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O.P.P = Ontario Provincial Pigs!

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Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
What an interesting turn of events I had on the highway today!

I'm running a few errands and as I make my way down the QEW near Hamilton I have this degenerate transport Driver behind me in the middle lane, tail-gating me! I repeat, I was in the middle lane not the passing lane. The best part is I have my car in cruise control going the speed limit at exactly 100km/hour. Nonetheless this idiot transport driver decides to lay on the horn and tells me to move over in the right lane, lol! I couldn't believe it! I ignore it initially until he does it yet again despite having every opportunity to get in the fast lane in pass me. So he lays on the horn again I precede with the one finger salute! Although, there just happens to be an O.P.P cruiser in the right lane who sees this despite noticing the transport tuck driver tailgating me. The transport driver sees the O.P.P car and suddenly drives slower and gets into the right lane, lol. So what happens next? The O.P.P ignores what the transport driver initiated and stares me down by getting side by side with me then drops behind me (probably typing in my license plate) then precedes into the passing lane, again side by side with me and stares me down. I shrug my shoulders to ask what? He then speeds away like the arrogant prick most of them are......

I immediately called dispatch to find out who this O.P.P officer was and of course the dispatch unit made all up all kinds of excuses not being able to identify what officer would be cruising that particular area at that time, lol. I called my Uncle in the Toronto Police department to put a complaint in because it's a joke how some of these O.P.P officers don't do their job and in this case an obvious transport driver probably doped up on something, nothing better to do, and this cop totally ignores him!

Think I'm kidding about certain O.P.P officers and their disingenuous service on the road?

Be for-warned next time you get attitude from "some" of these jerks!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Dude, the NUMBER one problem here is YOU!

You shouldn't be in any lane but the right lane if someone wants to pass. The ONLY lane you don't have to pull to the right is the shoulder or collector lane.

I guess you forgot the rule that slower vehicles keep right? Or did you cut that class during driver's ed?


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
Dude, the NUMBER one problem here is YOU!

You shouldn't be in any lane but the right lane if someone wants to pass. The ONLY lane you don't have to pull to the right is the shoulder or collector lane.

I guess you forgot the rule that slower vehicles keep right? Or did you cut that class during driver's ed?
Agreed, even though there are many drivers who would do this to someone in front of them regardless of speed or lane.

Calling them pigs says more about T Speedman than it says about the cops.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Dude, the OPP officer figured out that you were a Yankees fan and did what any good Canadian would do.

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
Dude, the NUMBER one problem here is YOU!

You shouldn't be in any lane but the right lane if someone wants to pass. The ONLY lane you don't have to pull to the right is the shoulder or collector lane.

I guess you forgot the rule that slower vehicles keep right? Or did you cut that class during driver's ed?

I was going the speed limit, not less than the limit and technically if the truck driver wanted to pass he could've done so in the left lane as most of the other trucks were passing cars in that lane due to the fact the right lane was jammed.

And btw, there are THREE lanes on the QEW in that area if you bothered to crawl from under a rock lately.

You better bush up on your driving skills and go back to drivers ed when there's discussion about a three lane driving rule involved ;-)


New member
Nov 16, 2001
I was going the speed limit, not less than the limit and technically if the truck driver wanted to pass he could've done so in the left lane as most of the other trucks were passing cars in that lane due to the fact the right lane was jammed.
If you are not keeping up with the traffic in the middle lane, you are needlessly clogging up their passing lane.
They shouldn't have to risk getting a big ticket for driving in the left lane because an inconsiderate idiot is blocking their passing lane.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2010

I was going the speed limit, not less than the limit and technically if the truck driver wanted to pass he could've done so in the left lane as most of the other trucks were passing cars in that lane due to the fact the right lane was jammed.

And btw, there are THREE lanes on the QEW in that area if you bothered to crawl from under a rock lately.

You better bush up on your driving skills and go back to drivers ed when there's discussion about a three lane driving rule involved ;-)
Dude you have no respect for others. You are correct that the middle lane is 100 average but it would have taken you 10 seconds to move to the right and let the truck pass you by. No big one there. Trucks cannot go over 105. You need to take good manners cource.


hung like a squirrel
Jan 28, 2006
Peeler Region

I was going the speed limit, not less than the limit and technically if the truck driver wanted to pass he could've done so in the left lane as most of the other trucks were passing cars in that lane due to the fact the right lane was jammed.

And btw, there are THREE lanes on the QEW in that area if you bothered to crawl from under a rock lately.

You better bush up on your driving skills and go back to drivers ed when there's discussion about a three lane driving rule involved ;-)
Wow, you're such a douche. Trucks are not legally allowed to pass in the left lane. However, when assholes sit in the middle lane doing 100 and there are no cops around, they often will pass in the left lane. I don't blame them. The fact that a truck wants to pass you should be enough of a clue that YOU'RE GOING TOO SLOW.

In most European countries, where people know how to drive, you'd get a ticket for blocking people who wish to pass. Wish they would apply that law here.

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
Wow, you're such a douche. Trucks are not legally allowed to pass in the left lane. However, when assholes sit in the middle lane doing 100 and there are no cops around, they often will pass in the left lane. I don't blame them. The fact that a truck wants to pass you should be enough of a clue that YOU'RE GOING TOO SLOW.

In most European countries, where people know how to drive, you'd get a ticket for blocking people who wish to pass. Wish they would apply that law here.
You're the cluesless douchebag.

If you weren't so illiterate, I said OTHER trucks were passing in the LEFT lane under certain circumstances at that time! I was NOT able to get over into the right lane and techinically a truck can move over into the LEFT lane in this case to pass. My only option was to get over in the passing lane on the LEFT side but that still leaves the transport driver stuck in the middle.

He was just being an impatient loser, like yourself.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Wow, you're such a douche. Trucks are not legally allowed to pass in the left lane. However, when assholes sit in the middle lane doing 100 and there are no cops around, they often will pass in the left lane. I don't blame them. The fact that a truck wants to pass you should be enough of a clue that YOU'RE GOING TOO SLOW.
And this this guy's name is Speedman. :rolleyes:

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
As I explained to that douchebag already, I couldn't get over-it's called rush hour and I had to stay in the middle in order NOT to end up in Hamilton in the right lane.

The problem I had was this pill-popping degenerate laying on the horn for no other reason than being frustrated.

Darn the luck!

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
If you are not keeping up with the traffic in the middle lane, you are needlessly clogging up their passing lane.
They shouldn't have to risk getting a big ticket for driving in the left lane because an inconsiderate idiot is blocking their passing lane.
Another moron jumping to conclusions...

If you're not familiar with that stretch of highway, the middle lane is NOT considered the passing lane for trucks! The right lane is a exit lane into Hamilton, the middle lane is really the slow lane going to Niagara and the Left lane (as MOST normal truck drivers were taking at that time) is the fast lane!

Got it?

This loser was horn-happy for no reason.

But I guess white trash truck driving douchebags, can relate to this guy.....

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
Speedy as a fellow Yankee fan I feel I should warn you that you are going to be crucified in this thread.
Ya no shit, lol.

Then again, I've read other threads where some of these same fellas doing the bashing were crucified.

Go figure!

Anyway, I'm done with it. These ridiculous comments from these individuals are as imbecilic as the truck driver and O.P.P dickhead...


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Lowspeedman, first you say the cop was driving in the right lane and then the truck moved to the right lane but then you claim that you were not able to move to the right lane because it was too busy.
Only after it seems like you were being an inconsiderate idiot do you now say that the right lane was exiting.

If you had initially stated that you were keeping up with traffic and the right lane was exiting, it would not have appeared that you are such an idiotic jackass, although your comment about the OPP would still make this quite likely. :D

And how many people use their cruise control when driving in busy rush hour traffic?

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
Lowspeedman, first you say the cop was driving in the right lane and then the truck moved to the right lane but then you claim that you were not able to move to the right lane because it was too busy.
Only after it seems like you were being an inconsiderate idiot do you now say that the right lane was exiting.

If you had initially stated that you were keeping up with traffic and the right lane was exiting, it would not have appeared that you are such an idiotic jackass. :D

Lowspeedman? Ohhhh wow, how original, dude. Please.

As I said, I'm done with this because it's apparent there are obsessed tuck-driving ass kissers here so I "stepped on some toes" , lol.

The more I read your rubbish the more obvious it is that you're more confused than most of the simpleton's on the highway these days, LOL! The bottom line is there was nowhere to compensate for this loser truck driver regardless. The cop appeared out of nowhere (as they always do) and happen to be in the right lane to catch up to me! If I had done something wrong he would've pulled me over, moron! And that being said, this truck driver had the option to get into the left lane as most of the other truck drivers were doing...

If you can't comprehend this yet, go back to grade school.

Nuff said.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Going the speed limit when the flow of traffic is 5-10 km faster is probably what the officer was checking you out for. It is dangerous, however they obviously cannot ticket you for that. Also, giving a trucker the finger is dangerous, especially if he already used his horn. An attitude like yours is what provokes road get me mad just reading it. You can be right and still be dead if you mess around like that.

Next time do what you can to let the truck claim you couldn't this time and all we can do is take your word for it...but move with the traffic and let the truckers get on with earning their living.

Having said all that some of what you have said doesn't add up. As others have pointed out. Trucks cannot legally go in the centre lane where there are three lanes and the fact that others were breaking the law by doing so does not mean that the one behind you should have. His fine would be a lot higher than speeding...and you already said there was a police car in the area.
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