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Canadian Skip


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I'm sitting here watching the ladies curling. I think my hard on is getting bigger every minute I see the skip. Anyone else think they would go to her if she was an sp?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Another Canadian choke job. Just gave away the gold.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2005
Another Canadian choke job. Just gave away the gold.
No kidding, that was the worst skipping I have ever seen. She totally blew it. I could not believe what I was seeing. She had the game won in regular time and missed a couple of shots, but the overtime she blew it. The Swedes had her guarded, and she kept taking out the guard. All she had to was piug the front, and she kept taking out the guards. Stupidest play I have ever seen. I could see she was going to lose. The Swedes must be laughing.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Whether or not she used the wrong strategy in the extra end is debatable. The fact remains, though, she was left with an easy final shot for someone of her calibre in the 10 and extra ends and choked on both.

No kidding, that was the worst skipping I have ever seen. She totally blew it. I could not believe what I was seeing. She had the game won in regular time and missed a couple of shots, but the overtime she blew it. The Swedes had her guarded, and she kept taking out the guard. All she had to was piug the front, and she kept taking out the guards. Stupidest play I have ever seen. I could see she was going to lose. The Swedes must be laughing.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Whether or not she used the wrong strategy in the extra end is debatable. The fact remains, though, she was left with an easy final shot for someone of her calibre in the 10 and extra ends and choked on both.
There is no debate on her strategy IMO in the extra end. She used wrong judgement and it's understandable under the tremendous pressure, her thinking was clouded. She should have cleared those two rocks in the centre of the rings, the one Swede and one Canadian much earlier, during the second or third player's stones, instead she kept clearing the guards and waited until the end to clear the two centre stones, very, very poor move. I had a feeling she would miss as that is not an easy shot when you leave your last shot to win the Gold medal, under a simple game condition she would make that shot 9 out of 10 times, but under the pressure the odds change dramatically.

Too bad, she's still hot to me, I'd do her, lol.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
She was in a position to win only because of the horrendous shot earlier by Sweden. They gifted her a 5-3 lead, and she choked so bad, she could never be my SP.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
The strategy during the end is inconsequential. She was left with an easy double takeout. Basically a wide open shot. And she missed it.

There is no debate on her strategy IMO in the extra end. She used wrong judgement and it's understandable under the tremendous pressure, her thinking was clouded. She should have cleared those two rocks in the centre of the rings, the one Swede and one Canadian much earlier, during the second or third player's stones, instead she kept clearing the guards and waited until the end to clear the two centre stones, very, very poor move. I had a feeling she would miss as that is not an easy shot when you leave your last shot to win the Gold medal, under a simple game condition she would make that shot 9 out of 10 times, but under the pressure the odds change dramatically.

Too bad, she's still hot to me, I'd do her, lol.


Apr 7, 2005
Yep she is quite the MILF but WOW what a choke job.
99% of the time she makes that shot and wins.
Total choke.
It has to hurt.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Christ you guys are a tough audience. No mention that she won the first 5 games of the tournament with clutch last rock winning shots. Plus I doubt any of you could sweep a rock the whole way into the house with falling on your keesters :D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
She should have cleared those two rocks in the centre of the rings, the one Swede and one Canadian much earlier, during the second or third player's stones, instead she kept clearing the guards and waited until the end to clear the two centre stones, very, very poor move.
I think the two rocks in the house were frozen together, which means very difficult if not impossible to clear with one shot. She would have had to ignore a guard, hit out her own stone first (which was shot, and at the rear of the two frozen stones), then had to get by whatever new guard they put up to clear the remaining Swedish shot stone.

I think they were okay on their strategy. They left their shot rock there, knowing that the Swedes would eventually have to use a rock to tap the front of the two frozen stones.

Their issue was that they didn't clear the guards completely, narrowing down their own options in the end. If the guards were more completely out of the way, she would have had a much easier single hit and stick, I think, rather than a double and stick.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I think the two rocks in the house were frozen together, which means very difficult if not impossible to clear with one shot.
I know it wasn't going to be easy to take out those two rocks stuck together with one shot, but if she would have tried the take out early enough, ie. either her second or third player, they would have had numerous other opportunities to try to clear all rocks thrown by Sweden into the rings.

I still don't know why she just didn't keep clearing rocks out, one by one after each Swedish rock until the end.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
I know it wasn't going to be easy to take out those two rocks stuck together with one shot, but if she would have tried the take out early enough, ie. either her second or third player, they would have had numerous other opportunities to try to clear all rocks thrown by Sweden into the rings.
If Canada chose to ignore a guard, and do the take out on the two frozen stones instead, Sweden will end up with shot rock likely (from the frozen pair) after Canada's take-out. (The take-out itself might also be very difficult, depending where the guard was.) The house would likely end up with two stones in it - the shot Swedish stone from the frozen pair, and the Canadian stone used to make the hit.

Sweden would then put up another guard. Canada would be faced with Sweden having a shot rock in the house, and two guards up front. Canada had last rock, but their options to try to get a rock into shot position would be limited if the guards were Swedish. (ie no run-backs.)

If Canada chose instead to peel off the guards as soon as they could start doing that, they knew Sweden would have to stop doing guards eventually and tap that frozen pair. They would then be able to deal with the results without guards blocking the way.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
OK that's a particularly unflattering picture!

But generally speaking, I agree she is pretty close to the definition of a "doable" 40+ year old (at least for those who wouldn't normally fantasize in that direction)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
She's hot no doubt but just a LITTLE too "made up" for my tastes. The overly tweezed eyebrows etc throw me off.

BTW: she's living commonlaw, she's not "married"......


Apr 18, 2006
All this talk about her choking and blowing it........shouldn't this thread be in the reviews section?!


Aug 9, 2009
still cant beat the hot Jennie Jones for looks, brains and personality,,,I tune in her matches just to see her in curly hair blonde due,,,would love to spend a night w her throwing rocks!!
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