thought it was a pain in the butt to be forced outside to smoke. Especially in winter or when raining etc.

Now that I am use to it though I really don't mind it that much. In fact it has caused me to cut down on smoking, because when too cold out etc I don't bother.

Also worthy to note is that I do notice the difference now when I enter somewhere indoors where smoking is allowed. You can see and smell the clouds of smoke... and it ain't pretty. In fact I dislike it very much... don't like it all.

Trying to get the ban reversed would be an up hill battle for sure IMO... no way it's gonna happen. Might as well just accept it and get on with it.

P.S. yes I tried to quit Mar. 1st. Lasted about 36 hrs. :(

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
I think we should allow indoor smoking in bars/clubs/strip clubs at the very least.......otherwise people do it anyway.
WTF are you talking about? Where do people do it anyway? Maybe in NYC. Keep the ban and levy stiffer fines. BTW it's the NEW YORK Times. Not Toronto, so don't push American BS up here.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Unrelated rant: have you noticed that the absolute majority of good looking and approachable women smoke? If she doesn't smoke she is either (a) ugly or (b) your typical north american bitch that you can only get if you are as good looking and young as she is, and make 3 times as much.
No, I don't think this is true at all. Your own post is contradictory.
You find beautiful women who smoke unattractive, but the ones who don't and are therefore attractive to you, are 'typical North American bitches?'.
You seem angry that women only want someone as young and good-looking as they are, when it is usually men who hold higher standards in this area.

But why dislike the women who aren't interested in what you offer? Its a waste of energy. Concentrate on the ones who do appreciate your qualities (old, poor and ugly guys get laid too) or I guess you'll never get a a beautiful woman. More for us, I guess.
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Revoke the smoking ban??? Are you serious???!!

Ok... lets see... aside from negating the OBVIOUS health benefit to ALL involved, we can add irritated eye's, dirty ash trays everywhere, smelly rooms, burn marks in carpets, chairs, floors from carelessness, obvious fire hazards, and the stink gets EVERYWHERE- in your clothes, and even your hair! No thanks. Banning smoking was the best thing they ever did.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You'll have to come up with at least one single reason for all of us to want to revoke the ban. "Because you'd prefer it", is as convincing a waste of breath as your smoke is.

I'll happily support your right to buy and smoke your chosen drug, but never where you make others share it. And if I see you lighting up where I am, I'll use every means available to make you butt out.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
No, I don't think this is true at all.
I disagree.

It's not as big a problem as it used to be but a large proportion of hotties smoke. And the reason is simple... it keeps them thin. Rather than eat or drink, they smoke. And smoking doesn't pack on calories. Add on that trying to quit can result in weight gain and it's no surprise they keep smoking.

It's slowly changing as younger girls don't get into smoking as much as they once did but it's still a noticeable trait amongst hotties.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
ah, we haven't had a smoking/no smoking thread in a while.......

1) if you don't like the smell of smoke, don't go to places that allow it
2) people who work at smoking clubs: if you don't smoke, work somewhere else
3) Smoking outside. Some wingnut in the last smoking thread had the audacity to complain about the buts outside on the street. When there were smoking rooms allowed, all those butts were inside in ashtrays. Force everyone to smoke in the same spot, and you'll get a large amount of butts.
4) last I heard this was a "free" country. An owner should be allowed to make a determination on his customers. If one wants to open a smoking club, then he should be allowed to. Just like Salt Lake City where alcohol is banned, you have to "join" a members only club in order to drink. The membership fee is basically a cover charge.

I see ZERO problem with a) having clubs that are smoke free and b) having clubs that aren't. Just like there are dance clubs with male and female washrooms, and unisex. Clubs that have naked women on stage, clubs that don't. Clubs that only serve wine, clubs that serve anything. Restaurants that specialize in steak, some that specialize in pasta. Freedom of choice.

I wonder how you'll all feel when they ban fried foods? Hamburger? Alcohol? Believe me, it isn't far away. I read in the paper not long ago how they're thinking of surcharges for fast food joints....sound familiar? They brought about surcharges on cigs back in the day to get people to quit......

As for sp's who smoke, you should see their faces light up when I tell them they can. I tell you there's nothing like the first smoke after a good romp in the sack and I know the ones who smoke appreciate it......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You'll have to come up with at least one single reason for all of us to want to revoke the ban. "Because you'd prefer it", is as convincing a waste of breath as your smoke is.

I'll happily support your right to buy and smoke your chosen drug, but never where you make others share it. And if I see you lighting up where I am, I'll use every means available to make you butt out.
And if you "use any means available" you better bring some buddies because if you're alone? is going to get messy........


Jun 6, 2009
WTF are you talking about? Where do people do it anyway? Maybe in NYC. Keep the ban and levy stiffer fines. BTW it's the NEW YORK Times. Not Toronto, so don't push American BS up here.
On this RP, we agree.

Revoke the smoking ban??? Are you serious???!!

Ok... lets see... aside from negating the OBVIOUS health benefit to ALL involved, we can add irritated eye's, dirty ash trays everywhere, smelly rooms, burn marks in carpets, chairs, floors from carelessness, obvious fire hazards, and the stink gets EVERYWHERE- in your clothes, and even your hair! No thanks. Banning smoking was the best thing they ever did.

............ and the down side is? Just goshin' ya!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
WTF are you talking about? Where do people do it anyway? Maybe in NYC. Keep the ban and levy stiffer fines. BTW it's the NEW YORK Times. Not Toronto, so don't push American BS up here.
So, if a club is allowed to have its patrons smoke, what do you care? Just don't go to that club.....simple. Just like if you don't like steak, don't go to a steakhouse. Don't like sushi? Don't go to a sushi place. Don't like cigars? don't go to a cigar bar.......

Free country, no wait, it really isn't........

For the record having worked in offices before the ban(s) came into effect the offices were a HELL of a lot more pleasant after the ban came into effect. I didn't mind it one bit actually. Not only was the office a better place to work but it got us smokers away from our desks and actually take a break. Before we'd just have the coffee cart come around and work through our breaks. With the ban in place, we actually got out of the office for a while.......
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