Canada is golden!


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
So in other words, AS is small time, fair enough. I wonder if he's got enough to jump into the dark end of the pool and join the P&IA forum.
He's been there before. We had to keep sending in the lifeguard for him.


Sep 24, 2004
Losers. It's probably a good thing Canada won the hockey gold becuase if not there would be near national mourning. When USA won the 1996 world cup of hockey and the inaugural women's gold in 1998 I was happy but... Good grief I don't base my national identity/pride on it. Anyways enjoy the win and I'll be rooting next year for the U.S. in the world cup of hockey.
Here's some reality for you. There is a reason that many americans are referred to as ugly americans. Your people are uneducated about anything outside your own borders. You are clueless about how the world perceives you. You are not a superpower in anything but military might. You are a civilization in decline with no great ideas and no great leaders. You have fallen behind in all areas, intellectual, technological and manufacturing. The south of your country is divided from the north and is viewed largely as it was depicted in the movie Deliverance.

Your politics stink of religion and corruption. You allow the religious right to shape political discourse. You elect a man to a second term who cheated on his wife with a girl young enough to be his daughter, in the Oval Office! It's 2010. The U.S. needs to evolve from it's neanderthol ways. We don't need your protection. We did all the heavy lifting in Afghanistan, cleaning up the mess the second idiot you elected twice created. You spent decades dealing with the aftermath of Vietnam only to do it again in Iraq. Superpower eh?

Maybe once the people of the U.S. realize that past glory is just that, and pull their heads out of their narcissistic asses they may just see that there is a big old world out there to discover. The world has no respect for you anymore. You must earn respect. You lost it. So get off your pedestal ugly American, there is nothing for us to learn from you or your country.
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Sep 24, 2004
Can't help but notice nobody's posted any links to refute my arguments regrading the 1812 B.S. or anything else for that matter.
If any one could claim victory it was Canada. The United States declared war on Great Britain and set out to make Canada states in the union. Ten American armies crossed into Canada and all were driven out.

There were even court martial charges laid against some of the American Generals after the Second Battle of La Colle. President Madison tried to put a lid on it, and intervene, but it was too late. The American public quickly became disillusioned, and support for the war started to fall away after the burning of Washington. The war should never have been fought. It was motivated by merchants and greed. It had little to do with patriotism, or national pride. The US gained nothing in territory that had not been surrendered to it by the Treaty of Paris.

Consider yourself refuted.


Sep 24, 2004
I've travelled extensively in your country to all areas and owned property. Your arrogance is hilarious. Believe me, none of us feel inferior to an American. The very idea is ludicrous. But you wouldn't understand that would you?

Keep telling yourself that buddy if it makes you feel better. Why don't you poll some Europeans about the U.S.? Or Asians? Or people from the Middle East? Or from an African nation? Or South America? Shall I keep going? The answer is the same. They say acceptance is the first step eh?
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Sep 24, 2004
Nice B.S. stolen from a website that I myself viewed once about 1812. NONE of the textbooks I've read (including canadian) have ever said that the U.S. surrendered. The treaty of ghent settled things betweent the Brits and Americans. Canada was not it's own nation until 1867. Further we were rewarded Michigan, Maine, And I believe Ohio after that war. Yep a real loss. Some are even more stubborn than the Kennedy conspirators (Oswald acted alone)

No word on a rematch tho
LMAO........You can't even defeat primitive desert tribes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rematch would end the same way as the first time.


Sep 24, 2004
A rematch would end the same? Uh ya the world's msot advanced miltary vs what a coupla hockey players? Please. We'll gladly torch York er toronto again tho.
World's most advanced huh? Heheheh.... how's that working for you in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why don't you try it out in Iran too?

Right buddy. Crawl back into your delusion. I'm done debating with you. You are a stereotypical ugly, arrogant American. That's why the world loves ya baby.


Sep 24, 2004
Well Iraq is stabilized and The Taliban are on the run. Of course after 9-11 Washington easily could have lobbed a few nukes into the region and that would be that. Seeing how that was thankfully never an option we'll just beat those bastards on the ground.

BTW read my other posts regarding illegal immigration, tens of millions of applicants (for legal immigration) and about 600,000 castro-era cubans. Yep irrelvant Canadian. Keep telling yourselves the world hates U.S. and loves Canada. The big lie but if it makes you feel better so be it. Canada's still a never was/ never will be.
Oh, see now I can't resist. "On the run"? Didn't the village idiot Dubya say that awhile back?

I'm not telling myself anything buddy. The world tells us. Canadians can go anywhere in the world and display our flag. Americans can't. In fact, many Americans wear the maple leaf to pass themselves off as Canadians so they can travel freely.

Never was and never will be huh? We're right above you buddy. The largest land mass on the planet and we're all flushing our toilets. You know shit runs downhill eh?


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Joannie Rochette will carry the flag at the closing ceremonies. Although not a gold medallist, she displayed courage under extreme adversity and tastes a bitter sweet pleasure honouring our country and her mother. She is certainly a champion in my books. God bless her!

Joannie also received the Terry Fox award.
not a gold medallist = loser
What courage and extreme adversity she displayed.
She is miles away to become a champion.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
not a gold medallist = loser
What courage and extreme adversity she displayed.
She is miles away to become a champion.
Are you serious? Are you American? Remember, Nancy Kerrigan getting taken out by a team mate! LMAO.

You think that having to compete at the highest level of competition days after your mother passes away isn't courageous or under extreme adverse conditions. Christ, even her competitors and other athletes spoke of her courageous efforts.

However, I won't get into this as it's obvious that you've never been anything more than an arm-chair athlete.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Shameless Canadians have to beg for Buy America Exemption (which you received) But hey better to swallow your pride I guess than to have your economy implode. BTW Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemeiux say hi. As do Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox. etc.

P.S. "We'll leave Afghaniston when the job is done Whatever it takes I'm willing to authorize" Barack Obama
Celine resides in Quebec, Michael resides in BC, Jim resides in ON, Bryan I believe is in the Netherlands.

Kurt and Goldie spend their summer's in muskoka, Lauren Holly lives in Oakville. Etc, Etc, Etc,

You wrote that Iraq is stabilized- Are you drunk or high?
You wrote that the Taliban is on the run- Those people are zelots, the martyr their dead and raise they're own to hunt the infidel at all costs.

1812: Listen sport! We won! We are CANADIANS living in CANADA, with our own constitution, flag, national anthem, traditions and our economy is doing better than yours. Now, do you require this information in braille, or video for the hearing impaired, or another language that you understand, maybe HILLYBILLY.


Sep 24, 2004
Shameless Canadians have to beg for Buy America Exemption (which you received) But hey better to swallow your pride I guess than to have your economy implode. BTW Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemeiux say hi. As do Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox. etc.

P.S. "We'll leave Afghaniston when the job is done Whatever it takes I'm willing to authorize" Barack Obama
Our economy implode? Hahahahahahaha. Coming from someone in your country, now that is absolutely freakin funny. No problem on lending you our talent. We know there is very little down there with all the inbreeding etc.
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New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
You're always welcome to:
1. Not come to Canada
2. Leave TERB
3. Kiss my hairy Canadian Arse!


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Americanson, are you remotely aware of what board you are posting on? Has it occurred to you that your inane rants are encouraging the board members to jump to the conclusion that the overwhelming lot of Americans must be idiots, because frankly you exceed even that description? You're making us look bad son, and that really is starting to annoy me.


Apr 24, 2005
Americanson, are you remotely aware of what board you are posting on? Has it occurred to you that your inane rants are encouraging the board members to jump to the conclusion that the overwhelming lot of Americans must be idiots, because frankly you exceed even that description? You're making us look bad son, and that really is starting to annoy me.
The voice of reason.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Also very often, they are Republicans
You have no idea how much that irks me, since I'm right-wing myself :)
Americanson, are you remotely aware of what board you are posting on? Has it occurred to you that your inane rants are encouraging the board members to jump to the conclusion that the overwhelming lot of Americans must be idiots, because frankly you exceed even that description? You're making us look bad son, and that really is starting to annoy me.
Thankfully we as Canadians can distinguish between good and ugly Americans.
You get idiots in all countries, we have our fair share here in Canada also
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