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Does it bother you when SP's discuss money?

Does it bother you when SP's discuss money?

  • I never want the SP to discuss money, I will put the cash somewhere discretely.

    Votes: 15 12.7%
  • I really dislike it but I understand why it is necessary sometimes

    Votes: 9 7.6%
  • OK to discuss money briefly at the start of the session then let's forget about it

    Votes: 33 28.0%
  • I have absolutely no problem talking about money with an SP

    Votes: 61 51.7%

  • Total voters


Jan 31, 2005
In light of Gen's experience let's collect some views on what customers actually expect/want/like when it comes to the topic of money. I will attach a poll.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
It's a business transaction and should be conducted as such. I much prefer the cards to be laid on the table rather than having to pick up on "clues".


Jan 31, 2005
As I said on the other thread, I think that SP's should start with the assumption that us customers are reasonably comfortable with what we are doing.

Anyone who is uncomfortable discussing money for sex probably shouldn't be engaging in sex for money.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
It's a business transaction and should be conducted as such. I much prefer the cards to be laid on the table rather than having to pick up on "clues".
Totally agree...there should be no hesitation or embarrasment is a business deal, and in business the topic of money should be discussed freely.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
As I said on the other thread, I think that SP's should start with the assumption that us customers are reasonably comfortable with what we are doing.

Anyone who is uncomfortable discussing money for sex probably shouldn't be engaging in sex for money.
Or they have some ulterior motive like under paying the lady.
Feb 17, 2010
It used to bother me at first. But that was just newbie jitters and after a while nope. At its heart its a business transaction. Best to get it out of the way at the beginning and enjoy the hour.

Bill the Pirate

Nov 26, 2002
not dealing with the money issue is just delusional. I guess that for every one of us rational guys out there there must be irrational guys. so maybe these threads help, who knows?

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
The problem is this sex for money perception. If a girl lists a menu, then shows rates in blocks of time, she is an escort charging for her time. Time starts when you walk in the door gentlemen. And actually, myself & MANY other girls I know give a 5 to 10 minute leway so you can leave if you are uncomfortable - with no cancelation fee, unless you feel that leaving one is warranted (for girls who don't lie, but no chemistry, for example).

Many hobbiests complain about additional charges for activities, but these same guys try to negotiate the time block rates down because they only got to fuck her for 35 minutes because they spent the other 25 minutes droning on & on about themselves. MANY MANY men like this who do their best to milk the time, then complain and get mad. This isn't difficult, & I know this sounds like a rant, and I guess it just a little bit of one. I am tired of this intimidation - and it IS intimidation, because we never know which guy is the one who is gonna go off when we insist a client stick to the deal that was made. Talking to me for half an hour DOES NOT mean you get 90 minutes of my time for the rate of 60 minutes. What exactly makes some of you guys feel entitled to that? That may be ultimately what you want, but that is not the only thing girls are selling. If that was the case there would be no demand or supply of the ever-popular GFE - cause GFE does not mean bareback. It means companionship and **.

So.. many time we girls HAVE to discuss money or we get ripped off, like Gen did the other night & like I have on many occasions.

To all the guys who are fair, kind and not manipulative: A BIG GIANT THANK YOU!!!! You are the reasons we love what we we do & keep doing it!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
As there are two sides to every coin Raven, often the GIRLS prattle on and on about their life's troubles and run down the clock. When I first started hobbying I probably spent $1000.00 listening to them bitch and moan about other customers. Now? If I notice they aren't slowing up with the gabbing? I initiate.

One time one said to me after wasting 40 minutes of the date: how was I to know you didn't want to just talk? I said "but you were doing ALL the talking"......

Not to pat myself on the back but a lot of girls find me easy to talk to and I appreciate the get to know you chats, they're awesome. But not for the entire date. It is up to both parties to get down to business within a reasonable time.

Frankly, from what I've learned over the years, if an sp is prattling on past the reasonable time period, I will say to her: It's great talking with you, but if you want to continue, we're stopping the clock now......

A.J. Raven

New member
Sep 17, 2007
As there are two sides to every coin Raven, often the GIRLS prattle on and on about their life's troubles and run down the clock. When I first started hobbying I probably spent $1000.00 listening to them bitch and moan about other customers. Now? If I notice they aren't slowing up with the gabbing? I initiate.

One time one said to me after wasting 40 minutes of the date: how was I to know you didn't want to just talk? I said "but you were doing ALL the talking"......

Not to pat myself on the back but a lot of girls find me easy to talk to and I appreciate the get to know you chats, they're awesome. But not for the entire date. It is up to both parties to get down to business within a reasonable time.

Frankly, from what I've learned over the years, if an sp is prattling on past the reasonable time period, I will say to her: It's great talking with you, but if you want to continue, we're stopping the clock now......
Well, you have the luxury of being in control of the situation, where ultimately we girls do not. We only have control as long as you guys allow us to have it. You can take it away by force at any time. I realize we have avenues we can pursue if this occurs, but I'm not interested in being physically harmed just to prove my point - cutting off my nose to spite my face, so to speak.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Well, you have the luxury of being in control of the situation, where ultimately we girls do not. We only have control as long as you guys allow us to have it. You can take it away by force at any time. I realize we have avenues we can pursue if this occurs, but I'm not interested in being physically harmed just to prove my point - cutting off my nose to spite my face, so to speak.
Either person can have control of the situation, I tend to hand off if she isn't too submissive or inexperienced. There are no general rules as to who makes the first steps.
I think the money illusion is often for her benefit so she doesn't feel like a whore, but like gen pointed out this can also be a turn-on to make the whole encounter a bit dirtier.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Well, you have the luxury of being in control of the situation, where ultimately we girls do not. We only have control as long as you guys allow us to have it. You can take it away by force at any time. I realize we have avenues we can pursue if this occurs, but I'm not interested in being physically harmed just to prove my point - cutting off my nose to spite my face, so to speak.
Maybe you should screen your clients better or find another revenue stream where you do not have to be so bitter.

In my experience, there is not a single woman in this industry that would not love to spend the entire hour of booked time chatting. And some women do try to stretch the chatting time out. After all, we are paying for "time and companionship".

I agree 100% that having a brief get to know you chat at the start can dramatically increase the quality of the visit, but let's face it the boys are not usually paying to listen to you chat about yourself.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, you have the luxury of being in control of the situation, where ultimately we girls do not. We only have control as long as you guys allow us to have it. You can take it away by force at any time. I realize we have avenues we can pursue if this occurs, but I'm not interested in being physically harmed just to prove my point - cutting off my nose to spite my face, so to speak.
Well, you have a poor idea of who or what men are. Not all of us are Body builder strong men that can man handle anyone at will. If that's the way you feel with every guy you meet then I'd suggest you get out of this business now. Effectively you're saying you go into any situation with the idea that any moment you're going to get assaulted (or COULD get assaulted). There are men in this world that wouldn't life a hand to a woman to save their life or MAYBE to save a child. (btw, control isn't always a physical act, it's mostly mental).

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
I don't see A.J.'s response as being too bitter, it's a realistic outlook for anyone in the biz but she's being open about it.

Me, I feel the pussy is often the most powerful force in the room, but yes a physically strong man can conquer most women. Many women can intimidate a physically stronger man with her personality as well, you can't generalize about the dynamics in any situation.


Jan 31, 2005
I find the notion that clients are ultimately "in control of the situation" because we can physically overpower the SP and rape and assault her to be pretty offensive.

That is not an option for, I hope, 99.9% of us. I recognize that SP's worry about the other 0.1% but to say that we have the "luxury" of being in control because we could switch to being rapists???

For the overwhelming majority of men who will never be rapists the SP is pretty much 100% in control of the situation.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
holy crap, I agree with fuji :) ...there's no WAY I could rape a woman. The thought just turns my stomach.......

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
I couldn't rape a woman either, but I can frighten or intimidate them without knowing it just by being a stranger who might take advantage.

Both tboy and fuji have shown they can strongly argue with women on here, is it such a stretch they couldn't intimidate an escort into seeing their point of view? Not rape, but still scary for someone who doesn't know them.


Jan 31, 2005
I couldn't rape a woman either, but I can frighten or intimidate them without knowing it just by being a stranger who might take advantage.

Both tboy and fuji have shown they can strongly argue with women on here, is it such a stretch they couldn't intimidate an escort into seeing their point of view? Not rape, but still scary for someone who doesn't know them.
Yes, it's a stretch, I find your comment insulting and offensive.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yes, it's a stretch, I find your comment insulting and offensive.
LOL I find this newb insulting and offensive.....I think since the first day he joined actually.

As for strongly arguing with women, well, I guess we aren't pussies who walk around "yes dear yes dear yes dear whatever you say dear"........


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
I couldn't rape a woman either, but I can frighten or intimidate them without knowing it just by being a stranger who might take advantage.

Both tboy and fuji have shown they can strongly argue with women on here, is it such a stretch they couldn't intimidate an escort into seeing their point of view? Not rape, but still scary for someone who doesn't know them.
That's quite the leap, don't ya think?
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