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What if she's not your cup of tea?

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New member
Jul 6, 2008
I think this issue has been raised a few times but I don't think there was never a general consensus. Ok, so you book through a reputable agency (not craiglist), you get there and she's not ugly but she doesn't do it for you, should you stay? Would leaving cause the agency to put you on a black list? Or create "badwill?" Is leaving the "ultimate" insult for a SP? And if you do leave, should you give the SP any money (i.e. a termination fee)? I would appreciate it if some SPs and agencies would respond to this. Thanks.


Active member
Nov 5, 2007
I have never left an appointment, I bite the bullet and go through with the booking. Sometimes what I thought would be a disaster turned out ok. That's just me though.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
close u r eye; think of u r wife then just do it
I suppose that's a joke, right? Think of my wife. For one thing, I'm not married. For another, I would suspect that married guys cheat with women who do not look like their wives. It's the variety argument.


Jan 31, 2005
If there has been no "bait and switch" pay a termination fee and leave. If you have obviously been lied to or misled then pay nothing and leave.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
i would never do that....for me this is a direct insult of the lady. Money is important but not soo much. I would feel terrible if some girl would call me on a blind date and leave immediately after seeing me (never happened though :D) .


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hopefully on Your Cock
IT is much better for you to be polite and leave. Thank her for her time and just let her know it isn't going to work. We can sense when a client isn't into us for whatever reason. It makes us uncomfortable which makes the session awkward leaving the client unsatisfied and the SP feeling like she didn't do her job. I have had clients stay when it seemed they didn't want to, it sucks. It's like when the SP isn't into the session for whatever reason, she doesn't do a great job and you sense she is uncomfortable. We don't want to be rejected but those that are mature and realize that not every client is going to like us or want to pay for time with us they will appreciate you saving both your time and hers and more importantly saving both an awkward situation.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
i would never do that....for me this is a direct insult of the lady. Money is important but not soo much. I would feel terrible if some girl would call me on a blind date and leave immediately after seeing me (never happened though :D) .
That's my view, as well.

I know there are some SPs who have said it's part of the business and not necessarily an issue. But I would never feel comfortable doing that. As others have said, I would go through with it (so far, this has only happened to me once, fortunately).


New member
Jul 6, 2008
If there has been no "bait and switch" pay a termination fee and leave. If you have obviously been lied to or misled then pay nothing and leave.
How much would you say the termination fee should be?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
termination fee? Sheesh...why is their loss in monetary terms? I assume we're talking about incall since the op said "you get there.....". They have incurred no loss so there is no termination fee.

Now if it is an outcall there is a driver's fee which should be covered but none the less, if you don't think she's your cup of tea, don't continue the date. We're not talking about a pack of gum for $1,00 here, we're talking about some pretty major coin.

I mean heck, I've walked out on stupid movies and demanded my money back.......

btw: I've had women show up at my door and knew that things weren't going to go well yet tried to make the best of it, BAD decision.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
termination fee? Sheesh...why is their loss in monetary terms? I assume we're talking about incall since the op said "you get there.....". They have incurred no loss so there is no termination fee.

Now if it is an outcall there is a driver's fee which should be covered but none the less, if you don't think she's your cup of tea, don't continue the date. We're not talking about a pack of gum for $1,00 here, we're talking about some pretty major coin.

I mean heck, I've walked out on stupid movies and demanded my money back.......

btw: I've had women show up at my door and knew that things weren't going to go well yet tried to make the best of it, BAD decision.
Good points but regarding your incall argument, she could argue that her time is a finite resource that she allocates by charging an hourly rate. By showing up then changing your mind, she has incurred lost revenue as she could have had a paying client instead.

Of course, this requires her to prove demand, your reason for choosing not to continue with the appointment, level of deception if any, etc.

I think fuji's rule is the right one to follow here.


Nov 20, 2009
I only turned away one lady. She had crabs. It would be rare someone isn't my "cup of tea" when I am horny.


Apr 24, 2005
Too bad there is no way to "meet and greet" an agency SP before you book. For example, the MP's have ther "cattle call" and the SC's have their "dancer walkabouts".

Of course, there have been occasions when an SP did not view a customer at the door as her "cup of tea" and declined to open the door so it cuts both ways. Maybe?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
It might surprise you to know that some incall agencies incur MUCH HIGHER COSTS per call (fixed) than some outcall agencies that have no overhead and pay a one-off fee to a driver (and in most cases the ladies donate a portion to the driver as well).

Your boorish and ignorant attitude is very tiresome at times :rolleyes:

Vanessa, sorry to put you on the spot, but what do you think, from an agency POV, would be a fair termination fee, on let's say 1 hour session at $250, if I decided to cancel the session upon meeting the SP?


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
termination fee? Sheesh...why is their loss in monetary terms? I assume we're talking about incall since the op said "you get there.....". They have incurred no loss so there is no termination fee.

Now if it is an outcall there is a driver's fee which should be covered but none the less, if you don't think she's your cup of tea, don't continue the date. We're not talking about a pack of gum for $1,00 here, we're talking about some pretty major coin.

I mean heck, I've walked out on stupid movies and demanded my money back.......

btw: I've had women show up at my door and knew that things weren't going to go well yet tried to make the best of it, BAD decision.
Just outta curiousity...did they ever give u ur money back for walking out on movies? i've wanted to before but I just assumed they'd be like screw off...

Too bad there is no way to "meet and greet" an agency SP before you book. For example, the MP's have ther "cattle call" and the SC's have their "dancer walkabouts".

Of course, there have been occasions when an SP did not view a customer at the door as her "cup of tea" and declined to open the door so it cuts both ways. Maybe?
Well a meet and greet would be ideal....thats one of the major perks of TERB parties (like the st patty's one comin up) we can at least mingle a little there :)


New member
Jul 2, 2009
IT is much better for you to be polite and leave. Thank her for her time and just let her know it isn't going to work. We can sense when a client isn't into us for whatever reason. It makes us uncomfortable which makes the session awkward leaving the client unsatisfied and the SP feeling like she didn't do her job. I have had clients stay when it seemed they didn't want to, it sucks. It's like when the SP isn't into the session for whatever reason, she doesn't do a great job and you sense she is uncomfortable. We don't want to be rejected but those that are mature and realize that not every client is going to like us or want to pay for time with us they will appreciate you saving both your time and hers and more importantly saving both an awkward situation.

What she said... Just be polite and leave. There have been a couple of times where I have gone through with appts where I knew it was like this and he should have left.

Some guys will stay even they aren't attracted to the woman then take it out on the SP in a bad review because they felt like were ripped off even though it wasn't bait and switch and the SP may have given it 100%.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I swear I'll implode if I see one more statement "my little head took over" "blah blah blah".


The first time that I took a chance and lost was with an outcall with a girl that was nice enough personality-wise but facially was quite plain and not very toned but not horribly out of shape. For $200 I just carried on. You know what my biggest concern was ? Don't laugh, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings by obviously rejecting her because of her looks.

Most of you will remark on how silly that is but I'm fortunate and $200 is not a huge deal for me and, on the surface at least, she just seemed nice enough not to deserve being insulted.

Since then I try to do a little more homework and have moved up to more HDH indepedants but damn you Santillo ! :D

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
termination fee? Sheesh...why is their loss in monetary terms? I assume we're talking about incall since the op said "you get there.....". They have incurred no loss so there is no termination fee.
You wasted her time which could have been used for another appointment, like in your business time IS money. There is a loss of her time, she prepared a lot for you.
Different story if it's bait and switch and you've been deceived, then you have the right to walk away without paying.

Often people build up a fantasy about the woman they're about to meet and expectations are too high. If that's the case and you don't want to proceed, apologize and offer $50 compensation. That might keep you out of their bad book, but no guarantee.
Me, I'd always go ahead with the session.
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