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Are you attracted to all ethnicities equally, or are you like John Mayer?


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I fuck who I wanna fuck, whether it's black, white, yellow, red, brown, whatever, it's my call not the government or society, and it's not racist. I'm attracted to only gorgeous women, whether their white, black, red, yellow, brown, whatever, that's not racist. There are no laws that say I must fuck everyone equally, it's a personal preference.

What's racist arether views of not treating everyone with different skin colours equally in society and under the law.

I don't think Mayer's comments on black women are racist, it's his preference, however he does have attitude, and sure didn't use his head when he spoke, or if he did, man he is a stupid guy.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
I fuck who I wanna fuck, whether it's black, white, yellow, red, brown, whatever, it's my call not the government or society, and it's not racist. I'm attracted to only gorgeous women, whether their white, black, red, yellow, brown, whatever, that's not racist. There are no laws that say I must fuck everyone equally, it's a personal preference.

What's racist arether views of not treating everyone with different skin colours equally in society and under the law.

I don't think Mayer's comments on black women are racist, it's his preference, however he does have attitude, and sure didn't use his head when he spoke, or if he did, man he is a stupid guy.

Sure, he may just be very stupid, pushing the envelope a little further every day until it pushed back. Last week he was saying he was going to impregnate one of the women at one of his shows, this week his dick is ``like a white supremicist`` What will he follow up with next? He doesn`t have sex with Jewish women because his dick is like Hitler???

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
I think John's motive could have been to serve his self interests rather than racists....
....Dam if this works he might be on to something if you can handle the abbrasive comments due to your own commnets that would offend many.
I don`t think he is deep enough or smart enough to think that far ahead. Just an attention grabbing whore who got bitten in the ass by the words he thought were making him look edgy and cool.


Active member
Apr 17, 2007
It is racism, if you follow the definition of the word. You prefer one race over the other, and for that purpose, believe that one race is superior to another.
The problem is no one wants to admit it, for the social stigma of being seen as a racist.

Instead, they want to continue to delude themselves and others by continuing their racial preference, and somehow claim that they don't have a racist bone in their body.

The bottom line is, everyone is racist in varying degrees. We're not robots.
I think the above is political correctness BS and semantics run amok. "prefer" does not equal "believe to be superior".

I strongly prefer Asian women but would [and have] enjoyed women from other races but just find them less attractive as a percentage of their group compared to Asian women in general.

My desire to have sex with Asians has nothing to do with considering them to be superior: they are only superior in the single eye of my penis. Calling me a racist because I prefer one type of woman over another is just stupid as far as I am concerned.

Btw, if it matters, I am white [but not a f'ing racist].



"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
In truth there is only one truly non racist group out there.

They are the Sybians. They'll do anybody anywhere without thought to it.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
The problem is that when everything and anything is labeled racism, pretty soon the term loses all meaning.

A right wing republicagoon making statements on racism is akin to al qaeda lecturing on world peace.


May 22, 2007
One of the factors people don't realize is that their perceptions are shaped by what they are told. In North America, and most of the world due to colonialism, there is a strong influence through the media to only promote white people as the prettiest. When you are young, you want to be with the best. The "best" is what you and your friends believe it to be. This consensus is shaped in part by what media owners tell young people who the best is. The obvious examples are like this:

None of these people are particularly attractive, all that talented, but promoters tell young people this is who you will like, and they do. Early formation of these impressions shape what you perceive throughout your life, that's why media owners know how powerful a commodity media ownership is. You get to control the way people think, and all the while those same people will not even be aware that this type of social progamming is going on.

Now if the programming is racist (as it is in Canada, and most of the Western world) then you inevitably will also shape these racist perceptions in each and every young generation, and this perception will last a lifetime. You change that representation to Indian. Black, and Chinese, and be assured that social perceptions will change to perceive those groups as the most desirable. It's as simple as that. The reason white people in western societies are promoted in this way, is that they are the majority consumer, and in order to sell a product or a lifestyle (as shows and movies do), producers of products need to find people to sell their product whom the general masses identify with and aspire to be. In Western Markets, it's the white person. In the rest of the world, it's the white person (largely due to colonialism). Only in societies that have been able to maintain their cultural identity apart from the West (and I'm not talking about Hong Kong or India), will you see more representations of persons of color that dominate, and the society follows. It's hard to believe, but there are societies out there that don't see white people as the top of the food chain, and those places the society seems to be less racist.

Western societies are dominated by racist, "christian" white people. In this type of society, they are marketed as the top of the food chain. But that doesn't necessarily make it so. However, living in this type of environment, it is easy to see why there is a strong preference for this group, even by people of color. All these things influence the way we perceive one another, and are strong influences. They shape our identities and of those around us. Peer pressure causes anyone who is capable of independently thinking to conform, or they risk social isolation.

So someone who lives in this society and says "I'm not racist" I just prefer X person to Y, doesn't have a clear grasp of the dynamics that are going on that are imposed upon us to shape our perceptions of the people around us. This is a racist country, full of racist people, who all believe they are not racist.


Jan 31, 2005
I still find it hard to believe the people in this thread who say they have absolutely no racial or ethnic preference when it comes to sexual attraction.
I have a preference in any given moment, but that preference has cycled through pretty much every race over time. It changes day to day, week to week, depending on my mood. Just like sometimes I want a woman with big boobs, and sometimes small. Like I said, I enjoy variety more than anything else. Sometimes I want black, sometimes white, sometimes asian. I'd love to fuck more Indian and Middle Eastern women but they appear to be harder to come by, at least, in terms of young hot ones.

This is in terms of SEXUAL attraction. In terms of making a connection with someone, I find it easier to make a connection with someone who watches the same movies, likes the same music, enjoys the same books and TV shows, so there is cultural bias there. I feel diminished by that cultural bias, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it, so it remains. That's for a RELATIONSHIP though, I can be sexually attracted to a woman who doesn't speak a language I even understand, let alone click with.

You can believe it or not, I don't care.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
One of the factors people don't realize is that their perceptions are shaped by what they are told. In North America, and most of the world due to colonialism, there is a strong influence through the media to only promote white people as the prettiest. When you are young, you want to be with the best. The "best" is what you and your friends believe it to be. This consensus is shaped in part by what media owners tell young people who the best is. The obvious examples are like this:

None of these people are particularly attractive, all that talented, but promoters tell young people this is who you will like, and they do. Early formation of these impressions shape what you perceive throughout your life, that's why media owners know how powerful a commodity media ownership is. You get to control the way people think, and all the while those same people will not even be aware that this type of social progamming is going on.

Now if the programming is racist (as it is in Canada, and most of the Western world) then you inevitably will also shape these racist perceptions in each and every young generation, and this perception will last a lifetime. You change that representation to Indian. Black, and Chinese, and be assured that social perceptions will change to perceive those groups as the most desirable. It's as simple as that. The reason white people in western societies are promoted in this way, is that they are the majority consumer, and in order to sell a product or a lifestyle (as shows and movies do), producers of products need to find people to sell their product whom the general masses identify with and aspire to be. In Western Markets, it's the white person. In the rest of the world, it's the white person (largely due to colonialism). Only in societies that have been able to maintain their cultural identity apart from the West (and I'm not talking about Hong Kong or India), will you see more representations of persons of color that dominate, and the society follows. It's hard to believe, but there are societies out there that don't see white people as the top of the food chain, and those places the society seems to be less racist.

Western societies are dominated by racist, "christian" white people. In this type of society, they are marketed as the top of the food chain. But that doesn't necessarily make it so. However, living in this type of environment, it is easy to see why there is a strong preference for this group, even by people of color. All these things influence the way we perceive one another, and are strong influences. They shape our identities and of those around us. Peer pressure causes anyone who is capable of independently thinking to conform, or they risk social isolation.

So someone who lives in this society and says "I'm not racist" I just prefer X person to Y, doesn't have a clear grasp of the dynamics that are going on that are imposed upon us to shape our perceptions of the people around us. This is a racist country, full of racist people, who all believe they are not racist.
I call bull shit to most of this. Give me one example of a non white country that you consider less racist. Canada is bending over backwards to accomodate different races. Too much in my opinion. And you say this is a racist country. Need a lift to the airport?


May 22, 2007
I call bull shit to most of this. Give me one example of a non white country that you consider less racist.

It is the ONLY Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized, by anyone. They have maintained their cultural identity for centuries. And I have been there, and it is less racist than North America. One major reason for this besides maintaining their cultural integrity, is that the country is largely dominated by a Buddhist Philosophy rather than a white "Christian" one.


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA

It is the ONLY Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized, by anyone. They have maintained their cultural identity for centuries. And I have been there, and it is less racist than North America. One major reason for this besides maintaining their cultural integrity, is that the country is largely dominated by a Buddhist Philosophy rather than a white "Christian" one.
"Yes, there's racism in Thailand, not so much for the skin color. Thais are racist with Indians (from India), with Laos, Cambodian, Vietnam, and other citizens of poorer countries. A hundred some years ago, they were also racist towards Chinese immigrants; however, that is no longer true because Chinese now make up a large population in Thailand and they are mostly wealthy. I guess, in general, Thais are racist towards poorer race/citizen. I'm not very proud to say this, but it is a fact that I can't refused."

Not my words, but it didn't take me long to find this since I don't know much about Thailand. But I do believe it is no different than anywhere else. The above pretty much confirms this. As for the never been colonized part, my mind thinks of Africa, and many of those countries were better off as colonies.And oh yea, its those evil racist Christians who are largely responsible for keeping thousands alive through aid while those independent countries sort out their petty feuds by hacking off the limbs of children, systematically raping women, enslaving darker skinned blacks, etc, etc. Colonialism don't look so bad to me.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001

It is the ONLY Southeast Asian country that has never been colonized, by anyone. They have maintained their cultural identity for centuries. And I have been there, and it is less racist than North America. One major reason for this besides maintaining their cultural integrity, is that the country is largely dominated by a Buddhist Philosophy rather than a white "Christian" one.
Bwaahahaha! In a thread full of dumb posts, this one takes the cake. I love the Thais been there eight times and would love to go back more...but if you think the Thais aren't racist...and quite a bit more than are NUTS.

Thais love fun, they are very friendly, proud of their culture and yes Buddhism has given them a cool outlook on life - that's why I first went there - but the populace is still largely poor, uneducated, and racism is completely ingrained into everyday life.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I think it's absolutely silly and political correctness run amok when you can't say you're not attracted to a particular ethnicity. .
I generally agree with that summation and other's like it.

BTW I have no idea who John Mayer is before I saw this thread. I will say that only a complete idiot would use some of the dumbass terminology he's using in interviews - even jokingly - and for that reason there might be some room to speculate on the thinking and values behind it.

But otherwise, no, sexual preferences in race are no different than any other type of sexual preference - they are not in any way related to racism in a poitical or human rights context.

ALL sexual preference is discrimination of one type or another. Either you believe in the right to control your own body or you don't.

In order to credibly object to any sexual preference or exclusion, you must argue that it is unacceptable for ANY person to EVER refuse another human sexually for any reason. I think that'd be downright hopless position to defend.


May 22, 2007
Bwaahahaha! In a thread full of dumb posts, this one takes the cake. I love the Thais been there eight times and would love to go back more...but if you think the Thais aren't racist...and quite a bit more than are NUTS.

Thais love fun, they are very friendly, proud of their culture and yes Buddhism has given them a cool outlook on life - that's why I first went there - but the populace is still largely poor, uneducated, and racism is completely ingrained into everyday life.
That's great. I've actually lived in Thailand. And most of the ex-pats there do not share your sentiments.

Thanks for coming out.


May 22, 2007
"Yes, there's racism in Thailand, not so much for the skin color. Thais are racist with Indians (from India), with Laos, Cambodian, Vietnam, and other citizens of poorer countries. A hundred some years ago, they were also racist towards Chinese immigrants; however, that is no longer true because Chinese now make up a large population in Thailand and they are mostly wealthy. I guess, in general, Thais are racist towards poorer race/citizen. I'm not very proud to say this, but it is a fact that I can't refused."

Not my words, but it didn't take me long to find this since I don't know much about Thailand. But I do believe it is no different than anywhere else. The above pretty much confirms this. As for the never been colonized part, my mind thinks of Africa, and many of those countries were better off as colonies.And oh yea, its those evil racist Christians who are largely responsible for keeping thousands alive through aid while those independent countries sort out their petty feuds by hacking off the limbs of children, systematically raping women, enslaving darker skinned blacks, etc, etc. Colonialism don't look so bad to me.
Great reference. You basically googled and took this out of a yahoo post.

You're not providing any historical factual references, nor drawing from your own personal experiences or from those around you. You just googled this and took the first words from "bkk2nite" as fact?

Good job

That's probably why you never included the link to your reference.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
So have I my friend. All told I've spent more than a couple of years there, and as I said, I love and respect Thailand. But you are simply incorrect to say there's less racism there. I don't want to hijack the thread, so if you want to continue the discussion, pm me. I honestly don't understand how anyone who has spent any appreciable amount of time there and interacted with Thais could say that they are not racist. Racism is absolutely routine there.

And I don't know what expats YOU know, but most that I know there would agree that Thailand is a pretty racist place. One of the most easy going fellas I know manages a large hotel there. He has made a dream life for himself. Thai wife, had kids there, loves the country and has no plans to return...but even he admits that Thais look at you like you're a naive child if you question their racial prejudices.


May 22, 2007
And oh yea, its those evil racist Christians who are largely responsible for keeping thousands alive through aid while those independent countries sort out their petty feuds by hacking off the limbs of children, systematically raping women, enslaving darker skinned blacks, etc, etc. Colonialism don't look so bad to me.
Do you know ANYTHING about world history?


May 22, 2007
So have I my friend. All told I've spent more than a couple of years there, and as I said, I love and respect Thailand. But you are simply incorrect to say there is no racism there. I don't want to hijack the thread, so if you want to continue the discussion, pm me. I honestly don't understand how anyone who has spent any appreciable amount of time there and interacted with Thais could say that they are not racist. Racism is absolutely routine there.
I never said there was no racism. I said it was less racist than North America.
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