Canada is golden!


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Did anyone see the 50 km Cross Country race.

The top Canadian placed 5'th and he finished 1.5 seconds behind first.

He skied for 2 hours and 15 minutes and missed by 1.5 seconds. They were interviewing him after the race and he was in tears. You can't blame the guy.

I felt for the guy. He did his best and came close. Hopefully it will inspire some kids to take up the sport and maybe in 2014 or 2018 we will have a medalist who says "I was inspired by him".

I like the fact that he was upset and that the Cross Country relay team were disappointed with their showing not getting on the podium. Just showing up and happy to be here is no longer acceptable.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You know, I respect the Olympics and what it is and what it stands for, but sometimes I think it's crazy to worship these guys like we do.

By that I mean, right now, right this instant, there is a doctor down at sick kids operating on a 2 year old saving her life. There is a firefighter pulling a mother out of a burning building, there is a teacher teaching a 6 year old to read, there is a guy working in a lab at U of T doing research into Diabetes, or MS, there is a nurse tending to patient. Boring every day stuff, but the stuff that we really need to think about. These are the real heros in life. We are caught up in an insance culture of celebrity where a guy who fires a hard piece of rubber past a goalie gets the glory and the guy who really makes a difference gets the bone.

I'm not taking away from the Olympics, but it needs to be kept in context.

It reminds me of a documentary I saw on TV once about the Soviet Sputnik program. After Yuri Gagarin returned from space they threw a hero's parade in Moscow. Gagarin rode in the lead car. The guy who designed the rocket, ran the entire program - Sergey Korolyov (the Russian Von Braun) was in the 52'nd car. All Gagarin did was sit in the damn thing, yet he was the hero.

Vincent Chase

Oct 30, 2009
On the set...
Enjloy it Canada. We're still the superpower. You're still irrelevant.
You just knew there would be bitterness and jealousy from an American.

I'm sure glad our Country doesn't have a problem with gun control (ie: everyone shooting each other-obvious school shootings) or health care, and basically having other countries despise you because of your leaders. But that's another story....

Sucks to lose, EH?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
1. Are you a descendent of the hillbillies from deliverance?
2. It is your type of arrogance and ignorance that fuels hatred towards Americans in general.
3. If you don't appreciate or respect Canada, why don't you just leave TERB and hobby in the US. Oh, because it's completely illegal there.
4. You probably think that the US won the war of 1812.
5. If Canada is so irrelevant, why did those American planes land in the East Coast on 9-11? I guess we're not irrelevant when you need our
6. America really doesn't have too many allies these days, you should be careful who you piss you.
7. Your banking system is in shambles, ours is not.

As for your country protecting ours, yours didn't do much to protect all those that perished on 9-11, great intelligence on your military and national security departments.

It is individuals like you that are irrelevant.
A Fool's response:
To answer your B.S. HOF

Okay, maybe not deliverance, but surely arrogant and ignorance

2)The big lie. I've been to some great countries and never had top lie about being american. I've always been treated warmly. There's good and bad everywhere. Really go to Cuba, oh that's right, you're not allowed to, and that's just one of the many countries that don't want Americans around. You're makin' it so, that Canadians won't either.

3) I'm entitled to my opinions. Illegal? In some places yes in others no. Just like Canada. Even in "illegal" practices the justice system can hardly be bothered. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Then, stay and hobby in the US.

4) Canada wasn't a country until 1867. We torched York (now toronto.) The Brits who sailed from Bermuda burned Washington and were destroyed trying to get to Baltimore which was the target. Francis Scott Key was so inspired he wrote the star-spangled banner. Neither side won or lost. Google Treaty Of Ghent. Of course if you want a rematch.... Of course any arrogant and ignorant American would say they won, but you didn't, we did win that is why our country is called Canada! In fact, really think about this, when was the last war that America really won that wasn't a police action or for economic gain. The Americans will learn like the Russians that Afganistan will always be there, and you're getting our troops killed. Terrorism is not only directed from the middle east towards the USA. Let me think, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia, Oklahoma city, Waco. Christ, your secret service even let someone into a gala that shouldn't have been there. At least, when someone came at Jean Chretian, he pummelled him. Do you want to go on about your civil war too.

5) You were ordered to and did an excellent job in the days that followed.
Ordered to, you're sadly mistaken, we did it because it was the right thing to do! No person on the East Coast was ordered to help, feed, lodge anyone. We did it because that's the Canadian way. It is your individual way of thinking that makes Americans the target.6)

No allies? Except Canada. The U.K. Italy, Israel, Germany, South Korea, Japan, The Phillipines
Of which, the only country that equals Canada's service is the U.K. and even they've pulled their troops home. You need to face a harsh reality that there are more against your country than with.

7) Banking System? Please for all of Bush's faults the bailout worked and we're still the superpower in case you haven't noticed. The world doesn't fuckin' piss without U.S. The world might actually be in a better place without you. It is your countries greed that has fueled so many of the world's issues. Face that fact.

Personally, I know many Americans and have many good friends that are American, and they do not subscribe to your attitude, arrogance or ignorance. I have had many laughs at some expense of Americans too, thinking that Canadians live in igloos, etc.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Guns prevent and deter crime and from what I understand your violent crime rate isn't much better per capita. Glass houses...
The US homicide rate per capita is three times that of Canada. Break that category down, and homicides per capita involving handguns is much higher still. Overall violent crime stats are closer because Canada includes the lowest level in their accounting (assault without a weapon and without serious bodily harm), that the US chooses to omit. Why don't you start a thread about it to back up your claim in the politics forum, and stop bothering people here? Remember we've had this discussion before and it didn't turn out so good for you.

Vincent Chase

Oct 30, 2009
On the set...
Bitterness and jealousy over what exactly? Oh you mean a sport that most americans couldn't give a second (or first) thought to?

Apparently you have your panties in a knot. Although, if you had one, we wouldn't have heard the END OF IT on CNN and the rest of the US networks.

Guns prevent and deter crime and from what I understand your violent crime rate isn't much better per capita. Glass houses...
Lol - Here's a wakeup call for ya brainiac: Gun Control
# Statistics on Gun Ownership 40% of all US homes have guns
# 81% of Americans say that gun control will be an important issue in determining which Congressional candidate to vote for.
# 91% of Americans say that there should be at least minor restrictions on gun ownership;
#57% of Americans say that there should be major restrictions or a ban.
-# Background Checks
# The "Gun-Show Loophole" means that there are no background checks when purchasing guns in a private transaction.

Canadians DO NOT have these issues to worry about!
Finally the big myth. The world hates U.S. Yep which is why illegal immigration is the top domestic issue. To say nothing of the millions of legal applicants and some literally even tragically dying (cubans) to try and make it into the country.
Your country sticks it's nose in everyone's business. Always have-always will! Two thirds of Russians and overwhelming majorities in 13 out of 15 countries regarded the conduct of the USA in Iraq as a greater threat to world peace that Iran's nuclear ambitions. The distinction formerly made between the American people and the Bush administration is also eroding. Majorities in only 7 of 14 countries had favorable views of Americans.

Health care? Danny Williams says hi.
America says hi!

"Some 47 million U.S. residents have no health insurance, and the numbers keep growing."

Wonderful stat!


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Sure gun control works. Just ask Hitler, Mao, Stalin et al.

Bullshit about foreign interventions. Damned if we do. Damned if we don't. Get involved late in WW 1 and 2. Damn us to hell. Use the A-Bomb Ditto.
Rwanda? We're complicit because we weren't involved. Those same no-minds bashing America would be speaking Russian if not for our foreign interventions backed by Canada I may add from 1945-1990.

47 million huh? Does that include the 20 million illegals sucking the system dry? Or the several million who choose not to purchase it. Yeppers. Of copurse we can't forget those in between jobs et al. But hey why bother with facts? Here's one tho Canada, Cuba, And North Korea are the only three countries without the option of private care. Nice stats.
Your glue is melting. Take your gibberish into the political forum and best of luck.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Okay Hof. To rebut for the last time some of your points

2)Cuba? No need there's already about 600, 000 and counting. Yeah too bad tho I could really use a vintage 1920 toaster.
Military do not count.

4) No word about the rematch or the treaty of ghent. Sheesh Canadians are brainwashed. Furthermore the war was done in response to British impressment of U.S. soldiers for the past seven years. Also, I specifically said that NEITHER side won or lost, prove me otherwise. Wars either end with a ceasefire (like this one) or surrender. Besides it's irrelvant today seeing how if we were truly the imperial power you make us out to be well... Canada and Mexico would be Tibet to America's China. And no just like Iraq the world would not wanna go head to head with U.S.
I specifically said CANADA won the war of 1812, you lost! I do not make you out to be an imperial power. You do, in fact, we have the natural resources, so if America did not exist we would be just fine. Again you demonstrate your arrogance and ignorance, by saying the world would not want to go head to head with the USA. You continue to show just how far you have your head stuck up Reagan's arse.

7) American greed. Of course unless you're say a country that does between 80-90% of all trade with U.S. then we're okay. Better without us furthermore? Who would you suggest fills that vacuum that would be left? Canada? Once again you're welcome for the exemption from Obama's absurd Buy America policy
Once again, you arrogance and ignorance demonstrate why America is unliked. With your rhetoric, you only deepen the disdain felt around the globe.
As someone else pointed out, it is America that is always stickin' their noses in the business of others. Let's see how long it takes for you to respond this time because you're American, you believe that you have the right for the last word.


Jun 6, 2009
Sniff, sniff ........ I smell TQM or worse. After all that I've read here I can't believe this guys for real. It's got to be a put-up. Didn't we have a similar rant some time back how the world owes the US something something for being the international peacekeeper/bully/savior, yada yada yada. Who haven't we heard from in a while. Any thoughts.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Sniff, sniff ........ I smell TQM or worse.
Then you haven't been around long enough. Americanson would have been a gnat on TQM's butt that he wouldn't have taken the time to swat away.
Last edited:

Sammy the Bull

Apr 18, 2009
Sure gun control works. Just ask Hitler, Mao, Stalin et al.

Bullshit about foreign interventions. Damned if we do. Damned if we don't. Get involved late in WW 1 and 2. Damn us to hell. Use the A-Bomb Ditto.
Rwanda? We're complicit because we weren't involved. Those same no-minds bashing America would be speaking Russian if not for our foreign interventions backed by Canada I may add from 1945-1990.

47 million huh? Does that include the 20 million illegals sucking the system dry? Or the several million who choose not to purchase it. Yeppers. Of course we can't forget those in between jobs et al. But hey why bother with facts? Here's one tho Canada, Cuba, And North Korea are the only three countries without the option of private care. Nice stats.
Dear Sir,

I'm, going to character profile you in the hopes that it perhaps makes you take a good, hard look in the mirror.
Terb posts say a lot about a person, even just a few sentences can tell me a lot. So here it goes:

I learned there's basically two types of Americans.
1) The cool ones (like Asterix), usually successfull people who dont feel the need to power-trip over every other country in the world.
2) Then there's the arrogant, annoying types that feel the need to tell the world how great they are and how they are so much superior than any other nation.

I've travelled extensively throughout the US and its been my experience the ones that fall in the latter group almost always never accomplished much in their lives, are physically unattractive, usually grossly overweight, smelly, poor, pitiable and stupid! But to compensate for their miserable existence they like to ride the coat-tails of their fellow Americans who have accomplished a lot
(see type 1)

Take 3 guesses which type you fall under (HINT: its not type 1)

Jimmy Beam

New member
Aug 28, 2005
I've travelled extensively throughout the US and its been my experience the ones that fall in the latter group almost always never accomplished much in their lives, are physically unattractive, usually grossly overweight, smelly, poor, pitiable and stupid!
Also very often, they are Republicans ;)


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Dear Sir,

I'm, going to character profile you in the hopes that it perhaps makes you take a good, hard look in the mirror.
Terb posts say a lot about a person, even just a few sentences can tell me a lot. So here it goes:

I learned there's basically two types of Americans.
1) The cool ones (like Asterix), usually successfull people who dont feel the need to power-trip over every other country in the world.
2) Then there's the arrogant, annoying types that feel the need to tell the world how great they are and how they are so much superior than any other nation.

I've travelled extensively throughout the US and its been my experience the ones that fall in the latter group almost always never accomplished much in their lives, are physically unattractive, usually grossly overweight, smelly, poor, pitiable and stupid! But to compensate for their miserable existence they like to ride the coat-tails of their fellow Americans who have accomplished a lot
(see type 1)

Take 3 guesses which type you fall under (HINT: its not type 1)
Well said!


Jun 6, 2009
Then you haven't been around long enough. Americanson would have been a gnat on TQM's butt that he wouldn't have taken the time to swat away.
So in other words, AS is small time, fair enough. I wonder if he's got enough to jump into the dark end of the pool and join the P&IA forum.

Vincent Chase

Oct 30, 2009
On the set...
Sure gun control works. Just ask Hitler, Mao, Stalin et al.

Bullshit about foreign interventions. Damned if we do. Damned if we don't. Get involved late in WW 1 and 2. Damn us to hell. Use the A-Bomb Ditto.
Rwanda? We're complicit because we weren't involved. Those same no-minds bashing America would be speaking Russian if not for our foreign interventions backed by Canada I may add from 1945-1990.

47 million huh? Does that include the 20 million illegals sucking the system dry? Or the several million who choose not to purchase it. Yeppers. Of copurse we can't forget those in between jobs et al. But hey why bother with facts? Here's one tho Canada, Cuba, And North Korea are the only three countries without the option of private care. Nice stats.
Facts are facts. Deal with it.

Not surprised by a weak comeback though....

You're just another typical -bonehead- naive American. :(

Vincent Chase

Oct 30, 2009
On the set...
Canadian pride. An oxymoron if there ever was one. We're not American. We have "free" healthcare. Uh yeah pal...

I don't have to ride my fellow couintrymen's coattails Sammy. I'm happy and successful in my own right. Can't help but notice nobody's posted any links to refute my arguments regrading the 1812 B.S. or anything else for that matter.
I don't have to ride my fellow (what is a couintrymen?) couintrymen- ♪♫wah wah wah♪♫

I'm happy and successful in my own right ♪♫wah wah wah♪♫

Want another tissue? :rolleyes:


Apr 24, 2005
Guys, this pissing contest is so unnecessary. IMO, BOTH the U.S.A. and Canada are great countries. I happen to be an unrepentant proud Canadian but I also believe that Canada is not the only great country in the world. (BTW: My parents (bless them) and I are still grateful to the American military for getting rid of those bastards who invaded our former homeland in WW II.)

Vincent Chase

Oct 30, 2009
On the set...
Thank you Mr. Spellchecker. Lock this thread please.

P.S. In closing Canada forge your own identity. I'm pretty tired of hearing the juvenile we're not american crap. Thanks.
You're a tool.

BTW Mr. ProAmerica- you'd think with all your bs in this thread you'd remember to capitalize the A in American.

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